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Zhao Jing (2013) Uranium Transport and Deposition in Iron Oxide Copper Gold Deposits (IOCG’s): An Experimental Approach
Li K, Brugger J, Pring A, Nogthai Y, Etschmann B, Macmillan E & Zhao J

Zhao Jingxin (2023) Petrogenesis of Middle Proterozoic A-Type Granites in Southern North China
Wang Z, He J, Zhao J & Chen F

Zhao Jingyao (2023) Global Climate Dynamics Across Heinrich Stadials in the Last Glacial Period
Cheng H, Dong X, Zhao J, Li H, Zhang H, Kathayat G & Cai Y

Zhao Jinyang (2008) Argon Mobility in Biotites
Camacho A, Lee J, Ullrich T, Fitz Gerald J, Cooper M, Woodhead J, Kyser K, Zhao J, Creaser R & Heaman L

Zhao Jiyong (2022) Elastic and Thermodynamic Properties of Asteroid Ryugu Return Samples
Hu M, Lavina B, Zhao J, Alp E, Roskosz M, Beck P, Viennet J-C, Nakamura T, Amano K, Kikuiri M, Morita T, Yurimoto H, Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Yabuta H, Naraoka H, Sakamoto K, Tachibana S, Watanabe S-I & Tsuda Y
(2017) Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Earth’s Lower Mantle and Core
Liu J, Lin J-F, Yang H, Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Hu M, Bi W, Zhao J, Alp E & Hu J
(2016) Iron Equilibrium Fractionation Factors from Ab Initio, NRIXS, and Lab Experiments: The Path Forward
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Blanchard M, Alp E, Hu M, Baptiste B, Morin G, Zhao J, Hu J & Tissot F
(2014) Melt Detection of Candidate Core Materials at High Pressures Using Atomic Dynamics Measurements and a Fast Temperature Readout System
Zhang D, Jackson J, Zhao J, Sturhahn W, Alp E, Hu M & Toellner T
(2013) Redox and Pressure Controls on Iron Isotope Variations in MORBS Determined by NRIXS Spectroscopy
Roskosz M, Dauphas N, Alp EE, Sio CK, Tissot FLH, Neuville DR, Hu M, Zhao J, Tissandier L, Cordier C & Médard E
(2013) MC-ICPMS and NRIXS: A Stereo View of Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Silicic Magmas
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Telus M, Hu M, Alp E, Moynier F, Sio C, Tissot F, Teng F, Neuville D, Nabelek P, Craddock P, Groat L & Zhao J
(2012) Iron Isotope Geochemistry with a Synchrotron Light Beam
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Alp E, Sio C, Tissot F, Neuville D, Hu M, Zhao J, Tissandier L & Medard E
(2010) Structures and Dynamics of Dense Clathrate Hydrates
Klug D, Tse J, Zhao J, Sturhahn W, Alp E & Tulk C
(2008) Effects of Spin Crossover on Iron Partitioning in Deep Earth
Li J, Gao L, Chen B, Alp E, Zhao J & Hirose K

Zhao Jun (2009) Impact of Redox Gradient on Fault Gouge Formation Related to Fracture Activities along the Ushikubi Fault Zone in Central Japan
Zheng G, Fu B, Takahashi Y & Zhao J

Zhao Jun (2013) Biogenic New Particle Formation and its Potential Impacts on Climate
Smith J, Lawler M, Winkler P, Zhao J & McMurry P

Zhao Jun-Hong (2023) Constraints of in situ S-Isotopic Compositions of Pyrite on the Genesis of the Bayinqinggeli Sandstone-Hosted Uranium Deposit, Ordos Basin, Northern China
Liu Y & Zhao J-H
(2022) Global-Scale Emergence of Continental Crust during Mesoarchean – Early Neoarchean
Wang W, Cawood PA, Spencer C, Pandit MK, Zhao J-H, Xia X-P, Zheng J & Lu G
(2019) Ca. 650 Ma Mafic-Ultramafic Dike Swarms in South China
Zhao J-H & Asimow PD
(2019) No Collision between Western and Eastern Gondwana at their Northern Extent
Wang W, Cawood P, Pandit M, Zhao J & Zheng J
(2017) Petrogenesis of the Neoproterozoic Granitoids from NW India: Regional Correlation of Rodinia Paleogeography
Zhao J-H, Wang W, Pandit MK & Xia X-P
(2017) Linking NW India to South China in Rodinia by Low δ18 O Rhyolites of the Neoproterozoic Malani Igneous Suite
Wang W, Cawood P, Zhou M-F, Manoj P, Xia X-P & Zhao J-H
(2008) Neoproterozoic Mafic Dike Swarm in the Northern Margin the Yangtze Block was not Part of Rodinia
Zhao J-H & Zhou M-F

Zhao Junhong (2002) Mantle-Derived Components in Xiangshan Uranium Deposit, Jiangxi, China
Hu R-Z, Zhao J, Peng J, Bi X, Farley KA & Burnard P
(2002) The Dramatic Fractionation of REEs in Hydrothermal Calcites from the Xikuangshan Antimony Deposit, Hunan, China
Peng J, Hu R, Zhao J & Qi L

Zhao Junliang (2023) Effect of CO2 on the Mechanical Properties of Minerals in Caprock: A Microscopic Perspective on Caprock Sealing Capacity for CCUS
Wu T, Zhao J & Zhang D

Zhao Juntao (2018) Heterogeneous Lead Phosphate Nucleation at Organic-Water Interfaces: Implications for Lead Immobilization
Hu Y, Dai C, Zhao J, Giammar D, Pasteris J & Zuo X

Zhao K (2005) The Behavior of Boron in Hydrothermal Alterations of Granites
Zhao K, Jiang S, Nakamura E, Moriguti T, Jiang Y & Ling H
(2004) S-He Isotope Evidence for the Origin of the Giant Dachang Snpolymetallic Ore Deposit in South China
Zhao K, Jiang S, Ni P & Ling H
(2004) Petrogenesis of Qianlishan Granitic Pluton, Southeast China: Implications for an Extension Setting
Jiang Y, Jiang S & Zhao K
(2003) Hydrothermal Ore-Forming Processes of the New Discovered Giant Furong Tin Deposit Associated with the Qitianling Granitoid in Hunan Province, South China
Zhao K, Jiang S, Jiang Y & Pu W

Zhao Kai (2019) Process and Condition of Granitic Magma Fractionation: Insights from Thermodynamic Modelling for Peraluminous Charnockite
Zhao K & Xu X
(2018) Petrogenesis of Anatectic Granites and Restitic Granulite Enclaves: Implications for Disequilibrium Partial Melting
Zhao K, Xu X, Erdmann S, Liu L & Xia Y

Zhao Kaigaung (2012) Isotopic and Geochemical Evidence for the Natural Migration of Marcellus-Like Brine to Shallow Drinking Water in Northeastern Pennsylvania
Warner N, Osborn S, Down A, Zhao K, Jackson R & Vengosh A

Zhao Ke (2023) Machine Learning Assisted Mineral Analysis: Case Studies on X-Ray Diffraction and Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
Liu J, Zhao X, Zhao K, Goncharov VG, Luo Y, Delhommelle J, Geng T, Li A, Zhang X & Guo X

Zhao Keqiang (2020) Gold Geochemical Anomaly and Prospecting Prediction in the Southern Section of Jiaojia Fault Zone, Jiaodong Gold Province, Eastern China
Xi M, Zhao K & Ma S

Zhao Kewei (2023) Journey of Calcium in Seawater: From Dissolved Ion Complexes to Mineralization
Zhao K & Myneni S

Zhao Kui-Dong (2018) Chemical and Boron Isotopic Composition of Tourmaline and Muscovite in Granite and Pegmatite from Cizhu Pluton, Jiangxi Province, South China: Insight to Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution
Cao M-Y, Jiang S-Y, Su H-M, Zhao K-D & Chen W
(2018) Geological Characteristic and Ore Genesis of Typical Granite-Related Rare Metal Deposits in China
Jiang S-Y, Liu T, Su H-M, Zhao K-D & Chen W
(2018) In situ Carbon Isotope Analysis by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen W, Lu J, Jiang S-Y, Zhao K-D & Duan D-F
(2016) In situ Boron Isotope Determination for Mantle Carbonate by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Chen W, Zhao K-D, Jiang S-Y & Wei H-Z
(2013) Geochronolgy and Geochemistry of Two Triassic A-Type Granites in South China: Implication for Petrogenesis and Indosinian Transtentional Extension
Zhao K-D, Jiang S-Y & Pu W
(2011) Two Episodes of the Early Cretaceous Magmatic Activity in the Gan-Hang Rift, South China: In situ Zircon U-Pb Dating
Yang S-Y, Jiang S-Y, Jiang Y-H & Zhao K-D
(2011) High-Resolution Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Record Through the Transition from OAE1a to ORB1 in the Mudurnu Section, Central Turkey
Zhao K-D, Jiang S-Y, Hu X-M, Yilmaz İÖ & Ling H-F
(2010) “Zircon Effect” Alone Insufficient to Generate Seawater Nd-Hf Isotope
Chen T-Y, Ling H-F, Zhao K-D & Jiang S-Y
(2007) Geochemistry of Late Mesozoic Lamprophyre Dikes from the Eastern North China Craton: Implications for Subcontinental Lithosphere Evolution
Jiang Y-H, Jiang S-Y, Hou M-L, Ling H-F, Zhao K-D & Ni P
(2006) Neodymium isotope compositions of the Turonian carbonates in central Italy: Implications for paleocurrents of Tethyan deep waters
Zhao K-D, Jiang S-Y, Hu X-M & Ling H-F
(2006) Origin of iron deposits in the Ningwu volcanic basin, Lower Yangtze River district, China: geochemical and isotopic evidence
Jiang S-Y, Ma F, Zhao K-D, Jiang Y-H, Ling H-F & Ni P

Zhao Kuidong (2023) Early Paleozoic Granitic Magmatism and Mineralization in the Debao Sn-Cu Deposit, South China: Constraints from Zircon and Cassiterite U-Pb Geochronology and Whole-Rock Geochemistry
Zhang D & Zhao K
(2022) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of the Jianfengling Rare Metal Granite, South China: Geochemisry, Fluid and Melt Inclusion Study
Guo B & Zhao K
(2022) Major, Trace Element and Boron Isotope in Tourmaline from the Malage Tin Deposit in the Gejiu Ore District, South China: Implications for Fluid Evolution
Xu C & Zhao K
(2022) Two-Stage Sn-Cu Mineralizations in Jinkeng, Southeast China: Response to Extensional Tectonics
Liang J, Zhao K & Li Q
(2017) The Yanbei Early Cretaceous Volcanic-Intrusive Complex and Related porphyry-Sn Deposit in Jiangxi Province, South China
Li Q, Zhao K & Jiang S

Zhao Kun (2020) Anomalous Enrichment of Mercury in Early Cambrian in South China: Implication for Marine Environment and Biological Evolution
Zhao K, Zhu G, Li T & Wang P

Zhao L (2006) Mineralogical evidences of a warm and dry summer monsoon for the late Tertiary red clay formation, China
Ji J, Chen J, Zhou W, Zhao L & Wang H
(2004) Average Chemial Dendation Flux of Sodium and Magnesium from the Continent: An Approach from the Chinese Loess Study
Zhao L, Ji J, Chen J & Chen Y
(2000) Multiphase Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds from Fuxian and Mengyin Kimberlites, Eastern China
Zhang H, Menzies MA, Zhao L, Lu F & Zhou X

Zhao Laishi (2014) Smithian-Spathian Boundary Event Recorded in the Shitouzhai Section, Guizhou, South China: Carbon and Sulfur Isotopes and Trace Elemental Analysis
Zhang L, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Algeo T, Chen J & Wang R
(2011) NIST SRM 610-614 Matrix Induced Unique Element Fractionation in Laser Ablation ICP-MS at High Spatial Resolution Analysis
Hu Z, Zhou L, Liu Y, Zhao L & Gao S
(2011) Records of Sulfur Isotopic Composition and their Significance from the Permian Strata at Shangsi Section of Guangyuan, Sichuan
Huang J, Li P, Zhao L, Zhou L & Cao J
(2011) The Significance of Cenozoic Magmatism from the Eastern Margin of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis
Zhang H, Pan F, Xu W, Zhao L & Ye Y
(2011) The Comparsion of Mo Isotope and Paleo-Oxygenation Parameters in Black Shales from Upper Yangtze Marine Sediments
Zhou L, Su J, Hu Z, Huang J & Zhao L
(2010) Molybdenum Isotope and Geochemical Evidence for Palaeoenvironmental Change at the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary, South China
Zhou L, Yanan S, Gao S, Xie S, Feng Q, Su J & Zhao L
(2010) Multi-Stage Evolution and Fluid Activity of HP-UHP Rocks from the Western Dabie Mountain, Central China: Evidence from Zircon Trace Element, U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope Composition
Wu Y & Zhao L
(2010) Two Episodes of Eclogite-Facies HP Metamorphism in Huwan Shear Zone and its Implication for Evolution of the Western Dabie Orogen, Central China
Liu X, Wu Y & Zhao L

Zhao Laishi (2015) Diagenetic Uptake of P-Tr Conodont Rare Earth Elements from Shallow to Deep Environments: An Assessment
Li Y, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Algeo T & Chen J
(2013) Rapid Bulk Rock Decomposition by Ammonium Fluoride (NH4F) in Open-Vessels by an Elevated Digestion Temperature
Hu Z, Zhang W, Ni Q, Liu Y, Gaschnig R, Zhou L & Zhao L

Zhao Laishi (2016) Mercury Deposition as a Proxy for Volcanism Through the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary, South China
Gong Q, Zhao L, Chen Z & Wang X

Zhao Laishi (2022) Characteristics of Hg Concentrations and Isotopes in Terrestrial and Marine Facies Across the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Wang X, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Wu S & Huang Y
(2022) Linkage of the Late Cambrian Microbe-Metazoan Transition (MMT) to Shallow-Marine Oxygenation during the SPICE Event
Zhang L, Algeo TJ, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Zhao H, Zhang Z & Li C
(2022) Marine Productivity Variations and Environmental Perturbations Across the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary: Insights from Zinc and Carbon
Zhao L, Wang X, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Lyu Z & Ye F
(2022) High-Resolution Olenekian (Lower Triassic) Conodont Unitary Association Zonation: Global Distribution and Paleogeographic Implications
Lyu Z, Henderson CM, Chen Z-Q & Zhao L

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