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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Yesares Ortiz L. (2023) Unpacking the Origin of Dolerites from the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera
Blanco-Quintero IF, González-Jiménez JM, Marchesi C, Yesares Ortiz L, Ferreira A & Gervilla F
(2023) Geochemistry of Pyrite in Basic Rocks of the Betic Cordillera
Ferreira A, González-Jiménez JM, Blanco-Quintero IF, Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R & Gervilla F
(2023) Re-purposing BDAS System as a Green Technology to Concentrate REE from Mine Tailings
Gómez-Arias A, Castillo J, Yesares Ortiz L, Cánovas CR, Caraballo MJ, Maleke MM & Purcell W
(2022) Trace Metals Distribution in Pyrite from the Iberian Pyrite Belt
González-Jiménez JM, Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R, Reinaldo SR & Ruiz de Almodovar G
(2021) Golden Pyrites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Yesares Ortiz L, Piña R, González-Jiménez JM, Reinaldo SR, Ruiz de Almodovar G, Proenza JA & Pons JM

Yesavage T. (2010) Iron Cycling in the Shale Hills Watershed of Central Pennsylvania: Possible Links between Microbiology and Iron Chemistry
Yesavage T, Liermann L, Jin L, Mathur R & Brantley S

Yesilbas M. (2017) Cryosalt Formation in Clay Aggregates
Yesilbas M & Boily J-F
(2015) Vibration Spectroscopic Signatures of Ice at Mineral Surfaces
Yesilbas M & Boily J-F

Yesiloren-Gormus N. (2013) Adakite-Like Volcanism in Boyabat Region, Turkey: Geochemistry and Petrogenesis
Yesiloren-Gormus N & Temel A

Yeşilova Ç. (2023) Hydroclimate of Eastern Anatolia during Marine Isotope Stage 2: New Insights from Lake Van Tufa Carbonates Using Carbonate Clumped Isotopes
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P, Ghosh R, Yeşilova Ç & Shen C-C

Yesiltas M. (2018) Multimodal Imaging of a Banded Iron Formation Sample
Schoonen M, Thieme J, Northrup P, Jaret S, McKeeby B, Glotch T, Young J, Yesiltas M & Ohmoto H

Yesilyurt F.I. (2005) TE and REE Modeling of Central Anatolian Volcanics, Turkey
Dogan AU, Dogan M, Kilinc A, Steele I, Yesilyurt FI, Ustunisik G, Ozbay S, Tigli M, Conger O & Tosun S

Yessalina S. (2003) Aromatic Triterpenoids as Angiosperm Biomarkers in Cretaceous to Tertiary Sediments
Yessalina S, Suzuki N & Yoshida T

Yessenbayeva K. (2023) Source Identification and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Freshwater of Central Asian River
Yessenbayeva K & Lee W

Yesufu-Rufai S. (2019) Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Study of Wettability Modification in Sandstones
Yesufu-Rufai S, Rucker M, Marcelis F, Berg S, Georgiadis A, Van-Wunnik J & Luckham P

Yetter K. (2010) Provenance of Gem Corundum: A Global LIBS Study
Yetter K & McMillan N

Yeung Laurence (2019) The Isotopic Mass Dependence of Respiratory O2 Consumption Revisited and Implications for Primary Productivity Estimates
Yeung L, Ash J, Li B & Hu H
(2019) Tracing Tropospheric Temperatures at the Last Glacial Maximum with O2 Clumped Isotopes
Banerjee A & Yeung L

Yeung Laurence Y (2023) Terrestrial Alteration of Ordinary Chondrites from Antarctica
Sun T, Niles PB, Yeung LY, Dottin JW, Diaz M, Bouyon A & Lyons WB
(2016) ‘Medium Resolution’ Applications of the Perspective IS; Oxygen and Beyond
Rablen S, Yeung L & Freedman P
(2016) The Diversity of Isotopic Ordering in Small Molecules
Yeung LY

Yeung Laurence Y. (2017) An Extreme Enrichment in Atmospheric <sup>15</sup>N<sup>15</sup>N: Biotic and Abiotic Contributions
Yeung LY, Li S, Kohl IE, Ostrom NE, Haslun JA, Fischer TP, Schauble EA & Young ED
(2014) Biological Influences on Isotopic Ordering in O2
Ash JL, Yeung LY & Young ED
(2013) Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Recorded in the Isotopic Ordering in O2 and CO2
Yeung L, Young E, Schauble E, Affek H, Boering K, Eiler J & Okumura M
(2012) 18o-18o and 17o-18o in the Atmosphere
Yeung LY, Young ED & Schauble EA
(2011) Oxygen Triple-Isotope Evidence for Enhancement of CO<sub>2</sub> Sequestration Efficiency by Diatom-Diazotroph Assemblages in a Giant River Plume
Yeung LY, Berelson WM, Young ED, Prokopenko MG, Carpenter EJ & Yager PL
(2009) A 'Clumped-Isotope' Study of Stratospheric CO<sub>2</sub> Reveals a New Atmospheric Process
Yeung LY, Affek HP, Hoag KJ, Guo W, Wiegel AA, Okumura M, Boering KA & Eiler JM

Yewale N.

Yi F. (2013) Preliminary Studies on Physicochemical Characterization of PM2.5 Collected in Underground and Ground-Level Rail Systems Shanghai Metro
Lu S, Hao X, Liu D, Zhang R, Yi F, Gu Y, Luo W, Lin J & Yonemochi S

Yi Hi-Il (2013) Origin and Distribution of Sedimentary Organic Matter in Yellow Sea and Northern East China Sea Studied with Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes and Radiocarbon
Yoon S-H, Gal J-G, Yi H-I & Shin K-H

Yi Hui-Uk (2017) A Study on the Effects of Exposure of Coal Bed on the Amount of Mine Drainages
Kim S, Kim D-M, Yi H-U & Cheong Y-W
(2017) Recurrence Relation Model for Temporal Variance of Mine Water Flux
Yi H, Kim D-M & Cheong Y-W

Yi Jie (2013) Research on Particles Carried by Ascending Gas Flow of Earthquake Ruptures
Cao J, Luo S, Lai P, Wang Z, Liao Y & Yi J

Yi Jun-Nian (2020) Petrogenesis of the Xiarihamu Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusion, NW China: Evidence from Mg-Sr-Nd Isotopes
Chen L-M, Song X-Y, Hu R-Z, Yu S-Y, Yi J-N & Yang J-H

Yi K (2006) Parageneses Of Allanite, Monazite And Xenotime In The Barrovian-type Metapelites Of The Imjingang Belt, Central Korea: Implications For Radioactive Element Partitioning
Kim Y, Yi K & Cho M

Yi Keewook (2015) U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopic Compositions of Provisional Zircon Standards LKZ-1 and BRZ-1
Jeong Y-J, Lee T-H, Kim SJ, Yi K & Cheong C-S
(2015) Paleoproterozoic and Triassic Tectonothermal Events in Oki Gneiss, Japan: SHRIMP Dating of Monazite
Cho D-L, Takahashi Y & Yi K
(2015) Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Mudeungsan Tuff from Korea
Jung W, Kil Y, Seol J, Choi J, Nguyenthe C & Yi K
(2014) Qualitative Halogen Analysis in Antarctic MOR Glass: A Quest for the Quantitative Microanalysis
Seo JH, Park S-H, Hong T-E, Lee I & Yi K
(2013) Quantifying Trace Element Distributions in Agate Banding by LA-ICP-MS
Park C-S, Kim Y, Shin HS, Yi K & Oh H
(2012) Evidence for a Mid-Crustal Channel Flow during the Sveconorwegian Orogeny of Baltica?
Bingen B, Viola G, Yi K & Engvik AK
(2011) Intracratonic Carboniferous Granites in the Paleoproterozoic Crust of Lithuania: New SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Ages
Vejelyte I, Yi K, Cho M, Kim N & Lee T-H

Yi Keewook (2016) Zircon O and Biotite Mg Isotopes of Granitoids from the Gyeongsang Arc System in Southeastern Korea Indicate Crustal Self-Cannibalization
Jo HJ, Cheong AC-S, Ryu J-S & Yi K
(2016) Metamorphic History of the Paleoproterozoic Salma Eclogite in the Kola Peninsula, Russia
Imayama T, Oh C-W, Baltybaev S, Park C-S, Yi K & Jung H

Yi Keewook (2017) A New Natural Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology: Monazite from the Skalna Brama Pegmatite, the Sudetes, Poland
Szopa K, Kusiak M, Gawęda A, Banasik K, Chew D, Dunkley D, Iizuka T, Janeczek J, Konečný P, Krzykawski T & Yi K

Yi Keewook (2019) The Inverted Barrovian Metamorphic Sequences and Fluid-Present Melting in the Arun Area, Eastern Nepal
Imayama T, Uehara S, Sakai H, Yagi K, Ikawa C & Yi K

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