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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Xiaolan (2016) Investigation of Cesium Adsorption on Calcareous Soil Combined Batch and EDS Apporaches
Liang J, Yan Z, Hu L, Zhao X & Fan Q

Zhao Xiaomai (2023) Molecular Distributions and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Diacids, Oxoacids, and α-Dicarbonyls in PM2.5 from Underground Coal Fire Field in Inner Mongolia, North China: Implications for Anthropogenic Origin of Azelaic Acid
Xu Z, Zhao X, Li P, Dong Z, Sun R, Fu P & Pavuluri CM
(2023) Optical Characterization, Seasonality, and Sources of Brown Carbon in Fine Aerosols from Tianjin, North China: Year-Round Observations
Dong Z, Pavuluri CM, Li P, Xu Z, Deng J, Zhao X, Zhao X, Fu P & Liu C-Q

Zhao Xiaorui (2017) Horizon-Specific Bacterial Community Structure in the Sunjia Red Soil Critical Zone
Wu H, Zhang G & Zhao X

Zhao Xiaoyan (2009) Deformation and Component Migration during Mylonitization in Ductile Shear Zones, South Tan-Lu Fault Belt
Zhao X & Gao E
(2009) Conditions of Deformation and Structural State of Feldspars during Mylonitization, South Tan-Lu Fault Belt
Gao E & Zhao X

Zhao Xiaoyi (2011) Component and Structure of Manganese Dominant Mineral of Co-rich Crusts from West Pacific
Zhao L, Yang H & Zhao X

Zhao Xin (2022) Human Impacts Overwhelmed Hydroclimate Control of Soil Erosion in China 5000 Years ago
Li X, Zhang F, Li S, Chen Y, Li W, Sun C, Chen Z, Zhao X & Nie T
(2020) Passivation of Cadmium in River Sediment Using Phosphate- Solubilizing Bacteria and Nano-Hydroxyapatite Loaded Biochar (HAP@BC)
Zhao X, Teng Z, Zhang K & Li M

Zhao Xin-Fu (2023) Plagioclase as Archives for Incremental Construction of the Quxu Batholith in the Gangdese Magmatic Belt: Implication for the Nature of Magma Reservoirs
Ruan B, Luo B, Zhang H, Zhao X-F, Xu W, Guo L & Pan F
(2019) Magmatic Evolution of Shaxiongdong Carbonatite-Alkaline Complex, China: Implications for Enrichment of Rare Metals
Su J-H & Zhao X-F
(2019) Electron Probe Microanalysis of Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios in Calcic and Sodic-Calcic Amphibole and Biotite Using the Flank Method
Li X, Zhang C, Almeev RR, Zhang X-C, Zhao X-F, Wang L-X, Koepke J & Holtz F
(2018) Origin and Evolution of REE-Nb Enriched Carbonatites: Constraints from The Miaoya Syenite-Carbonatite Complex, China
Su J & Zhao X
(2018) Using Apatite as an Idicator Mineral for Ore-Forming Processes in Hydrothermal Deposits
Zhao X-F, Su Z-K & Zeng L-P
(2008) Association of A- and I-Type Granites at the Western Yangtze Block, SW China: Implications for Generation of A-Type Granite
Zhao X-F, Zhou M-F, Li J-W & Wu F-Y

Zhao Xin-Miao (2020) Melt Percolation in the Mantle: The Message from Mg Isotopes
Zhang Z-F, Zhao X-M, Wang H, Li X & An Y-J
(2019) Titanium Isotopic Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation
Zhao X, Tang S, Huang S, Li J, Helz R, Marsh B & Zhu X
(2019) Equilibrium Inter-Mineral Titanium Isotope Fractionation: Implication for Ti Isotope Behaviors during Magmatic Differentiation
Wang W, Huang S, Huang F, Zhao X & Wu Z
(2019) High-Precision Ti Isotopic Analysis of Igneous Rocks Using a Double-Spike Method with MC–ICP–MS
Li J, Tang S-H, Zhu X-K, Ma J-X & Zhao X-M

Zhao Xinfu (2016) Tourmaline Boron Isotopic Evidences of Fluid Mixing in IOCG Deposits in the Kangdian District, China
Su Z & Zhao X

Zhao Xingyuan (2012) Geochemical Characteristics of Suspended Matters and Sediments in a Small Watershed of the Central Guizhou Province and its Weathering Implications
Ji H, Jiang Y & Zhao X

Zhao Xinmiao (2020) Effects of Continental Subduction-Related Metasomatism on Fe Isotopic Compositions in Mantle Wedge beneath the Dabie UHP Belt, Eastern China
Zhao X, Huang S, Chen Y & Zhang Z
(2018) Calcium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Olivines
Zhang Z, Zhao X, Huang S & Zhu H
(2018) Melt/rock Interaction in the Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Eastern North China Craton: Fe Isotopic Evidence
Zhao X, Huang S, Qi Y, Huang F & Zhang H
(2016) Coupled Extremely Light Calcium and Iron Isotopes in Peridotites from Northern China
Zhao X, Zhang Z, Huang S, Liu Y, Zhang H & Li X
(2016) Iron and Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Continental Basalts from the North China Craton
Zhang Z, Zhao X, Huang S & Huang F
(2015) Effects of Melt Percolation on Ca Isotopic Variation in Peridotites from Yangyuan, North China Craton
Zhao X, Zhang Z, Liu Y & Kang J

Zhao Xinxin (2019) Influence of Nitrogen Assimilation on Biomigration and Transformation of Arsenic in the Groundwater Systems
Xie Z, Chen M, Wang J, Wang J, Fang J, Yang Y & Zhao X

Zhao Xinyun (2016) Chemical Phase State of Gold in the Yangshan Gold Mining Area, Western Qinling Orogen, China
Yin Y, Lu J, Hao L, Zhao Y, Zhao X, Gu X & Liu X

Zhao Xu (2022) The Closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean at Middle Triassic in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt: Evidence from the Permian to Triassic Granitoids
Xu C, Zhao X, Junhao W & Zhou H
(2018) Investigation of Shale Matrix Heterogeneity, Anisotropy and Strain Using X-Ray and in situ Neutron Diffraction
Zhang R, Liu S, Chen Y, Elsworth D, Feng Z, Zhao X & An K

Zhao Xuchao (2023) Isotopic and Mineralogical Constraints on the Genesis of Complex Organic Matter in Dark Clasts from the Outer Solar System
van Kooten E, Franchi IA, Zhao X, Walmsley J, Tung P-Y & Bizzarro M
(2021) Bacteriomorphs and Associated Minerals in the Las Cruces Deposit, Spain
Rey-Samper JJ, Tornos F, Menor-Salvan C, Franchi I, Zhao X & Oggerin M
(2021) Fate of Carbon during the Formation of Earth’s Core
Blanchard I, Jennings E, Franchi I, Zhao X, Petitgirard S, Miyajima N, Jacobson SA & Rubie D

Zhao Xueyan (2023) Optical Characterization, Seasonality, and Sources of Brown Carbon in Fine Aerosols from Tianjin, North China: Year-Round Observations
Dong Z, Pavuluri CM, Li P, Xu Z, Deng J, Zhao X, Zhao X, Fu P & Liu C-Q
(2021) Light Absorption and Flouorescence Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Brown Carbon in PM2.5 in Tianjin, North China
Dong Z, Pavuluri CM, Li P, Xu Z, Deng J, Zhao X, Fu P & Liu C

Zhao Xuwei (2019) Mg-Al Cation Exchange in MgAl2O4 Spinel and its Short-Range Ordering
Liu X, Ma Y, Zhao X & Zhang Z

Zhao Y (2006) Selenium speciation of Se-rich rocks from Yutangba of Enshi, China
Zhu J, Han W, Lei L & Zhao Y
(2005) The Influence of Extracellular Enzyme and Protein to Organic Matter Degradation in Lake Erhai Sediments
Liang X, Zhou G, Zhu J, Zheng Y, Wang M, Wei Z & Zhao Y

Zhao Y (2013) Microphysical Properties of BC in Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Plumes
Sahu L, Kondo Y, Moteki N, Takegawa N & Zhao Y

Zhao Y.y. (2010) Environmental Geochemistry of the Second Songhua River in Northeast China
Lu JL, Hao LB, Zhao YY, Bai RJ, Cai B & Zhao XY

Zhao Yajie (2023) Compositional and Thermal State of the Lower Mantle from Joint 3D Inversion with Seismic Tomography and Mineral Elasticity
Deng X, Xu Y, Hao S, Ruan Y, Zhao Y, Wang W, Ni S & Wu Z
(2023) The Elasticity of Dolomite at Mantle Conditions: Implication for the Origin of the Mid-Lithosphere Discontinuity in Cratons
Zhao Y, Deng X, Chen L & Wu Z
(2022) Elastic Properties of Fe-Bearing Akimotoite at Mantle Conditions: Implications for Composition and Temperature in Lower Mantle Transition Zone
Zhao Y, Wu Z, Hao S, Wang W, Deng X & Song J

Zhao Yan (2020) Influence of Radioactive Element and Radioactivity on Hydrocarbon Generation of Source Rocks
Zhang D, Liu C, Deng Y, Wang W, Zhao Y & Zhai G
(2019) Global Climate Dominating the Terrestrial Ecosystem Evolution in the Lanzhou Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau during the Late Paleocene-Middle Miocene
Zhao Y, Wu F & Fang X
(2017) Fluid Geochemistry of the Archean Metamorphosed VMS Cu Deposit in the North China Craton
Jiang Y, Niu H & Zhao Y

Zhao Yan-Yan (2016) Geochemical Constraints on the Chert in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at the Xiaofenghe Section in the Three Gorges Area, Yangtze Platform: Implications for the Diagenetic Conditions
Zhao Y-Y, Jiang S-Y, Li D & Yang J
(2011) The Effect of Post-Depositional Fluids on Ediacaran Sedimentary Carbonate in South China
Zhao Y & Zheng Y
(2010) Origin of Diagenetic Fluid: Constraints from in situ Analyses of Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements in Carbonate Veinlet and Wallrock from the Ediacaran System in South China
Zhao Y-Y & Zheng Y-F

Zhao Yangyang (2018) Diagnosis of CO2 Fluxes and pH in a River-Dominated Ocean Margin: The Northern South China Sea Shelf Affected by the Pearl River Plume
Zhao Y, Cao Z, Liu J, Uthaipan K & Dai M

Zhao Yanyang (2022) Prioritized Adsorption of Acid Amino Acids Secreted from Bacterial EPS Contributes to the Crystal Lattice Preferred Orientation
Zhao Y

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