Achilles Cherie N
Machine Learning in Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison S, Pan F, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Fox P, Gagne O, Downs RT, Bristow TF, Rampe EB, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Achilles CN, Ming DW, Yen AS, Treiman AH, Morris RV, Chipera SJ, Craig PI, Tu VM & Hazen RM
Crystallography on Mars with the CheMin XRD Instrument
Castle N, Rampe L, Morrison S & Achilles C
Mineralogical and Geochemical Trends in a Fluviolacustrine Sequence in Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Morris R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Chipera S, Yen A, Grotzinger J, Farmer J, Des Marais D, Morrison S, Gellert R, Achilles C, Downs R, Treiman A, Craig P, Fendrich K & Fairen A
Mineralogy of Eolian Sands at Gale Crater, Mars
Achilles C, Downs R, Vaniman D, Yen A, Blake D, Morris R, Ming D, Rampe E, Morrison S, Bristow T, Chipera S, Ehlmann B, Lapotre M, Fendrich K, Sarrazin P, Craig P, Crisp J, Grotzinger J, Des Marais D & Farmer J
MSL Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater
Ehlmann B, Achilles C, Bridges N, Conrad P, Cousin A, Edgett K, Fraeman A, Johnson J, Lapotre M, Litvak M, Rowland S, Schroder S, Sutter B, Stein N, Thompson L, Vaniman D, Vasavada A & Yen A
Improving the Accuracy of Unit-Cell Parameters Obtained from the CheMin Instrument on Mars Through an Internally Calibrated Sample Cell Offset
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Ming DW, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Chipera SJ, Yen AS, Morris RV, Treiman AH, Sarrazin PC, Achilles CN, Fendrich KV, Morookian JM, Crisp JA, Farmer JD, Des Marais DJ & Craig PI
Mineralogy of the Pahrump Hills Region, Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Vaniman D, Blake D, Chipera S, Morris R, Bish D, Cavanagh P, Achilles C, Bristow T, Morrison S, Treiman A, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Fendrich K & Morookian JM
Mineralogical Analysis of Drilled Mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Bish D, Rampe E, Morris R, Treiman A, Ming D, Chipera S, Morrison S, Downs R, Farmer J, Crisp J, Achilles C & Morookian J-M
Crystal-Chemical Analyses of Soil and Drilled Rock in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Bish DL, Ming DW, Morris RV, Yen AS, Chipera SJ, Treiman AH, Vaniman DT, Gellert R, Achilles CN, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Crisp JA, Sarrazin PC & Morookian JM
Achouak W.
Biodegradation Kinetics of Organic Micropollutants in Planted or Unplanted Columns Simulating an Innovative Reed Bed Filter Treating Runoff Water
Roux J, Chibane N, Seidl M, Neveu P, Achouak W, Barakat M, Boudahmane L, Caupos E, Alphonse V, Livet A & Bousserrhine N
Nanotubular Alumino-Silicates and Analogues (Imogolites): Formation and Biological Interactions
Masion A, Avellan A, Levard C, Lui W, Auffan M, Achouack W, Doelsch E, Ziarelli F & Rose R
Natural Uranium Ores Host Iron-Reducing and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria as Demonstrated by High Throughput Sequencing and Cultural Approaches
Mondani L, Benzerara K, Carriere M, Christen R, Fevrier L, Achouak W, Nardoux P, Berthomieu C & Chapon V
Environmental Fate and Impacts of Ceria Nanomaterials: Distribution, Transformation and Bioaccumulation within Aquatic Mesocosms
Tella M, Brousset L, Auffan M, Issartel J, Pailles C, Artells E, Thiery A, Santaella C, Achouack W, Massion A, Kieffer I, Rose J, Bottero J-Y & Espinasse B
Interactions between manufactured nanoparticles and individual cells
Rose J, Auffan M, Zeyon O, Decome L, Thill A, Orsiere T, Labille J, Achouak W, Flank A-M, Wiesner M, DeMeo M & Spalla O
The Tatahouine Meteorite: A Case Study of Life Under Extreme Conditions
Gillet P, Achouak W, Barrat J, Benzerara K, Guyot F, Heulin T, Lemelle L & Lesourd M
Achoundong G.
Evaluation of Lake Biomarkers as Indicator of Environmental Changes along a Climatic Gradient in Cameroon
Schwab-Lavrič V, Garcin Y, Sachse D, Todou G, Séné O, Onana J-M, Achoundong G & Gleixner G
Achour Y.
Assessment of the Mobility of Heavy Metals (Pb, Zn, Cd) and Metalloids
(Sb, As) in Carbonated Soils Contaminated by Mining Waste (Northern Tunisia)
Achour Y, Souissi R, Motelica heino M & Souissi F
Achten A.
Low Temperature Formation of Molecular Hydrogen and Hydrocarbons in Lab Experiments with Mafic Rocks and Minerals: From Experimental Artifacts to Assessing the Rates and Reactions of Processes
Ostertag-Henning C & Achten A
Achten C.
Native PAHs in Hard Coal Particles as a Possible Source of Increased PAH Concentrations in River Sediments
Micic V, Achten C, Schwarzbauer J & Hofmann T
Achtenhagen J.
Biomass Residues from Different Classes of Soil Microorganisms are a Significant Source of Soil Organic Matter
Miltner A, Achtenhagen J, Hoffmann-Jäniche C, Schweigert M, Braeckevelt M, Herbst F-A, Seifert J, Fester T & Kästner M
Achterberg Eric
The Biogeochemical Cycling of Fe and its Isotopes in the South Atlantic Ocean (GEOTRACES GA10)
Conway T, Summers B, Schlosser C, Sieber M, John S & Achterberg E
Achterberg Eric P.
Trace Metal Fluxes from the Congo River into the South Atlantic Ocean are Supplemented by Atmospheric Inputs from Gas Flaring
Liu T, Krisch S, Vieira LH, Hopwood MJ & Achterberg EP
Investigating Volcanic Input and Water Mass Mixing in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Using Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements
Zhang Z, Xu A, Hathorne E, Gutjahr M, Steiner Z, Achterberg EP, Galley C & Frank M
Dissolved Trace Metals, Rare Earth Elements and Pb Isotopes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Benaltabet T, Lapid G, Alkalay R, Weinstein Y, Steffens T, Achterberg EP & Torfstein A
Copper-Binding Ligands in Fram Strait and the Greenland Shelf (GEOTRACES Cruise GN05)
Arnone V, Santana-Casiano JM, González-Dávila M, Sarthou G, Krisch S, Lodeiro P, Achterberg EP & González AG
Distribution of Particulate Trace Metals along the GEOTRACES GP21 South Pacific Ocean Transect
Gosnell KJ, Jasinski D, O'Sullivan EM, Poehle S, Galley C, Kiko R, Steiner Z & Achterberg EP
Is the Rainbow Ultramafic Hydrothermal System a Poor Source of Radium Isotopes to the Atlantic Ocean?
Vieira LH, Steiner Z, Scholten J, Beck AJ & Achterberg EP
Regulation of Hydrothermal Vent Contribution to Ocean Chemistry by Hydrothermally Influenced Sediments, the Rainbow Field Case Study
Steiner Z, Zhang Z, Galley C, Zhou L, Shalev N, Glock N, Chen X-G & Achterberg EP
Nanoparticulate Iron Oxyhydroxides Aggregated in Carbon Matrices Dominate Iron Speciation in Hydrothermal Plumes over the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Klose L, Ely T, Fitzsimmons JN, Koschinsky A, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
Characteristics of Hydrothermally Derived Particles from Globally Distributed Deep-Sea Vent Fields
Toner BM, Wackett AA, Kamermans BR, Matzen SL, Ely T, Achterberg EP & German CR
Dissolved Trace Metals and Pb and Th Isotope Dynamics between the Continental Shelf and the Deep and Warm Ultraoligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean
Torfstein A, Benaltabet T, Lapid G, Alkalay R, Steffens T, Achterberg EP & Weinstein Y
The Impact of Chemical Heterogeneity on the Binding of Trace Metals by Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
Lodeiro P, Rey-Castro C, David C, Puy J, Achterberg EP & Gledhill M
Changes in Hydrothermal Plume Iron Speciation in the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Hoffman C, Moore L, Bundy R, Resing JA, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
Constraining Global Marine Iron Source and Scavenging Fluxes with GEOTRACES Dissolved Iron Measurements in an Ocean Biogeochemical Model
Somes C, Dale A, Wallmann K, Scholz F, Yao W, Oschlies A, Muglia J, Schmittner A & Achterberg EP
Trace Elements in Arctic and Antarctic Glacier Fjords
Hopwood MJ, van Genuchten C, Krisch S, Krause J, Liu T, Höfer J, Lodeiro P, Achterberg EP, Juul-Pedersen T & Meire L
Variability in Seawater Concentrations of Lithium
Steiner Z, Achterberg EP, Landing WM, Bohlin MS, Prakash S, Vinaychandran PN, Greaves M & Turchyn A(
Impacts of the Main Sources and Geochemical Processes on the Distribution of Ra Isotopes in the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
Vieira LH, Beck AJ, Hopwood MJ, Scholten J & Achterberg EP
Insensitivity of Glacial Iron Export to Climate Forcing
Krisch S, Hopwood MJ, Schaffer J, Lodeiro P, Gledhill M, Schlosser C, Kanzow T & Achterberg EP
Spatial Variability of 234Th-Derived Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Export in the Peruvian OMZ
Xie RC, Le Moigne FAC, Rapp I, Lüdke J, Dengler M, Liebetrau V, Gledhill M & Achterberg EP
Iron Sources and Cycling in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone Assessed Using Iron Isotopes
Rapp I, Sieber M, Scholz F, Hopwood M, Conway T, Xie RC, Frank M, Vance D & Achterberg EP
Iron Fuels Vast Phytoplankton Bloom along 40°South in the Atlantic Ocean
Schlosser C, Henderson G, Tagliabue A, Klar JK, Woodward EMS & Achterberg EP
Benthic Trace Metal Cycling on the Peruvian Shelf
Plass A, Scholz F, Schlosser C, Dale A, Achterberg E & Sommer S
Iron Biogeochemistry in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone during the 2015/16 El Niño
Rapp I, Schlosser C, Gledhill M, Browning TJ, Le Moigne FAC & Achterberg EP
Anthropogenic Lead as a Signature of Mediterranean Waters in the Deep North Atlantic
Rusiecka D, Achterberg E, Gledhill M, Connelly D, Tanhua T & Liu M
Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean: Results from the GEOTRACES GA06 Cruise
Lambelet M, Crocket K, van de Flierdt T, Bridgestock L, Deng F, Chance R, Baker A & Achterberg E
Dissolved Aluminium Distribution along GEOTRACES Section GA08 in the South East Atlantic
Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Wenzel B, Schlosser C, Lodeiro P, Krisch S, Tanhua T, Frank M, Gledhill M & Achterberg EP
Iron along the GEOTRACES South Atlantic Transect GA10
Milne A, Conway T, Schlosser C, John S, Achterberg E & Lohan M
Direct Experimental Evidence for Nutrient Co-limitation from the South Atlantic GA08 GEOTRACES Expedition
Browning TJ, Achterberg EP, Rapp I, Engel A, Bertrand EM & Moore CM
Particulate Iron, an Important Source of Dissolved Fe
Lohan M, Milne A, Schlosser C, Achterberg E, Chance R & Baker A
Detection of Pb from Natural Sources in the Tropical Atlantic
Bridgestock L, van de Flierdt T, Rehkamper M, Baker A, Achterberg E, Rijkenberg M, Lohan M & de Baar H
Heme B Distributions in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean are Influenced by Iron Demand for Nitrogen Fixation
Honey DJ, Schlosser C, Snow J, Moore CM, Achterberg EP & Gledhill M
Nitrate and its N and O Isotopes in a Tropical Marine Boundary Layer
Savarino J, Morin S, Erbland J, Patey MD, Vicars W, Alexander B & Achterberg EP
The Effect of Hydrothermal Iron on Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon
Hawkes J, Connelly D, Djurhuus A & Achterberg E
Heme B in Particulate Material from the Atlantic and Southern Ocean
Gledhill M, Honey DJ, Rijkenberg MJ, Nielsdottir MN & Achterberg EP
A Low Blank Technique for the Measurement of Iron Isotopes in Seawater and Results from the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Klar JK, James RH, Parkinson IP, Achterberg EP & Schlosser C
Understanding the Marine Biogeochemical Cycle of Pb in the Equatorial Atlantic
Bridgestock L, Paul M, van de Flierdt T, Rehkamper M, Achterberg E & Lohan M
Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M
Bioavailability and Toxicity of Metals in an Estuary Contaminated by Acid Mine Drainage
Braungardt C, Money C & Achterberg E
A First Look at GEOTRACES Issues from the IPY BONUS GOODHOPE Cruise in the Southern Ocean
Boye M, Achterberg E, Bown J, Bucciarelli E, Cardinal D, Cassar N, Cavagna A-J, Chever F, Dehairs F, Fine RA, Happell J, Joubert W, LeMoigne F, Masqué P, Monteiro P, Planchon F, Sarthou G, Verdeny E, Wake B & Waldron H
Dust Inputs to the (Sub-) Tropical North Atlantic Ocean; Influence on Ocean Biogeochemistry
Achterberg E, Patey M, Rijkenberg M, Steigenberger S, Moore CM, Hill P, Powell C, Mahaffey C, Statham P, Purdie D & Zubkov M
Role of Iron in Marine Biogeochemistry
Achterberg E, Ussher U, Gledhill M, Worsfold P, Bowie A, Gehrels W, Geider R & de Baar H
Achyuthan H
Petrographic and Chemical Analyses of Ferricretes Exposed in Currently Arid Gondwana Landscape, Northwestern, India
Achyuthan H, Baker V, McHargue L & Jull T
Achyuthan Hema
Marine Calcifiers as Timekeepers: Environmental Variability and Ocean Surface Conditions
Athirigothi Aouge F, Malik JN, Paul D, Chakraborty S & Achyuthan H
Onset of Farming Around Arabian Sea at the Dawn of Bronze Age Revealed by Marine Record
Gourlan A, Albarede F, Achyuthan H & Campillo S
Aciego S.M.
Competing Droughts Affect Dust Delivery to the Sierra Nevada
Aarons S, Arvin L, Aronson E, Aciego S, Riebe C, Hart S & Carey C
The Iron Isotope Composition of Northern Hemisphere Glacial Systems
Stevenson E, Williams H, Robbins M, Sheik C, Arendt C, Clinger A & Aciego S
Reevaluating the Role of Dust in Mountain Ecosystems: Insights from Tracer Isotopes, Microbial Genomics, and Global Databases
Riebe C, Arvin L, Carey C, Aciego S, Aarons S, Blakowski M, Hart S & Aronson E
Iron Isotope Fractionation in Subglacial Systems
Stevenson EI, Fantle M, Williams H, Das S, Sheik C & Aciego S
Chemosynthetic Microbial Processes in Glacier Outflows in Southern Greenland
Sheik C, Stevenson E, Dick G, Cory R, Arednt C & Aciego S
Nd Isotopes in Soils and Pine Needles Trace Aeolian Inputs to Sierra Nevada Ecosystems
Arvin L, Riebe C, Aciego S & Blakowski M
Noble Gas Signatures in Greenland – Tracing Glacial Meltwater Sources
Niu Y, Castro MC, Aciego SM, Hall CM, Stevenson EI, Arendt CA & Das SB
Expanding Potential Source Area Studies of Dust in East Antarctica by Integrating Trace Element Chemistry and Radiogenic Isotopes
Blakowski M, Aciego S, Delmonte B & Baroni C
Preliminary U-Series Dating Results from the GISP2 Ice Core
Meyer K & Aciego S
Development of the U-Series Dating Technique for the EDML Ice Core
Aciego S
Boron Isotopic Composition in Arctica islandica Shell: A Potential Historical, Prehistorical and Geological Seawater pH Indicator
Liu Y-W, Aciego S & Wanamaker A
Surface Area Characterization of Suspended Sediment in Glacial Meltwater Using "nano-Bet"
Chutcharavan P & Aciego S
Microbial Communities Correlate with Lemon Creek Glacier Meltwater Discharge
Sheik C, Stevenson E, Den Uyl P, Aciego S & Dick G
Evolution of Subglacial Weathering Based on Multiple Isotopic Systems
Arendt C, Aciego S, Sims K, Hetland E & Stevenson E
Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotope Behaviour in the Subglacial Environment
Stevenson E, Aciego S, Parkinson I, Burton K & Arendt C
Variable Radiogenic Isotopic Compositions in Saharan Dust Across the Atlantic
Aarons S, Aciego S & Gleason J
Hf-W Chronology of the Eucrite Parent Body
Sprung P, Touboul M, Aciego S, Bourdon B & Kleine T
Melting Dynamics beneath Iceland from U-Th-Pa-Ra Disequilibria in Post-Glacial Tholeiites
Koornneef J, Stracke A, Bourdon B, Aciego S, Grönvold K, Jochum K-P & Stoll B
U-Th-Pa-Ra Constraints on Mantle Wedge Metasomatism and Melting beneath Volcán Llaima
Reubi O, Bourdon B, Koornneef J, Aciego S, Dungan M, Sellés D & Langmuir C
Chemical Weathering during Rapid Erosion and Subtropical Climate: A Case Study from Taiwan
Thiede RC, Aciego SM, Fellin MG, Bourdon B & Willett SD
U-Series Recoil Ages of Ice Cores Samples from Dome C, Antarctica
Aciego S, Bourdon B, Schwander J & Stocker T
Hafnium-Tungsten Chronometry of the Eucrite Parent Body
Touboul M, Kleine T, Aciego S & Bourdon B
U-Series Recoil Ages of Ice Core Samples from Dome C, Antarctica
Aciego S, Bourdon B, Schwander J & Stocker T
Age and Origin of Mars
Aciego S, Kleine T, Bourdon B, Nimmo F & Zipfel J
Geochemistry of Post-Shield Lavas from Paired Loa- and Kea-Trend Hawaiian Volcanoes
Hanano D, Weis D, Aciego S, Scoates JS & DePaolo DJ
Combining U-Th/He eruption age dating and 3He cosmogenic dating to constrain landscape evolution.
Aciego S, Lamb M, Depaolo D, Kennedy M & Dietrich W
U-Th/He Dating of Basalt
Aciego S, DePaolo D, Kennedy B & Christensen J
Acikalin S.
Non-Arid Brine Sources of Li: Using Mine Waters of the North Pennines, England to Test Near-Surface Measurements as a Tool for Assessing the Li Resource of Hydrothermal Brines in Granitic Systems
Robinson AD, Acikalin S, Stewart G & Flynn SL
Acikelli A.
Surface Reactivities of Biogenic Ferrihydrite Aggregates Formed during Oxygenic Photosynthesis: A Look into the Trace Element Cycling in Ancient Oceans from a Surface Adsorption Perspective
Li Y, Tang L, Schad M, Gutierrez Rueda D, Coutret B, Acikelli A, Alessi DS, Gingras MK & Konhauser KO
Acimidze K.
Geological Factors of Formation of Radon Containing Water, Tskaltubo Resort, Georgia
Okrostsvaridze A, Acimidze K, Bluashvili D & Gogoladze S
Acke J.
3Ts and Li-Batteries: Regional Zonation and Li Potential of Rare Metal Pegmatites in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa
Borst AM, Acke J, van der Does L, Goodship A & Kwizera D
Acker M.
Chemical Characterization and Microbial Sources of Phosphonates in the Ocean
Acker M, Hogle S, Berube P, Chisholm S & Repeta D
Ackerer J.
87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratios and Sr Concentrations Hydrogeochemical Modeling of Spring Waters in the Strengbach Catchment (France)
Lucas Y, Chabaux F, Clement A, Fritz B, Ranchoux C, Ackerer J, Pelt E & Schmitt A-D
Hydrogeochemical Modeling of the Deep Water Composition in the Strengbach Critical Zone Observatory
Ackerer J, Ranchoux C, Lucas Y, Viville D, Clement A, Fritz B, Lerouge C, Schafer G & Chabaux F
Architecture of the Critical Zone and Geometry of the Water Pathways in the Strengbach CZO (France)
Chabaux F, Lerouge C, Gal F, Viville D, Ranchoux C, Ackerer J, van der Woerd J, Pierret M, Reuschlé T, Negrel P & Dezayes C
Present-Day and Long-Term Weathering Rates in Elementary Watersheds: Principle and Example of Application
Chabaux F, Ackerer J, van der Woerd J, Viville D & Négrel P
Hydro-Geochemical (KIRMAT) Modeling of 20-Year Geochemical Variations of Granitic Strengbach Catchment Springs (Vosges Massif, France)
Ackerer J, Chabaux F, Lucas Y, Viville D, Pierret M-C, Beaulieu E & Négrel P
Water Residence Time by Coupling Anthropogenic Gases (CFC, SF6) and Isotopic Ratios (234U/238U, 87Sr/86Sr) in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, Eastern France)
Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer J, Chatton E, Labasque T, Pierret M-C, Granet M, Perrone T & Aquilina L
Combined Analysis of Uranium Series Nuclides and in situ Beryllium in a Weathering Profile Located in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, France)
Ackerer J, Chabaux F, Van Der Woerd J, Kali E, Pelt E, Pierret MC, Viville D, Wyns R & Negrel P
Ackerer P.
What can Dissolution Anisotropy Teach us About Crystal Reactivity?
Daval D, Bouissonnié A, Stigliano L, Pollet-Villard M, Wild B, Bas-Lorillot J, Noiriel C & Ackerer P
Mineral Surface Roughness Resulting from Dissolution as a Proxy for the Reaction Conditions: A Potential Biosignature?
Stigliano L, Benzerara K, Ackerer P & Daval D
Linking Calcite Surface Roughness Resulting from Dissolution to the Saturation State of the Bulk Solution
Stigliano L, Ackerer P, Benzerara K & Daval D
Kinetic Monte Carlo Models: How can Sensitivity Analysis Improve our Understanding of Pyroxen Dissolution Anisotropy ?
Bouissonnie A, Daval D & Ackerer P
Do Silicate Dissolution Rate Constants Really Exist? Discussing the Thermodynamic Driving Force of Silicate Dissolution
Daval D, Bouissonnie A, Wild B, Pollet-Villard M, Fernandez-Martinez A & Ackerer P
Comparison between Experimentally Measured Calcite Dissolution Rates and 1D and 2D Reactive Transport Simulations: Importance of Fluid Flow and Temporal Surface Evolution
Ackerer P, Bouissonnie A, Marinoni M & Daval D
The Properties of Interfacial Layers Revealed by in situ X-Ray Reflectivity and Vertical Scanning Interferometry
Wild B, Daval D, Micha J-S, Ackerer P & Fernandez-Martinez A
Tackling Some Geochemical Challenges Raised by Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS): The Example of Soultz-Sous-Forêts, France
Daval D, Pollet-Villard M, Ackerer P, Schmittbuhl J, Knauss K & Fritz B
Limitation of Simple 1D-Reactive Transport Simulations: The Example of Calcite Dissolution
Bouissonnie A, Daval D & Ackerer P
Effects of Climate Change on Vegetal Cover Simulations in a Mountainous Forest Catchment
Beaulieu E, Lucas Y, Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer P, Goddéris Y & Pierret M-C
Microstructural Modifications of Dissolving Silicate Minerals: Why Should We Bother?
Daval D, Pollet-Villard M, Ackerer P, Fritz B, Rémusat L, Guyot F, Bernard S, Saldi G & Knauss K
Ackerman G.
Linking Microbial and Geochemcial Processes in Geothermal Habitats
Inskeep W, Macur R, Ackerman G, Kozubal M, Taylor W & Korf S
Ackerman John
Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Nanocrystalline Hematite Films: Comparison to Natural Hematite Crystals
Shankle A, Eggleston C, Ackerman J & Borman C
Ackerman Josh T.
Methylmercury Cycling in Wetlands Managed for Rice Agriculture and Wildlife: Implications for Methylmercury Production, Transport, and Bioaccumulation
Windham-Myers L, Ackerman J, Alpers C, Bachand P, Fleck J & Marvin-DiPasquale M
Distribution of Historical Gold Mines Helps Predict Mercury in Fish Tissue, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA
Alpers CN, Slotton DG, Orlando JL, Yee JL, Ackerman JT, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Fleck JA & Stumpner E
Ackerman L.
Heavy Mo Isotope Signatures and High B/Ce Reveal a Serpentinite Source in the Aleutian Arc Lavas
Rojas Kolomiets E, Jensen O, Bizimis M, Yogodzinski G, Ackerman L & Ryan J
Cherts as Geochemical Markers of Depositional Conditions and Ocean Plate Stratigraphy
Ackerman L, Zak K, Žák J, Kachlík V, Pasava J, Pack A, Veselovský F & Strnad L
Maximizing Precision and Accuracy of TIMS Nd Isotope Measurements for Small Sample Sizes
Ackerman L, Rejšek J, Roberts J, Bracciali L, Vollstaedt H, Scheiner F & Holcová K
Spatial and Temporal Sr–Nd–Pb Isotope Variability of Cenozoic Alkaline Volcanism in the Bohemian Massif (Central Europe)
Erban Kochergina Y, Rapprich V, Magna T, Erban V, Míková J, Ackerman L & Stracke A
Composition of the Neoarchean Granitic Rocks from the Bienville and La Grande Domains, Superior Province, Canada
Ackerman L, Žák J, Svojtka M, Tomek F & Sláma J
Lu–Hf Isotope Systematics of Carbonatites
Polák L, Ackerman L, Magna T, Bizimis M & Rapprich V
Black Shale Formations as Geochemical Markers of Tectonic Setting along Active Plate Margins?
Ackerman L, Pašava J & Žák J
Highly Siderophile Element and Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Mantle-Derived Carbonatites
Polák L, Ackerman L & Magna T
Zinc Isotope Constraint on the Petrogenesis of Fe-Rich Peridotites and Pyroxenites of the Bohemian Massif
Huang J, Ackerman L & Huang F
Copper, Zinc, Chromium and Osmium Isotopic Compositions of the Teplá-Barrandian Unit Black Shales
Ackerman L, Pašava J, Šípková A, Martínková E, Haluzová E, Rodovská Z & Erban V
Hafnium Isotope Systematics of Carbonatites and Alkaline Silicate Rocks from South and West India
Ackerman L, Slama J, Haluzova E, Magna T, Rapprich V, Kochergina Y & Upadhyay D
Highly Siderophile Element (HSE) Geochemistry of Carbonatites and Associated Alkaline Rocks from Tamil Nadu, India
Polák L, Ackerman L, Rapprich V, Magna T & Upadhyay D
Distribution of Trace Elements in Molybdenite from Different Types of Mineralization: Results from LA-ICP-MS Study
Pašava J, Svojtka M, Veselovský F, Ďurišová J, Ackerman L, Pour O, Drábek M, Žák K, Halodová P & Haluzová E
Platinum-Group Element and Osmium-Sulfur Isotopic Compositions of Ni-Cu-(PGE) Ores from Rožany, Bohemian Massif
Ackerman L, Haluzova E & Pasava J
Highly Siderophile Elements and Triple-Oxygen Isotopes of Tektite-Like Glasses from the Zhamanshin Impact Structure, Kazakhstan
Jonášová Š, Ackerman L, Žák K, Skála R, Ďurišová J, Pack A & Magna T
Differences in Chemistry of the Ries Area Sediments and Central European Tektites Revisited
Skála R, Žák K, Jonášová Š, Ďurišová J, Ackerman L, Řanda Z, Mizera J, Kameník J & Magna T
Improved Chronology of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Events in the Příbram Ore Region, Czech Republic
Žák K, Svojtka M, Ackerman L, Breiter K, Haluzová E, Ďurišová J, Pašava J & Veselovský F
Re-Os and Lu-Hf Isotope Constraints on the Origin and Age of Pyroxenites from the Bohemian Massif
Haluzova E, Ackerman L, Slama J, Svojtka M & Hirajima T
Re–Os and HSE Distributions in Mohelno–Biskoupky Peridotites, Gföhl Unit, Bohemian Massif
Kochergina Y, Ackerman L, Kovacs A, Erban V & Magna T
Hf–Os Isotopes in Cenozoic Alkaline Basalts from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
Kochergina Y, Magna T, Ackerman L, Erban V, Rapprich V, Münker C & Marien C
Re-Os Geochemistry of Mantle Pyroxenites from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
Haluzová E, Ackerman L, Svojtka M & Hirajima T
Re-Os Geochronology of Granite-Related Molybdenite Mineralizations from the Bohemian Massif
Ackerman L, Haluzova E, Pašava J, Veselovský F, Žák K, Svojtka M, Erban V & Ďurišová J
Highly Siderophile Element Geochemistry of Upper Mantle Xenoliths from NE Bavaria
Ackerman L, Kochergina Y, Spacek P & Magna T
Lithium Isotope Evidence for Pervasive Metasomatism of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Magna T, Ackerman L & Špaček P
Lithospheric Mantle Heterogeneities beneath Southern Patagonia
Mundl A, Ntatflos T, Bjerg E, Ackerman L & Hauzenberger C
Geochemistry of Upper Mantle Xenoliths and Host Basalts from NE Bavaria
Ackerman L, Spacek P & Ulrych J
Re-Os Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Ransko Gabbro-Peridotite Massif, Czech Republic
Pašava J, Ackerman L & Erban V
Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Cenozoic Alkaline Basalts, Bohemian Massif
Ackerman L, Špaček P & Svojtka M
Trace Element Analysis in Quartz by Using Laser Ablation ICP-MS: A Tool for Deciphering Magma Evolution
Svojtka M, Ackerman L & Breiter K
Re-Os Geochemistry of Fe-Rich Peridotites and Pyroxenites from Horní Bory, Czech Republic
Ackerman L, Walker R & Puchtel I
PGE Geochemistry of Strongly Differentiated Intrusions from the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
Ackerman L & Strnad L
Re-Os Depth Profile of the Upper Mantle beneath Central Europe
Ackerman L, Puchtel IS, Walker RJ & Jelínek E
Ackermann S.
The Effect of Sb(V) on the Transformation of Ferrihydrite to Goethite, Hematite, and Feroxyhyte
Bolanz R, Majzlan J & Ackermann S
Thermodynamic Properties of Kornelite (Fe2(SO4)3·~7.75H2O) and Paracoquimbite (Fe2(SO4)3·9H2O)
Ackermann S, Lazic B, Armbruster T, Doyle S, Grevel K-D & Majzlan J
Matrix Composition and Community Structure Analysis of a Novel Bacterial Pyrite Leaching Community
Ziegler S, Ackermann S, Göttlicher J, Majzlan J & Gescher J
Sb Sorption Complexes on Fe Oxide Surfaces: An EXAFS Study
Ackermann S, Majzlan J, Bolanz R, Giere R & Newville M
Antimony Speciation in Shooting Ranges and its Association with Iron Oxides
Ackermann S, Gieré R & Majzlan J
Ackerson M.
Ti Site Occupancy in Natural and Synthetic Zircon
Trail D, Tailby N, Ackerson M, Newville M, Lanzirotti A, Chowdhury W, Szumila I, Barboni M & McKeegan KD
Improving our Understanding of LIP Emplacement Ages Using Petrology, Thermal Modelling, and Geochemistry of Zircon Crystals: A Case Study from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Davies JHFL, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Youbi N, Ernesto M, Greber ND, Ackerson M, Simpson G, Bouvier A-S, Baumgartner LP, Pettke T, Farina F & Schaltegger U
Jack Hills Zircons Record the Appearance of Peraluminous Melts on the Early Earth
Ackerson M & Trail D
Ti Solubility Mechanisms and their Importance for Understanding Ti Activity
Ackerson M & Mysen B
High Water in Meimechites of the Siberian Traps LIP
Ivanov A, Mukasa S, Kamenetsky V, Ackerson M, Demonterova E, Pokrovsky B & Vladykin N
Trace-Element Analysis of Quartz in the Jack Hills Metaconglomerate
Ackerson M, Tailby N & Watson EB
New Technique to Promote Unseeded Precipitation of Inorganic Calcium Carbonate Crystals from Artificial Seawater
Borrelli C, Watson EB, Gabitov R, Thomas JB, Ackerson MR, Trail D, Ruscitto D & Katz ME
Experimental Investigation of Ti in Garnet at Eclogite Facies Conditions
Ackerson M, Watson B & Spear F