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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Yu-Guo (2007) Environmental Geochemistry in Relation to Agriculture and Human Health in Hainan Island, China
Zhang G-L, Gong Z-T, Zhao Y-G, Zhao W-J & Yang J-L

Zhao Yu-Yan Sara (2019) Evaporation of Fe(II)/Fe(III) Sulfate Brines Under CO2 and Ultraviolet Light: Implications for Mars
Wang X-Y, Zhou D-S, Zhao Y-YS, Li D-D, Li X-Y & Wang S-J

Zhao Yuanlong (2016) A Highly Redox-Heterogeneous Ocean in South China during the Early Cambrian (~529-514 Ma): Implications for Biota-Environment Co-evolution
Li C, Jin C, Algeo T, Planavsky N, Cui H, Yang X, Zhao Y, Zhang X & Xie S
(2016) Oxygenation of Deep Continental Basins and Colonization of Complex Marine Biotas during Cambrian Age 4 (~514-509 Ma) in South China
Jin C, Li C, Algeo TJ, Planavsky NJ, Cheng M, Yang X, Zhao Y & Xie S
(2009) Sulphide Sulphur and Carbonate Carbon Isotopic Evolution of the Cambrian Series 2 and 3, South China
Guo Q, Strauss H, Liu C, Zhao Y, Yang X & Pen J

Zhao Yuanyi (2014) Bearing Re in the Different Alteration Zones in Dexing Porphyry Deposit
Yang Y, Wen P, Wang C, Zhao Y & Cao C

Zhao Yue (2022) Termination of the Great Oxidation and Lomagundi-Jatuli Events by Degassing during Emplacement of Layered Intrusions and Sills
Zhang S-H, Ernst RE, Pei J, Zhang Q-Q & Zhao Y
(2019) Synchronous Deposition of Black Shales and their Correlation with Large Igneous Provinces during 'the Boring Billion'
Zhang S-H, Ernst R, Pei J, Zhao Y & Hu G
(2019) Origin and Evolution of the Gacun Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit in Sichuan,China: Hf and U-Pb Isotopic Evidence
Yang D, Hou Z, Zhao Y, Hou K & Tian S
(2019) The Evolution of Boron Isotopic Composition of Seawater during Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic: Evidence from the Jixian Section, North China
Zhao Y, Hu B, Li Y, Fan C, Gao J, Zhang Y & Hou K
(2018) The Character and Evolution of Boron Isotopic Composition of Marine Carbonate Rock and Sea Water from the Jixian Section, North China during 1630 Ma~800 Ma
Zhao Y, Li Y, Hu B, Fan C, Gao J & Zhang Y
(2018) Temporal and Genetic Link between Large Igneous Provinces and Black Shales during “Earth’s Middle Age”
Zhang S-H, Ernst R, Pei J, Zhao Y, Zhou M-F & Hu G
(2018) Lithium Isotopic Evidence for Subduction of the Indian Lower Crust beneath Southern Tibet
Tian S, Hou Z, Mo X, Tian Y, Zhao Y, Hou K, Yang Z, Hu W, Li X & Zhang Y
(2017) Source and Evolution Path of Ore- Forming Fluids in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System: New Constraint from Lithium Isotopic Investigation on the Gacun Deposit, Sichuan
Yang D, Hou Z, Zhao Y, Hou K, Tian S & Fu Q
(2017) Attempt on the Reconstruction of Seasonal Hydroclimate Changes in Bohai Bay Using Stable Isotopes of Bivalve Shells
Hu B, Fan C, Gao J & Zhao Y
(2016) The δ30Si Peak Values Discovered in Cherts from Middle Proterozoic Carbonate Rocks in Northern China and its Implication on Environmental Variation of Ancient Ocean
Ding T, Gao J, Tian S, Zhao Y, Fan C & Wan D
(2016) Attempts on Constraining the Oceanic and Atmospheric Changes during the Proterozoic: Insights from Boron Isotopes in Jixian Section, North China
Zhao Y, Li Y & Fan C
(2014) Enriched Mantle Source and Petrogenesis of the Himalayan Collision Zone Carbonatites in Western Sichuan, SW China: Lithium Isotopic Constraints
Tian S, Hou Z, Mo X, Su A, Zhao Y, Hou K & Yang Z
(2013) Enriched Mantle Source and Petrogenesis of the Miocene Ultrapotassic Rocks in Western Lhasa Block, Tibetan Plateau: Lithium Isotopic Constraints
Tian S, Hu W, Hou Z, Mo X, Yang Z, Zhao Y, Hou K, Zhu D & Zhang Z

Zhao Yuewen (2020) Research on the Mechanisms and Disciplines of Clayed Soils Adsorb PAHs in Landfill Leachate
Liu C, Wang C, Zhao Y, Hou H & Lv D
(2019) Research on Risk Assessment Method for Karst Groundwater Polluted by Nonpoint Source Pollution in Southern China
Li H, Liu C, Wang S, Zhao Y, Wang X & Liu Z

Zhao Yuguo (2008) The Distribution Characteristics of Potassium and Sodium in the Soil of Marine Tidal-Flat with Various Plants
Wu Y, Li P & Zhao Y

Zhao Yuhang (2020) Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of ca. 1.95 Ga Pure Sediment-Derived S-Type Granite in the Helanshan Complex, North China Craton
Xu X, Gou L, Dong Y, Liu X, Li Z, Zhang C, Long X, Zhao Y & Zhou F

Zhao Yuhua (2009) Discussion on pre-Mesozoic Basement in Hefei Basin, Western Tan-Lu Fault Belt
Zhang J, Zhao Y & Luo X

Zhao Yujia (2016) In situ Investigations of Short Chain Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids on U(VI) Sorption on Silica and Rutile
Lefevre G, Zhao Y, Singh B, Simoni E & Mercier-Bion F
(2011) Ternary Surface Complexes Probed by Attenuated Total Reflection-Infrared Spectroscopy
Lefevre G, Mercier-Bion F, Zhao Y, Vladimir S, Jerome R & Eric S

Zhao Yujie (2021) Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Lajimiao Mafic Complex in the Shangdan Suture Zone, Qinling Orogen: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications
Chang H, Wu Y, Zhou G, Zhang W, Zhao Y, He Y, Hu P & Hu Z
(2020) Neoproterozoic Amphibolite-Facies Metamorphism of Douling Complex at the Northern Margin of the Yangtze Craton
He Y, Wu Y, Zhao Y & Zhou G
(2019) Partial Melting of UHP Metamorphic Rocks in the Sulu Orogen, China: Zircon and Garnet Evidence from Felsic Vein and its Host Granitic Gneiss
Zhao Y & Wu Y
(2016) Distinct Zircon U-Pb and O-Hf-Nd-Sr Isotopic Behaviors during Fluid Flow in UHP Metamorphic Rocks
Zhao Y, Wu Y & Liu X

Zhao Yulong (2023) Tracing Riverine and Atmospheric Supply Variability over the Holocene Mediterranean Sea: A Basin-Wide Perspective
Wu J, Yao S, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Filippidi A & de Lange GJ
(2017) Tracing Seasonal Variation of Suspended Sediment Provenances in the South China Sea
Liu Z, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Colin C, Wu Q, Lin S, Zhao S, Wen K & Zhang X
(2017) Monitoring Sediment Transport in the Deep South China Sea Using 231Pa-230Th Isotopess of Sediment Trap Samples
Zhao Y, Liu Z, Lippold J, Jaccard S, Zhang Y, Eglinton T, Zhang X & Wu Q
(2016) Tracing the Provenance of Organic Matter and its Associations with Minerals in the South China Sea
Blattmann T, Wen K, Li J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Wacker L, Haghipour N, Plötze M, Liu Z & Eglinton T
(2016) Provenance and Source-To-Sink Transport Processes of Fluvial Sediments in the South China Sea
Liu Z, Zhao Y, Colin C, Stattegger K, Wiesner MG, Zhang Y & Li X

Zhao Yun (2023) Li Isotopic Compositions of Bulk and Clay-Sized Sediments in an Extremely Weathered Granodiorite Profile
Yang C, Zhao Y & Yang S
(2019) Using Multiple Isotopes to Trace Silicate Weathering and Sediment Routing Processes in Small Mountainous Catchments
Yang S, Zhao Y, Wang X, Wu Z, Su N, Deng K & Li Y
(2019) Stable Silicon Isotopes Indicate Chemical Weathering and Typhoon Event Impact in a Small Mountainous Catchment
Zhao Y, Yang S & Su N
(2019) The Internal Dynamics of Sediment Transport System Controls on Short-Term Silicate Weathering in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Basin
Bi L, Yang S, Li C, Guo Y, Zhao Y & Yang C
(2017) Origin of Ni-Rich Olivines and It’s Implications for the Genesis of the Huangshannan Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposit, Northwestern China
Zhao Y, Xue C & Zhao X
(2016) A Review on the Holocene Soure-To-Sink Transport Process of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Sediment in the East China Sea
Yang S, Bi L, Li C & Zhao Y

Zhao Yusheng (2011) Structure and Stability of Nickel Hydroxide at High T-P Conditions
Xu H, Hickmott D, Zhang J, Zhao Y, Vogel S & Daemen L
(2010) High-P/T Synchrotron X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Study of Carbonate Minerals
Xu H, Hickmott D, Zhao Y, Zhang J, Wei Q, Vogel S & Wang L
(2009) Applications of Neutron Diffraction Studies at LANSCE to Environmental & Energy Problems
Hickmott D, Xu H, Zhao Y, Luo J, Lokshin K & Mao W

Zhao Yusheng (2013) Partitioning of Nb between Rutile and NaAlSi3O8-, NaCl- and NaF- Aqueous Fluids at 1-5 GPa and 300-600℃
Tanis E, Simon A, Tschauner O, Chow P, Xiao Y, Hanchar J, Shen G & Zhao Y

Zhao Yuyan (2023) Fe Behavior on the Surface of Early Mars: Insights from Weathering Fe-Rich Olivine
Zhao Y, Wang X, Zhou D-S, Yu X-W, Lin H, Hu S, Qi C, Wang H-P, Wang J-H, Lin Y, Li X & Liu J
(2016) Characterization and Its Significance of n-Alkanes in the Non-Zonal Soil of Jilin Province, Northeast China
Lu J, Gu X, Liu X, Hao L, Zhao Y, Yin Y & Wang C
(2016) Chemical Phase State of Gold in the Yangshan Gold Mining Area, Western Qinling Orogen, China
Yin Y, Lu J, Hao L, Zhao Y, Zhao X, Gu X & Liu X
(2013) Phases of Gold and Silver in The Sediments in The Jidong Gold Ore Concentration Area, China
Lu J, Shi H, Hao L, Zhao Y & Liu H

Zhao Z (2006) Subcontinetal lithospheric mantle origin of the Cenozoic kamafugite in western Qinling, China: Evidence from helium isotopes in mantle-derived xenoliths
Zhao Z, Gautheron CG, Farley K, Zhang H, Yu X & Mo X
(2006) On the boundary of Tethyan tectonic domain at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
Hou Q, Zhao Z & Zhang B
(2006) Pulsed lithospheric extension? A case study of the Suzhou A-type granite in eastern China
Wei C, Zheng Y & Zhao Z
(2005) Cenozoic Kamafugite in West Qinling, China: Age and Geochemistry
Zhao Z, Zhang H, Yu X, Mo X & DePaolo D
(2005) Kinetics of Oxygen Isotope Exchange between Water and Minerals from Mesozoic A-Type Granites in China
Zhao Z, Zheng Y & Wei C
(2005) Origin of Yunnan Potassic Rocks: Re-Os Isotope Evidence
Meng Q, Widom E, Mo X, Yu X & Zhao Z
(2005) <+>207<$>Pb-<+>208<$>Pb Decoupling of Alkali Feldspar from a Late Mesozoic A-Type Granite in Eastern China: Implications for Magma Dynamics
Wei C, Zheng Y & Zhao Z
(2004) Post-Collisional Granitoids in the Dabie Orogen of China: Zircon U-Pb Age, Element and Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry
Zhao Z, Zheng Y & Wei C
(2004) Combined O-Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Constraints on the Diverse Origin of Atype Granites in Eastern China
Wei C, Zheng Y, Zhao Z, Valley J & Spicuzza M
(2003) Genesis of Mesozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Dabie Orogen: Zircon UPb Age, Element and Isotope Geochemistry
Zhao Z, Wei C, Zheng Y & Wu Y

Zhao Z.-F. (2015) The Roles of Source Composition, Magma Mixing and Fractional Crystallization in Petrogenesis of Intermediate Volcanics from the Ningwu Basin in South China
Chen L, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2015) Magma Mixing in Granite Petrogenesis: Insights from Geochemistry of Biotite Inclusions
Gao P, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2014) The Effect of Partial Melting on Geochemical Diversity in Granites
Gao P, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2014) Water Content and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Phenocrysts from Cenozoic Continental Basalt in North China: Implications to the Hydrous Properties of Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle
Xu Z, Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Gong B
(2014) Source and Magma Mixing Processes in Continental Collision Zone: Geochemical Evidence from Postcollisional Mafic Igneous Rocks in the Dabie Orogen
Dai L-Q, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2014) Origin of Andesitic Rocks: Geochemical Constraints from Mesozoic Volcanics in the Luzong Basin, South China
Chen L, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2014) Crust-Mantle Interaction in Continental Subduction Channel: Evidence from Orogenic Peridotites and Mafic Intrusives
Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Chen R-X
(2013) The Nature of Crustal Components in Mantle Sources for Cenozoic Continent Basalts in Southeastern North China Craton
Xu Z, Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2011) Origin of Postcollisional Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks in the Dabie Orogen: Implications for Recycling of the Deeply Subducted Continental Crust
Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2010) Remelting of Subducted Continental Lithosphere: Petrogenesis of Mesozoic Magmatic Rocks in the Dabie-Sulu Orogenic Belt
Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2010) Petrological and Geochemical Evidence for the “Hot” Exhumation of UHP Metamorphic Rocks in Continental Subduction Zones
Lu X-N, Xia Q-X, Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2009) Arc-Continent Collision Zones are Primary Sites of Net Continental Crustal Growth: Evidence from Neoproterozoic and Mesozoic Magmatic Rocks in the Periphery of the Yangtze Craton
Zheng Y-F & Zhao Z-F
(2009) Chemical Architecture of the Dabie Orogen: Constraints from Zircon Hf and Whole-Rock Sr-Nd Isotopes in Mesozoic Magmatic Rocks
Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2007) Crustal Architecture of the Dabie Orogen: Constraints from U-Pb Age, Hf and O Isotopes in Zircon from UHP Granitic Gneiss
Zhao Z-F & Zheng Y-F
(2006) Protolith nature and element mobility of eclogite-facies metabasite and metagranite in a continental subduction-zone.
Zhao Z-F, Zheng Y-F, Chen B & Wu Y-B
(2006) Protolith nature of deeply subducted continent: Zircon U-Pb age, Hf and O isotope constraints from UHP eclogite and gneiss in the Dabie orogen
Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F, Wu Y-B & Gong B
(2006) Water in granitic minerals: implications for oxygen isotope geothermometry
Gong B, Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Chen R-X
(2006) Geochronological and geochemical evidence from Neoproterozoic granodiorite in South China for reworking of juvenile crust
Wu R-X, Zheng Y-F, Wu Y-B & Zhao Z-F
(2001) An EA-Ms Online Analysis of Both Carbon Concentration and Isotope Composition of Phanerozoic Granites from Southeast China
Zhao Z-F, Zheng Y-F, Gong B & Wei C-S
(2001) Where Were the Mesozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Northern Dabie Orogen Derived from? — Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Clues
Wei C-S, Zheng Y-F, Wang Z-R & Zhao Z-F

Zhao Z.-Q. (2010) Lithium Isotope Composition of the Dissolved and Suspended Loads of the Changjiang River
Liu C-Q, Wang Q, Zhao Z & Chetelat B
(2007) Evolution of Carbon in the Karst Groundwater, Zunyi, China
Li S-L, Liu C-Q, Lang Y-C, Zhao Z-Q & Zhou Z-H
(2007) Determination of SO42- Sources Using Stable S Isotope for Two Karstic Ground Water Systems, Guizhou Province, Southwest China
Lang Y-C, Liu C-Q, Li S-L, Gu F & Zhao Z-Q

Zhao Z.y (2018) The Types and Forming Conditions of Tight Oils in LCG Formation, JMSR Sag, Junggar Basin, China
Luo X, Hou LH, Lin SH & Zhao ZY

Zhao Ze Hui (2011) Gas Accumulation Rules of Volcanic Rocks of Deep Formations in Songliao Basin, Northeast China
Zhao Z, Jiao G, Sun P, Xu S, Xiao J, Jiang X & Bai H
(2010) Controlling Factors and Oil-Gas Geological Significance of the High-Quality Reservoir of Volcanic Rocks: An Example from Songliao Basin
Zhao ZH, Jiao GH, Sun P, Luo X, Xiao JX, Wang ZH & Zeng FY
(2010) The Geochemical Characteristics of Early Cretaceous Volcanic Rocks from Songliao Basin, Northeast China, and its Tectonic Implications
Zeng F, Zhao Z, Jiao G, Sun P, Luo X, Xiao J & Wang Z

Zhao Zeng-Xia (2014) Origin of the Beilou Cu-Bearing Intrusive Rocks, North China Craton: Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf Isotopic Constraints
Xu Z-W, Wang H, Lu X-C, Lu J-J, Zuo C-H & Zhao Z-X

Zhao Zenghao (2017) Source and Preservation of Archaeal Intact Polar Lipids in the South China Sea Subsurface Sediments
Wu W, Xu Y, Hou S, Wang H, Zhao Z, Liu H, Liu W & Zhang C

Zhao Zhan (2009) Climate Impacts on Annual-Average Airborne Particle Source Contributions in California
Mahmud A, Zhao Z, Hixson M, Hu J, Chen S-H & Kleeman M

Zhao Zhao (2020) Coupling of Bacterial Diversity and Dissolved Organic Matter Chemodiversity
Zhao Z, Gonsior M, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Zhan Y, Zhang R, Jiao N & Chen F

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