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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Zhe (2020) Abundant Higher Plant-Derived Biomarkers in Light Oils and Condensates from the Coal-Bearing Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin
Cheng X, Hou D, Zhao Z & Jiang Y
(2015) Study on the Source and Origin of Condensate Oil in Southern Margin of Junggar Basin
Chen J, Wang X, Ni Y, Sun Y, Deng C, Zhao Z, Wang P, Liao J, Zhang D & Liang D

Zhao Zheng (2020) A Proposed New Metallogenic Model of Mesozoic W-Dominated Polymentallic Deposits in South China
Zhao Z & Zhao W

Zhao Zheng-Hua (2009) Ca. 780 Ma A-Type Granites in South China: Implications for the Breakup of Supercontinent Rodinia
Wang Q, Wyman D, Li Z-X, Zhao Z-H & Bao Z

Zhao Zhengfu (2023) No Volcanic Trigger for Late Cambrian Carbon Cycle Perturbations?
Frieling J, Mather TA, Fendley IM, Bergquist BA, Cheng K, Jenkyns HC, Zhao Z, Dahl TW, Nielsen AT & Dickson AJ

Zhao Zhenhua (2010) A Riebeckite Alkaline Granite Related to Subduction Setting in Chinese Altay Mountain
Zhao Z, Wang Q, Bao Z, Luo Y & Tang G
(2008) Late Triassic Rhyolites and High-Mg Andesites in the Northern Hohxil Area, Songpan-Ganzi Terrane
Wang Q, Wyman D & Zhao Z
(2008) A Composite M- with W-Type of REE Tetrad Effect in a North China Alkaline Complex
Zhao Z & Bao Z
(2008) Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Fangcheng Neoproterozoic Alkali-Syenites in East Qinling Orogen and its Geodynamic Implications
Bao Z, Wang Q & Zhao Z
(2008) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Ore-Bearing Porphyries in the Lamasu and Dabate Areas, Western Tianshan (Northern Xinjiang, China)
Tang G, Wang Q, Zhao Z & Wyman D
(2002) The Adakite-Like Dacites and Potassic Volcanic Rocks in Chinese Western Tianshan
Zhao Z, Xiong X & Bai Z

Zhao Zhenjie (2020) Effects of Dam Construction on Arsenic Mobility and Transport in Two Large Rivers in Tibet, China
Li S & Zhao Z
(2020) Ecological Risk Assessment and Source Apportionment of Heavy Metals in Sediment from Two Large Reservoirs in Tibet, China
Zhao Z & Li S

Zhao Zhenyu (2018) Geochemical Characterstic of Proterozoic Source Rock in ORDOS Basin, CHINA
Li N, Zhao Z, Song W & Zhang Y
(2018) Carbon, Oxygen and Strontium Isotope Compostions and Fluids Source of Ordovician Dolomite in Ordos Basin, China
Zhang Y, Zhao Z, Li N, Song W, Zhang Y & Sun Y

Zhao Zhi (2015) Fluid Inclusion Study and its Implication for Ore Genesis of the Dahu Au(Mo) Deposit from the Xiaoqinling Gold Belt
Zhao HX, Zhao Z, Zhu B & Liu J

Zhao Zhi Qi (2008) Chemical Weathering Rates in the Changjiang Basin
Chetelat B, Liu C-Q, Zhao ZQ, Wang QL, Li SL, Li J & Wang BL

Zhao Zhi-Dan (2016) Raising the Gangdese Mountains in Southern Tibet
Zhu D-C, Wang Q, Cawood PA, Zhao Z-D & Mo X-X
(2015) Corundum Eclogites: Partial Melting Residues of Subducted Troctolites from the Mid-Archean
Shu Q, Brey GP, Höfer H, Zhao Z & Pearson G
(2014) Origin of the Early Miocene Potassic and Ultrapotassic Rocks in Xungba Basin, Southwestern Tibet
Zhao Z, Liu D, Zhu D-C, Niu Y, Mo X, DePaolo DJ & Harrison TM
(2014) The Hf-O Isotopes of Porphyry System in the Southern Yare Composite Pluton, Western Lhasa Terrane, Tibet Plateau
Yu F, Hou Z, Zhao Z, Zheng Y, Li Q & Duan L
(2012) The ca. 90 Ma Mg-Rich Volcanic Rocks from SE Nyima, Central Tibet: Products of Lithospheric Delamination ?
Wang Q, Zhu D-C, Zhao Z-D, Wang L-Q & Mo X-X
(2012) Temporal Changes in Magma Geochemistry in the Northern Lhasa Terrane, Tibet: Response to the Lhasa-Qiangtang Collision
Zhu D-C, Zhao Z-D, Niu Y, Dilek Y, Wang Q & Mo X-X
(2011) Fragments of Hot and Metasomatized Mantle Lithosphere Sampled by Mid-Miocene Ultrapotassic Lavas, Southern Tibet
Liu C-Z, Wu F-Y, Chung S-L & Zhao Z-D
(2010) Sm-Nd Dating of Whole Rock and Mineral Separates from Dangqiong Gabbro, Yarlung–Tsangpo Suture
Zhou S, Mo X, Qiu R, Zhao Z, Zhang S, Guo T & Qiu L
(2010) Continental Crust Growth as a Result of Continental Collision: Ocean Crust Melting and Melt Preservation
Niu Y, Zhao Z, Zhou S, Zhu D, Dong G, Mo X, Xie G & Dong X
(2009) Two Types of Cenozoic Potassic Volcanic Rocks and Carbonatite and their Geodynamic Implications in Western Qinling, NW China
Yu X, Mo X & Zhao Z
(2009) Variation of Spatial and Temporal of Miocene Ultrapotassic Volcanism in Interior Gangdese, Tibet and its Petrogenesis
Zhou S, Mo X, Zhao Z, Xie G, Qiu R, Zhu D & Liao Z
(2009) The Magmatic Response to Indo-Asia Collision in Southern Tibet
Mo X, Zhao Z, Dong G, Zhou S, Zhu D, Yu X, Niu Y & Bi X
(2008) Cenozoic Alkaline and Carbonititic Magmatism in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for Mantle Plume
Yu X, Zhao Z, Mo X & Dong G
(2008) Nature of the Subcontinental Mantle beneath Southern Tibet Revealed by Mantle Xenoliths Entrained by Ultrapotassic Rocks
Zhao Z, Mo X, Niu Y, Zhu D, Sun C, Dong G & Zhou S
(2008) Regional Isotopic Patterns in Granitic Rocks of Southern Tibet and Evolution of Crustal Structure during the Indo-Asian Collision
DePaolo D, Weaver K, Mo X, Zhao Z & Harrison TM
(2008) Early Cretaceous Comei Large Igneous Province in SE Tibet: Whole-Rock Sr-Nd and Zircon Hf Isotopic Constraints on Mantle Source Characteristics
Zhu D-C, Mo X-X, Zhao Z-D, Niu Y & Chung S-L
(2007) Cenozoic Volcanism of Kamafugite and Carbonatite in Western Qinling, China: A Evidence of DUPAL-Like Asthenospheric Mantle Flow
Yu X, Mo X & Zhao Z
(2002) Calculation of the Strain, Stress and Elastic Energy for Low-High Quartz Transition up to 1.1GPa
Zhou W-G, Xie H-S & Zhao Z-D

Zhao Zhi-Hua (2019) Geochemical Constraints on the Nature of Yap Arc Basement Rocks and its Evolution History
Zhang J, Zhang G, Zhao Z & Wang S
(2019) Evidence for Origin of Caroline Plateau from a Short-Lived Mantle Plume
Zhang G, Zhang J, Wang S & Zhao Z
(2019) The Crust Nature and Mantle Source Characteristics of the Celebes Sea
Wang S, Zhang G-L, Zhao Z-H & Zhang J
(2018) The Genesis and Relationship of the Basalts in the South China Sea Basin and the Leiqiong Area
Zhao Z-H, Zhang G-L, Wang S & Zhang J
(2018) Geochemical Nature of the Mantle in the Celebes Sea Basin
Wang S, Zhang G-L, Zhao Z-H & Zhang J

Zhao Zhi-Qi (2017) Behavior of Lithium Isotopes during Continental Weathering Revealed in a Granitic Saprolite Profile from Huizhou, South China
Zhang J-W, Liu C-Q & Zhao Z-Q
(2017) The Chemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Dissolved Sulfate in Rivers of Songliao Basin, NE China
Lang Y-C, Li S-L, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Yue F, Li X, Zhao Z & Hu J

Zhao Zhi-Qi (2022) Spatiotemporal Variation of Lithium Isotopes in the Yarlung Tsangpo River Basin: Source and Process
Zhang J-W, Zhao Z-Q & Yan Y-N
(2022) Chemical Weathering Characteristic in the Yarlung Tsangpo River Basin: Evidence from Hydrochemical Composition
Yan Y-N, Zhang J-W & Zhao Z-Q
(2022) Cation Isotopes Trace Chemical Weathering
Gou L-F, Jin Z, Galy A, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Bouchez J & Zhao Z-Q

Zhao Zhi-Qi (2023) Lithium Isotopes Geochemical Behavior in a Small Mountainous River of the Tibetan Plateau
Zhang J-W, Zhao Z-Q & Yan Y-N

Zhao Zhi-Qi (2008) Chemical Weathering of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Geochemical Study of Jinsha Jiang, Lancang Jiang, and Nu Jiang River Water, China
Liu C-Q, Zhao Z-Q, Tao F & Li S-L

Zhao Zhi-Qi (2015) Boron Isotope Geochemical Study of the Huanghe River: Source of the Abnormally High Boron Concentration
Zhao Z-Q, Zhang L-L, Ma Y-Q, Fan B-L & Tao Z-H
(2014) Behaviour of Stable Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes in Soils of a Karst Region
Lang Y-C, Tian L-Y, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Guo QJ, Zhao Z-Q & Liu T-Z
(2013) Li Isotope Geochemical Study on Weathering of Granite in Longnan, Jiangxi Province, South China
Liu W, Liu C, Zhao Z, Zhao T, Xu Z, Liu T & Huang L
(2011) Carbon Isotope Composition of DIC in the Yalong Jiang of Changjiang Basin, China
Li S, Chetelat B, Liu C-Q, Yue F & Zhao Z
(2002) Carbon and Boron Isotope Compositions of Ziyang Witherite Deposits in Southern Qinling, China
Lv Z, Liu C, Liu J & Zhao Z

Zhao Zhi-Qi

Zhao Zhi-Qi (2016) 10Be-Derived Denudation Rates from Granitic Basins in Laoshan Mountain, East China
Cui L, Liu C, Xu S & Zhao Z
(2016) Mg Isotope Geochemical Study of the Huanghe River
Zhao Z-Q, Fan B-L & Tao Z-H
(2016) Discrimination of Dissolved Sulfate and Chloride Sources in Yangtze River, China
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Aravena R, Ding H, Li S-L, Zhao Z, Chetelat B, Wang B & Wang Q
(2016) Distribution Characteristic and Sources Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in the Songhua River Drainage Basin, Northeast China
Hu J, Zhao Z, Lang Y, Guo Q, Yang J & Song G

Zhao Zhi–Dan (2019) Late Cretaceous Volcanic Rocks in the Sangri Area, Southern Lhasa Terrane, Tibet: Evidence for Oceanic Ridge Subduction
Zhang L, Zhu D, Wang Q, Zhao Z, Liu D & Xie J

Zhao Zhidan (2020) Heterogeneous Magnesium Isotopes of the Cenozoic Mantle-Derived Volcanics on SE Tibetan Plateau: Implication for the Subduction of Indian Plate
Lei H, Zhao Z, Teng F-Z, Ma Q & Zhu D-C
(2020) Precise Determination of Lu, Hf Concentrations and Hf Isotopic Compositions in Mafic to Ultramafic Rock Reference Materials by MC-ICP-MS
Ma Q, Yang Y & Zhao Z
(2018) Late Mesozoic Magmatism in Shiquanhe Area, Southwestern Tibet: Evidence of Slab Break-Off of Bangong-Nujiang Ocean
Yan J, Zhao Z, Teng F-Z & Liu D

Zhao Zhihong (2013) Non-Linear Rates of Fluid-Mineral Reaction in Metamorphic Fluid Flow
Zhao Z & Skelton A

Zhao Zhihua (2021) Constraints of Barium Isotopes on Oceanic Crust Recycling in the Mantle
Zhang G, Zhao Z & Huang F

Zhao Zhijun (2016) Paleo-Erosion Rates with Cosmogenic Nuclides: A Synthesis of Erosion and Climate over Million-Year Timescales
Granger D, Marshall J, Roering J, Zhao Z & Laureano F
(2011) A 4 Million Year Record of Paleo-Erosion Rates from the Qilian Shan, China
Zhao Z & Granger D

Zhao Zhiqi (2020) Significant Differences of Denudation Rates in Mountainous Small Watersheds in Eastern Margin of Tibet Plateau
Cui L, Xu S, Liu C, Zhao Z & Zhang X
(2017) Variance of REEs Distribution in Two Weathered Granitic Profiles in East Tibet Plateau, China
Cui L, Liu C & Zhao Z

Zhao Zhong Yan (2009) Plastic Deformation Enhanced Diffusion Mass Transfer and Metamorphic Transformation in Shear Zones Developed in Deep Continental Subduction Channel
Zhao ZY

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