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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Rui-Peng (2020) Slab Dehydration and Magmatism in the Kurile Arc as a Function of Depth: A Multi-Isotopic Perspective
Li H-Y, Ryan J, Xie C, Li X, Zhao R-P & Xu Y-G

Zhao Shan (2011) Instantaneous Release Nuclide Diffusion and Migration Simulation in Fracture Medium
Zhou N, Zhao S & Tang Y

Zhao Shan Rong (2015) Etch Pits on Garnet Crystals and their Geological Significance
Wang R & Zhao SR

Zhao Shan-Shan (2018) The Ore-Forming Mechanism of the No. 6 Lithium-Enriched Coal Seam from the Ganbanwusu Mine, Inner Mongolia, China: DFT Calculations and ICP-MS Determinations of Li Isotopes
He H-T, Wang J-X, Xing L-C, Zhao S-S & Sun Y-Z

Zhao Shaohua (2017) Tracing Seasonal Variation of Suspended Sediment Provenances in the South China Sea
Liu Z, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Colin C, Wu Q, Lin S, Zhao S, Wen K & Zhang X

Zhao Shaowei (2020) High-K and Shoshonitic Intrusions in Southeastern Tibet: Implications for the Metasomatized Lithospheric Mantle and Enriched Continental Crust
Zhu R-Z, Lai S-C, Slaby E, Fowler M, Zhao S, Qin J & Liu W
(2020) Neo-Tethyan Evolution in Southeastern Extension of Tibet:Constraints from Early Paleocene to Early Eocene Granitic Rocks with Associated Enclaves in Tengchong Block
Zhao S, Lai S & Pei X

Zhao Shibin (2019) Submairne Groundwater Discharge Influnced Benthic Biogeochemistry in the Yellow River Estuary
Xu B, Zhao S, Yang D, Burnett W, Zhang X & Yu Z

Zhao Shiliang (2017) Understanding the Structure-Reactivity Relationship of Mn Oxides Toward Contaminant Sequestration
Tang Y, Zhao S, Wan B, Zhu M, Chen S & Hansel C

Zhao Shizhen (2023) Probing Legacy and Alternative Flame Retardants in the Air of Chinese Cities
Zhao S, Tian L & Zhang G
(2020) Dominance of Unintentionally-Produced PCBs in the Air of China
Zhao S, Zhang G, Jones K & Li J

Zhao Shuang (2014) The Authigenetic Mineral Association Succession of Dawsonite-Bearing Sandstones of the Cretaceous Quantou Formation in South of Songliao Basin, NE China: The Displement of Oil by Mantle CO2
Yu M, Liu L, Liu N, Li F & Zhao S

Zhao Shuangfeng (2023) Tracing Fluids Migration in Bohai Bay Basin (Eastern China) Using Noble Gas Isotopes
Zhang W, Chen W, Li Y & Zhao S
(2022) Mesozoic and Cenozoic Exhumation History and Magmatic-Hydrothermal Events of the Eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Evidence from 40Ar/39Ar and (U–Th)/He Dating
Zhao S & Chen W

Zhao Shugao (2017) Tracing Hydrothermal Fluids in Porphyry Systems Using K and Mg Isotopes
Li W, Wang X & Zhao S

Zhao Shuo (2021) Latest Carboniferous-Earliest Permian Subduction-Related Volcanism in the Northwestern Lesser Xing’an Range: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of Northeast China
Zhao S, Zhang J, Liu J & Li J
(2020) Petrogenesis of the Middle Triassic Yuanbaoshan Leucogranite in Southeast Inner Mongolia: Implication for the Collision between Sino-Korean and Siberian Paleoplates
Zhao S, Liu J, Zhang J, Li J & Qu J
(2017) Crustal Accretion and Reworking Processes of Microcontinental Massifs within the Orogenic Belt Through Time: A Case Study from the Erguna Massif
Sun C-Y, Xu W-L, Tang J, Li Y & Zhao S
(2016) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic to Early-Paleozoic Intrusive Rocks in the Erguna Massif, NE China: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution and Affinity of the Erguna Massif
Zhao S, Xu W-L, Tang J, Li Y & Guo P

Zhao Si-Yu (2023) Variable Dehydration Behaviors of Slab Serpentinite beneath the Mariana Subduction Zone
Zhao S-Y, Yang AY, Zhou Z, Tamura Y, Ma J, Xu Y, Zhang S & Zhao T-P
(2022) Oxidized Primary Arc Magmas: Constraints from Cu/Zr Systematics in Global Arc Volcanics
Zhao S-Y, Yang AY, Langmuir C & Zhao T-P

Zhao Simin (2020) Fe Redox Cycling Revealed by Ligand-Promoted Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation in Clay Mineral
Zhao S, Jin Q, Agrawal A & Dong H

Zhao Siqi (2022) Environmental Conditions Control on Molecular Configurations of Isoprenoid Glycerol Dibiphytanyl Glycerol Tetraethers: Insight from Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Zhao S, Zhou L, Sun X, Xia S, Gao Z, Wang N & Bao R

Zhao Sutao (2017) The Liquidus Surface in the System CaCO3–MgCO3 at High Pressure: Revisiting Conditions for the Minimum
Zhao S, Poli S, Franzolin E & Schmidt MW
(2010) Experimental Studies of CaEsk Component in Pyroxene at High PT
Nee P, Zhao S, Green H & Dobrzhinetskaya L

Zhao Tai-Ping (2023) Variable Dehydration Behaviors of Slab Serpentinite beneath the Mariana Subduction Zone
Zhao S-Y, Yang AY, Zhou Z, Tamura Y, Ma J, Xu Y, Zhang S & Zhao T-P
(2022) Oxidized Primary Arc Magmas: Constraints from Cu/Zr Systematics in Global Arc Volcanics
Zhao S-Y, Yang AY, Langmuir C & Zhao T-P
(2017) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of the Donggou Porphyry Mo Deposit at the Southern Margin of the North China Craton: Evidence from Chemistry of Biotite
Jin C, Gao X-Y, Chen W & Zhao T-P
(2017) Isotopically Enriched N-Morb: A New Geochemical Signature for Off-Axis Plume-Ridge Interaction
Yang Y, Zhao T-P, Zhou M-F & Deng X-G
(2015) In situ Geochemical Compositions of Magnetite and Pyroxene from the Early Paleoproterozoic Wuyang Iron Formation in the Southern Margin of the North China Craton
Lan C, Zhao T & Wang C
(2015) Petrogenesis of the Early Cretaceous Intermediate and Felsic Intrusions at the Southern Margin of the North China Craton: Implications for Crust-Mantle Interaction
Gao X & Zhao T
(2013) Petrogenesis of the Early Paleoproterozoic Garnet-Bearing Monzonite in the Lushan Area, Southern Margin of the North China Craton
Zhou Y, Zhao T & Zhai M
(2012) Origin of the ~1.74 Ga, Anorthosite-Hosted Damiao Fe-Ti-P Ore Deposit, North China
Zhao T-P, Chen WT & Zhou M-F
(2011) Rb-Sr Dating of the Wangpingxigou Pb-Zn Deposit, China
Yao J-M, Chen Y-J, Zhao T-P & Li X-H
(2009) Geochemical and Nd-Hf Isotopic Constrains on the Origin of the ~1.74 Ga Damiao Anorthosite Complex, North China Craton
Zhao T-P & Chen W
(2006) Late Cretaceous adakitic pluton from Rutong, northwestern Tibet
Zhao T-P & Zhou M-F

Zhao Tanxi (2014) A Basidiomycete Fungus Isolated from a Lignite-Associated Sediment at 1, 929 M Below the Subseafloor
Liu C, Gong P, Zhao T, Xue Y, Lever MA, Hinrichs K-U & Inagaki F

Zhao Tian (2018) Anapaite Precipitation from Anaerobic Municipal Wastewater Treatment for Phosphorus Recovery
Woloszyn J, Zhao T, Khalil N, Montpetit D, Dallaire-Dumais J-P & Omelon S

Zhao Tian-Lei (2020) Biomimetic Formation of Vaterite Mesocrystals
Yao Q-Z, Zhao T-L & Zhou G-T
(2019) Effect of Salinity on Bacterial Mineralization of Struvite
Yao Q-Z, Zhao T-L, Li H & Zhou G-T

Zhao Tong (2015) Chemical and Strontium Isotopic Characteristics of the Rivers Around the Badain Jaran Desert, North China
Liu W, Xu Z, Jiang H, Zhao T, Shi C, Liang C & Hu J
(2015) Chemical Composition of Rainwater and the Acid Neutralizing Effect at Beijing and Chizhou City, China
Xu Z, Wu Y, Liu W, Liang C, Ji J, Zhao T & Zhang X
(2013) Li Isotope Geochemical Study on Weathering of Granite in Longnan, Jiangxi Province, South China
Liu W, Liu C, Zhao Z, Zhao T, Xu Z, Liu T & Huang L

Zhao W D (2006) Effect of urbanization on hydro-geochemistry and contamination of fracture-karst groundwater from Jiaozuo City, China
Luo S, Qian JZ, Wu JF, Zhao WD & Wang KL

Zhao Wancang (2016) Mineralogical Iron Species in Clay-Sized Fractions of the Chinese deserts:Implications for Iron Bioavailability to the North Pacific Ocean
Zhao W, Lu W & Ji J

Zhao Wei (2020) Bacterial Communities Association with Distribution Characteristics of N-Alkanesin in Lacustrine Sediments of Linxia Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, NW China
Xu S, Zhao W, Wang J, Yang R & Huang Z

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