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Zeren N.

Zerjatke K. (2010) Novel Groups of Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria in Coastal Sediments
Mußmann M, Lenk S, Arnds J, Zerjatke K, Moraru C & Amann R

Zerka M. (2002) Trace-Element Variations and Melt Percolation within Mantle Xenoliths from Algeria
Cottin J-Y, Delpech G, Zerka M, O'Reilly SY, Gregoire M & Lorand J-P

Zerkle Aubrey (2015) Origin of 2.0 Ga Phosphorites and Associated Carbon and Sulphur Isotope Anomalies, Zaonega Formation, NW Russia
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle A, Oduro H, Patel N, McLean F, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K, Wing B, Bui TH, Martma T, Romashkin A & Rychanchik D
(2015) Stable Isotope Geomicrobiology – Modern Microbes and their Ancient Implications
Zerkle A
(2015) Clarifying the Haze: Biological Control as an Atmospheric Primer to the GOE?
Izon G, Zerkle A, Farquhar J, Williford K, Poulton S & Claire M
(2013) Application of Multiple S-Isotope Studies to Understanding Early Earth Environments and Biology
Farquhar J, Cliff J & Zerkle A
(2013) Sulfate was a Trace Constituent in the Oceans of the Early Earth
Canfield D, Crowe S, Jones C, Paris G, Adkins J, Session A, Farquhar J, Zerkle A, Kim S-T & Nomosatryo S
(2013) Seeing Through the Haze: Testing the Existence of a Neoarchean Bistable Organic-Rich Atmosphere
Izon G, Zerkle A, Claire M, Farquhar J, Poulton S & Eigenbrode J
(2013) Response of the Global Nitrogen Cycle to the Great Oxidation Event
Zerkle A, Poulton S, Newton R, Claire M & Bekker A
(2012) Periodic Formation of Organic Haze in the Neoarchean Atmosphere
Zerkle A, Claire M, Domagal-Goldman S, Farquhar J & Poulton S
(2012) The Bi-Stability of Organic Haze in the Archean Atmosphere
Claire M, Zerkle A, Domagal-Goldman S, Farquhar J & Poulton S
(2011) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Sulfur Cycling in a Warm, Monomictic Lake with Sub-Millimolar Sulfate Concentration
Kamyshny A, Eckert W, Gun J, Lev O, Zerkle A, Mansaray Z & Farquhar J
(2011) S Isotope Investigation of a Redox-Stratified System Dominated by Chemotrophic Sulfide Oxidation
Zerkle A, Macalady J, Jones D & Farquhar J
(2011) Redox and Early Earth’s Sulfur Cycle
Farquhar J, Claire M, Domagal-Goldman S, Harms B, Poulton S & Zerkle A
(2011) The Anatomy of the Great Oxidation Event
Poulton S, Bekker A, Farquhar J, Zerkle A, Johnston D & Canfield D
(2010) Phototrophic S Oxidation in Modern and Ancient Redox Stratified Ecosystems: A Multiple S Isotope Perspective
Zerkle A & Farquhar J
(2009) Isotope Study of S-Cycle of Lago di Cadagno
Farquhar J, Canfield D, Zerkle A & Habicht K
(2009) Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling in Meromictic Fayetteville Green Lake, NY
Zerkle A, Kamyshny A, Kump L, Riccardi A, Arthur M & Farquhar J
(2008) Fractionation of Multiple Sulfur Isotopes during Phototrophic S Oxidation
Zerkle A, Farquhar J, Johnston D, Cox RP & Canfield D
(2004) Using Genomes to Speculate on Early Microbial Evolution & Environments
House C, Zerkle A & Fitz-Gibbon S

Zerkle Aubrey (2016) Ferruginous Shelf Conditions Perturbed the Nitrogen Cycle during the Late Permian Extinction Event
Mettam C, Zerkle A, Claire M, Junium C & Twitchett R
(2016) Multiproxy Constraints on Redox Conditions of ~2.7 Ga Oceans
Yang J, Zerkle A, Grassineau N, Nisbet E, Izon G, Hunter M & Martin T
(2016) Origin of Isotopically Heavy Pyrite (δ34S>20‰) in the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle A, Patel N, McLean F, Wing B, Bui TH, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K & Panieri G
(2016) Multiple Sulphur Isotope Studies of Pyritised Microbialites from the Neoarchaean Ghaap Group, South Africa
Meyer N, Zerkle A & Fike D
(2016) Tectonic Influences on the Geochemical Evolution of the Continental Crust
Cawood P, Hawkesworth C, Dhuime B, Delavault H & Zerkle A

Zerkle Aubrey (2018) Two-Billion-Year-Old-Evaporites Capture Earth’s Great Oxidation
Blättler C, Claire M, Prave A, Kirsimäe K, Higgins J, Medvedev P, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Zerkle A, Paiste K, Kreitsmann T, Millar I, Hayles J, Bao H, Turchyn A, Warke M & Lepland A
(2018) The Use of Atmospheric Chemistry to Characterise How Mantle Processes Have Contributed to Earth’s Environmental Distinction
Mikhail S, Zerkle A, Forgan D, Heap M, Sverjensky D & Barry P

Zerkle Aubrey (2019) Copper Isotope Evidence for Aerobic Methanotrophy in the Late Archaean
Zavina-James N, Zerkle A, Steele R & Savage P
(2019) Co-evolution of Early Environments and Microbial Life
Lyons T, Tino C, Anderson R, Fournier G, Kappler A, Leavitt W, Magnabosco C, Stüeken E & Zerkle A

Zerkle Aubrey (2021) Coupling Sulfur Isotopes with Lipid Biomarkers at Europa-Analogue Hypersaline Springs in the Arctic
Moreras-Marti A, Fox-Powell MG, Cousins C, Toney J & Zerkle A

Zerkle Aubrey L. (2020) Multiple S Isotopes and Hg Geochemistry at the Terrestrial Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction
Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Chu D, Wignall PB, Zerkle AL, Claire M, Di Rocco T, He T, Mather TA, Mills BJW, Jamieson RA & Tong J
(2020) The Great Oxidation Event Preceded a Paleoproterozoic ‘snowball Earth’
Warke M, Di Rocco T, Zerkle A, Lepland A, Prave A, Martin A, Ueno Y & Claire M
(2017) Nitrogen Isotope Evidence of Variable Nutrient Sources for Life over Earth History
Zerkle A, Mettam C, Yang J & Junium C
(2017) Multiple S Isotopes Record Environmental Changes in the 2 Ga Zaonega Fm
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle AL, Wing BA, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K, Bui TH & Panieri G
(2017) Spatially Constrained Nitrogen Cycling on a Neoarchaean Ocean Margin
Mettam C, Zerkle A, Claire M, Poulton S & Junium C

Zerkle Aubrey Lea (2019) Are δ13C and δ34S Robust Biosignatures in Mars-relevant Geothermal Systems?
Moreras-Marti A, Cousins CR, Stüeken E, Fox-Powell M & Zerkle AL

Zernack A. (2013) Dual Sources for Early Taranaki Magmas; The Sr Isotope Story
Stewart R, Price R, Smith I & Zernack A
(2011) Evolution of Andesite Magma Systems; Egmont Volcano, New Zealand
Stewart RB, Zernack A, Turner M, Price R, Smith I & Cronin S
(2007) Magmatic Processes and the Evolution of Crust: Insights from the New Zealand/Kermadec Subduction System
Price R, Smith I, Gamble J, Zernack A & Stewart R
(2006) Slab or Crust – K2O Enrichment at Egmont Volcano, New Zealand
Stewart RB, Zernack A & Price RC

Zervou M. (2009) Nanoscale Processes during the Interaction of Aluminosilicate and Carbonate Mineral Surfaces with Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
Kollias K, Godelitsas A, Astilleros JM, Ladas S, Kennou S, Potamitis C, Zervou M, Lagoyiannis A, Harissopulos S & Mavromoustakos T

Zervoudaki S. (2016) Natural and Anthropogenic Heavy Metals in the Sediments of Saronikos Gulf, Greece: Reviewing 15 Years of Observations
Karageorgis A, Kaberi H, Zervoudaki S, Krasakopoulou E & Botsou F

Zerzucha P. (2021) Mobility of Selected Less Studied Technology Critical Elements (Ge, Te, Tl) in Soils Affected by the Storage, Processing and Recovery of E-Waste
Jabłońska-Czapla MA, Rachwal M, Grygoyć K, Fornalczyk A, Willner J & Zerzucha P

Zetsch C. (2013) Salt Lakes of Western Australia – Emissions of Natural Volatile Organic Compounds
Sattler T, Krause T, Schöler HF, Kamilli K, Held A, Zetsch C, Ofner J, Junkermann W & Atlas E

Zetterberg T. (2011) Trends in Buffer Capacity, pH and Al at the Swedish Integrated Monitoring Sites
Köhler SJ, Zetterberg T, Futter M, Fölster J & Löfgren S

Zetterström L. (2000) Galena S Isotopes in and Around the Natural Fission Reactors at Oklo and Bangombé, Gabon
Zetterström L & Sunde T

Zetterström Evins L. (2017) Mechanisms for UO2 Alteration to Coffinite: Reconciling the Laboratory and Natural Analogue Evidences
Bruno J, Duro L & Zetterström Evins L

Zetterström-Evins L. (2020) Experimental Evidence for Coffinite Formation from UO2+x
Alby D, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Lin J, Duro L, Lopez-Garcia M, Zetterström-Evins L, Wang C, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Bruno J

Zettlitzer M. (2013) Characterization of the Deep Microbial Life at Different CCS Sites
Morozova D, Neumann D, Zettlitzer M & Würdemann H

Zetzsch C. (2011) Influence of Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) on “Bromine Explosion” in Smog-Chamber Experiments
Buxmann J, Balzer N, Ofner J, Zetzsch C & Platt U

Zeug M. (2015) Chemical Composition of Fahlore-Group Minerals from the Central and Eastern Rhodope, Southern Bulgaria and Northern Greece
Repstock A, Voudouris P & Zeug M

Zeuner M. (2016) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of the ~3.0 Ga Fiskefjord Peridotites, SW Greenland
Peters S, Pack A, Zeuner M, Szilas K & Hering M

Zeuwts L. (2009) Fate of Heavy Metals after in situ Bioprecipitation Induced by Sulfidogenesis: A Study on Stability of Metal Precipitates
Satyawali Y, Van Roy S, Dejonghe W, Vangeel S, Gemoets J, Muguet S, Zeuwts L, Gommers K, Feyaerts K & Vanbroekhoven K

Zeyen N. (2023) The Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Microbialites as Environmental Proxies: Lessons Learned from the Integrative Analysis of Modern Microbialites from Ten Mexican Lakes
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Beyssac O, Daval D, Muller E, Thomazo C, Tavera R, López-García P, Moreira D & Duprat E
(2023) Influence of Specific Mineralogy on Accelerated Weathering and Mineral Carbonation Potential
Wang B, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Wilson S, Russell W & Hamilton J
(2023) New Recipes for CO2 Mineralization: Accounting for Crystal Chemistry and Crystallization Pathway
Wilson S, Vessey CJ, Raudsepp M, Patel AS, Harrison A, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Morgan B, Turvey CC, Power I & Mavromatis V
(2022) Transition Metal Mobility and Recoverability from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson SA, Locock A, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel AS, Hamilton J, Howard DL, Paterson DJ, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones TR & Jowitt S
(2022) Passive and Enhanced CO2 Sequestration Rates at Diamond Mines Determined from Field Experiments: Results from Project CarbonVault
Paulo C, Power I, Rausis K, Stubbs AR, Dostie L, Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson SA, Vietti A, May H, Ndlovu S & Senzani K
(2022) Microbial CO2 Removal into Carbonate Sediments Using Cation Exchange Leachates from Kimberlite Mine Residues — Results from Project CarbonVault
Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson SA, Arizaleta ML, Russell W, Janzen J, Evans S, Paulo C, Power I, Stubbs AR, Jones TR, Senzani K, Ndlovu S, Vietti A & Southam G
(2022) Geochemical Modelling of CO2 Sequestration in Ultramafic Mine Wastes from Australia, Canada, and South Africa
Paulo C, Power I, Zeyen N, Wang B & Wilson SA
(2022) Investigating Microbially-Mediated Mineral Carbonation during Acid Leaching of Processed Kimberlites: Results from Project CarbonVault
Wang B, Zeyen N, Arizaleta ML, Wilson SA, Paulo C, Power I, Stubbs AR, Senzani K, Ndlovu S, Vietti A, Jones TR & Southam G
(2022) Changes to the Mineralogical, Geochemical, and Isotopic Compositions of Mineral Feedstocks during Enhanced Rock Weathering: Implications for Carbon Verification
Stubbs AR, Power I, Paulo C, Wang B, Zeyen N, Wilson SA, Mervine E & Gunning C
(2022) Constraining the Role of Poorly Crystalline Mg-Phyllosilicates in Carbonate Precipitation in Lacustrine Environments
Arizaleta ML, Zeyen N, Raudsepp M & Wilson SA
(2021) Direct Measurement of CO2 Fluxes into Kimberlite Residues and Powdered Rocks: Implications for Enhanced Weathering
Stubbs AR, Paulo C, Power IM, Wang B, Zeyen N & Wilson S
(2021) Sub-Micrometer Pyrites in Microbialites Record Equilibrium S Isotope Fractionation by Microbial Sulfate Reduction Independently of the Sulfate Concentration of the Water
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Remusat L, Havas R, Thomazo C, Pasquier V, Alleon J, Zeyen N, Bernard S, Escrig S, Vennin E, Meibom A & Benzerara K
(2021) Physico-Chemical and Biological Controls on Microbialite Formation: Experimental Biomineralization in Open System
Muller E, Benzerara K, Havas R, Iniesto M, Jézéquel D, López-García P, Moreira D, Tavera R, Thomazo C, Vennin E & Zeyen N
(2021) Transition Metal Mobility and Recovery from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson S, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel A, Locock A, Hamilton J, Paterson DM, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones T & Jowitt S
(2021) Quantifying the Potential for Mineral Carbonation of Processed Kimberlite with the Rietveld-Ponkcs Method
Wang B, Zeyen N, Wilson S, Funk R & Turvey C
(2021) Mineral Carbonation at Venetia and Gahcho Kué Diamond Mines: Characterization of the Highly Reactive Clay Fraction
Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson S, Paulo C, Stubbs AR, Power IM, Turvey C & Dipple G
(2020) Transition Metal Mobility and Partitioning in Weathered Tailings, Serpentinite and Skarn from the Lord Brassey Mine, Tasmania, Australia
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson S, Millili B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C & Jowitt S
(2020) Enhanced Weathering and Carbonation of Kimberlite Residues from South African Mines
Stubbs A, Paulo C, Power I, Zeyen N & Wilson S
(2020) New Perspectives on Carbonate Mineral Behaviour for Carbon Accounting and Carbon Utilization
Wilson S, Turvey C, Morgan B, Cheng J, Raudsepp M, Hamilton J, Power I, Zeyen N, Fallon S, McCutcheon J & Southam G
(2020) Predicting CO2 Mineralization in Mine Residues: Insights from Leaching and Geochemical Modeling
Paulo C, Power IM, Stubbs AR, Zeyen N & Wilson SA
(2020) Migration of Transition Metals and Potential for Mineral Carbonation during Acid Leaching of Kimberlite Mine Tailings
Wang B, Zeyen N, Wilson S, Honda-McNeil M, Von Gunten K, Alessi D, Southam G, Jones T, Hamilton J & Paterson D
(2020) Carbonation of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Zhu B, Wilson SA, Zeyen N, Raudsepp M, Wang B, Rostron B, Snihur K, von Guten K, Harrison A & Alessi D
(2020) Cation Exchange: A New Strategy for Mineral Carbonation of Smectite-Rich Kimberlites
Zeyen N, Wang B, Wilson S, Von Gunten K, Alessi D, Paulo C, Stubb A & Power I
(2019) Waste Not, Want Not: New Approaches to Alkaline Earth and Transition Metal Resource Recovery from Mine Tailings
Wilson S, Hamilton J, Wang B, Zeyen N, McCutcheon J, Turvey C, Morgan B, Paterson D, Tait A & Southam G
(2019) Mineral Carbonation in Smectite-Rich Kimberlite (Diamond) Mine Tailings
Zeyen N, Wilson S, Wang B, Zhu B, Von Gunten K & Alessi D
(2017) Speciation of Fe in Modern Mexican Lacustrine Microbialites
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Morin G, Brest J, Menguy N, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E
(2016) Microbial Calcification in the Rock Record: Learning from Field- and Laboratory-Based Studies Down to the nm-Scale
Benzerara K, Cam N, Cosmidis J, Duprat E, Li J, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, Saghaï A, Skouri-Panet F & Zeyen N
(2015) Non-Cyanobacterial Lineages Likely Contribute to Carbonate Precipitation in Modern Microbialites
Saghaï A, Benzerara K, Zeyen N, Zivanovic Y, Moreira D, Bertolino P & López-García P
(2015) High Local Iron Enrichments in Modern Microbialites from Mexico: Speciation and Origin
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E
(2014) Precipitation of Low-T Hydrated Talc by Microorganisms in Modern Microbialites from Mexico
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Li J, Groleau A, Balan E & Robert J-L

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