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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Zhongbao (2018) Provenance of Upper Triassic Langjiexue Group in the Eastern Himalaya Orogen: Evidence from Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry
Zhang L, Wang G, Park C, Chung D, Zhao Z & Song Y

Zhao Zhongfeng (2018) Kinetics of Oil Generation by Closed-System Pyrolysis of Ximaling Shale
Zhao Z, Wang Q & Lu H

Zhao Zhongying (2014) New Insights from Gas Accumulation Mechanism in Tight Sandstones
Zhao Z, Hou L & Lu S

Zhao Zhongying (2015) Chronology and Structural Properties of Magmatic Rocks in Eastern Xinjiang
Lu S, Li D & Zhao Z

Zhao Zi-Fu (2023) Subducted Serpentinite Results in the Heavy Mo Isotopic Composition of the Mantle Source of Arc Lavas
Dai F-Q, Chen Y-X, Chen RX, Zhao Z-F & Wang Y
(2022) Generation of Andesite Through Partial Melting of Basaltic Metasomatites in the Mantle Wedge: Insight from Quantitative Study of Andean Andesites
Chen L, Zheng Y-F, Xu Z & Zhao Z-F
(2020) Miocene High-Temperature Magmatism in the Himalayan Orogen
Gao P, Zheng Y-F, Mayne MJ, Liu Z-C & Zhao Z-F
(2020) Syn-Exhumation Magmatism during Continental Collision: Geochemical Evidence from the Early Paleozoic Fushui Mafic Igneous Rocks in the Qinling Orogen, Central China
Zheng F, Dai L-Q & Zhao Z-F
(2020) Syn-Exhumation Melting of the Subducted Continental Crust: Geochemical Evidence from Early Paleozoic Granites in North Qaidam, Northern Tibet
Sun G, Gao P & Zhao Z
(2019) Mg-C Isotopes Trace Carbon Recycling in Continental Subduction Zone
Dai L-Q, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2019) Slab Rollback and Magmatic Flare-Up: Constraints from Late Cretaceous Plutonic Rocks in the Gangdese Zone, Southern Tibet
Chen L, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2017) The Recycling of Subducted Paleotethyan Oceanic Crust: Geochemical Evidence from Paleozoic Mafic Igneous Rocks in the Tongbai Orogen, Central China
Zheng F, Dai L-Q & Zhao Z-F
(2017) Geochemical Constraints on the Nature of Magma Sources for Mesozoic Bimodal Volcanic Rocks from the Middle-Lower Yangtze Valley in South China
Chen L, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2017) Integrated Geochemical Constraints on Source Nature and Melting Conditions of Triassic Granites from South Qinling, Central China
Lu Y-H, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2017) Relict Zircon Tracking the Source Nature of Peraluminous Granite
Gao P, Chen Y-X, Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Xia X-P
(2017) Reworking of Newly Added Mafic Crust: Geochemical Evidence from Late Cretaceous Monzogranites of the Gangdese Batholith, Southern Tibet
Tang Y & Zhao Z
(2017) Distinguishing Carbonate and Silicate Metasomatisms in Generating the Mantle Sources of Alkali Basalt in Western Qinling, China
Dai L-Q, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2016) Distinction between S-Type and Peraluminous I-Type Granites: Zircon Versus Whole-Rock Geochemistry
Gao P, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2016) The Slab-Mantle Interaction for the Origin of Andesitic Rocks: Geochemical Evidence from Postcollisional Intermediate Volcanics in the Dabie Orogen
Dai F-Q, Zhao Z-F, Dai L-Q & Zheng Y-F
(2016) Mafic Igneous Rocks Record Two Styles of the Crust-Mantle Interaction during Decratonization in North China
Dai L-Q, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2016) Lead Isotope Constraints on the Nature of Crustal Components in the Mantle Source of Cenozoic Continental Basalts from Eastern China
Xu Z, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2016) Two Types of the Crust-Mantle Interaction in Continental Subduction Zones
Zhao Z-F, Dai L-Q & Zheng Y-F
(2016) Magma Evolution and Open System Processes for Mesozoic Andesitic Volcanics from the Ningwu Basin in South China: Constraints from Clinopyroxene Geochemistry
Chen L, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2012) Syn-Exhumation Magmatism during Continental Collision: Evidence from Alkaline Intrusives of Triassic Age in the Sulu Orogen
Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2012) The Nature of Orogenic Lithospheric Mantle:constraints from Geochemistry of Postcollisional Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks in the Dabie Orogen
Dai L-Q, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2008) Geochemical and Petrological Evidence for Dehydration Melting in Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks during Exhumation
Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Xia Q-X
(2002) Oxygen Isotope Mapping of UHP Metamorphic Rocks in the Dabie-Sulu Orogen of China
Zheng Y-F, Li L, Zhao Z-F & Gong B

Zhao Zibin (2020) Geochemical and Palynological Characteristics in Marginal Sag—Implications on Hydrocarbon Potential, Depositional Environment and Controls on Organic Matter Enrichment
Zhao Z, Xu H, Hou D, Cheng X, Ma C, Wang F & Xu C

Zhao Zun-Hao (2016) Water Mass Analysis and Fraction Estimates Using Rare Earth Elements
Zhang J, Liu Q & Zhao Z-H

Zhao Zz (2007) Transcription of E. coli on Stringent Promoter Enhanced by Nickel Stress
Liu C, Tang C, Zhao Z, Yao S, Xue Y & Lian B

Zhaoce L.

Zhaojie Y. (2021) Climate-Driven Weathering Shifts between Highlands and Floodplains
Zhaojie Y, Colin C & Wan S
(2017) Influence of Particle-Released Nd in the Seawater εNd Signal of the Proximal Bay of Bengal during Interglacial Periods
Rojas V, Meynadier L, Colin C, Zhaojie Y, Joussain R, Bassinot F & Cogez A

Zhaoli S. (2013) The Comparison Experiments of Acid Leaching and Bioleaching of Sand-Type Uranium Ore
Yipeng Z, Zhaoli S, Weijun S, Jinhui L & Yajie L

Zhaoxian Z. (2011) Impact of Water-Level Fluctuations on Concentration Trends of Petroleum Contaminants in Pipeline Leakage Area
Xiaosi S, Wei W & Zhaoxian Z

Zharikov A. (2013) Permeability of the Continental Crust – Experimental Study and Insight from the Petrological and Seismological Data
Zharikov A, Rodkin M & Vitovtova V

Zharkova E. (2011) Redox Conditions of Formation of Osmium-Rich Alloys from Dunite and Chromitite of the Guli Massif (Maimecha-Kotui Province, Russia)
Malitch K, Kadik A, Badanina I & Zharkova E

Zhatnuev N. (2003) Experimental Study of Gold, Silver and Water Behaviour in Endogenic Processes at High Temperature and Pressure
Mironov A & Zhatnuev N

Zhdanov V. (2015) Chemical and Textural Variations Across the UG2 Chromitite at the Khuseleka Mine, Bushveld Complex
Sedunova A, Veksler I, Zhdanov V, Kazymov K & Reid D

Zhehua L. (2023) Neoproterozoic Carbonatitic Magmatism along NW Margin of the South China Craton and its Implications for Recycled Sedimentary Component
Zhehua L

Zhelezinskaia I. (2014) Unique Sulfur Isotope Signatures in Neoarchean Carbonates
Zhelezinskaia I, Farquhar J, Kaufman J & Cliff J

Zheleznyak M. (2016) Radiocesium Distributions and Dynamics in the Fukushima Forest Ecosystems
Yoschenko V, Konoplev A, Takase T, Nanba K, Onda Y, Zheleznyak M & Kivva S
(2016) Modeling of Radionuclide Transport in Watershed –River- Reservoir Systems of Niida River
Zheleznyak M, Kivva S, Konoplev A & Wakiyama Y

Zheludev I.N. (2019) Lipid Vesicles as Protocells at the Origin of Life in Alkaline Hydrothermal Vents
Jordan SF, Rammu H, Zheludev IN, Hartley AM, Maréchal A & Lane N

Zhen H. (2010) Geochemical Characterization of the Heterogeneous Source Rocks in Petroleum System Modeling
Wang F, Chen J, Wang B, Tao J, Zhen H & Wang X

Zhen L. (2006) Study of the Occurrence of Fe in Sericites of Grea Mica Mine, China
Yin L, Yichun Z & Zhen L

Zhen T. (2018) Deciphering Factors Controlling Groundwater Arsenic Spatial Variability in Bangladesh
Zhen T, Yang Q, Zheng C & Zheng Y

Zhen Y. (2014) Distribution and Chemical Speciation of Phosphorus in Surface Sediments of the Central Pacific Ocean
Ni J, Guo L, Lin P, Zhen Y & Yao X

Zhen-Wu B. (2015) Pitzer Ion Interaction Parameters for BaSO4-NaCl-H2O System at Reservoir Conditions
Zhen-Wu B, Dobberschütz S, Dideriksen K, Raahauge PJ & Stipp SLS

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