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Zhang Xinmu J (2023) Twin Flames in Deep Earth Volatiles: Heterogeneity from Accretion and Differential Stirring of Mantle Reservoirs
Parai R, Patzkowsky S, Woody K & Zhang XJ

Zhang Xinning (2023) Role of Cryptogamic Covers in Metal-Nitrogen Biogeochemical Coupling at the Edge of the Critical Zone
Darnajoux R, Koonin S, Dani S, Haynes S, Magain N, Uchida Y, Lutzoni F & Zhang X
(2023) Oxygen Variability Elicits Differential Responses in Microbial Carbon Mobilization Across Wetlands: Implications for Wetland Resilience Under Hydrological Regime Shifts
Reji L & Zhang X
(2022) In situ Mineral Probes of Local Fluid-Mineral Interactions in Soils
Wild B, Lammers LN, Zhang X, White C & Bourg IC
(2022) Mechanistic Insights on Cellular Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation by N2-reducing Mo-Nitrogenase
Han E, Maloney A, Ai X(, Sigman DM, Kopf S & Zhang X
(2020) 4D Imaging of Clay Reveals Soil Carbon Dynamics
Yang J, Bourg I, Zhang X & Stone H
(2018) Active Site Constraints on Nitrogen Stable Isotope Fractionation by Mo-Dependent Nitrogenase
Han E, Darnajoux R, Kopf S & Zhang X
(2018) Effect of Iron Limitation on the Isotopic Composition of Cellular and Released Fixed Nitrogen in Azotobacter vinelandii
McRose D, Lee A, Kopf S, Baars O, Kraepiel A, Sigman D, Morel F & Zhang X
(2018) Redox Homeostasis by Alternative V-Nitrogenase Improves Growth
Luxem KE, Kraepiel AML & Zhang X
(2018) The Methane Paradox in Peat Systems is Linked to Redox Transitions
Wilmoth J, Liu X, Schaefer J, Shoemaker J, Myneni S & Zhang X
(2017) Vanadium Nitrogenase in Boreal Cyanolichens: Activity and Regulation
Darnajoux R, Zhang X, Magain N, McRose D, Miadlikowska J, Kraepiel A, Lutzoni F & Bellenger J-P
(2017) Characterization and Regulation of Weak and Strong Siderophores by Soil Nitrogen-Fixing Azotobacter sp
Baars O, Kopf S, Zhang X, Seyedsayamdost M & Morel F
(2013) Isotope Fractionation by Alternative Nitrogenases and Oceanic Anoxic Events
Zhang X, Sigman D & Kraepiel A
(2013) Alternative Nitrogenases in Terrestrial Ecosystems?
Bellenger J-P, Xu Y, Zhang X & Kraepiel A
(2010) The Importance of Metabolism for Lipid D/H Ratios
Sessions A, Zhang X & Gillespie A
(2008) Variations in D/H Fractionation Associated with Microbial Heterotrophy
Zhang X & Sessions A

Zhang Xinshun (2014) Gas Accumulation Model of Baodao Northern Slope, Qiongdongnan Basin
Zhang X

Zhang Xinxu (2014) Nutrients Limitation of Microbial Abundance & Activity at North Pond Crustal Biosphere, Western Flank of Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Zhang X, Zhou Y, Perumal V, Xiao X & Wang F

Zhang XinXu (2013) Understanding the Sub-Surface Metabolic Activity and Pathways of Microbial Mediated C/N Cycling in North Pond, Western Flank of Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Wang F, Zhang X & Zhou Y

Zhang Xiu-Zheng (2019) Thermal State Transition from Cold to Warm Mid-Lower Crust in Central Tibet Since 28 Myr
Zhang X-Z & Qiang W
(2019) Passive Margin Magmatism Caused by Enhanced Slab Pull Forces
Dan W, Wang Q, White WM, Zhang X-Z & Tang G-J
(2018) Late Permian Bimodal Volcanic Rocks in the Northern Qiangtang, Central Tibet: Evidence for the Interaction between Emeishan Plume and Paleo-Tethyan Subduction System
Wang J, Wang Q, Zhang C, Dan W, Qi Y, Zhang X-Z & Xia X-P

Zhang Xiufang (2019) Photonic Crystal Coupled Carbon Quantum dots(CQDs) Decorated Porous BiVO4 Hybrid for Efficient Photocatalysis Under a Broad Spectrum Irradiation
Zhang X & Li M

Zhang Xiying (2009) Characteristics of Strontium and Boron Isotopes of Ancient Salt Deposits in Southeastern Laos and their Geological Implications
Tan H, Li B & Zhang X

Zhang Xizhen (2009) Brightness Temperature Distribution of the Moon: Result from Chinese Chang’E-1 Lunar Orbiter
Zheng Y, Bian W, Sun Y, Feng J, Zhang X, Liu J & Zou Y

Zhang Xu (2021) The Interglacial-Glacial Sequence of Events at the Agulhas Plateau: Antarctic Icebergs Lead Ocean Circulation into Ice Ages and Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Starr A, Hall IR, Barker S, Hemming S, Rackow T, Zhang X, van der Lubbe HJL, Knorr G, Berke M, Bigg GR, Cartagena-Sierra A, Jimenez-Espejo F, Gong X, Gruetzner J, Lathka N, LeVay L & Ziegler M
(2019) The Pandora's box of Reverse Weathering Reactions: Clues from Li and Si Isotopes in a Paleo-Delta
Zhang X, Gaillardet J, Barrier L & Bouchez J
(2017) Glacial Climate Stability
Knorr G, Zhang X, Lohmann G & Barker S
(2017) Silicon Isotopes in Large River Sediments: Imprint of Modern-Day Weathering vs. Continental Recycling
Zhang X, Pringle E, Dellinger M, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J & Moynier F
(2014) Helium and CO2 Systematics of the San Andreas Fault System
Hilton D, Evans T, Zhang X, Kulongoski J, Ramirez C, Blackmon K & Barry P

Zhang Xu (Yvon) Yvon (2023) Unravelling Bedrock-Soil Element Transfer: Insights from GIS-Based Modelling
Jordan DAA, Zhang X(Y & Kriegsman LM
(2023) Investigating Lithium (Li) Adsorption onto Iron-Oxides (Goethite, Hematite, Wüstite, and Magnetite) at Various pH Conditions
Zhang X(Y, Plümper O & King HE

Zhang Xuan (2016) Water Geochemistry of the Yalong River Region of Eastern Tibetan Plateau
Zhang X & Xu Z

Zhang Xuan (2019) Atmospheric Wet Depostion Fluxes of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Lake Qinghai Watershed at Qinghai-Tibet Pleatau, China
Zhang X, Guo B, Ouyang W & Lin C

Zhang Xuan (2014) Influence of Vapor Wall-Loss in Laboratory Chambers on Yields of Secondary Organic Aerosol
Cappa C, Zhang X, Jathar S, McVay R, Ensberg J, Kleeman M & Seinfeld J

Zhang Xuan (2015) Chemical Composition of Rainwater and the Acid Neutralizing Effect at Beijing and Chizhou City, China
Xu Z, Wu Y, Liu W, Liang C, Ji J, Zhao T & Zhang X

Zhang Xue-Chun (2019) Electron Probe Microanalysis of Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios in Calcic and Sodic-Calcic Amphibole and Biotite Using the Flank Method
Li X, Zhang C, Almeev RR, Zhang X-C, Zhao X-F, Wang L-X, Koepke J & Holtz F

Zhang Xuejun (2017) Revealing Thresholds of Petroleum Mobility in Shale: An Experimental Study
Zhu X, Cai J, Liu Q, Li Z & Zhang X

Zhang Xueni (2018) Controls on Orthopyroxene-Melt Partitioning of Palladium
Zhang X, Brenan J & Mungall J

Zhang Xuetong (2013) Dissolution Kinetics of Some Femic-Silicate Minerals in Water from 20 to 435C, 23MPa: Effect of Water Solvent Properties within the Critical Region
Zhang R, Hu S & Zhang X
(2013) Kinetic Study of Syenite-Water Interactions at Temperatures from 20℃ to 435℃ and at Pressures up to 36MPa
Zhang X, Zhang R & Hu S
(2013) Kinetic Experiments of Actinolite in CaCl2 –HCl-H2O up to 400C
Hu S, Zhang R & Zhang X
(2011) Study on Mineral Surface Reacted with Water at High Temperatures Above 300℃
Hu S, Zhang R & Zhang X
(2011) Kinetic Experiments of Some Silicate Mineral Dissolutions in Water from a Subcritical to a Supercritical State
Zhang R, Hu S & Zhang X
(2011) Chemical Sensors Based on Zr/ZrO2 Electrode for Measurement of pH in a Subcritical to Supercritical Aqueous Water
Zhang X, Zhang R & Hu S
(2010) Experiments of Olivine Reacted with Aqueous Solutions at High Temperatures and its Implication for MOR Hydrothermal Reactions
Zhang X, Zhang R & Hu S
(2010) Experimental Study of Dissolution Rates of Some Silicate Minerals at High Temperatures up to 400ºC
Zhang R, Hu S & Zhang X
(2010) Experiments on Water Rock Interactions at Temperatures up to 435ºC and its Implications on Geophysical Features in the Mid-Crust
Hu S, Zhang R & Zhang X
(2009) Partitions of Sn, Cu, W, Au between Liquid and Vapor Phases at Sub-Critical States of Metal Bearing Fluids
Hu S, Zhang R & Zhang X
(2009) Kinetic Experiments of Basalt and Femic Minerals Reacted with Water at High Temperatures Above 300℃
Zhang X, Zhang R & Hu S
(2009) FT-Ir Spectra of NaCl-H2O at High Temperatures Upto 650 ºC
Zhang R, Hu S & Zhang X

Zhang Xuexia (2008) Microbial Mobilization of Adsorbed Arsenate on Al(III)-and Fe(III)-hydroxide
Zhang X, Jia Y, Xu L & Pan R
(2008) Impact of Microbial Activity on the Fate of Arsenic in Offshore Sediment
Xu L, Jia Y, Zhang X & Pan R

Zhang Xuhui

Zhang Y (2008) Rn Concentration and Estimation of Annual Effective Dose in Xiazhuang Uranium Ore Field, Guangdong Province
Yang Y, Zheng Y, Wu X & Zhang Y
(2006) Quantifying Mineral Dissolution and Xenolith Digestion Rates
Zhang Y
(2006) A multiple-year experiment on viscosity of hydrous rhyolitic melt
Xu Z & Zhang Y
(2005) Subduction Times of Oceanic Crust along the Jinshajiang Suture Zone, Tibetan Plateau, SW China
Chen W, Zhang Y & Sun G
(2005) Ar-Ar Chronology Study of the Qiugemingtashi-Huangshan Ductile Shear Zone, Xinjiang, NW China
Han D, Chen W, Zhang Y & Wang Y
(2005) Shear Deformation Ages of the Xianshuihe Fault Zone in SE Tibetan Plateau
Jin G, Chen W, Zhang Y & Sun G
(2005) Study of the <+>40<$>Ar/<+>39<$>Ar Age and Ar Isotope Distribution of Phengite in High Pressure Orthogneiss (the Surrounding Rock of the Qinglong-Shan Eclogite, East China)
Cai J, Chen W & Zhang Y
(2005) Ar-Ar and SHRIMP U-Pb Age Evidence of the Daohugou Fossil-Bearing Beds in Ningcheng, Inner Mongolia&#65292;NE China
Zhang Y, Chen W, Liu D, Ji Q & Song B
(2005) Preliminary Study on the Separation of Diagenetic Illite from the Detrital Minerals in Sedimentary Rocks
Liu X, Zhang Y & Chen W
(2005) Isotopic Constraints on the Timing and Source Characteristics of Late Mesozoic Mafic Volcanism in the Da Hinggan Mountians, NE China
Zhou X, Yin J, Wang F, Zhang L & Zhang Y
(2005) Trace-Element of Calcite Cement in Reservoir Rocks as a Useful Tool Defining Hydrocarbon Migration Pattern, Junggar Basin, China
Hu W, Cao J, Zhang Y, Zhang Y & Gao X
(2005) Trace-Element of Calcite Cement in Reservoir Rocks as a Useful Tool Defining Hydrocarbon Migration Pattern, Junggar Basin, China
Hu W, Cao J, Zhang Y, Zhang Y & Gao X
(2005) Integrate Organic and Inorganic Geochemical Approaches to Reconstructing Oil-Filling History, NW Junggar Basin (NW China)
Cao J, Yao S, Zhang Y, Wang X & Tao G
(2004) Study on the Genesis of Kanggur Gold Deposit, NW China
Chen W, Wang Y, Zhang Y & Han C
(2004) Geochemical and Microstructural Features of Fault-Related Fluids in the Western Sichuan Foreland Basin, China
Jia D, Chen Z, Zhang Y & Hu Q
(2004) The Witwatersrand Mineralising System
Hobbs B, Walshe J, Ord A, Zhang Y & Barnicoat A
(2003) Cretaceous Age of the Sihetun Vertebrate Assemblage (Western Liaoning, NE China): The Evidence of Ar-Ar Ages
Chen W, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Ji Q & He X
(2001) In situ Infrared Measurement of Water Speciation in Rhyolitic Melt: A Personal Journey
Zhang Y
(2001) H2O Speciation in Dacitic Melts
Liu Y, Behrens H & Zhang Y

Zhang Y. (2020) Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Data of the Liaoyuan Group from the Northern Margin of the North China Craton and their Implications for the Late Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution
Pei F-P, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Xu W-L & Wang Z-W

Zhang Y.x. (2010) Geochemical Study on the Bayan Obo Enormous Fe-Nb-Ree Deposit: New Proofs to its Genesis
Yang XY, Lai XD & Zhang YX

Zhang Ya-Wen (2023) Nickel Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation
Yang X-M, Wang S-J, Zhang Y-W & Dong X-H

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