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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhang Yanjun (2023) Revealing the Chemical Processes Governing the Evolution of Particle Oxidation Products from Naphthalene OH Initiated Oxidation
Sari Doré F, Zhang Y, Top J, Carstens C, Dubois C, Perrier S, El Haddad I, Bell D & Riva M

Zhang Yanli (2023) Prolonged Lifetime of Particulate-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Coating of Secondary Aerosols during Photochemical Aging of Biomass Burning Plumes
Wang X, Deng W, Zhang Y, Mellouki A, Rudich Y & George C
(2019) Spatiotemporal Patterns and Source Apportionment of Volatile Organic Compounds in China Based on Observations at 20 Sites
Zhang Y & Wang X

Zhang Yanlin (2023) Unique ∆17O-No3- in Arctic Ocean Atmosphere: Influence of Sea Ice‐Derived Enhancement of OH and HOX
Zhang Y
(2023) Fossil and Non-Fossil Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosols during the Winter at Five Background Sites in China
Cao F, Zhang Y-X, Szidat S & Zhang Y
(2018) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during Gas-Particle Conversion of NOx to NO3- in the Atmosphere – Implications for Isotope-Based NOx Source Apportionment
Zhang Y, Chang Y & Lehmann MF

Zhang Yanling (2018) Reservoir Characteristics in Western Ordos Basin,China
Zhang Y & Guo Y
(2013) The Characteristics of Fluid Inclusion from Ordovician Carbonate Reserviors in Western Ordos Basin
Zhang Y, Guo Y & Liu J

Zhang Yanlong (2012) Re-Os Isotopes of Chaihe Mantle Xenoliths Constrain the Age of the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle in Inner Mongolia Province, China
Zhang Y, Ge W & Liu C
(2012) Os-Hf-Nd-Sr Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Highly Potassic Basalts in Northeast China
Chu Z, Wu F, Guo J, Yang Y, Zhang Y & Liu C
(2010) Formation and Evolution of Hailaer Basin, NE China: Constraints from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks
Gao F, Zhao L & Zhang Y

Zhang Yanmei (2016) Sea Salt Aerosols as a Reactive Surface for Inorganic and Organic Acidic Gases in the Arctic Troposphere
Chi J, Zhang J, Lin Y, Zhang Y & Li W

Zhang Yanting (2020) The Role of Hydroxyl Radicals in Iron Biogeochemical Cycling Under Redox Dynamic Conditions
Tong M, Zhang Y & Yuan S
(2019) Interplay between Iron Species Transformation and Hydroxyl Radicals Production in Sediments during Anoxic-Oxic Cycles
Tong M, Zhang Y & Yuan S
(2018) Microbially Driven Production of Hydroxyl Radicals during Soil Redox Oscillations
Zhang Y & Tong M

Zhang Yanwei (2017) Tracing Seasonal Variation of Suspended Sediment Provenances in the South China Sea
Liu Z, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Colin C, Wu Q, Lin S, Zhao S, Wen K & Zhang X
(2017) Monitoring Sediment Transport in the Deep South China Sea Using 231Pa-230Th Isotopess of Sediment Trap Samples
Zhao Y, Liu Z, Lippold J, Jaccard S, Zhang Y, Eglinton T, Zhang X & Wu Q
(2016) Tracing the Provenance of Organic Matter and its Associations with Minerals in the South China Sea
Blattmann T, Wen K, Li J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Wacker L, Haghipour N, Plötze M, Liu Z & Eglinton T
(2016) Provenance and Source-To-Sink Transport Processes of Fluvial Sediments in the South China Sea
Liu Z, Zhao Y, Colin C, Stattegger K, Wiesner MG, Zhang Y & Li X

Zhang Yanxia (2020) Phthalate Pollution and Human Exposures in Plastic Greenhouse Vegetable Production and Consumption Systems
Zhang Y, Huang B & Wang X

Zhang Yanxu (2020) Bioaccumulation of Methylmercury in a Marine Plankton Ecosystem
Zhang Y
(2017) Linking Global Mercury Releases to Local Human Health Outcomes
Sunderland E, Schartup A, Thackray C, Li M, Calder R, Horowitz H & Zhang Y
(2016) An Examination of the Role of Particles in Oceanic Mercury Cycling
Lamborg C, Hammerschmidt C, Bowman K & Zhang Y
(2015) Cycling of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the Remote Marine Environment
Amos H, Zhang Y, Dutkiewicz S, Friedmand C, Forget G, Zhang X, Lohmann R, Sun C, Thackray C, Selin N & Sunderland E
(2014) Quantifying the Environmental Exposure Pathway for Methylmercury
Sunderland E, Amos H, Corbitt E, Horowitz H, Qureshi A, Schartup A, Soerensen A, Zhang Y & Jacob D

Zhang Yanyao (2023) Hydrated Silica and Bridgmanite in Lower-Mantle Subducting Slabs
Lin J-F & Zhang Y
(2022) Elasticity of Stishovite and Post-Stishovite at High Pressure: Implications for Understanding VS Anomalous Seismic Scatterers beneath Subduction Zones in the Lower Mantle
Zhang Y, Fu S, Karato S-I, Okuchi T & Lin J-F
(2019) Temperature Dependence of Water Solubility in Coesite at 5 GPa
Yan W, Liu X, Zhang Y, Sun S & Sun W

Zhang Yanzhen (2020) Eutrophication and Tidal Marshes Shape Dissolved Organic Matter Chemistry along Two Freshwater-Estuarine Transects
He D, Zhang Y, Lu Q, Li P, He C, Wang Y, Shi Q & Sun Y

Zhang Yao (2017) Light Effect on N2 Fixation and Diazotroph Derived Nitrogen Net Release of Field Trichodesmium
Lu Y, Wen Z, Shi D, Chen M, Zhang Y, Li Y, Tian J & Kao S-J

Zhang Yaping (2020) The N Cycle-Related Microbial Interaction Pattern and its Ecological Influences in Sediments of Shallow Freshwater Lake with Different Eutrophic Status
Wang Z, Ruan X, Zhang Y, Li R, Bai Y & Shi W
(2014) Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol in an Urban Region Downwind of the Ozark Mountains
Williams B, Mitroo D, Martinez R, Zhang Y, Walker M, Oxford C, Hagan D, Zuo X, Du L, Turner J, Hu L, Baasandorj M & Millet D
(2011) Novel Approaches to Organic Aerosol Chemical Characterization
Williams B, Zhang Y, Martinez R, Docherty K, Ulbrich I, Jimenez J, Hering S, Kreisberg N, Goldstein A & Worsnop D

Zhang Ye (2012) The Preliminary Study on Prospecting Uranium Mine in Radioactively Physical Geography Using Factor Analysis Method
Zheng Y, Wu X, Zhang Y & Yang Y
(2012) Study on Distribution Regularities of the Soil Radionuclide Contents in China
Yang Y, Zhang Y, Cao L, Zheng Y & Wu X
(2009) A Study on U-Ra Equilibrium Coefficient of Xiazhuang Uranium Ore Field and Its Application
Wu X-M, Zhang Y, Zheng Y-M, Chen Y & Yang Y-X

Zhang Yi (2020) Synergy between Macrophyte Abundance and DIC Concentrations that Reduce Methane Emissions from Experimental Ponds
Chen B, Yang R, Zhang Y, Bao Q, Gao M & Liu Z
(2017) Degradation of Oganic Carbon of Esters by Microbial Novel Esterases in Deep-Sea Sediments
Li P-Y, Yao Q-Q, Zhang Y, Wang P, Chen X-L & Zhang Y-Z
(2011) Effects of Sodium Borohydride Reduction and Dioxygen Concentration on the Photochemical Properties of Humic Substances
Blough N, Golanoski K, Zhang Y & Del Vecchio R
(2010) The Dynamic Effects of Sedimentation Rate on the Gas Hydrate System
Zhang Y, Wu N, He L & Wang J

Zhang Yi Ge (2012) Ring Index: Towards Quality-Controls for the TEX86 Paleothermometer
Zhang YG & Pagani M
(2012) Clumped Isotopes Role in a Multi-Proxy Paleoclimate Reconstruction
Affek H, Zaarur S, Kluge T, Dublyansky Y, Spoetl C, Douglas P, Ivany L, Saenger C & Zhang Y

Zhang Yi Ge (2013) Oligocene – Early Miocene North Pacific Temperatures Based in Clumped Isotopes in Kamchatka Bivalves
Zhang YG, Affek H, Oleinik A, Wang Z & Hu P

Zhang Yi Ge (2015) Refining the Alkenone-Pco2 Method: Nutrient Constraints and the Effect of Growth Rate
Zhang YG, Pearson A & Pagani M

Zhang Yi Ge (2016) The alkenone-Pco2 Method over Glacial – Interglacial Cycles
Zhang YG, Benthien A, Dong L, Henderiks J & Pearson A

Zhang Yi Ge (2018) Resolving the Physiological Parameter ‘b’ for Alkenone-Based pCO2 Reconstructions
Zhang YG, Pearson A, Henderiks J, Liu X & Dong L

Zhang Yi Ge (2020) Paleo-CO2 Reconstruction Based Upon Metasequoia Leaves: A Comparison of Different Proxies Using Early Miocene Fossils from Inner Mongolia
Liang J-Q, Hofig DF, Leng Q, Xiao L, Niu G, Zhang YG & Yang H
(2020) Refining the paleosol-CO2 Proxy and the Reconstruction of early-Pleistocene CO2 Levels
Da J, Ji J, Zhang Y, Li G & Meng X
(2020) The Consumption Rate of a Natural CO2 Pulse: Lessons from the Middle Miocene
Zhang YG, Hofig D, Leng Q, Giosan L & Yang H
(2020) Miocene Clarkia Lake Deposit: Archive of Annual Climate Variability at 16 Ma
Hofig D, Zhang YG, Leng Q, Liang J, Wu M & Yang H

Zhang Yi Ge (2021) Oceanic Nutrient Rise and the Late Miocene Inception of Pacific Oxygen-Deficient Zones
Wang XT, Wang Y, Auderset A, Sigman DM, Ren HA, Martinez-Garcia A, Haug GH, Su Z, Zhang Y, Rasmussen B, Sessions A & Fischer W
(2021) Assessment of Natural Variations of Key Fossil Parameters in Conifer Species and their Impact on the Accuracy of the Leaf Gas Exchange Model for Ancient CO2 Reconstruction
Liang J, Leng Q, Höfig D, Niu G, Xiao L, Zhang YG & Yang H

Zhang Yi Ge (2023) Fidelity of High-Resolution Paleoclimate Signals from the Middle Miocene Clarkia Lacustrine Deposit: From Megafossils to Molecular Isotope
Yang H, Leng Q, Hofig DF, Zhang YG, Turner J & Pearson A
(2023) Forward Modeling the Alkenone paleo-CO2 Proxy: Combining Traditional Approaches in a Bayesian Framework
Harper DT, Polissar PJ, Zhang Y & Bowen G
(2023) Neodymium Isotope Ratios in Sedimentary Organic Matter
van de Laar D, Marcantonio F & Zhang Y

Zhang Yi-Fan (2019) Formation Pathways of Norsethite Controlled by Mg/Ba Ratio and Implication for Dolomite Problem
Zhang Y-F, Zhou G-T, Qian F-J & Yao Q-Z

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