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Zhang Zhou (2023) Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Machine Learning Investigation on the Redox State of Silicate Melts
Zheng D, Ghosh U, Deng J & Zhang Z
(2022) Carbon in the Deep Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Under Reduced Conditions: Insights from High-Pressure Experiments and Machine Learning Models
Lei J, Sen S, Li Y & Zhang Z
(2022) Sulfur Concentration in Silicate Melts at Sulfide Saturation: Insights from Machine Learning
Zhang Z, Xu Z, Li Y, Chowdhury P & Sen S
(2022) Estimating Ferric Iron Content in Clinopyroxene Using Machine Learning Models
Huang W, Lyu Y, Du M, He C, Gao S, Xu R, Xia Q-K & Zhang Z
(2022) Archean to Proterozoic Hard Rock Geochemistry: A Refined Database
Liu C, Keller CB, He Y & Zhang Z
(2022) Interpretable Machine Learning to Predict Mantle Metasomatism Worldwide
Qin B, Huang F, Huang S, Python A, Chen Y & Zhang Z
(2022) Quantifying Crust Thickness with Machine Learning: A Study Based on the Global Arc and Tibet Magmatic Geochemistry
Luan Z, Liu J & Zhang Z
(2014) Sulfide Melting at 1-8 GPa
Zhang Z & Hirschmann M

Zhang Zhou Bin (2013) A Rapid Crater Detection Method for Statistics of Crater on Planetary Surface
Zhang ZB, Zuo W, Zhang GH & Geng L

Zhang Zhouling (2023) Coupled Marine Silica and Carbon Cycle Changes after the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
Dai Y, Zhang Z, Richoz S, Doering K, Stamm FM, Yu J, Xu Z, Frank M & Conley DJ
(2023) Investigating Volcanic Input and Water Mass Mixing in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Using Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements
Zhang Z, Xu A, Hathorne E, Gutjahr M, Steiner Z, Achterberg EP, Galley C & Frank M
(2023) Regulation of Hydrothermal Vent Contribution to Ocean Chemistry by Hydrothermally Influenced Sediments, the Rainbow Field Case Study
Steiner Z, Zhang Z, Galley C, Zhou L, Shalev N, Glock N, Chen X-G & Achterberg EP
(2023) The Silica Cycle on a Continental Shelf during the Upper Cretaceous: Reconstructions of Silicon Isotopes of Sponges, Radiolaria and Diatoms
Doering K, Zhang Z, Dai Y, Dummann W, Pickering RA, Brylka K, Stoerling T, Schröder-Adams C, Richoz S, Frank M, Herrle J, Harwood D & Conley DJ
(2021) Decoupling of Dissolved Stable Barium and Silicon Isotope Signatures in the Congo River Plume
Zhang Z, Yu Y, Hathorne E, Vieira LH, Grasse P & Frank M
(2021) Radiolarian Species-Specific Fractionation: Insights from a Miocene Sediment Core
Fontorbe G, Frings PJ, Renaudie J, Cao Z, Zhang Z & Frank M

Zhang Zhuo (2019) Arsenic Variations Induced by Groundwater Extraction in the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia
Guo H, Zhang Z, Gao Z & Zhao B

Zhang Zhuo-Ying (2020) Mass-Dependent Fractionation of Ti Stable Isotope during Intensive Weathering of Basalts
He X-Y, Ma J-L, Wei G-J, Wang Z-B, Zhang L, Zeng T & Zhang Z-Y

Zhang Zhuojun (2023) Climatic Control of Sulphur Biogeochemistry in Soils at the Continental Scale
Zhu M & Zhang Z
(2020) Influence of Redox on Manganese Geochemistry Across a Rainfall Gradient in Hawaii
Zhu M, Wen K, Chadwick O & Zhang Z

Zhang Zhuoying (2020) Effect of Fe–Ti Oxides on Mo Isotopic Variations in Lateritic Weathering Profiles of Basalt
Wang Z, Ma J, Li J, Zeng T, Zhang Z, He X, Zhang L & Wei G

Zhang Zihu (2022) Linkage of the Late Cambrian Microbe-Metazoan Transition (MMT) to Shallow-Marine Oxygenation during the SPICE Event
Zhang L, Algeo TJ, Zhao L, Chen Z-Q, Zhao H, Zhang Z & Li C
(2020) Decoupled Marine Carbon-Sulfur Isotopes on the Yangtze Platform during the Early to Middle Smithian (Early Triassic) Climate Warming
Zhang L, Zhao L, Algeo TJ, Chen Z-Q, Li C & Zhang Z
(2019) Transient Rise of Atmospheric O2 Levels and Marine Shelf Oxygenation at ~1.36 Ga
Wang H, Li C, Algeo T, Cheng M, Wang W & Zhang Z

Zhang Zizjan (2016) Daily Changes of 90Sr/137Cs Activity Ratio in the Atmosphere after the FDNPP Accident
Zhang Z, Ninomiya K, Yamaguchi Y, Saito T, Kita K, Tsuruta H, Igarashi Y & Shinohara A
(2016) Seasonal Variation of Radioactive Cesium Concentrations in the Atmosphere after the FDNPP Accident
Ninomiya K, Zhang Z, Fujita N, Kakitani S, Yamaguchi Y, Kita K, Watanabe A, Tsuruta H & Shinohara A

Zhang Zun-Zhong (2010) Formation Mechanism for the Lanthanide Tetrad Effect in a Topaz- and Amazonite-Bearing Leucogranite Pluton from Xinjiang, NW China
Wu C-Z, Liu S-H, Gu L-X, Zhang Z-Z & Lei R-X
(2008) Isotope Geochemistry of Rhyolite of the Late Carboniferous in Eastern Tianshan
Wang Y, Li H, Gu L, Zhang Z & Wu C
(2007) Evidences of Chronology and Isotopic Geochemistry of Bogda Rift Closure and Regional Uplift, Xinjiang
Wang Y-X, Li H-M, Gu L-X, Zhang Z-Z & Wu C-Z

Zhang Zuoheng (2018) High-Angle Subduction: Triggers for Formation of Submarine Volcanic-Hosted Iron Deposits
Zhang Z, Li H, Li J, Zhang Z, Song X, Hou T, Xie Q & Fei X
(2017) Multiple Pluses and Stages of Complex Superimposed and Reworked Iron Mineralization: A New Metallogenic Model of High Grade of Iron Ores
Zhang Z, Li H, Li J, Zhang Z, Song X, Hou T, Xie Q & Fei X
(2016) Stale Isotope Characteristcs of Iron Ore Deposits in the Western Tianshan Mountain, NW China
Zhang Z, Duan S & Jiang Z
(2011) Geological Characteristics and Fluid Inclusions of Chagangnuoer Iron Ore Deposit in the Western Tian Shan Mountain, NW China
Hong W & Zhang Z
(2009) Fluid Inclusions Characteristics of Tuwu Porphyry Copper Deposit, Eastern Tianshan in Xinjiang
Liu M, Zhang Z & Wang Z
(2009) Fluid Geochemistry of Dabate Porphyry Copper Deposit, Western Tianshan in Xinjiang, NW China
Zhang Z, Wang Z, Zuo G & Liu M
(2008) Geological Features and Lead-Zinc Mineralization of the Kelan Devonian Volcano-Sedimentary Basin in Southern Altay, Xinjiang, China
Liu M & Zhang Z
(2008) Metallogenic Setting of the Dabate Copper–Molybdenum Deposit in the Western Tianshan Mountains, NW China
Zhang Z, Wang Z, Zuo G & Liu M
(2008) SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Dating for Gneiss from the Hulan Group of the Xing’an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt, Jilin Province, NE China
Lü LS, Zhang ZH & Liu J
(2007) Diagenetic Environment of Qingbulake Basic Complex, Xinjiang, NW China
Zhang Z, Mao J, Wang Z & Wang Y

Zhang. Z. (2011) Structure and Mineralization Characteristics of Kangding Gold Orefield, Sichuan Province, China
Zhang. Z, Deng J, Gong Q & Wang Q

ZhangZhou J. (2021) Machine Learning Models for Identification of Primary Water Concentrations in Mantle Pyroxene
Chen H, Su C, Tang Y-Q, ZhangZhou J, Wu S-S & Xia Q-K

Zhao B (2005) Effects of Brucite on Ozonation Treatment of dye Wastewater
Yin L, Zhao B & Li Z

Zhao Bangsheng (2020) Correlation of Geochemistry of Gas between Fluid Inclusions and Reservoir
Li R, Zhao B & Khaled A

Zhao Bin (2022) Dynamics of Iron-Bound Organic Carbon in the Changjiang Estuary
Zhao B, Yao P, Bianchi TS, Wang X, Schröder C & Yu Z
(2020) Controls on Burial of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in the Eastern China Marginal Seas: A Regional Synthesis
Yao P, Zhao B, Bianchi T & Yu Z
(2020) Highly Dynamic Partitioning of Iron-Bound Organic Carbon in a Large-River Delta-Front Estuary
Zhao B, Yao P, Bianchi T, Wang X & Yu Z
(2019) Remineralization of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in Marine Systems: From Estuaries to the Deep Sea
Yao P, Zhao B, Bianchi T, Yang J & Yu Z
(2018) The Role of Reactive Iron in Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon in Marine Environment
Zhao B, Yao P, Bianchi T, Shields M, Cui X, Zhang X, Huang X, Wang J & Yu Z
(2017) Dynamic Characteristics of Dissolved Reactive Iron, Sulfur, and Phosphorus in Sediments of the Changjiang Estuary Based on Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique (DGT)
Yao P, Yang J, Zhao B, Ye J & Yu Z
(2016) Preservation of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in Mud Deposits of the Eastern China Marginal Seas
Yao P, Bianchi T, Zhao B, Wang J & Yu Z

Zhao Bingshuang (2020) U-Pb-Hf Isotopes of Detrital Zircons from Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Northern Margin of the Yangtze Block and its Geological Significance
Zhao B & Long X

Zhao Bo (2019) Arsenic Variations Induced by Groundwater Extraction in the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia
Guo H, Zhang Z, Gao Z & Zhao B
(2017) Geochemical Characteristics of the most Recent Volcanism in Tibet
Wei F, Prytulak J, Xu J, Wei W, Hammond J & Zhao B
(2015) The Discovery of Daliuchong Volcanic Edifice in Tengchong, Yunnan Province (China) and its Significance
Li N, Wei H, Zhang L, Zhao Y, Zhao B, Chen S, Chen Z & Yu H

Zhao Caisheng (2010) Geological Characteristics and Genesis of Dachang Gold Deposit in Qinghai Province, China
Zhao C, Sun F & Li B
(2009) Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of Dachang Gold Deposit in Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Western China
Zhao C & Sun F

Zhao Changqiu (2017) High Atmospheric CO2 Levels in the Mesoproterozoic Estimated from Paired Carbon Isotopic Records in Carbonates from North China
Zhang T, Liu G & Zhao C

Zhao Changyi (2016) The Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion Derived from Jurassic Coals in the Turpan Basin (China) Using Diamond Anvil Cell Pyrolysis
Zhao C, Wang Y, Zou Y & Zhao W
(2011) Modeling Hydrogen and Carbon Isotopes of Thermogenic Gases from Different Kerogens in Closed System
Wang Y, Zhao C, Wang H & Liu J
(2009) Remarkable Thermal Stability of C2, 3, 4 Heavy Hydrocarbon Gases from Oil
Wang Y, Zhao C, Wang H, Liu J & Lu J

Zhao Chen (2023) Microscopic Pore Structure and Macroscopic Fluid Flow-Chemical Transport in Host Rocks and Barrier Materials
Wang Q, Hu Q, Zhao C, Zhang T, Fukatsu Y & Tachi Y
(2023) Improved Understanding of Photochemical Processing of Dissolved Organic Matter by Using Machine Learning Approaches
Zhao C, Xu X, Chen H, Wang F, Li P, He C, Shi Q, Yi Y, Li X, Li S-L & He D
(2019) Potassium Isotopic Constraints on Vaporisation and Volatile Element Evolution during Planet Formation
Wang K, Koefoed P, Tian Z, Bloom H, Zhao C & Chen H

Zhao Cheng (2017) Water Depth Affects the Distribution of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in an Alpine Lake of Southwest China
Li J & Zhao C

Zhao Chengcheng (2023) Subducted Slabs Induce High Heat Flux at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Zhao C, Manthilake G, Bouhifd A & Mathieu A
(2016) Proton Conduction of Hydrous Forsterite Aggregate Under Different Buffer Conditions
Zhao C & Yoshino T

Zhao Chenghai (2017) Origin of the Giant South China Mesozoic Low-Temperature Metallogenic Domain
Hu R, Fu S, Huang Y, Zhou M, Zhao C & Bi X

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