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Zhu Hong-Li (2020) The Mg Isotopic Characteristics of Basalts from the South China Sea and their Geodynamics Implications
Liao R-Q, Zhu H-L & Sun W-D
(2015) Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Indian MORB Samples between 18-20°S and its Implications
Zhang Z-F, Zhu H-L, Liu Y-F, Liu F & Sun W
(2015) Calcium Isotopic Fractionation between Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxen in Mantle Xenoliths from Eastern China
Kang J-T, Zhu H-L, Liu Y-F, Liu F, Wu F, Hao Y-T, Huang F & Zhang Z-F
(2014) Calcium Isotopic Fractionation during Column Chemistry and TIMS Determination
Zhang Z, Zhu H, Liu Y & Liu F

Zhu Hongkai

Zhu Hongli (2019) Kinetic Ca-Fe Isotope Fractionation in Xenoliths Overprinted by Plume-Lithosphere Interaction
Kang J, Hao Y, Liu F, Zhu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
(2018) Reaction Controlled Kinetic Inter-Mineral Ca Isotope Fractionation between Orthopyroxene and Clinopyroxene
Kang J, Hao Y, Liu F, Zhu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
(2018) Calcium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Olivines
Zhang Z, Zhao X, Huang S & Zhu H
(2018) Barium Isotope Compositions of Lesser Antilles Forearc Sediments from DSDP Sites 543 and 144
Nan X, Yu H, Huang F, Zhu H & Zhang Z

Zhu Hui-Min (2023) Atom-Trap Trace Analysis of 41Ca/Ca Down to the 10-17 Level
Sun W, Xia T-Y, Ebser S, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Zhu H-M, Fu Y-C, Huang F, Ming G-D, Xia T & Lu Z-T

Zhu J (2006) Selenium speciation of Se-rich rocks from Yutangba of Enshi, China
Zhu J, Han W, Lei L & Zhao Y
(2005) Distribution of Native Selenium in Yutangba of China and its Environmental Implications
Zhu J, Zheng G, Johnson TM & Li S
(2005) The Influence of Extracellular Enzyme and Protein to Organic Matter Degradation in Lake Erhai Sediments
Liang X, Zhou G, Zhu J, Zheng Y, Wang M, Wei Z & Zhao Y
(2003) Microbiological Variation Regulations of Iron, Manganese and Sulfate in Sediments of Lake Aha and Lake Hongfeng Seasonally
Liang X, Zhu J & Wang F
(2003) Modes of Occurrence of Selenium in Yutangba and its Impact on the Local Environment
Zhu J, Liang X, Li S & Zheng B

Zhu Jc (2003) Geochemical Evolution for Subvolcanic Analogue of Rare Metal Bearing Li-F-Rich Granites
Zhu J & Zhang H

Zhu Jialei (2013) Studies on the Characteristics and Mechanism of a Heavy Haze Episode in Jiangsu Province, China
Huang X, Wang T & Zhu J

Zhu Jian-Ming (2016) The Numerical Optimization of Isotope Dilution Analysis
Tan DC, Zhu JM, Xu LJ & Lu K
(2016) The Comparison of Mo Isotope Compositions for Selected International Geological Reference Materials
Zhu J, Tan D, Liang L & Wang J
(2016) The Mechanism of Isotopic Fractionation during Selenium Adsorption on Iron Oxides: An EXAFS Study
Qin H-B, Zhu J-M, Xu W-P & Takahashi Y
(2016) Biomineralization Processes of Selenide by Experimental Incubation
Yuan Y, Zhu J & Liu C
(2015) Cu and Zn Isotope Fractionation during Weathering of Highly Metalliferous Black Shales
Lv Y-W, Liu S-A & Zhu J-M
(2014) Selenium Speciation and Translocation in a Se Hyperaccumulator from High-Se Area, Enshi, China
Qin H-B, Zhu J-M, Liang L & Zheng L-R
(2013) The Isotopic Composition of Selenium in Chinese Coals
Zhu J-M, Johnson TM, Liang L, Wang X-L, Qin H-B & Yin Z-Y
(2011) Selenite Reduction by Bacillus L
Yuan Y, Zhu J, Lei L, Liu C-Q & Qin H
(2011) The Bioavailability of Selenium and Risk Assessment for Human Selenium Poisoning in Se-High Areas, China
Qin H, Zhu J & Su H
(2010) The Pathways of Selenium Poisoning in Enshi, China
Zhu J-M, Johnson TM, Qin H-B & Su H-C
(2010) Selenium Fractionation in Se-Rich Soils and Rock Spoils in Enshi by Alkaline Extraction
Qin H-B, Zhu J-M, Lei L & Su H
(2008) Selenium Isotope Variations in Weathering Zones of Se-Rich Carbonaceous Rocks at Yutangba, China
Zhu J, Johnson TM & Clark SK
(2007) Investigation on the Origin of Se-Rich Soils and Selenosis in Yutangba, China
Zhu J-M, Qin H-B, Lei L & Li L

Zhu Jiang (2020) Impact of New Observations on Improved Understanding of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Li M, Kump L, Ajayi O, Amrhein D, Hakim G, Malevich S, Poulsen C, Ridgwell A, Tardif R, Tierney J, Zhang F & Zhu J
(2019) New Views of Warm Worlds from Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
Tierney J, King J, Malevich SB, Bhattacharya T, Feng R, Zhu J, Li M, Poulsen C, Haywood A, Otto-Bliesner B, Ridgwell A, Hakim G, Tardif R & Kump L
(2018) Modeling the Oxygen Isotope in the Early Eocene Hothouse Climate Using an Isotope-Enabled Earth System Model
Zhu J, Poulsen C, Liu Z, Brady E, Otto-Bliesner B & Noone D
(2011) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Ore-Forming Fluid Characteristics of the Shijinpo Gold Deposit in Beishan Belt, NW China
Zhu J, Lv X, Chen C & Mo Y
(2011) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Significance of Shuangjianshan Highly Evolved I-Type Granite, Beishan Orogen, NW China
Mo Y, Lü X, Zhu J, Deng J, Cao X & Dai Y

Zhu Jianjiang (2021) Geochronology and Tectonic Implications of Metamorphic Rocks in the SON LA Area, Northwestern Vietnam
Wang F, Liu F, Ji L, Zhu J & Wang H
(2016) Carbon Isotope Fraction during Subduction Zone Metamorphism
Zhu J & Zhang L
(2015) CO2 Released from Carbonated Eclogites during their Exhumation
Zhu J, Zhang L, Fei Y & Tao R

Zhu Jianming (2022) Validating the High-Precision Measurement of Mo Isotopes at the 5 ng Level Using Double Spike MC-ICP-MS
Zhu J, Zhu H-G, Tan D, Lin X, Lu K & Yang W
(2020) Mechanisms of BioSeNPs Biomineralization: AFM, FTIR and XPS Analysis
Yuan Y, Zhu J, Liu C & Qiu R
(2020) The Variations of Mo Isotope Composition of the Hongfenghu Small Catchment in Karst Areas
Zhu J, Yang W & Wang X
(2019) Biomineralization of Seledide: Implications for Se Bioremediation and Recovery
Yuan Y, Zhu J, Liu C & Qiu R
(2019) Nickel Isotope Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
Zhu J, Wu G & Wang X
(2018) Geochemistry of the Basal Ediacaran Tereeken Cap-Doloston of the Quruqtagh Group in Eastern Tianshan, Northwestern China
Wan R, Zhu J, Ke S, Xiao S, Li S & Wang Z
(2018) The Isotopic Composition of Lead in Chinese Coals
Zhu J, Tan D, Zhang L, Wu G & Han G
(2017) A New Procedure for High Precision Measurement of Selenium Isotopes Using Hydride Generation MC-ICP-MS with Double Spike
Zhu J, Tan D, Wu G & Han G
(2017) Accurate and Precise Determination of Lead Isotopic Composition in Selected Geochemical Reference Materials
Yin Z, Ling H & Zhu J
(2017) Accurate Determination of Cadmium Isotopic Composition of Solution Standards and Geological Reference Materials by MC-ICP-MS
Li D, Li M-L, Yang C, Zhu J & Liu S-A
(2012) Isotopic Fractionation of Selenium in Higher Plants
Zhu J, Johnson TM, Qin H, Wang X & Yuan Y
(2002) Occurrence of Native Selenium in Yutangba of China
Zhu J, Liang XB, Zheng BS & Li SH
(2002) Fe-Mn-S Cycling and the Distribution of Biomacromolecules and SRB in Lake Sediments from Southwest China
Liang X, Zhu J & Wang F

Zhu Jianxi (2023) Experimental Study of Environmental (pH, T, Salinity, Concentration) Control on Ammonium Adsorption on Clay Minerals
Yu AJ, Lin X, Zhu J, He H & Li L
(2017) Co-sorption Mechanisms of Heavy-Metal Cations and Oxyanions on Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides
Zhu R, Liu J, Zhu J & He H
(2017) Conversion of Serpentine to Smectite Under Hydrothermal Condition: Implication for a Solid-State Transformation
He H, Ji S, Zhu J & Tao Q
(2017) Adsorption of Multi-Contaminant on Modified Montmorillonite
Ma L, Zhu J, Zhu R, Liang X & He H
(2017) Valence Band Structure of Defective Pyrite (100) Surface: Experimental and ab Initio Study
Zhu J, Xian H & He H
(2016) Can 1:1 Type Clay Minerals Transform into 2:1 Type Swelling Smectite?
He H, Ji S, Tao Q & Zhu J
(2013) Molecular Simulation Study of Rectorite
Zhou J, Lu X, Zhu J, Sprik M, Boek E & He H

Zhu Jie (2007) The Geochemical Characteristics and its Tectonic Backgrounds of the Lower Silurian Flysch Sandstones in North Qilian Orogenic Belt
Du Y, Yang J, Zhu J & Xu Y

Zhu Jinchu (2013) Geochemistry of Huashan A-Type Granitoid Complex, South China, and its Geotectonic Significance
Zhu J
(2012) Peraluminous Rare Metal Granites in South China
Zhu J, Wang R, Lu J & Xie L
(2011) Granitic Porphyry Dykes in the Qitianling Batholith, Hunan Province, South China: Evidence for the Multistage Mineralization
Xie L, Wang R, Zhu J & Zhang W
(2009) Magma Mingling Origin of Mafic Microgranular Enclaves in Guposhan Granite Pluton, South China
Zhu J
(2009) The Characteristics of the Tin-Bearing Granites in the Middle of Nanling Range, South China
Lu J, Chen W, Zhu J, Wang R & Zhang R
(2007) Sn/W-Bearing A-Type Granites in Nanling Range, South China
Zhu J

Zhu Jing (2011) Novel Denitrifier Method for Measuring 15N and 18O of Nitrate
Silvennoinen H, Zhu J, Mørkved PT, Bakken L, Mulder J & Dörsch P
(2011) Mechanisms of Nitrogen Dissipation in an N-Saturated Subtropical Forest in Southwest China
Zhu J, Dörsch P, Silvennoinen H & Mulder J

Zhu Jing Jing (2015) He and Ar Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Ore-Forming Fluids of Wuziqilong Cu Deposit, Fujian Province, China
Wu LY, Hu RZ, Li XF, Jiang GH, Qi YQ & Zhu JJ

Zhu Jing-Jing (2023) The Transport of Bismuth in HCl-Bearing Aqueous Vapour and Vapour-Like Supercritical Fluids
Wang X, Williams-Jones AE, Liu Q, Liu F-X, Hu R-Z, Mei Y, Jiang Z-Q, Shang L-B, Zhu J-J & Bi X-W

Zhu Jingjing (2020) Genesis of Hydrous-Oxidized Parental Magmas for Intraplate Porphyry Deposits
Hu R, Bi X, Xu L, Zhu J, Pan LC & Huang M

Zhu Junjiang (2022) Mantle Micro-Block beneath the Indian Ocean and its Implications on the Plate Reconstruction of Gondwana
Suo Y, Li S, Zhu J & Li X

Zhu Kake (2009) An in situ Laser Fluorescence Column Profiler For Monitoring Nanoporous Particle Transport In Porous Media
Wang Z, Liu C, Zachara J, Zhu K, Li J & Liu J

Zhu Kangyu (2022) Geochronology and Geochemical Features of Ore Minerals for the Weilasituo Sn-Li-Rb Polymetallic Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhu K, Jiang S-Y, Su H-M & Zhu X-Y

Zhu Ke (2023) Ni Stable Isotope Fractionation during Core Crystallization
Zhu K, Ni P, Chabot NL & Elliott T
(2022) Erg Chech 002 Crystallized at 4566.6 ±0.6 Ma Dated by 53Mn-53Cr Chronometry
Zhu K, Becker H, Li S-J, Liu X-N & Elliott T
(2021) Tracing the Origin and Differentiation of the Enstatite Achondrite Parent Bodies Using Cr Isotopes
Zhu K, Moynier F, Schiller M, Becker H, Barrat J-A & Bizzarro M
(2019) Timing and Origin of the Angrite Parent Body Inferred from Cr Isotopes
Zhu K, Moynier F, Wielandt D, Larsen KK, Barrat J-A & Bizzarro M
(2017) 53Mn−53Cr Systematics of Chondrules in CO Carbonaceous Chondrites
Zhu K, Liu J & Qin L
(2015) Si-in-Rutile Observed in Eclogites from Dabie-Sulu Orogen: An Another Evidence of UHPM
Zhu K, Liang J-L & Shen J

Zhu Kedan (2019) Geochemical Characteristics of Ordovician Dolomite and its Genesis Mechanisms of in Gucheng Area, East Tarim Basin
Zhu K, Zhang Y, Wang Y & Lin T

Zhu Kongyang (2020) Geochemical Comparison of REY-Rich Deep-Sea Deposit from Central Indian Ocean Basin with the Pacific Based on Elemental Measurements of Fish Teeth
Ca L, Zhang X & Zhu K

Zhu Laimin (2023) Source of Ore-Forming Materials in the Longtougou Gold Deposit, South Qinling Orogen, China: Constraints from Trace Element and S−Pb−H−O Isotopes
Li B, Zhu L, Xiong X, Ding L & Ma Y
(2020) In situ Sulfur and Lead Isotope Analyses of the Jinlongshan Gold Deposit in Southern Qinling Orogen, China: Implications for Ore-Forming Source
Ma Y, Zhu L, Ding L, Xiong X & Li B
(2008) LA-ICP-MS Single Particle Zircon U-Pb Dating and Metallogenetic Tectonic Setting of Jingduicheng Large-Scale Porphyritic Molybdenum Deposit in East Qinling, P.R. China
Zhu L, Zhang G, Guo B & Lee B
(2008) Heavy Metals and Pb Isotopic Composition of Aerosol in Xiamen, Western Taiwan Strait, P.R.China
Lee B & Zhu L

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