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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Yao (2017) New Evidence from Halogen and Boron Isotopes for Multiple Sources of Middle Miocene Badenian Evaporites, Carpathian Mountain Region
Zhao Y, Wang Y-J, Wei H-Z, Jiang S-Y, Eastoe CJ & Peryt TM
(2017) Accurate Bromine Isotope Analysis and Implications of Multiple Isotope Tracers for Origin and Evolution of Rare Metal Resources in Hydrothermal Brines in Tibet
Wang Y-J, Wei H-Z, Jiang S-Y & Zhao Y

Zhao Yaqiu (2021) Mercury Stable Isotope Fractionation during Aqueous Photoreduction in Sulfidic Environment
Zhao Y & Zheng W
(2020) Mercury Enrichment and Isotope Compositions in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Zheng W, Sahoo S, Zhou A, Zhao Y & Zhang Y

Zhao Ye (2018) Comprehensive Detector Options for the Measurement of Small Beams on the Nu Plasma 3 MC-ICP-MS
Zhao Y, Burrows A & Bowen I
(2018) Precise and Accurate Strontium Isotope Determination of Natural Samples with the Nu Sapphire Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS
Zhao Y, Ryabov S, Moore R & Rehkämper M
(2018) Self-Induced Matrix Effects in MC-ICP-MS
Frères E, Bilenker L, King E, Fourny A, Patton G, Weis D, Zhao Y, Freedman P & Gordon K

Zhao Ye (2019) Calcium Isotope Determination with the Nu Sapphire Dual-Path MC-ICP-MS
Zhao Y & Simon JI
(2019) Osmium Isotope Determinations Utilizing NuTIMS Zoom Optics
Roberts D, Freedman P, Zhao Y & Bowen I

Zhao Ye

Zhao Ye (2021) The Best of Both Worlds – Nu Sapphire Dual-Path MC-ICP-MS for Routine High Precision Strontium Isotope Determination
Zhao Y, Pereira PS, van de Flierdt T & Rehkämper M

Zhao Ye (2012) Zinc Isotopic Data from the NE Pacific Reveals Shallow Recycling
Vance D, Zhao Y, Cullen J & Lohan M
(2011) Zinc Isotopes in the Southern Ocean – A Tracer of Biogeochemical Cycling ?
Zhao Y, Vance D & Abouchami W

Zhao Ye (2015) The Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycle of Zinc and its Isotopes: The Dominance of Diatoms and the Southern Ocean
Vance D, Little S, De Souza G, Köbberich M, Zhao Y, Cullen J & Lohan M
(2015) Performance Characteristics of Single Collector and Multi-Collector ICP-MS for Single Shot Laser Ablation Isotope Ratios
Shaw P, Disch B, Zhao Y, Hutchinson R & o'connor C
(2015) Determination of Ce Isotope Ratios on the Nu Plasma II MC-ICP-MS Using a High-Gain Detection System
Zhao Y, Scheiderich K & Pietruszka A

Zhao Ye (2016) High Precision Uranium-Thorium Geochronology on the Nu Plasma II-ES
McGee D, Hardt B & Zhao Y

Zhao Ye (2023) High-Precision Iron Isotopic Measurements in Low Resolution Using Collision Cell (CC)-MC-ICP-MS
Wang J, Su B & Zhao Y
(2023) Experimental Investigation of Improved Tolerance for Concentration Mismatch in Potassium Isotopeanalysis on a Hexapole Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS(Nu Sapphire)
Li W, Zhao Y & Su B
(2023) High-Precision Analysis of Calcium Isotopes Using a Nu Sapphire Collision Cell (CC)-MC-ICP-MS
Gao B, Su B & Zhao Y

Zhao Yidong (2016) Composition of Organic Sulfur in Riverine and Marine Sediments: Insights from Sulfur Stable Isotopes and XANES Spectroscopy
Zhu M, Chen L, Huang X & Zhao Y

Zhao Yifan (2017) Concentration and Characterization of Groundwater Colloids from the Northwest Edge of Sichuan Basin, China
Wang K, Zhao Y, Yang Z, Lin Z, Tan Z, Du L & Liu C

Zhao Yin (2013) FT-ICR Mass Spectrometric and Density Functional Theory Studies of Solvated Cerium Chloride Clusters
Lemke K & Zhao Y

Zhao Yingquan (2013) Data-Processing and Multi-Type Anomaly Recognition in the Geochemical Survey in the South of the Dongying Depression, East China
Zhang L, Bai G & Zhao Y

Zhao Yiwei

Zhao YiWei (2021) Pollution Characteristics and Ecological Health Risk Assessment of Soil Heavy Metals in a Coal Mining Subsidence Area
Wang H, Gao L, Chen X, Zhang J, Liu L, Yang J, Sun R & Zhao Y
(2021) Study on Investigation of Distribution Characteristics of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Forms in the Soil/Sediment of North and South Banks of Huaihe River Basin
Zhang J, Gao L, Chen X, Wang H, Liu L, Yang J, Sun R & Zhao Y

Zhao Yiying (2013) Relationship between Leaf C, N and Soil C, N:A Case Study of Degraded Grassland in Western Jilin Province
Gong H, Li Y, Wang D, Wan S & Zhao Y

Zhao Yongbin (2016) Formation Mechanism and Exploration Potential of Burried Hills in the Talara Basin, Peru
Liu Y, Zhang Z & Zhao Y

Zhao Yongchun (2019) Arsenic Species in Fly Ash and Soil Near Ash Dump from a Lignite Fired Power Plant in Inner Mongolia, China
Gong B, Yong Q, Xiong Z, Zhao Y & Zhang J

Zhao Yongcun (2007) Effect of Geologic and Biologic Cycling on Se Variability in a Soil Ecosystem with High Level of Nonagenarians
Huang B, Sun W & Zhao Y

Zhao Yongwei (2013) Tectonic Control of Volcanism in Potassic Volcanic Belt in NE China
Zhao Y & Fan Q
(2011) Genesis of Carbonatite from Hannuoba and Yangyuan, North China
Fan Q, Sui J, Du X & Zhao Y
(2009) An Alternative Interpretation of U-Th Isochron and Estimation of Magma Residence Time
Sui J, Fan Q, Zhao Y, Du X & Han B

Zhao Yongwei (2015) Geochemical Evolution of the Wudalianchi Potassic Volcanic Belt, NE China
Zhao Y & Fan Q
(2015) The Discovery of Daliuchong Volcanic Edifice in Tengchong, Yunnan Province (China) and its Significance
Li N, Wei H, Zhang L, Zhao Y, Zhao B, Chen S, Chen Z & Yu H

Zhao Yongwei (2016) Geological Features of Dalinor Volcanic Swarm, Inner Mongolia, NE China
Li N, Gong L & Zhao Y
(2016) Magma Feeding Fractures in the Wulanhada Volcanic Field, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhao Y, Fan Q & Li N

Zhao Yongwei (2019) Quaternary Eruptive Sequence of the Tengchong Volcanic Group, Southwestern China
Li N & Zhao Y

Zhao Yongwei (2020) U-Series Ages of Young Tengchong Volcanoes, Southeast Tibetan Plateau
Zou H, Guo Z, Peng Y, Schmitt A, Fan Q, Zhao Y & Ma M

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