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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Zhang Shengyu (2011) Anaerobic Cultivation and Degradation Capability Evaluation of Microorganisms in Petroleum-Contaminated Groundwater at Low Temperature
Zhang Y, Su X-S, Zhang S & Jin H

Zhang Shenyang (2020) The Effect of Core Formation on Vanadium Isotopic Compositions of the Mantle of Rocky Planets
Zhang S, Zhang H, Lv W, Bai R, Zhang X & Huang F
(2019) Experimental Investigation on the Equilibrium V Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate Melts and Implications for Planetary Differentiation
Zhang H, Zhang S & Huang F

Zhang Shi-Chun (2016) Molecular Distribution and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Low-Molecular-Weight Dicarboxylic Acids during Biomass Burning Aerosols in Northeast China
Cao F, Kawamura K, Zhang S-C & Zhang Y-L

Zhang Shipeng (2018) Heavy Metal Source Apportionment in Soil by Using Vanadium Isotopic Ratios and Speciation Characteristics
Huang Y, Long Z, Liu C, Zhang S, Wang R & Liu R
(2017) Study on Crystal Phase Change Process of Two Line Ferrihydrite and Cadmium Adsorption Ability
Zhang S, Liu C, Lu H, Zhang W, Huang Y & Lu J
(2011) Phase Equilibrium of the Cd-Bearing Systems at 298 K: Cd2+//Cl-, SO42-, NO3--H2O Quaternary System
Zhang S, Huang Y & Ni S

Zhang Shouchun (2009) Role of Sulphur in Hydrocarbon Formation of Paleogene Lacustrine Source Rocks in the Jiyang Depression, East China
Zhang L & Zhang S

Zhang Shouliang (2012) Nanoscale Measurement of Manganese Valence in Mn-Oxides
Livi K, Lafferty B, Zhu M, Zhang S, Gaillot A-C & Sparks D
(2008) Newly Recognized Hosts for Uranium in the Hanford 300 Area Vadose Zone
Stubbs J, Elbert D, Veblen L, Zhang S & Veblen D

Zhang Shoupeng (2013) A Contrastive Study of Organic Matter Influences on the Smectite Illitization in Dongying Sag, China
Li Y, Cai J, Zhang S & Ji J

Zhang Shouqian (2020) Quantitative Relationships between Weathering Indices and Physical Properties: A Case Study of Monzonitic Granite Weathering Profile in Qingdao Area, China
Lu S, Wang X, Zhang S & Fan X

Zhang Shouting (2009) Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Relations and its Significance
Wang C, Deng J, Zhang S, Zhang D, Yang L, Wang Q & Sun X

Zhang Shuai (2018) An in situ Look at Water, Ions and Forces at Mineral Surfaces and in Confinement
De Yoreo J, Kerisit S, Tuladhar A, Zhang X, Sushko M, Zhang S, Li D, Chun J, Wang Z, Nakouzi E & Rosso K

Zhang Shuan-Hong (2023) Surface Uplift and Erosion Related to Emplacement of Large-Scale Mafic Sills: Examples from Yanliao Basin in the North China Craton
Zhang S-H, Qian T, Pei J, Zhang Q-Q & Hu G
(2022) Termination of the Great Oxidation and Lomagundi-Jatuli Events by Degassing during Emplacement of Layered Intrusions and Sills
Zhang S-H, Ernst RE, Pei J, Zhang Q-Q & Zhao Y
(2021) Intensive Volcanic Eruptions Recorded in Black Shales within the Xiamaling Formation in the North China Craton
Zhang S-H, Kamo S, Ernst RE, Pei J, Hu G & Zhang Q-Q
(2020) LIP Record Through Time and Implications for Secular Environmental Changes and GTS Boundaries
Ernst R, Bond D, Zhang S-H, Buchan K, Grasby S, Youbi N, El Bilali H, Bekker A & Doucet L
(2020) Precambrian LIPs and Environmental Perturbation
Diamond C, Ernst R, Zhang S & Lyons T
(2020) A Comparison of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic LIPs and Black Shales in the North China and Northern Australian Cratons
Zhang S-H, Ernst R, Pei J-L, Hu G-H & Liu J-M
(2019) Synchronous Deposition of Black Shales and their Correlation with Large Igneous Provinces during 'the Boring Billion'
Zhang S-H, Ernst R, Pei J, Zhao Y & Hu G
(2019) LIPs as Proxies for Natural Precambrian Boundaries
Ernst R, Zhang S-H & Youbi N
(2018) Temporal and Genetic Link between Large Igneous Provinces and Black Shales during “Earth’s Middle Age”
Zhang S-H, Ernst R, Pei J, Zhao Y, Zhou M-F & Hu G

Zhang Shuang (2023) Mitigation of Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions during Maize Production with Basalt Amendments
Chiaravalloti I, Theunissen N, Zhang S, Wang J, Sun F, Ahmed A, Pihlap E, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ
(2020) Assessing the Classification of Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains Using Cluster Analysis
Boujibar A, Zhang S, Howell S, Hystad G, Prab A, Narkar S, Eleish A, Morrison S, Liu N, Stephan T, Alexander C, Hazen R & Nittler L
(2020) Towards Quantitative Scales of Lithophilicity, Chalcophilicity and Hydrophilicity Using Statistical Correlations Among the Mineral-Forming Elements
Hummer D, Ma X, Que X, Zhang S, Liu C, Hazen R, Golden J & Downs R
(2019) Ground-Truthing Silicate Chemical Weathering Using Machine Learning
Zhang S & Planavsky N
(2019) Enhanced Silicate Weathering Across the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
Katchinoff J, Zhang S, Yager J, West J, Palfy J & Planavsky N
(2018) Stepwise Oxygenation of the Paleozoic Atmosphere
Krause A, Mills B, Zhang S, Planavsky N, Lenton T & Poulton S
(2018) Significant Influence of Seawater Calcium Concentration on Marine Phosphorus Burial
Zhao M, Planavsky N, Tarhan L, Zhang S & Reinhard C
(2018) Sustained High-Mg Precambrian Ocean Conditions: A Two Billion Year Hangover?
Hood A, Zhang S, Planavsky N & Wallace M
(2017) Strong Evidence that Chromium in Shales and Ironstones Tracks Environmental Cycling
Cole DB, Zhang S, O'Connell B & Planavsky NJ
(2016) Untangling Detrital and Authigenic Signals of Redox-Sensitive Proxies
Cole D, Zhang S, Stockey R & Planavsky N
(2016) Do Boron Isotopes in Shallow Marine Carbonate Record Marine pH?
Zhang S, Henehan M, Planavsky N & Hardisty D
(2013) Experimental Study of the Reaction Kinetics between CO2-Bearing Solution and Olivine
Qiu L, Wang Z, Zhang S, Karato S-I, Ague J, Oristaglio M, Bolton E & Bercovici D
(2012) Mg Isotope Fractionation between Aragonite and Fluid
Wang Z, Zhang S, Saenger C & Hu P

Zhang Shuangquan (2012) Evaluation of Sources of Error in 186Os/188Os Measurements via NTIMS
Lassiter J, Chatterjee R, Zhang S & Loewy S
(2010) Sm-Nd Dating of Whole Rock and Mineral Separates from Dangqiong Gabbro, Yarlung–Tsangpo Suture
Zhou S, Mo X, Qiu R, Zhao Z, Zhang S, Guo T & Qiu L
(2009) Growth and Reworking of the Late Archean Continental Crust in the North China Craton
Jiang N, Guo J, Zhai M & Zhang S

Zhang Shui (2019) Study on the Impacts of Antimony-Bearing Mine Wastes on Surrounding Environments in Antimony Mining Areas
Li L, Wu P, Zhang S & Tu H
(2018) Mobility and Geochemical Behavior of Antimony in Mining-Impacted Water Environments, Guizhou, China
Li L, Wu P, Tu H & Zhang S

Zhang Shui Chang (2016) The Demethylation of Light Alkyl Aromatics and its Effect on the Gas Generation from Coal in the High and over Maturity
Hu G, Zhang S & Mi J
(2016) The Prokaryote Contributed Source Rocks in Mesoproterozoic OMZ
Wang X, Zhang S, Wang H & Canfiled DE
(2016) The Earth and Biosphere in 1.4 Billion Years ago
Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H & Canfiled DE
(2016) Molecular and Isotopic Evidence for Photic Zone Euxinia during the Deposition of Yurtus Formation in Early Cambrian, Tarim Basin, Northwest China
Wang Y, Zhang SC & Su J
(2016) Effects of Secondary Geochemistry on the Carbon Isotope of N-Alkanes in the Oil-Source Correlation
Su J, Zhang SC, Wang Y & Wang X
(2016) Origin of the Bitumen in Xiamaling Formation
Wang H, Zhang S & Wang X

Zhang Shuichang (2023) Mesoproterozoic Upwelling-Induced Spatial and Temporal Redox Heterogeneity of the Hongshuizhuang Formation, North China
Ye M, Wang X & Zhang S
(2023) Effects of Mesoproterozoic Ocean Environments on Nitrogen Cycling Across the 1400 Million Years Old Xiamaling Formation
Wang X, Zhang S, Ye Y, Ma S, Su J, Wang H & Canfield DE
(2022) Vanadium and Thallium Isotope Constraints on the Global Ocean Redox State Approximately 1.4 Billion Years ago
Heard AW, Wang Y, Ostrander CM, Auro M, Canfield D, Zhang S, Wang H, Wang X & Nielsen SG
(2022) Tracking the Spatial Extent of Ocean Redox Variability in the Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Song Y, Mills BJW, Bowyer F, Andersen MB, Ossa Ossa F, Harvey J, Zhang S, Canfield DE, Shields GA & Poulton SW
(2020) The Fe Oxidation and Organic Decomposition at Mesoproterozoic
Wang X, Canfield DE, Zhang S & Wang H
(2020) Oil Generation from the Immature Organic Matter after Artificial Neutron Irradiation
Wang H, Zhao W & Zhang S
(2020) Quantitative Identification of Reservoir Fluid Properties and Boundary Shifts by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Su J, Zhang S & Fang Y
(2020) Potential Petroleum Sources of Deep Paleozoic Marine Reservoirs in the Tarim Basin, NW China: Exploration Prospect Implication
Jin Z, Zhang S, Liu Q & Su J
(2020) Tracing the Oceanic Mo Isotope Variation Through the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
Ye Y, Wang H & Zhang S
(2020) Eukaryotic Algae Populated the Tropical Ocean 1400million Years ago
Zhang S, Su J, Ma S, Wang H, Wang X, He K & Canfield DE
(2019) Contrasting Mo–U Enrichments of the Basal Datangpo Formation in South China
Ye Y, Wang H, Wang M, Wu C & Zhang S
(2018) Hydrous Pyrolysis of Kerogens with FeS: Insights into the Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Hydrocarbon Gases in Deep Formation
He K, Zhang S & Mi J
(2018) An Episode of Rising Oxygen Level at Mesoproterozoic
Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H, Su J & Canfield DE
(2018) Pulsed Oxidation of Deep Ocean of Early Cambrian Revealed by Phosphate Nodule
Wang H, Zhang S, Ye Y & Wang X
(2018) Significance of Source Rock Heterogeneities: A Case Study of Mesoproterozoic Xiamaling Formation Shale in North China
Wang X, Zhang S, Wang H, Su J, He K & Wang X
(2017) Diahopanes Indicate Aerobic Respiration in 1.4 Billion Years ago
Wang X, Zhang S, Wang H & Canfield DE
(2017) The Dynamical Tropical Ocean Chemistry in 1.4 Billion Years ago
Zhang S, Wang X, Wang H & Canfield DE
(2017) In situ Imaging of Multi-Elements on Single Mineral Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Wang H, Zhang S, Ye Y & Wang X
(2017) Molecular and Isotopic Characteristics of Source Rocks in the Early Cambrian of Tarim Basin
Su J, Zhang S, Wang Y, Wang X, Wang H & He K
(2017) A Simple Analytical Method for Phenols in Geological Organic Matter
Fang C, Zhai J, Huang L, Hu G & Zhang S
(2015) A DOC Reservoir in the Furongian Series
Wang X, Wang H & Zhang S
(2015) Carbon Cycle Anomalies and Black Shale Deposition in the Lower Cambrian Strata, Eastern Tarim Basin, China
Wang H, Wang X & Zhang S
(2014) The New Understanding of the Siliceous Source and Depositional Environment in Xiamaling Formation (1.38 Ga), North of China
Wang H, Wang X & Zhang S
(2014) Effect of Water on the Evolution of Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope of Lignite during Artificial Maturation
He K, Zhang S & Mi J
(2014) Possible High Diversification of Eukaryotic Algaes in Mesoproterozoic
Wang X, Wang H & Zhang S
(2014) Lipid Biomarkers Record the Microbial Community and Metabolic Pathways in Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Zhang S, Wang X & Wang H
(2013) The Distributon of DBT and DBF in Mesoproterozoic (1.36 Ga) Sediments
Wang X, Wang H & Zhang S
(2013) Organic Carbon Proxies in Black Shales: Strontium
Wang H, Wang X & Zhang S
(2013) Evidence of Underground Water for the Forming Mechanism of High Sulfur Condensate Reservoirs, Example from the Tazhong Area
Su J, Zhang S, Zhu G & Wang Y
(2013) Research on the Super-Long Life of Deep Carbonate Oil Reservoir
Zhu G, Zhang S & Su J
(2011) Active Methanogenesis in the Subsurface during Development Process
Shuai Y, Zhang S, Mi J & Liu M
(2011) Effects of Water on the Thermal Stability of Hydrocarbons and the Composition and Isotope Characteristics of the Gas Products
He K, Zhang S & Mi J
(2011) A Simulation Study of Hydrocarbon Gas Generation from Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis with Varying Carbon Source and Hydrogen in a Gold Tube System
Zhang S & Mi J
(2011) Simulating Experiments on Gas Generation of Coal Under Different Fluid Pressure
Mi J, Zhang S & He K
(2011) Quantitative Identification of Reservoir Fluid Properties and Boundary Shifts by Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Su J, Zhang S & Zhu G
(2011) Large Area Multi-Stage Quasi-Layer Petroleum Accumulation in Carbonate Reservoirs in Tazhong Area, Tarim Basin
Zhu G, Zhang S, Wang Y & Su J
(2010) Ubiquitous and Expanding Biosphere in Deep Sediments: Inferred from a Microbial Profile of Quaternary Terrigenous Deep Deposit, Qaidam Basin, China
Zhang S & Shuai Y
(2009) How to Feed the Deep Biosphere in a Continental Sedimentation Basin
Shuai Y, Zhang S, Su A, Huang L & Wang X
(2009) Cambrian and Ordovician Oceanic Oscillations: New Geochemical Evidence from the Tarim Basin
Zhang S, Wang R, Wang X & Zhang B
(2007) Controlling Mechanism of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction
Zhang S, Shuai Y & Zhu G
(2007) Stable Sufer Isotopic Composition of H2S and its TSR Origin in Sichuan Basin, China
Zhu G, Zhang S, Dai J & Liang Y
(2007) Xingcheng Abiogenic Alkane Gas Field in Songliao Basin, China
Dai J, Zhang S, Li J & Ni Y

Zhang ShuiChang (2021) Co-evolution of Ocean Redox, Nutrient Cycling and Atmospheric O2 during the Mid-Mesoproterozoic
Song Y, Bowyer FT, Mills BJW, Zhang S, Canfield D, Alcott LJ, Shields GA & Poulton SW

Zhang Shujing (2019) Two Kinds of Authigenic Xenotime Overgrowths in Response to an Early Paleozoic Tectonothermal Event in South China
Lan Z, Li X, Sano Y, Takahata N, Kagoshima T, Zhang S, Zhang G, Liao X, Tang X, Gu L & Mao Q

Zhang Shujuan (2017) Simultaneous Redox Conversion of Chromate and Arsenite in the UV/Acetylacetone Process
Zhang S, Xie T, Wu B & Chen Z

Zhang Shunxin (2011) Tracing the Source of IRD in the Heinrich Layers of the North Atlantic
Naafs D, Hefter J, Zhang S & Stein R

Zhang Shuo (2023) Strontium Partitioning in Calcite: From Inorganic to Foraminiferal Calcite
Jia Q, Zhang S, Watkins J & Devriendt L
(2023) Reactive Transport Modeling in Understanding Carbonate Diagenesis in Deep Sea Sediment and Associated Pore Fluid
Zhang S & DePaolo D
(2022) Modeling Sr Partitioning in Foraminiferal Calcite
Jia Q, Zhang S & Watkins JM
(2021) Origin and Significance of the Age Dependence of Calcite Recrystallization Rates in Deep Sea Sediments
Zhang S, DePaolo D & Zhou R
(2021) Explaining the pH Effect on Strontium Partitioning in Calcite
Jia Q & Zhang S
(2020) The Seawater Sr/Ca Ratio in the Past 50 Myr from Bulk Carbonate Sediments Corrected for Diagenesis
Zhang S, Zhou R & DePaolo D
(2018) Equilibrium Calcite-Fluid Sr/Ca Partition Coefficient from Marine Sediment Pore Fluids
Zhang S & DePaolo D
(2014) Reactive Transport Modeling of Stable Carbon Isotope Fractionation during Carbon Sequestration
Zhang S, DePaolo D & Zheng L
(2012) Chlorite Dissolution Rates in scCO2- Saturated Saline Water at 100℃ and 100 Bar
Zhang S, Yang L, Depaolo D & Steefel C
(2011) Reactive Transport Modeling of Carbon Sequestration in Volcanogenic Sandstone Formations
Zhang S, Depaolo D & Xu T

Zhang Shurong (2019) Characterizing Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Guanting Reservoir Beijing Using Excitation-Emission Matrix Fluorescence and Parallel Factor Analysis
Bai Y, Ding A, Zhang S & Ren L

Zhang Shuwen (2011) The Landscape Change of Salt and Alkaline Land in Semi-Arid District Before and after Flooding
Bao C, Xu L, Wu Y & Zhang S

Zhang Shuzhen (2020) Biotransformation of 6:2 Fluorotelomer Alcohol by the Whole Soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) Seedlings
Zhang H, Wen B, Huang H, Cai Z & Zhang S
(2016) Characterization of Distribution and Associations of Typical Organic Compounds in Soils Using Synchrotron Radiation Based Microspectroscopies
Luo L, Lv J & Zhang S

Zhang Si-Ting (2015) Kinetic Si Isotope Fractionation Parameters in Weathering Processes
Tang M, He H-T, Zhang S-T & Liu Y
(2014) Theoretical Calibration on the 13C-18O Clumped Isotope Thermometer
Tang M, Zhang S, Liu Q & Liu Y
(2013) Theoretical Calibration of δ<sub>47</Sub> Values of 13C-18O Clumps for Carbonates
Tang M, Zhang S-T & Liu Y
(2010) The Molecular Level Mechanisms of Quartz Dissolution at Coupled Electrolyte-Ph Conditions
Zhang S & Liu Y
(2009) The Molecular Level Dissolution Mechanisms of Quartz Under Different pH Conditions
Zhang S & Liu Y

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