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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhang Yong (2020) Characteristics and Implications of Podiform-Chromite Hosted Silicate Inclusions in the Zedang Ophiolite, Southern Tibet
Guo G, Mao WL, Zhang RY, Liou JG, Ernst WG, Liu X, Zhang Y & Wu B
(2018) Decoding the Archean Fossil Record: Clues from Experimental Fossilization and Natural Sample Characterization
Alleon J, Ferralis N, Williford K, Flannery D, Schuessler J, Zhang Y & Summons R
(2016) REE Geochemistry of wolframite:Implications for Crustal-Scale Metallogenetic Processes of South China
Zhang Y, Ma DS & Pan JY
(2014) Green Chemical Vapor Generation Methods for Migration of Trace Mercury by Flow Injection Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
Zhang R & Zhang Y

Zhang Yong.Mei. (2013) Linkage between Gold Mineralization and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Youjiang Basin, South China: Petrographic Evidence
Gu XX, Zhang YM, Wu CY, Li BH, Dong SY & Xue CJ
(2013) Indonesian Mineralization Event in the Wulashan District, Northwest China: Evidence of Isotopic Geochronology
Zhang YM, Gu XX, Yang WL & Zhu WP
(2010) Evaluation on the Denudation of the Hadamengou and the Liubagou Gold Deposits in Inner Mongolia, China
Zhang YM, Gu XX, Zhang Y, Shen Y, Cheng WB & Lv PR
(2010) The Relationship between Gold Mineralization and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Youjiang Basin, South China
Gu XX, Zhang YM, Li BH & Dong SY

Zhang YongMei (2016) The Fe-Cu-Mo-Au Polymetallic Mineralization System Related to Intermediate-Acidic Igneous Rocks in the Boluokenu Metallogenic Belt of the West Tianshan, Xinjiang
Gu X, Zhang Y, Wang X & Peng Y
(2016) The Epithermal-Porphyry Gold Mineralization System and Related Magmatism in the Yichun Area, Heilongjiang, NE China
Zhang Y, Liu R & Gu X

Zhang Yongmei (2020) Cathodoluminescence and Trace Elements Features of Hydrothermal K-Feldspar and Quartz in the Liubagou Gold-Molybdenum Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Zhang Y, Gu X & Rusk B
(2020) The Identification of Porphyry-Skarn Ore System in the Yichun Area, NE China: Evidence from U-Pb and Re-Os Geochronology
Gu X, Zhang Y, Liu R & Wang J

Zhang Yongshu (2014) Geochemical Characteristics of Hydrocarbon in Tight Sand Reservoir of Altyn Tagh Thrust Belt, Qaidam Basin
Meng Q, Zhao M, Zhang Y, Zhou F, Sui L, Zheng Y & Li X

Zhang Yongyu (2020) Dynamics in Community Composition of MGII and Interactions with Phototrophs Among Different Particle Sizes in the Jiaozhou Bay
Tao J, Zhang Y & Zhang C
(2020) Potential Impact of the Interactions between Synechococcus and Heterotrophic Bacteria on Oceanic Carbon Flow
Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Tang L & Rivkin R
(2020) Seaweed Cultivation Contributes to the Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Pool in a Representative Mariculture Bay, Northern China
Li H & Zhang Y

Zhang You (2020) Multi Geochemical Attributes in Lower-Ordovician Dolostones from Tarim Basin: Implications for Genesis of Dolomite and Porosity
Zhang Y, Shen A, Feng Z, Zheng X, Zhu M, Shao G, Qi J & Zhang J
(2019) Geochemical Attributes in Lower-Ordovician Dolostones from Tarim Basin: Implications for Genesis of Dolomite and Porosity
Zhang Y, Shen A, Zheng X & Kedan Z
(2019) Geochemical Characteristics of Ordovician Dolomite and its Genesis Mechanisms of in Gucheng Area, East Tarim Basin
Zhu K, Zhang Y, Wang Y & Lin T
(2018) Multi-Parameter Identification of Dolomite Genesis and Controlling Factors of Dolomite Reservoir in Yingshan Formation of Gucheng Area, Tarim Basin, NW China
Zhang Y, Shen A, Zheng X, Huang S & Shao G
(2018) Effect of Carbonate Micro-Texture Types on Cambrian Reef-Flat Reservoir in Tarim Basin, Northwest of China
Shao H, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Feng Z, Li Q, Jia Q & Xu Z

Zhang You-Kuan (2009) Assessment of Impact of Land Cover Change on Mississippi River Basin Hydrology with Satellite Data
Jin X & Zhang Y-K

Zhang Youjun (2016) Melting of the Fe Alloys at Core Pressures and the Thermal Structure of the Earth
Zhang Y, Lin J-F, Sekine T, Zhou X & He H

Zhang Youxue (2023) Pyroxene Phenocrysts as Tracers of Melt Water Content in Lunar Basalts
Su X & Zhang Y
(2022) Cooling Time Scales of Lunar 74220 Orange Glass Beads from Na and Cu Profiles
Su X, Zhang Y, Liu Y & Holder RM
(2022) Diffusive Stable Isotope Fractionation during Mineral Dissolution
Zhang Y
(2021) Diffusive Isotope Fractionation of Potassium in Molten Basalts
Zhang Y
(2021) Copper Isotope Fractionation by Diffusion in Basaltic Melts
Ni P, Shahar A & Zhang Y
(2019) K Isotope Fractionation in Diffusion Couples of Molten Basalts
Zhang Y, Gan T & Guan Y
(2018) Diffusive Mineral Dissolution or Growth When Diffusivity in the Melt Depends on Concentration
Zhang Y
(2017) Multicomponent Diffusion in Basaltic Melts
Guo C & Zhang Y
(2016) Multicomponent Diffusion in Silicate Melts: SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3-MgO-Cao-Na2O-K2O System
Guo C & Zhang Y
(2016) H2O Paradox and Possible Solutions
Zhang Y
(2015) Seconds after Impact: Insights into the Thermal History of Tektites
Stolper E, Macris C, Badro J, Asimow P, Zhang Y & Eiler J
(2015) Cu and Fe Diffusion in Rhyolitic Melts during Chalcocite “Dissolution”
Ni P, Zhang Y, Simon A & Gagnon J
(2014) Chemical Zonation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Newcombe M, Fabbrizio A, Zhang Y, Ma C, Le Voyer M, Guan Y, Eiler J, Saal A & Stolper E
(2014) Cassiterite Dissolution and Sn Diffusion in Silicate Melts
Yang Y, Zhang Y & Simon A
(2014) Copper Diffusion in Basaltic Melts
Ni P & Zhang Y
(2014) Anorthite Dissolution in Basaltic Melt
Yu Y, Zhang Y & Chen Y
(2014) Magmatic Volatiles: Five Years Back, Five Years Forward
Zhang Y
(2013) Short Timescales of Magma Ascent Recorded in Melt Inclusion Diffusion Profiles
Plank T, Lloyd A, Ruprecht P, Hauri E & Zhang Y
(2013) Superchondritic Mantle is Partially Depleted MORB Mantle
Zhang Y
(2013) Constraining OH Diffusivity in Silicate Melts
Ni H, Xu Z & Zhang Y
(2012) On Diffusion in Heterogeneous Media
Zhang Y & Liu L
(2011) Volatile and Major Element Zonation within Melt Inclusions: A Natural Diffusion Experiment
Newcombe M, Fabbrizio A, Zhang Y, Guan Y, Ma C, Le Voyer M, Eiler J, Saal A & Stolper E
(2011) Degassing History of Earth
Zhang Y
(2010) Oxygen Diffusion in Hydrous Silicate Melts
Zhang Y
(2009) Degassing of Lunar Basalts
Zhang Y
(2008) Diffusivity-Viscosity Relations
Zhang Y
(2007) Water Diffusion in Trachyte and Phonolite Melts
Fanara S, Behrens H & Zhang Y
(2007) Spherical Diffusion Couple, Closure of Core Composition, and Geospeedometry
Zhang Y
(2007) H2O Diffusion in Rhyolite at 1-2 GPa
Ni H & Zhang Y
(2007) Pressure Dependence of Viscosity of Hydrous Rhyolitic Melts
Hui H, Xu Z & Zhang Y
(2002) Cooling Rates and Temperature in Eruption Columns Inferred from the Hydrous Species Geospeedometer
Zhang Y & Xu Z

Zhang Youyu (2018) Direct Dating of Charge Events Using Illitic Clays Rb-Sr Isotope System: A Case Study from Silurian Bituminous Sandstones in the Tarim Basin, NW China
Li S, Wang X-C, Li C-F, Zhang Y & Liu K
(2008) Diagenesis Evaluation in Sedimentary Basins for Hydrocarbon Exploration
Zwingmann H, Gaupp R, Higgs K & Zhang Y

Zhang Yu (2015) Higher Temperature and Hydrogen Availability Stimulated the Methanogenic Activity in East Antarctic Subglacial Sediment
Ma H, Yan W, Xiao X, Sun B, Dou Y & Zhang Y
(2013) The Transformation and Co-evolution of Archaea with its Environment Assessed by Energy Quantum
Xiao X, Zhang Y, Wang F, He Y & Xu J

Zhang Yu (2010) LA-ICPMS Zircon in situ Analysis of Magmatism and Mineralization in the Jinchang Gold Ore-Field, Heilongjiang Province, China
Lu Y, Zhang Y & Lai Y

Zhang Yu (2016) Activity of Abundant and Rare Bacteria in the Forehead of East Antarctica Ice Sheet
Ma H, Yan W, Zhang Y, Shi G, Xiao X & Sun B
(2016) Rhombohedra Shape of Dolomite Formation Mediated by Microbial Activity Under High Pressure
Zhang Y, Foubert A, Yan W, Muynck W, Hamaekers H, Bartlett D, Swennen R, Xiao X & Boon N

Zhang Yu

Zhang Yu (2020) Mantle Heterogeneity Revealed by Hf Isotopes of MORB from the Pacific-Antarctic Risecrest (PAR) 53-57°S
Meng F & Zhang Y

Zhang Yu-Xian (2023) Fossil and Non-Fossil Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosols during the Winter at Five Background Sites in China
Cao F, Zhang Y-X, Szidat S & Zhang Y

Zhang Yu-Zhong (2017) Degradation of Oganic Carbon of Esters by Microbial Novel Esterases in Deep-Sea Sediments
Li P-Y, Yao Q-Q, Zhang Y, Wang P, Chen X-L & Zhang Y-Z
(2016) Molecular Insight into Bacterial Cleavage of Oceanic Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) into Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS)
Li C-Y, Wang P, Xie B-B, Chen X-L & Zhang Y-Z

Zhang Yuan (2020) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediment from Poyang Lake Under the Condition of Drying-Wetting Cycles
Zhang Y, Yang D, Mao L, Liu J, Zhang Y & Qi S

Zhang Yuan (2013) From Grains to Planetesimals in Evolving Protostellar Disks
Lin D, Zhang Y, Dai B, Feng Y & Li C

Zhang Yuan (2011) Study of Geochemistry, Geochronology and Petrogenesis of the Early Paleozoic Granites in South China
Shu L & Zhang Y

Zhang Yuanming (2023) Tracing the Source and Transport of Hg during Pedogenesis in Strongly Weathered Tropical Soil Using Hg Isotopes
Gao X, Yuan W, Chen J, Huang F, Wang Z, Gong Y, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zhang T & Zheng W
(2021) Mercury Isotopic Fractionation in Latosol Profile Developed from Strongly Weathered Basalt
Gao X, Zhang Y, Huang F, Chen J & Zheng W
(2021) Mercury Isotopes from the Pho Han Formation in Vietnam Show no Evidence for a Volcanic Trigger for the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary
Zheng W, Zhang Y, Chen J & Carmichael S
(2020) Mercury Enrichment and Isotope Compositions in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Zheng W, Sahoo S, Zhou A, Zhao Y & Zhang Y

Zhang Yuanpeng (2019) Probing the Formation and Alteration of Lanthanide Phosphates
Guo X, Zhang Y, Kemal R, Dhakal D, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Clavier N, Xu H, Mayanovic R, Liu L & Dacheux N

Zhang Yuanshou (2016) Water-Fluxed Melting of Orogenic Crust: Evidence from Amphibole-Bearing Migmatite in the Dabie Orogen, E China
Hu Z, Zhang Y, Yu Y & Chen F

Zhang Yuanyuan (2020) Origins of Saline Minerals in Lower Permian Alkaline Lacustrine Deposits in Northwestern Junggar Basin, China: Impact on Hydrocarbon Accumulation
Zhang Y & Li W
(2019) Cu Isotope Systematics in the Largely Anthropogenically Impacted Pearl River, China
Zhang T, Chen J, Zhang Y & Wang Z
(2019) Mercury Isotopic Composition in the Large Anthropogenically Impacted Pearl River, South China
Zhang Y, Chen J, Wang Z, Yuan S, Yuan W, Zhang T & Liu Y
(2016) In situ Investigation into the Photoinduced Alternation of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in an Alpine Lake
Du Y, Zhang Y, Chen F, Chang Y & Liu Z

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