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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Weidong (2009) Experimental Measuring and Characterizing of the Original Tensile-Fracture and its Behaviors in the Crude Bedrock
Luo S, Qian J, Zheng J & Zhao W

Zhao Weiguang (2016) Geochemistry of U-Th Series Radionuclides in Groundwater of the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia (China)
Zhao W & Guo H
(2015) Spatial Distributions of Groundwater Arsenic and Uranium in the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia
Guo H, Jia Y & Zhao W

Zhao Weilong (2014) High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Structure of Collagen Fibrils and Its Role in Vertebrate Skeletal Biomineralization
Xu Z, Yang Y, Zhao W, Wang Z, Landis W, Cui Q & Sahai N
(2014) Molecular Dynamics Structural Analysis of Calcium Phosphate Clusters Nucleated in Collagen Fibril Hole Zones
Xu Z, Zhao W, Wang Z, Cui Q & Sahai N
(2013) Ca2+ and Phosphate Ion Transport to and Calcium Phosphate Cluster Nucleation within Collagen Fibrils In Bone Biomineralization
Xu Z, Zhao W, Yang Y, Cui Q & Sahai N

Zhao Weiqiang (2017) Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Lipid Biosynthesis by Gram-Positive Piezotolerant Bacterium Sporosarcina sp. DSK25
Wang Y, Zhao W, Zhang L & Fang J

Zhao Weiquan (2021) Carbon-Oxygen Isotope Characteristics of Alkaline Lake Dolomitic Shale and its Implications for Reservoir Sedimentation-Diagenesis Process
Yang L, Zhao W, Jiang Z, Huang L, Chang Q, Tang X & Gao Z

Zhao Wen (2020) A Proposed New Metallogenic Model of Mesozoic W-Dominated Polymentallic Deposits in South China
Zhao Z & Zhao W
(2015) Computational Investigation of the Crystallization of Calcium Oxalate
Zhao W, Demichelis R, Raiteri P, Gale JD, Jones F & Sharma N

Zhao Wen-Jun (2007) Environmental Geochemistry in Relation to Agriculture and Human Health in Hainan Island, China
Zhang G-L, Gong Z-T, Zhao Y-G, Zhao W-J & Yang J-L

Zhao Wen-Xia (2016) Discovery of Oceanic-Crust-Type Eclogite in the Bangong Co–Nujiang Ophiolitic Mélange, Central Tibet, and Tectonic Implications
Zhao W-X, Dong Y-L, Wang B-D, Yang T-N & Xu J-F
(2016) Moissanite (SiC) with Metals and Silicides Inclusions (Israel) – Search for Primary Source
Dobrzhinetskaya L, Mukhin P, Eppelbaum L, Wirth R, Wang Q & Zhao W

Zhao Wenbin (2019) Fluxes and Genesis of CO2 Degassing from Typical Volcanic-Geothermal Fields in the Tibetan Plateau
Guo Z, Zhang M, Zhang L, Zhao W & Liu J
(2019) Degassing Characteristics of Volcanogenetic CO2 in Continental Rift System, East Asia
Zhao W, Guo Z, Lei M, Zhang M & Ma L

Zhao Wenqi (2018) Chemodenitrification: An Important Route to Emit Greenhouse Gas N2O Under Anoxic Conditions
Chen D, Liu T, Li F & Zhao W

Zhao Wenxia (2019) Evidence of Mantle Diapirism in the Purang Diamondiferous Ophiolitic Peridotites (SW, Tibet)
Gong X, Shi R, Xu J, Huang Q & Zhao W

Zhao Wenzhi (2020) Oil Generation from the Immature Organic Matter after Artificial Neutron Irradiation
Wang H, Zhao W & Zhang S
(2016) The Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion Derived from Jurassic Coals in the Turpan Basin (China) Using Diamond Anvil Cell Pyrolysis
Zhao C, Wang Y, Zou Y & Zhao W
(2015) A New Perspective of Gas Sources – Retained Hydrocarbons
Zhao W
(2014) The Quantity and Gas Generating Potential of Liquid Hydrocarbons Retained in the Source Rock
Wang Z, Li Y, Zheng H & Zhao W

Zhao X (2006) Fe isotope variations in peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton
Zhao X, Zhu X, Zhang H & Tang S

Zhao X G (2006) SHRIMP zircon geochronological constraints on a Pan-African orogeny in the Yadong Area, Southern Tibet
Liu WC, Zhou ZG, Zhang XX & Zhao XG

Zhao X. (2013) Organic Carbon from the Tissint Martian Meteorite: Hints for Biogenic Origin
Lin Y, El Goresy A, Hu S, Zhang J, Gillet P, Xu Y, Hao J, Miyahara M, Ouyang Z, Ohtani E, Xu L, Yang W, Feng L, Zhao X, Yang J & Ozawa S

Zhao X.y. (2010) Environmental Geochemistry of the Second Songhua River in Northeast China
Lu JL, Hao LB, Zhao YY, Bai RJ, Cai B & Zhao XY

Zhao Xi (2020) Understanding of Hydrothermal Alteration Process from Both Experiments and Geological Facts
Cai Y, Zhao X, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhang X & Pan Y

Zhao Xia (2016) The Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of Upper Carboniferous Volcanic Rocks in the Eastern Junggar Basin, China
Zhao X, Yang J & Wei Y
(2013) Characteristic of Fluid Inclusion of the Xujiahe Formation in the Central Sichuan Basin, China
Gao X, Tao S & Zhao X
(2013) Reservoir Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks in the Northeast of Junggar Basin, China
Zhao X, Zhang X, Gao X, Hou L & Wei Y
(2012) Geochemistry and Tectonic Settings of Carboniferous Volcanic Rocks in the Junggar Basin of China
Zhao X
(2012) Research on the Basin Formation and the Eruption of Volcano during Carboniferous Period in Front of the Kelamli Mountain in Junger Basin
Li L, Luo X, Hou LH, Wei YZ, Qi XF & Zhao X

Zhao Xiangdong (2020) Complex Lacustrine Ecosystems after the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Wang B, Zhao X & Zheng D

Zhao Xianzheng (2019) Oil-Source Correlation in the Slope of the Qikou Depression with Discriminant Function Analysis
Zhang L, Bai G, Zhao X, Zhou L, Zhou S, Jiang W & Wang Z
(2013) Tight Oil in the Continuous Sandbody in the a’er sag of the Erlian Basin, China
Zhao X, Zhang L, Jin F, Wang Q & Luo Q

Zhao Xiao-Feng

Zhao Xiao-Lei (2012) Input and Transport of 129I in the Canadian Arctic: Evidence of a Fukushima Pulse
Herod MN, Clark ID, Kieser WE & Zhao X-L
(2008) Isobar Contamination Studies for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS)
Eliades J, Zhao X-L, Kieser L & Litherland T

Zhao Xiaobo (2022) Deformed Zone Hosted Gold Deposits in the Chinese-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Tian Shan
Xue C, Zhao X, Vakhtiar N & Pak N
(2017) Copper and Molybdenum Seperation in the Dabate Porphyry Cu-Mo Deposit, Xinjiang, NW China
Liu C, Xue C, Zhao X & Li Y
(2017) Origin of Ni-Rich Olivines and It’s Implications for the Genesis of the Huangshannan Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposit, Northwestern China
Zhao Y, Xue C & Zhao X
(2017) Post-Collisional Porphyry-Related Mineralization Systems in the Hongshan Deposit, Southern Yidun Arc, SW China
Zu B, Xue C, Chi G & Zhao X
(2017) Zircon and Molybdenite Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Kalmakyr Porphyry Cu–Au Deposit, Uzbekistan: Implications for Mineralization Processes
Zhao X, Xue C & Nurtaev B

Zhao Xiaodong (2023) Machine Learning Assisted Mineral Analysis: Case Studies on X-Ray Diffraction and Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
Liu J, Zhao X, Zhao K, Goncharov VG, Luo Y, Delhommelle J, Geng T, Li A, Zhang X & Guo X
(2023) Review of Crystal Chemistry and Thermodynamic Properties of Zircon Structure-Type Materials
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Zhao X, Estevenon P, Xu H, Dacheux N & Ewing R
(2022) Crystal Chemistry and Thermodynamics of HREE (Er, Yb) Mixing in Xenotime Solid Solution
Strzelecki AC, Reece M, Zhao X, Yu W, Benmore CJ, Ren Y, Alcorn C, Migdisov AA, Xu H & Guo X
(2022) The Non-Ideal Mixing Thermodynamic Effects on REE Formation and Fractionation in Natural Hydrothermal Systems
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Goncharov VG, Zhao X, Reece M, Nisbet H, McCloy JS, Dacheux N, Xu H & Migdissov A
(2022) Surface Thermodynamics of Yttrium Titanate Pyrochlore Materials
Reece M, Zhao X, Zhang X, Li J, Liu J, Zhang Q, Wu D, Wen J & Guo X

Zhao XiaoJian (2015) Formation Age of Ore-Bearing Stratum of the Zankan Iron Deposit in Taxkorgan Landmass of Western Kunlun, NW China and its Geological Significance
Qiao G, Lv P, Wu Y, Hao Y & Zhao X

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