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Zartman Robert (2022) Large Iron Isotope Fractionation during Mantle Wedge Serpentinization
Sun W, Deng J, Zartman R, He Y & Yang X
(2020) Carbonatite Formed Through Diamond Oxidation
Sun W, Zhang L, Xie G, Hawkesworth C & Zartman R
(2018) Geochemistry of the Tuli Syncline high-Ti Picrites and Basalts, Karoo CFB, South Africa: Origin from a High δ18O Mantle Source
Howarth G, Duncan A, Marsh J, Day J, Harris C, Richardson S, le Roex A, Carlson R & Zartman R

Zartman Robert E. (2008) Recycling of Subducted Oceanic Crust: Constraints from Nb/U
Sun W, Hu Y & Zartman R
(2007) The Evolution of mu and the Isotopic Composition of Lead in the Early Solar System and Young Earth
Zartman R & Jagoutz E
(2007) Solving the Mystery of SNC Meteorites
Jagoutz E, Dreibus-Kapp G & Zartman R
(2007) Isotopic Signatures of the Siberian Flood Basalts and Alkaline Magmatism of Polar Siberia (Age, Genetic Link, Heterogeneity of Mantle Sources)
Kogarko L & Zartman R
(2002) Evidence from Kimberlitic Zircon for a Decreasing Mantle Th/U
Zartman RE & Richardson SH

Zarubina O. (2020) Holocene Atmospheric Dust Flux and Peat Accumulation in NW Russia
Pampura T, Zarubina O, Tsyganov A & Meili M
(2019) High-Resolution Peat-Based Reconstruction of Holocene Atmospheric Dust Fluxes and Sources in NW Russia
Pampura T, Zarubina O & Meili M

Zarzycki J. (2023) Tapping into the Unknown: Functional Screening for CO2 Reducing Enzymes Gives Unprecedented Insights into the Uncultured Microbial Majority
Boehnke S, Zarzycki J, Baehrle R, Enderle M, Paczia N, Englhard J, Bachmann J, Erb T & Perner M

Zarzycki P. (2022) Rapid Prediction of Liquid Properties from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Deep Learning
Li C, Farrell S, Gilbert B & Zarzycki P
(2022) Molecular Dynamics and Kinetic Modeling of Rough Calcite Surface Dissolution
Zarzycki P, Li C & Gilbert B
(2021) Molecular Dynamics and Spectroscopic Insights into iron(III) Stabilization of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides
Zarzycki P, Bhattacharyya A, Dewey C, Pett-Ridge J & Nico PS
(2021) Electrokinetic and Potentiometric Insight into Malonate Arrangement at Hematite/Water Interface
Kedra-Krolik K, Begović T, Prus M, Namiesnik D & Zarzycki P
(2021) Solvation Structure and Thermodynamics of Oxyanions from Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy and Molecular Simulation
Gilbert B, Zarzycki P & Colla C
(2021) Mg2+ Ions Reduce the Electrical Double Layer Forces between Carbonate Particles
Prus M, Kedra-Krolik K, Begović T & Zarzycki P
(2021) Deep Neural Network-Based Surrogates for Surface Complexation Models of Oxide/Electrolyte Interfaces
Li C, Farrell S, Gilbert B & Zarzycki P
(2020) Electrochemical Evidence of Malonate Specific Sorption to Hematite
Kedra-Krolik K, Begovic T, Prus M, Namiesnik D, Szymanek K, Piasecki W & Zarzycki P
(2020) Magnesium Diminishes the Electrical Double Layer Forces between Carbonate Particles
Prus M, Kedra-Krolik K, Szymanek K, Piasecki W & Zarzycki P
(2020) Energetics and the Role of Defects in Fe(II)-Catalyzed Goethite Recrystallization from Multiscale Molecular Simulations
Rosso K & Zarzycki P
(2020) Molecular Interactions Behind Carbonate Compaction
Zarzycki P, Pride S & Gilbert B
(2019) Electrokinetic Tracking of CaCO3 Nucleation
Prus M, Szymanek K, Mills J, Nielsen Lammers L, Piasecki W, Kedra-Krolik K & Zarzycki P
(2019) Effect of Mineral Confinement on Water Dielectric Response in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions
Zarzycki P, Colla C, Prus M & Gilbert B
(2018) Dielectric Relaxation and Static Dielectric Constant of Confined Aqueous Solutions
Dazas B, Gilbert B, Zarzycki P & Bourg I
(2018) Molecular Structure of Interlayer Water Governs Dispersion Force Adhesion of Clay Particles
Zarzycki P & Gilbert B
(2015) Long-Range Dynamical Correlations Restrict Water Transport in Smectite Interlayers
Zarzycki P & Gilbert B
(2014) Transient Surface Potential Gradients as a Driving Force for the Bulk Conduction Mechanism of Iron Oxide Recrystallization
Zarzycki P & Rosso K
(2013) Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Fe(II)-Fe(III) Electron Transfer Across Interfaces
Chatman S, Zarzycki P, Kerisit S, Alexandrov V, Pearce C & Rosso K
(2013) Non-Innocent Role of Electron-Mediating Ligands in Reductive Dissolution of Hematite
Zarzycki P, Toczydlowska D, Chatman S & Rosso K
(2011) Large-Scale Simulation of Molecular Structure and Electron Transfer in Microbial Cytochromes
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Breuer M, Blumberger J, Shi L, Richardson D, Clarke T, Edwards M, Butt J, Zachara J & Fredrickson J
(2011) Reactive Fe(II) and Electron Exchange Dynamics in Iron Oxides
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Pearce C, Katz J, Gilbert B, Handler R, Scherer M & Meakin P
(2010) Electrostatic Potentials and Charge Distributions at Structurally Defined Hematite/Electrolyte Interfaces
Chatman S, Zarzycki P, Preočanin T & Rosso K

Zaslansky P. (2022) Artificial Intelligence as a Tool to Study the 3D Skeletal Architec-Ture in Newly Settled Coral Recruits: Insights into the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Coral Biomineralization
Scucchia F, Sauer K, Zaslansky P & Mass T

Zastepa A. (2019) Geochemical Gradients at the Sediment-Water Interface of an Ice-Covered Lake and its Impact on P Dynamics
Alam MS, Zastepa A & Dittrich M

Zatoń M. (2020) Volcanic Related Methylmercury Poisoning as the Possible Driver of the End-Devonian Mass Extinction
Rakociński M, Marynowski L, Pisarzowska A, Bełdowski J, Siedlewicz G, Zatoń M, Perri MC, Spalletta C & Schönlaub HP

Zattin M (2005) Using Thermochrometry to Image Topographic Evolution in the Northern Apennines, Italy
Brandon M, Zattin M, Isaacson P, Braun J & Reiners P

Zattin Massimiliano (2010) Orogen-Scale Thermochronologic Trends of the Central Andes
Reiners P, Vernon A, Zattin M, Thomson S, Pearson D & Cavazza W

Zaunbrecher L.K. (2012) Kinetics of Rb Isotope Equilibration in Savannah River Site Soils
Elliott WC, Krogstad E, Wampler JM, Kahn B, Kaplan D & Zaunbrecher L
(2010) Effects of Diagenesis on Paleoclimate Reconstructions from Modern and Young Fossil Corals
Sayani H, Cobb K, Cohen A, Elliott WC, Nurhati I, Rose K & Zaunbrecher L
(2010) Distribution of K, Rb, and Cs within Savannah River Site Soils Inferred from Acid-Leaching, K-Ar, and Isotope-Exchange Studies
Wampler JM, Krogstad E, Naumann T, Zaunbrecher LK & Elliott WC

Zauscher M. (2015) Measuring Aqueous-Phase Browning in Evaporating Droplets: Aldehyde – Amine Reactions and Cloud Processing
De Haan D, Zauscher M & Gadow S

Závada P. (2023) Synglaciogenic Late Ediacaran Cap Carbonate of Hormuz Formation (Southern Iran)
Adineh S, Petrash D, Závada P, Heuss-Aßbichler S, Bruthans J & Daëron M

Zavala K. (2019) U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Veins in Cretaceous to Neogene Oceanic Crust
Zavala K, Gerdes A, Bach W & Kasemann S

Zavarin M. (2022) Beyond Kd: Next Generation Performance Assessment Framework Through Machine Learning
Wainwright HM, Chang ES-H, Ermakova D, Lu H, Beverly L, Xu Z, Zavarin M & Zheng L
(2022) A Chemistry Informed Hybrid Machine Learning Approach to Predict Metal-Mineral Surface Interactions
Chang ES-H, Zavarin M & Wainwright H
(2021) New Approaches to Surface Complexation Modeling and Application of Machine Learning to Radionuclide-Mineral Interface Reactions
Zavarin M, Wainwright H, Zouabe J & Chang E
(2021) Plutonium Coprecipitation with Calcite
Balboni E, Smith KF, Booth C, Zavarin M & Kersting AB
(2020) Pu(IV) Interaction with iron(III) (Oxyhydr)oxide Minerals
Smith K, Balboni E, Moreau L, Zavarin M & Booth C
(2020) Plutonium Immobilization or Mobilization: The Contribution of Microbial Products and Cells
Merino N, Marie Coutelot F, Parker C, Kaplan D, Kersting A, Jiao Y & Zavarin M
(2019) Biogeochemical Mechanisms Controlling Pu on Environmental Timescales
Kersting A, Begg J, Balboni E, Joseph C, Edelman C & Zavarin M
(2019) Mineral-Water Databases for Use in Radionuclide Transport Simulations
Zavarin M
(2018) Development of Surface Complexation Databases for Contaminant Transport Modeling
Zavarin M
(2018) Plutonium Contamination of the Environment: What's the Problem?
Zavarin M
(2017) Plutonium Incorporation into Iron Oxide Minerals
Balboni E, Zavarin M & Kersting A
(2017) Desorption of Plutonium from Altered Nuclear Melt Glass Colloids
Zavarin M, Joseph C, Balboni E, Baumer T, Treinen K & Kersting A
(2016) Plutonium Sorption and Precipitation on Goethite: A Question of Concentration
Begg J, Zhao P, Zavarin M, Tumey S, Williams R, Dai Z, Kips R & Kersting A
(2016) Controls on Anthropogenic Radionuclide Distribution in the Sellafield Near-Shore
Ray D, Morris K, Livens FR, Kersting A, Zavarin M, Begg J, Joseph C, Zhao P & Law GTW
(2016) Geochemistry at Interfaces: In Search of a New Modelling Approach
Zavarin M
(2015) Plutonium Desorption from Montmorillonite: The Role of Redox Transformations
Zavarin M, Begg J & Kersting A
(2014) Kinetic Studies Np(VI) Ligand Exchange Using NMR
Panasci A, Harley S, Zavarin M & Casey W
(2014) Plutonium Desorption from Mineral Surfaces Caused by Environmental Concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide
Begg J, Zavarin M & Kersting A
(2011) Ab Initio Electronic Structure of Pu(OH)4: Comparison between Density Functional and Multi-Reference Theories
Huang P, Zavarin M & Kersting A
(2010) Subsurface Transport of Pu on Nanominerals: Teasing out Biogeochemical Controls in Field Environments
Kersting A, Zavarin M, Dai Z, Felmy A, Kips R, Moser D, Powell B, Tinnacher R & Zaho P
(2010) Modeling Actinide Interactions with Minerals and Microbes
Powell BA, Bagwell C, Kaplan DI, Kersting AB, Zavarin M & Zimmerman TN

Zavarzin A. (2014) Lichens as a Source of Soluble Precursors for Humification
Zavarzina A, Zagoskina N, Makarov M, Nikolaeva T, Laphsin P & Zavarzin A

Zavarzin G. (2011) Release of Silica from Micas by Alkaliphilic Anaerobes
Zavarzina D, Savenko A, Chistyakova N, Shapkin A, Zhilina T & Zavarzin G
(2001) Distribution of Fe(III)-reducing Prokaryotes in Natural Ferryhidrite Deposits and Formation of Siderite Oolites
Zavarzina DG & Zavarzin GA

Zavarzina A. (2014) Lichens as a Source of Soluble Precursors for Humification
Zavarzina A, Zagoskina N, Makarov M, Nikolaeva T, Laphsin P & Zavarzin A
(2010) Formation of Humin and Humic Acids by Surface Precursor Polymerization: Implications to Primitive and Well-Developed Soils
Zavarzina A
(2001) Sorption of Soil-Originated Humic Acids on Clay Minerals
Zavarzina AG

Zavarzina D. (2011) Release of Silica from Micas by Alkaliphilic Anaerobes
Zavarzina D, Savenko A, Chistyakova N, Shapkin A, Zhilina T & Zavarzin G
(2010) Iron Minerals Formed by the Binary Culture of Alkaliphilic Anaerobic Bacteria from the Soda Lake
Zavarzina D, Chistyakova N, Shapkin A & Zhilina T
(2001) Distribution of Fe(III)-reducing Prokaryotes in Natural Ferryhidrite Deposits and Formation of Siderite Oolites
Zavarzina DG & Zavarzin GA

Zavašnik J. (2021) Occurrences and Processes of Precious Metal Enrichment in Sulphides Assessed by Combining LA-ICP-MS, HR-Tem and Fe Isotope LA-MC-ICP-MS Analyses
Pačevski A, Lazarov M & Zavašnik J

Zaveri R. (2014) Chemical Composition and Morphological Characteristics of Ambient and Laboratory Generated Soot Particles
O'Brien R, Sharma N, Pham D, Zaveri R, Shilling J, Mazzoleni C, Laskin A, Gilles M & Moffet R
(2014) SP2 Analysis of Black Carbon from Biomass Burning and Diesel Emissions
Aiken A, Liu S, Dubey M, McMeeking G, Yokelson B, Shilling J & Zaveri R
(2009) Effect of Marine Biogenic Organic Aerosols on Cloud Properties: Modeling Study
Meskhidze N, Xu J, Zhang Y, Gantt B, Ghann S, Nenes A, Liu X, Easter R & Zaveri R

Zaveri U. (2023) Hydrothermal Iron Nanoparticles – A Missing Link in the Deep Sea Biogeochemical Cycle?
Ternieten L, Kraal P, Preiner M, Zaveri U & Plümper O

Zavina-James N. (2019) Copper Isotope Evidence for Aerobic Methanotrophy in the Late Archaean
Zavina-James N, Zerkle A, Steele R & Savage P

Závorka L. (2023) Compound-Specific Fatty Acid δ13C and δ2H Analysis: A New Method for High-Spatial-Resolution Tracking of Origin and Mobility
Pilecky M, Závorka L, Wassenaar LI & Kainz M

Zavšek S. (2015) Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Coalbed Gases in Active Excavation Fields at Preloge and Pesje (Velenje Basin) Mining Areas
Kanduč T, Grassa F, Lazar J & Zavšek S
(2011) Carbon Cycling in the Pliocene Velenje Coal Basin, Slovenia, Inferred from Stable Carbon Isotopes
Kanduč T, Žigon S, Markič M, Zavšek S & McIntosh J

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