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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhao Haijie (2012) The Leaching of Heavy Metals from Steel Slag in Panzhihua Region
Teng Y, Yang J, Xu Z & Zhao H

Zhao Hailing (2009) Textural and Compositional Evidence for Magma Mixing in Chaoshan Dioritic Porphyry in Tongling Area, Anhui, China
Di Y, Wu G, Zhao H, Zhang D, Yu X & Zang W
(2009) The Characteristics of Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths in the Cenozoic Volcanic Rocks from Southeastern China and Implication for Deep Processes in the Upper Mantle
Zhao H, Niu Y, Frey FA, Di Y, Fang N & Zhu F

Zhao Hanjie (2020) The Geochemical Characteristics of Source Rocks in Laiyang Period of Riqingwei Basin: Implication on Unconventional Oil and Gas Prospect
Zhao H, Zhou Y, Zhang H & Zhou T

Zhao Haochun (2020) The Combination of Nitrogen and Biochar Altered the Feedback Mechanism between Soil Acidification and Cd Availability in Acidic Soils
Xu J & Zhao H

Zhao He (2022) Mercury Enrichments during the Carnian Pluvial Event (Late Triassic) in South China
Zhao H, Grasby S, Wang X, Zhang L, Liu Y, Hu Z-C, Chen Z-Q & Huang Y
(2022) Linkage of the Late Cambrian Microbe-Metazoan Transition (MMT) to Shallow-Marine Oxygenation during the SPICE Event
Zhang L, Algeo TJ, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Zhao H, Zhang Z & Li C
(2020) Abrupt Decline in Primary Productivity Coincident with the End-Ordovician Mass Extinction: Cadmium Isotopic Evidence from South Chin
Zhao H, Algeo T, Chen Z, Poulton S, Liu Y, Hu Z, Wang X & Zhang L
(2020) Global Mercury Cycle during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and Subsequent Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Zhao H, Cawood P, Grasby S, Chen Z & Zhang L
(2019) Global Mercury Chemostratigraphy during the End-Permian Mass Extinction and the Following Early Triassic Recovery
Zhao L, Wang X, Cawood P, Zhao H, Grasby S, Chen Z-Q, Zhang L, Chi C, Weng H & Zhang Z
(2019) Calcium Isotope Evidence for an Episode of Ocean Acidification Across the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary Recorded in the Shitouzai Section, South China
Zhao H, Zhang F, Chen Z-Q, Liu Y, Hu Z & Hu Z
(2018) Uranium Isotope Variation Across the Smithian-Spathian Boundary
Zhao H, Zhang F, Algeo T, Romaniello S & Anbar A

Zhao Heng (2020) Bulk and Position-Specific Isotope Geochemistry of Natural Gases from the Late Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas
Zhao H, Liu C, Larson T, McGovern G & Horita J
(2017) Position-Specific Isotope Compositions of Propane from Natural Gases by Quantitative NMR
Liu C, Mcgovern G, Liu P, Zhao H, Larson T & Horita J

Zhao Hong (2013) Geochemistry and Significance of Carboniferous-Permian Volcanic Rocks in the Western of Inner Mongolia, China
Dang B, Zhao H, Lin L-J, Gao Q-Q & Liu M
(2013) Geochemistry and Tectonic Significace of Neopaleozoic Granitoid in Alxa Area, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhao H, Dang B, Liang B, Lin L-J & Ren J

Zhao Hua Lei (2011) Characteristics of Metallogenetic Fluids and Genesis of Nongping Gold-Copper Deposit in Eastern Yanbian, Northeastern China
Zhao HL, Ren YS, Ju N & Wang H
(2010) Geochronology of the Xiaoxinancha Cu-Au Deposit in NE China: Insights from Molybdenite Re-Os Dating
Ren Y-S, Zhao H-L & Wang H

Zhao Hui (2023) Oxygen Nanobubbles for Water/Sediment Pollution Remediation and Ecological Restoration
Pan G, Zhao H, Li L, Li Y, Tang J, Ali J, Zou H, Shi W & Wang L
(2020) Lithium and Nd Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Li-Poor Pegmatite with Implications for Li Mineralization
Chen B, Huang C & Zhao H

Zhao J (2006) Coupled U-series and radiocarbon dating of a Chinese stalagmite from 15 to 33 ka: testing calibration applicability and dead carbon correction variability
Hodge E, Zhao J, Feng Y, Wu J, Fink D & Hua Q
(2006) Using Sr/Nd isotopic ratios to determine sediment sources in the Burdekin Falls Dam, Queensland, Australia.
Cooper M, Shields G, Faithful J & Zhao J
(2006) Spin crossover in ferropericlase by nuclear resonant spectroscopy
Sturhahn W, Lin J-F, Jackson JM & Zhao J
(2006) Elasticity of iron-rich silicate in Earth’s D” layer
Mao W, Mao H-K, Shu J, Fei Y, Hemley R, Meng Y, Prakapenka V, Campbell A, Sturhahn W, Zhao J, Shen G & Heinz DL
(2005) Structure and Properties of Silicate Perovskites in the Deep Mantle
Angel R, Zhao J, Vanpeteghem C & Ross N
(2004) Groundwater Modeling for Deep Aquifers in the Yangtze Delta (South of the Yangtze River)
Zhu X, Wu J, Ye S & Zhao J

Zhao J-H (2006) Neoproterozoic mafic intrusions in the Panzhihua district, SW China: implications for interaction between subducted slab and mantle wedge
Zhao J-H & Zhou MF

Zhao J-X (2006) U-series dating of coral reefs from the South China Sea
Zhao J-X & Yu K-F
(2006) Holocene climate records in coral reefs from the South China Sea
Yu K-F & Zhao J-X
(2006) C-O-Sr isotopic record of monsoon climate during 10-20 ka in a stalagmite from central-west China
Zhou H-Y, Zhao J-X, Feng Y-X, Gagan MK & Yan J
(2006) Progress in dating modern Homo sapiens sites in China
Shen G-J, Gao B & Zhao J-X

Zhao J. (2015) Nacre and the Environment
Gilbert PUPA, Myers CE, Bergmann K, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan EA, Tamre E & Knoll AH

Zhao Jessica (2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A

Zhao Jia-Ning (2021) Low Hydrogen Concentrations in Ancient Oceanic Mantle Lithosphere: A Case Study from the Gong Tso Ophiolitic Peridotites, Southern Tibet
Zhao J-N, Wang Y-F & Liu Q

Zhao Jian (2023) Rejuvenation of Ancient Enriched Reservoir in the Mantle Transition Zone and Generation of Intraplate High-Mg# Andesites
Chen L, Liu J-Q, Zhao J, Wang X-J & Zeng G
(2019) Was the Dunhuang Block Involved into the Central Asian Orogenic Belt? Evidences from Titanite U-Pb Dating
Zhao J
(2008) Mercury Accumulation in Salt Marsh Ecosystem of Yangtze Estuary
Zheng X, Zhou L & Zhao J

Zhao Jian-Xin (2021) Tracking Thermal Pathways of Magma Ascent and Eruption Using Trace Element Partitioning in Sector Zoned Clinopyroxene
MacDonald A, Ubide T, Masotta M, Mollo S, Pontesilli A, Magee R & Zhao J-X
(2021) Groundmass Isotope Signatures Reveal Decadal Source Evolution and Mixing at Mount Etna
Magee R, Ubide T, Caulfield J & Zhao J-X
(2017) Coral Geochemical Proxies Reveal Climate Drivers of River Discharge in the Southern Great Barrier Reef
Saha N, Rodriguez-Ramirez A, Nguyen A, Zhao J-X & Webb G
(2015) Late Pleistocene Climate Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean: Multi-Proxy Speleothem Records from Dim Cave in SW Turkey
Unal-Imer E, Shulmeister J, Zhao J-X & Uysal IT
(2013) Possible Link between CO2 Degassing and Climate Change in SW Turkey
Ünal-İmer E, Uysal IT, Shulmeister J & Zhao J-X
(2012) Climate Extremes and Volcanic Eruptions: Trace Elements, Isotopes and U-Series Geochronology Recorded by a Late Quaternary Stalagmite
Uysal T, St Pierre E & Zhao J-X
(2008) Speleothem Reconstructions of Palaeomonsoon Dynamics from Flores, Indonesia over the Last 24 kyr
Bretherton S, Gagan M, Ayliffe L, Zhao J-X, Griffiths M, Drysdale R & Hantoro W

Zhao Jianhua (2020) The Petrological and Geochemical Characteristics of K-Bentonites in Ordovician-Silurian Stage and their Geological Significances
Dong X, Liu K, Zhao J & Yu B
(2018) Co-evolution of Organic and Inorganic Components in the Longmaxi Shale from the Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for Pore Evolution in Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks
Zhao J, Jin Z, Liu K, Jin Z, Hu Q & Hu Z

Zhao Jianming (2017) Geochemical Characteristics of Soil Gas Rn and CO2 in the South-West and North-East Segments of the Tangshan Fault Zone, Northern China
Yang J, Li Y, Chen Z, Sun F, Zhao J, Li J & Wang J

Zhao Jianxin (2020) MC-ICP-MS U-Series Dating of the Panxian Dadong Paleolithic Site in Guizhou, Southern China
Che X, Zhao J, Shen G, Cao B, Sun H & Liu D

Zhao Jiao (2010) Nb and Ta in the Rutiles from Eclogite in the Yuka, the North Qaidam UHP Belt in NW China
Zhao J, Chen D, Liu L & Zhu X

Zhao Jiating (2022) Phytoplankton Demethylation: An Unexplored Pathway of Methylmercury Detoxification
Gu B, Liang X, Lei P, Zhong H, Johs A, Zhang L, Pelletier D, Zhao J & Pierce E

Zhao Jie (2016) Multi-Fractal Analysis on the Strength of Au-Cu Paragenetic Relationships in Duolong Mineral District, Tibet, China
Wang W, Zhao J & Cheng Q
(2012) Mapping Target Area of Magnetite Deposits by Integrating Aeromagnetic Data and Fe2O3 Geochemical Data
Zhao J, Wang W, Cheng Q & Liu J
(2012) Mapping Geo-Anomalies of Hydrothermal Mineralization in Southeastern Yunnan District, China
Wang W, Zhao J, Cheng Q & Liu J
(2010) Integration of Stream Sediment Geochemical and Aeromagnetic Data for Mapping Target Areas for Mineral Exploration for Iron in Eastern Tianshan, China
Zhao J & Cheng Q

Zhao Jing (2008) Bond Strength and the Compression of Framework Minerals
Ross N, Angel R, Zhao J & Wang D

Zhao Jing (2019) Inelastic Neutron Scattering Studies of Framework Materials
Ross N, Daemen L, Kolesnikov A, Zhao J & Anovitz L

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