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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhang Yahe (2020) Development of Standard for Quantitative Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter by FT-ICR MS
He C, Zhang Y, Li Y, Zhuo X, Li Y, Zhang C & Shi Q
(2018) Methane Generation Accompanied by an Unusual Degradation of Long-Chain Alkyl Substituted Moieties in Heavy Oil as Evidenced by Anoxic Biodegradation Experiments
Cheng L, Shi S, Yang L, Zhang Y, Dolfing J, Sun Y-G, Liu L-Y, Li Q, Tu B, Dai L-R, Shi Q & Zhang H

Zhang Yalei (2023) Biodegradation and Carbon Resource Recovery of Poly(butylene Adipate-Co-terephthalate) (PBAT) by Mealworms
Zhang Y, Chen J, Zhou X, Gao F, Zhang T & Zhang Y
(2023) Biodegradation and Carbon Resource Recovery of Poly(butylene Adipate-Co-terephthalate) (PBAT) by Mealworms
Zhang Y, Chen J, Zhou X, Gao F, Zhang T & Zhang Y

Zhang Yan (2021) Jiasongfangiella Alkanivorans Gen. Nov., sp. Nov., a Novel Bacterium with Degradation of Alkanes Isolated from the Sediment of the Mariana Trench
Wei Y, Wang J, Zhang Y & Fang J

Zhang Yan (2022) Magellan Seamount Trail Generated by Superposition of Arago and Rarotonga Hotspot Volcanism: Insights from Co-occurrence of HIMU and EM1 Components in a Single Pako Guyot
Wei X, Zhang Y, Shi X-F, Castillo PR, Xu Y, Yan Q & Liu J

Zhang Yan (2023) Tracing Riverine and Atmospheric Supply Variability over the Holocene Mediterranean Sea: A Basin-Wide Perspective
Wu J, Yao S, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Zhao Y, Filippidi A & de Lange GJ

Zhang Yan (2018) Bioreduction of Cr(VI) over the Composites of Montmorillonite, Humic Acid, and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Han P, Xie J, Zhang Y, Dai K & Huang Q

Zhang Yan (2019) Environmental Implication of Nutrient Fluxes Associated with Submarine Groundwater Discharge to an Urbanized River in Daya Bay, China
Xiao K, Li G, Li H, Wang X & Zhang Y
(2019) Study on Ar-Ar Dating Technique for Superfine Minerals
Shen Z, Chen W, Zhang Y, Yuan X & Liu X

Zhang Yan (2020) Rapid and Accurate Determination of Cu Isotope in Copper Bearing Minerals Using Microdrilling and MC-ICP-MS
Lv N, Bao Z, Chen L, Zhang Y, Chen K & Yuan H

Zhang Yan (2011) Advances and Challenges in the Study of Mechanisms on Salinization and Contamination of Deep Groundwater in the North China Plain
Wu J, Yang Y, Zhang Y & Zhu X
(2011) Pb, C, H, O and S Isotope Geochemistry of the Maoping Carbonate-Hosted Pb-Zn(-Ag-Ge) Deposit in Northeast Yunnan Province, China
Yang G, Zhang Y, Han R & Wu P
(2011) Research on Geochemistry Model of Nanhe W-Mo-Cu Deposit in Southwest Section of Qinzhou-Hangzhou Metallogenic Belt
An Y, Zhou Y, Lv W, Tan X, Chen Q, Bai M & Zhang Y
(2010) Evaluation on the Denudation of the Hadamengou and the Liubagou Gold Deposits in Inner Mongolia, China
Zhang YM, Gu XX, Zhang Y, Shen Y, Cheng WB & Lv PR
(2009) Late Cenozoic Episodic Uplifting in Southeastern Part of the Tibetan Plateau ― Evidence from Ar-Ar Thermochronology
Zhang Y, Chen W, Yong Y & Zhang Y
(2009) The Ar-Ar Geochronological Study of the Shear Zone-Type Gold Deposit of East Tianshan, Xinjiang, NW China
Chen W, Zhang Y, Yong Y & Xinyu L
(2008) Boundary Exchange Processes on and along the Kerguelen Plateau
Zhang Y, Jeandel C & Lacan F
(2007) New Achievements in the Study of the Excess Argon in HP-UHP Metramorphic Minerals
Chen W, Zhang Y, Liu XY & Wang QL
(2007) Lithogenic Inputs over the Kerguelen Plateau (Southern Ocean) Traced by the Dissolved REE Concentrations and Nd Isotopic Composition
Zhang Y, Lacan F & Jeandel C

Zhang Yan (2014) Migration Characteristics of Elements during Hydrothermal Alteration in Nariniya Porphyry-Type Pb-Zn Deposit of the Tuotuohe Region, Qinghai–Tibet Plateau
Qian Y, Sun F, Shen Y & Zhang Y
(2014) Crystallization Temperature, Scale and Contribution to Source Rocks of Basic Intrusive Rocks in the Eastern Depression of Liaohe Basin
Zhang Y, Gao Y, Bian W, Huang Y & Tang H
(2014) Paleovolcanic Edifice Rebuilding in the Southeastern Margin of the Songliao Basin, NE China
Shen Y, Cheng R, Zhang Y & Qian Y
(2013) Geology and Geochemistry of Basic Intrusive Rocks in the Eastern Fault Depression of Liaohe Basin
Zhang Y, Bian W, Huang Y, Yu X, Gao Y & Tang H

Zhang Yan (2015) Evidence for Low-Ca, yet not Mantle Olivine Xenocrysts in Alkali Basalts from West Qinling, Central China
Li X, Mo X, Bader T, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Li X, Yu X & Huang X

Zhang Yan-Chun (2009) Sources and Fate of Nitrate and Sulfate in a Sandy Aquifer: A Multi-Isotope Study
Zhang Y-C, Slomp C, Broers HP, Passier H, Böttcher M & Van Cappellen P
(2008) Denitrification Coupled to Pyrite Oxidation and Changes in Groundwater Quality at Oostrum, the Netherlands
Zhang Y-C, Slomp C, Broers HP, Passier H & Van Cappellen P

Zhang Yan-Jie (2009) Study on the Character of Mineral Pollution in Soil from Lead-Zinc Mining Area
Zhou Y, Zheng P-X, Wang T-F & Zhang Y-J
(2009) Determination of Lead Isotopes Ratio in Rock Samples by ICP-MS
Zheng P-X, Zhou Y, Wang T-F & Zhang Y-J

Zhang Yan-Lin (2020) NO2 and TMI Oxidations Are Important Mechanisms of Airborne Sulfate Aerosol Formation in Beijing, China during the Haze Event: Evidence by Sulfur Isotope Techniques
Fan M, Zhang Y, Lin Y-C & Cao F
(2016) Molecular Distribution and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Low-Molecular-Weight Dicarboxylic Acids during Biomass Burning Aerosols in Northeast China
Cao F, Kawamura K, Zhang S-C & Zhang Y-L
(2016) Local Versus Regional Haze Events as Indetified by Radiocarbon and Molecular Marker Analysis of Carbonaceous Aerosols in an Urban Environment
Liu J, Zhang G, Li J, Liu D & Zhang Y
(2016) Radiocarbon Measurement of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Outflow from Northeast China
Zhang Y, Kawamura K, Agrios K, Lee M & Szidat S

Zhang Yan-Tao (2015) Ambient Inclusion Trails (AITs) in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China: New Observations and a Refined Model
Zhang Y-T, She Z-B & Papineau D

Zhang Yanbin (2016) The Origin of Suwan Basalts: Constraints from Re-Os and PGE Geochemistry
Chu Z, Yan Y, Guo J, Yang Y & Zhang Y

Zhang Yanbin (2013) A Comprehensive Separation Procedure for Precise Determination of Re, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd in Geological Samples
Chu Z, Walker R, Guo J, Yan Y, Yang Y & Zhang Y

Zhang Yanbin (2009) In situ Nd Isotope Measurement of Bastnaesite via LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yang Y, Wu F, Fan H, Xie L & Zhang Y

Zhang Yanfei (2022) Trace H2O-Enhanced Sedimentary Carbon Migration from Subducting Slabs to the Forearc Mantle
Wang J, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Wang C & Wang X
(2018) Geochemical Evolution Processes of Geothermal Water in Tethys Himalaya Belt
Xu P, Tan H, Zhang Y & Zhang W
(2015) The Migration of Carbonate Melt in Mantle
Wang C, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Guo X, Jin Z & Wang Y

Zhang Yang (2023) Amino Acids and Related Proxies as Indicators for Food Quality of Different Benthic Organism Habitats in the Northern Bering and Arctic Chukchi Sea
Zhang Y
(2022) Cu Isotope Fractionation during the Replacement of Pyrite by Copper-Bearing Sulfides
Zhang Y & Li W
(2020) Understanding of Hydrothermal Alteration Process from Both Experiments and Geological Facts
Cai Y, Zhao X, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhang X & Pan Y
(2020) Arsenic Influence on the Distribution and Modes of Occurrence of Gold during the Fluid-Pyrite Interaction: A Case Study of Pyrite from the Qiucun Gold Deposit, China
Zhang H, Cai Y, Sha G, Brugger J, Pring A, Ni P, Qian G, Luo Z, Zhang Y & Tan W
(2018) Astrochronology of the End-Permian Extinction and the Early-Middle Triassic
Li M, Huang C, Ogg J, Hinnov L, Zhang Y, Chen W & Tian W
(2016) The Mechanism of the Reaction between Pyrite and Cu(I)-Chloride Under Mesothermal to Low Temperature Hydrothermal Conditions
Cai Y & Zhang Y
(2016) Early Mesozoic Rejuvenation and Reworking of Continental Crust in South China
Yang J-H, Chen J-Y, Zhang J-H, Zhang Y & Li X-H
(2015) Simulating Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation-Climate Interactions Using Online-Coupled WRF-CAM5 over East Asia
Zhang Y, Wang K, Chen Y, He J & Campbell P
(2010) Arsenic Distribution in Colloidal Size Fractions of High As Groundwaters in the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia
Guo H, Zhang B & Zhang Y
(2009) Global-Through-Urban WRF/Chem: A Unified Model for Modeling Aerosol-Climate Interactions
Zhang Y, Pan Y, Wen X-Y, Chen Y-S, Karamchandani P, Streets DG & Zhang Q
(2009) Effect of Marine Biogenic Organic Aerosols on Cloud Properties: Modeling Study
Meskhidze N, Xu J, Zhang Y, Gantt B, Ghann S, Nenes A, Liu X, Easter R & Zaveri R

Zhang Yanglin (2014) Characteristic of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Liaohe River Drainage Basin, Northeast China
Hu J, Liu C, Zhang Y & Zhang G
(2013) The Characterastics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Drainage Basin of the Liao River, Northeast China
Hu J, Zhang Y, Liu B, Li S & Guan J
(2011) Contamination by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Tianjin Rivers, China
Hu J, Liu D, Zhang Y & Zhang G
(2010) Characterization of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Aerosols Around Guiyang City, China
Hu J, Liu D, Zhang G & Zhang Y

Zhang Yangming (2016) Metal Element Composition of Suspended Particles in the Adjacent Sea of the Changjiang Estuary
Li T, Zhao D, Dong C, Zhang Y & Yuan X

Zhang Yangyang (2016) Experimental Studies on CO2 (SO2)-saline-Minerals Interaction with Related to CO2 Geological Storage
Chen J & Zhang Y

Zhang Yanhong (2012) MGMTP Software to Obtain Tritium Concentration in Precipitation
Luo Y, Zhang Y, Ye S & Wu J

Zhang Yanjie (2008) Determination of Trace Elements in Sedimentary Rock Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Zheng P, Zhou Y, Wang T, Zhang Y & Liu L
(2007) Mantle Fluids Involved in Metallogenesis of the Gold Deposits in the Hanging Wall of Zhao-Ping Fault: Evidence of H-O Isotopes
Zhou Y, Zheng P-X, Zhang Y & Wang T-F
(2007) Rb-Sr Isochron Age of Gold-Rich Quartz Veins in the Lingqueshan Gold Deposit, Shandong Province in China
Zheng P-X, Zhou Y, Wang T-F & Zhang Y

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