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Zhao Laishi (2017) Volcanic Driver of the Ordovician-Silurian Mass Extinction: Evidence from Mercury Anomaly in South China
Zhao L, Gong Q, Wang X, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Li Y, Cao L & Li Z

Zhao Laishi (2018) Climate Change and U Isotope Excursion during Carnin Event in South China
Li Z, Zhang F, Romaniello S, Zhao L & Anbar A

Zhao Laishi (2019) Global Mercury Chemostratigraphy during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and the Following Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Cawood P, Zhao H, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Chi C, Weng H & Zhang Z

Zhao Laishi (2020) Marine Productivity Variations and Environmental Perturbations Across the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary: Insights from Zinc and Carbon Isotopes
Wang X, Zhao L, Cawood P, Algeo T, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L & Lyu Z
(2020) Decoupled Marine Carbon-Sulfur Isotopes on the Yangtze Platform during the Early to Middle Smithian (Early Triassic) Climate Warming
Zhang L, Zhao L, Algeo TJ, Chen Z-Q, Li C & Zhang Z
(2020) Global Mercury Cycle during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and Subsequent Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Zhao H, Cawood P, Grasby S, Chen Z & Zhang L
(2020) Transient and Stepwise Ocean Oxygenation during the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion
Li Z, Cao M, Loyd S, Algeo T, Wang X & Zhao L

Zhao Lei (2020) Petrogenesis of Early Cretaceous High-Mgo Diorites and Granitoids in the Rangnim Massif, North Korea: Implications for Tectonic Setting of Magmatism and Gold Mineralization
Xu L, Yang J-H, Wang H, Zhao L & Zhai M-G
(2018) Zircon U-Pb-Hf Isotope Signature of Detritus Deposited on Fennoscandia /Sarmatia Margin (NE Poland)
Wiszniewska J, Krzeminska E, Kusiak M, Zhao L & Zhou Y
(2017) Sampling and Sample Preparation for Radiokrypton Dating of Groundwater, Glacier Ice and Ocean Water
Ritterbusch F, Yang G-M, Zhao L, Dong X-Z, Gu J-Q, Hu S-M, Jiang W, Lu Z-T & Tong A-M
(2011) Component and Structure of Manganese Dominant Mineral of Co-rich Crusts from West Pacific
Zhao L, Yang H & Zhao X
(2011) Geological Characteristics and Genesis Discovery of Native Copper in East Tian Mountain, Xinjiang, P.R. China
Cui B, He Z & Zhao L
(2010) Formation and Evolution of Hailaer Basin, NE China: Constraints from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks
Gao F, Zhao L & Zhang Y

Zhao Li (2007) Geochemical Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Devonian Arc Picrites and Associated Lavas from the North Junggar Terrane, NW China
Zhang Z, Cai J & Zhao L
(2007) Geochemical Characteristics of Limahe Intrusion in Pan-Xi District (SW China): Relation to Emeishan Basalts and Constraint on Ore Genesis
Li Y, Zhang Z, Ai Y & Zhao L

Zhao Lian Rong (2011) Influence of Oil Price Fluctuation to Chinese Economy
Niu JY, Zhao LR & Zhou JS

Zhao Liandang (2022) Late Paleozoic Magmatism, Tectonic Evolution, and Metallogenesis in the Aqishan-Yamansu Belt, Eastern Tianshan: Constraints from the Bailingshan Intrusive Complex
Zhao L

Zhao Liang (2022) Geodynamic Models for Decarbonation of Subducting Sediments
Wang X, Yang J & Zhao L
(2020) Ca-Carbonate Nucleation in Aqueous Solution and its Implication for Biomineralization
Wang Z, Katz A, Zhu C & Zhao L
(2018) Nucleation of Ca and Mg Carbonates from Aqueous Solution
Long Z, Katz A, Zhu C, Zhao L & Wang Z
(2017) CO2 Mineral Sequestration Using Magnesium Originated from Weathering
Wang H, Zhu C & Zhao L
(2016) Kinetic Study on Reaction of Olivine with scCO2 by Using Mg Isotope Ratio Method
Ji X & Zhao L
(2016) A Pilot Study on Utilizing Mg-Bearing Minerals from Salt Lakes For CO2 Storage
Wang H, Zhu C, Yao X & Zhao L
(2015) Carbonate Mineralization of Bischofite Under a Mild Condition
Yao X, Zhu C & Zhao L
(2014) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Nucleation, Growth and Aging of Nesquehonite
Zhu C, Wang Z & Zhao L
(2013) Effect of Grid Resolution and Permeability Anisotropy on Mineral Trapping for CO2 Disposal in the Saline Aquifer of Subei Basin, China
Mo S, Zheng F, Jiang S, Shi X, Zhao L & Chen Y
(2013) CO2 Absorption and Precipitation in MgCl2-NH3•H2O Solutions: Relevance to CO2 Sequestration
Zhao L, Zhu C, Dong S & Teng HH
(2012) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Effect of Organic Solvent on the Nucleation of Nesquehonite
Zhao L, Zhu C, Ji J, Chen J & Teng HH
(2011) Kinetic Study of Brucite Carbonation
Zhu C, Zhao L, Gao X, Ji J, Chen J & Teng HH
(2011) Mineralogic and Climatic Interpretations of the Late Miocene-Pliocene Red Clay Formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Ji J, He T, Zhao L, Chen Y & Chen J
(2010) Heterogeneous Carbonation in the MgO-H2O-CO2 System
Zhao L, Sang L, Chen J, Ji J & Teng HH
(2008) The Characteristics of Chloritized Granite Type Tin Deposit in the Furong Tin Deposit District in Hunan Province, China
Lu J, Chen W, Chu J, Wang R, Zeng Q & Zhao L

Zhao Lili (2016) Geochemical Characteristics of Biodegraded Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbons
Gong D, Sun J & Zhao L

Zhao Linduo (2018) Methylmercury Sorption, Uptake, and Degradation by Methanotrophs
Gu B, Lu X, Gu W, Zhao L, Haque MF, Dispirito A & Semrau J
(2016) Anaerobic Mercury Methylation and Demethylation by Geobacter Bemidjiensis Bem
Lu X, Liu Y, Johs A, Zhao L, Wang T, Elias D, Pierce E, Liang L, Barkay T & Gu B
(2014) Authigenic Smectite Formation in Acid-Sulfate Systems: Implications for Martian Geochemistry
Phillips-Lander C, Zhao L, Dong H, Fowle D & Roberts J

Zhao Ling-Hao (2019) Investigation for Occurrence of Excess 40Ar in Retrograde Metamorphic Amphibole by 40Ar/39Ar Crushing
Qiu H-N, Zhao L-H & Bai X-J

Zhao Ling-Quan (2016) The Petrography and Geochemical Characteristics of Corundum and Spinel Megacryst in Cenozonic Basalt at Changle, Shandong
Kong F-M, Li X-P & Zhao L-Q

Zhao Liqun (2021) Mineralogy and Crystal Structure Studies of the Manganese Oxide in Xiangtan Manganese Deposit, South China and its Preliminary Application on Absorption and Catalysis of Formaldehyde
Zhao L, Niu S, Li L, Niu X, Wu H, Mo L, Chen T & Zhang M

Zhao Lunshan (2014) Investigation of Heavy Metal Pollution of the Ecosystem Nearby a Lead-Zinc Mining Area in North Guangdong, China
Liu X, Cen K & Zhao L

Zhao M (2006) Coronas of Corundum Xenocryst in the Tertiary Alkali Basalt
Chen X, Zhao M & Dong Z
(2005) Two Kinds of Plagioclases with Discontinuous Zoning in the Basalt from Okinawa Trough and their Tectonic Significance
Chen X, Zhao M, Wang R & Jiang S
(2004) Formation Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Related to Igneous Rocks in Meso-Cenozoic Basins of Eastern China
Wu C, Gu L, Ren Z, Chen Z, Zhao M & Qiu J
(2004) Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of the Late Paleozoic Metamorphic Rocks in Eastern Tianshan, Northwest China
Zhu W, Shu L, Zhao M & Sun Y
(2003) Diagenetic Evolution of Clay Minerals of Jiyang Basin, China
Chen X, Zhou J, Zhao M & Ji J

Zhao Meixun (2009) Expansion of the Northeast Pacific Oxygen-Minimum Zone Since 1995? Sediment N-Isotope Evidence from Soledad Basin, Baja California
van Geen A, Thunell R, Carriquiry J, Mey J, Crusius J, Zhao M, Baumgartner T, Fereira V & Gaxiola G
(2008) Lipid Biomarker Reconstruction of Phytoplankton Productivity in the Northern Okinawa Trough during the Last 92 kyr
Xing L, Zhao M, Zhang H, Liu Y & Shi X

Zhao Meixun (2015) Climate Control on the Timescales and Pathways of Carbon Export from the Terrestrial Biosphere
Eglinton T, Galy V, Feng X, McIntyre C, Schefuss E, Tao S, Zhao M, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hughen K
(2013) Temporal Variations in the Composition and Age of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Transported by the Yellow River
Tao S, Eglinton TI, Montlucon D, McIntyre C & Zhao M

Zhao Meixun (2016) Diverse Origins and Pre-Depositional Histories of Organic Matter in Contemporary Chinese Marginal Sea Sediments
Tao S, Eglinton TI, Montluçon DB, McIntyre C & Zhao M
(2016) Radiocarbon Constraints on Timescales of Particulate Organic Matter Transport over Continental Shelves
Bao R, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Montlucon D, Zhao M, McNichol A, Galy V & Eglinton T

Zhao Meixun (2017) Regional to Global-Scale Perspectives on Organic Carbon Burial in Continental Margin Sediments
Eglinton T, Bao R, Zhao M, Yu M, Ignatova A, McIntyre C, Haghipour N, van der Voort T & De Avelar S

Zhao Meixun (2019) Vertical Distribution of Archaeal Tetraether Lipids in Suspended Particles from the East China Sea and Implications for Sedimentary TEX86 Records
Li D, Wang Y, Hu J, Cao Y, Li L, Zhang H & Zhao M
(2019) Terrestrial Organic Carbon Burial Efficiency in China Marginal Sea Sediments Based on Bulk and Biomarker 13C and 14C
Yu M, Eglinton TI, Haghipour N, Montluçon DB, Wacker L & Zhao M
(2019) Seasonal Variations of Molecular Distribution and Carbon Isotopic Compositions (13C and 14C) of N-Fatty Acids in Aerosols of Qingdao, China
Chen Q, Yu M, Hou P, Eglinton TI, Haghipour N, Wacker L & Zhao M

Zhao Meixun (2020) Biomarker Radiocarbon Evidence of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Aging during Transport within in Pearl River Estuary
Hou P, Eglinton T, Haghipour N, Montluçon D & Zhao M

Zhao Meixun (2022) Widespread Deposition of Pre-Aged Terrestrial Organic Carbon on the Tropical Epicontinental Sea
Lin B, Liu Z, Zhao M, Sompongchaiyakul P, Zhang H, Blattmann T, Feng S, Wiesner M, Le KP, Meas R & Sathiamurthy E

Zhao Mengjun (2014) Using Quantitative Grain Fluorescence Technique to Reveal Hydrocarbon Accumulation History of the Kela-2 Dry Gas Field, Kuqa Foreland Basin, China
Lu X, Liu K, Zhao M, Meng Q & Zhuo Q
(2014) Geochemical Characteristics of Hydrocarbon in Tight Sand Reservoir of Altyn Tagh Thrust Belt, Qaidam Basin
Meng Q, Zhao M, Zhang Y, Zhou F, Sui L, Zheng Y & Li X

Zhao Miao (2020) U–Pb Dating and Isotopic Composition of the Tafresh Intrusions in the Central Part of UDMA, Iran: Implication for Petrogenesis, the Role of Crust-Mantle Interaction and Geodynamic Process
Raeisi D, Babazadeh S, D’ANTONIO M, Zhao M & Yang Z

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