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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Min (2019) Metamorphic P–T–t Paths of the Taihua Metamorphic Complex in the Mts. Huashan Area and Tectonothermal Implications for the Palaeoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen
Wang G-D & Zhao M
(2018) Sources and Transformation of Carbon in Spring-Pond System Under Different Land Cover at Puding Karst-Analog Test Site
Zhao M, Liu Z & Chen B

Zhao Ming-Yu (2020) Bioturbation—past, Future and Biogeochemical Feedbacks
Tarhan L, Zhao M-Y & Planavsky N
(2019) The Biogeochemical Impact of Early Paleozoic Bioturbation
Tarhan L, Zhao M & Planavsky N
(2019) Diagenesis on Uranium Isotopes (238U/235U) in Ancient Marine Carbonates
Jiang L, Planavsky N, Zhao M-Y, Wei G-Y & Chen X-M
(2016) A Geochemical Framework in Retrieving the Linked Depositional and Diagenetic Histories of Marine Carbonates
Zhao M-Y & Zheng Y-F

Zhao Mingyang (2018) Compositional Control of Radionuclide Retention in Hollandite-Structured Ceramic Waste Forms for Cs-Immobilization
Brinkman K, Zhao M, Shuller-Nickles L, Amoroso J, Lilova K & Navrotsky A

Zhao Mingyu (2021) Oxygen Isotopic Fingerprints on the Phosphorus Cycle within the Subseafloor Biosphere
Zhao M, Blake R, Planavsky NJ, Jaisi DP, Liang Y, Chang SJ & Dogru D
(2018) The Impact of Early Paleozoic Bioturbation Upon Phosphorus Cycling
Tarhan L, Zhao M & Planavsky N
(2018) Significant Influence of Seawater Calcium Concentration on Marine Phosphorus Burial
Zhao M, Planavsky N, Tarhan L, Zhang S & Reinhard C

Zhao MingYu (2022) Preservation and/Or Escape: The Fate of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Global Marine Sediments?
Babakhani P, Dale AW, Woulds C, Moore OW, Xiao K-Q, Curti L, Zhao M & Peacock CL
(2021) Reinterpreting the Apparent Rise of Diatoms Through a Diagenetic Lens
Westacott S, Planavsky NJ, Zhao M & Hull PM

Zhao Mingzhe (2020) Hyrdrogeochemical Controls of Unconfined Groundwater in the Southeastern Musashino Terrace, Japan
Zhao M & Yamanaka M

Zhao Minru (2020) A Type of Mantle-Derived Hydrothermal Dolomite in a Permian Rift Basin
Jiao X, Liu Y, Li H, Meng Z & Zhao M

Zhao Ning (2018) Deep Ocean Ventilation in the North Atlantic during the Younger Dryas
Zhao N, Keigwin L, Marchal O & Haug G

Zhao Ning (2015) Chronology of Lead Concentrations and Isotopes in Coastal Environments Near Rapidly Growing Cities in South and South East Asia, South America, and the Middle East
Carrasco G, Lee J-M, Chen M, Lazzari L, Wagener A, Carreira R, Nurhati I, Zhao N, Gevao B, al-Ghadban AN & Boyle E
(2013) Tracing Lead Sources and Chronologies in Sediments and Coral Cores in Kuwait
Carrasco G, Boyle E, Zhao N, Nurhati I, Gevao B & al Ghadban AN

Zhao Ning (2014) Pb and Pb Isotopes throughout the Global Ocean, GEOTRACES Style
Boyle E, Noble A, Echegoyen Y, Lee J-M, Norisuye K, Gamo T, Zhang J, Zhao N, Carrasco G & Fornace K

Zhao Ningli (2021) Heterophase Boundaries, Chemical-Mechanical Potentials, Plastic Instability and Trace-Element Behavior in Upper-Mantle Assemblages: Application of Atom Probe Tomography to the Understanding of Crystal-Boundary Dynamics
Cukjati J, Cooper R, Parman S, Zhao N, Akey A & Laiginhas F
(2018) Atom Probe Tomography of Olivine and Clinopyroxene Grain and Phase Boundaries in Deformed Wehrlite
Cukjati J, Parman S, Cooper R & Zhao N
(2017) Atom Probe Tomography of Phase and Grain Boundaries in Experimentally-Deformed Wehrlite
Cukjati J, Parman S, Cooper R & Zhao N

Zhao P (2005) Experimental Results from Iodine Speciation and Transport Studies
Moran J, Hu Q, Nelson E & Zhao P

Zhao Pan (2017) Eocene Granites in South Sakhalin, Russian Far East: Correlation with the Hokkaido Island
Liao J-P, Jahn B-M, Alexandrov I, Zhao P, Ivin V & Chung S-L
(2016) Crustal and Tectonic Evolution of Accretionary Orogens in NE Asia
Jahn B-M, Zhao P, Liao J-P, Wu JT, Usuki M, Alexandrov I & Osozawa S
(2016) Age, Geochemical and Sr-Nd Isotopic Study of Granitic and Volcanic Rocks in the Sikhote-Alin Orogenic Belt (Russian Far East) and its Bearing on Regional Tectonic Evolution
Zhao P, Jahn B-M & Xu B

Zhao Panwang (2019) The Biomarkers Comparison of Bitumen and Expelled Oil of Lacustrine Marlstone Determined by Hydrous Pyrolysis: Application to the Migration of Tight Oil Reservoir
Guo R, Zhang J, Tang X & Zhao P

Zhao Pengcheng (2023) A Molten-Salt Electrochemical Approach for in situ Reduction of Martian Regolith
Reza Nezhad H, Zhang J, Zhao P & Wu X

Zhao Pihong
(2016) Plutonium Sorption and Precipitation on Goethite: A Question of Concentration
Begg J, Zhao P, Zavarin M, Tumey S, Williams R, Dai Z, Kips R & Kersting A
(2016) Controls on Anthropogenic Radionuclide Distribution in the Sellafield Near-Shore
Ray D, Morris K, Livens FR, Kersting A, Zavarin M, Begg J, Joseph C, Zhao P & Law GTW

Zhao Qi (2013) Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions: How to Respond the Lacustrine Environmental Factors in Northwestern and Northeastern China
Hu X & Zhao Q

Zhao Qi-Chao (2016) Regional Heterogeneity in the Water Content of the Cenozoic Lithospheric Mantle of Eastern China
Hao Y-T, Xia Q-K, Jia Z-B, Zhao Q-C, Li P, Feng M & Liu S-C

Zhao Qian (2022) Bonding Strength of Biomolecules on Dominant Field-Soil Minerals by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Leichty SI, Zhao Q, Kasanke CP, Qafoku N, Weitz K & Hofmockel KS
(2022) Microbe Mineral Effects on SOM Formation and Persistence
Hofmockel KS, Zhao Q, Bell S, Kasanke CP & Leichty SI

Zhao Qiaojing (2015) Geochemistry of Trace Elements in Coals from Iqe Coalfield, Tibet Plateau, China: Emphasize on Abnormity Enrichment of Ga-Rb-Cs-REY
Sun Y, Zhao C, Jin K, Wang J, Xiao L & Zhao Q

Zhao Quanhong (2021) The Sediment Source to Sink Processes of Tidal-Influenced Mountainous Rivers in Subtropical East Asia
Li Y, Zhao Q, Xu J, Liu P, Wang Z & Yang S

Zhao Ran (2015) Chemical Stability of Levoglucosan in Laboratory and Ambient Aerosol Studies: An Isotopic Perspective
Gensch I, Sang XF, Khan A, Laumer W, Schlag P, Schmitt SH, Wildt J, Engling G, Chan CY, Zhao R, Mungall E, Abbatt J & Kiendler-Scharr A

Zhao Ray (2014) Contribution of Fly Ash to Heavy Metal Contamination of Chinese Croplands Revealed with Q-ICP-MS
Ying S, Weiss D, Bu J, Zhao R, Gan Y, Wang Y, Wilcox J & Fendorf S

Zhao Rixin (2020) Wettability Alteration and Oil-Water-Rock Interaction at Hydrated Kaolinite Clay Mineral Surfaces
Zhao R, Lu S & Xue H

Zhao Rui (2021) Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Have Similar Power Requirements Indiverse Marine Oxic Sediments
Zhao R, Mogollon JM, Roerdink DL, Thorseth IH, Økland I & Leth Jørgensen S
(2020) Nitrification in a Young Ridge Flank Hydrothermal System
Jørgensen SL, Zhao R, Ramirez G & Dahle H
(2017) Subsurface Sulfur Cycling in Loki’s Castle Hydrothermal Barite Field: Insights from Sulfate Reduction Rates
Roerdink D, Landro J-K, Jørgensen SL, Zhao R, Baumberger T, Økland I & Thorseth I
(2017) Marine Benthic Necromass: Discriminative Detection of Detrital DNA in Mid-Arctic Ridge Sediments
Ramírez G, Zhao R, D'Hondt S & Jørgensen S
(2017) Microbial and Geochemical Variation in Sediments along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Spreading Ridge System
leth jørgensen S, Zhao R, Roerdink D, Økland I, Baumberger T, Pedersen RB & Thorseth I
(2017) Geochemical Transition Zones are Hotspots of Nitrogen Cycling in Arctic Marine Sediments
Zhao R, Roerdink D, Thorseth I & Jørgensen S
(2014) Characterizing SOM Leveraging Extraction Bias and Controlling for Distortion Effects
Roscioli K, Shen Y, Fillmore T, Tfaily M, Zhao R, Tolic N, Anderson B, Anderton C, Pasa-Tolic L, Hess N & Robinson E

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