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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Yasunaka Sayaka (2014) Basin-Wide Mapping of Sea Surface Nutrients in the North Pacific
Nojiri Y, Yasunaka S, Ono T, Nakaoka S-I & Whitney F

Yasunaka Sayaka (2015) Global Mapping of Sea Surface Nutrients Using Neural Network
Nojiri Y, Wada C, Nakaoka S-I, Yasunaka S & Zeng J

Yasunaka Sayaka (2016) Mapping of Sea Surface Nutrients for Global Ocean Using a Feed Forward Neural Network
Nojiri Y, Oohaga Y, Wada C, Zeng J, Nakaoka S-I & Yasunaka S

Yasuo N. (2003) Biodegradation and Demethylation of C28 Sterols in Marine Phytoplankton
Shiine H, Yasuo N, Suzuki N, Iwamoto K & Shiraiwa Y

Yasuo O. (2009) Hydrogen Incorporation to the Earth’s Core
Terasaki H, Ohtani E, Sakai T, Kamada S, Shibazaki Y, Asanuma H, Hirao N, Yasuo O, Sata N, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A & Funakoshi K-I

Yasuoka K. (2016) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Heterogeneous Nucleation of Aerosols from Water Vapor
Suh D & Yasuoka K

Yasutaka T. (2023) Modeling Pilot-Scale Passive Treatment of Manganese and Zinc from a Legacy Mine in Japan
Tum S, Miyata N, Watanabe M, Katayam T & Yasutaka T
(2023) Source Estimation for Large-Scale PFOS and PFOA Contaminated Groundwater and River Areas in Japan
Yasutaka T, Murai N, Mori K & Fujita T
(2022) Spatial Distribution and Correlation Analysis of Heavy Metals Extracted from Borehole Core Samples Collected at Waste Rock Dumps of an Abandoned Mine
Nishikata M, Hashimoto Y, Yasutaka T, Matsumoto S, Oguri T, Kon Y & Araoka D

Yates C. (2019) Glacial Cover Affects Nutrient Fluxes from Rivers in Chilean Patagonia
Pryer H, Wadham J, Hawkings J, Robinson L, Hendry K, Marshall M, Yates C & Hatton J

Yates D.M. (2001) Sizing Silica Nanocolloids: A Comparison of Gel Filtration Chromatography with Diffraction and Imaging Methods
Icopini G, Heaney PJ, Mellott NP, Brantley SL & Yates DM

Yates E. (2020) Air Quality Impacts of the 2018 Kīlauea Eruption
Golston L, Pan D, Guo X, Li N, Wang R, Tao L, McSpiritt J, Yates E & Zondlo M

Yates G. (2006) Geochemistry of Sulfur in an inland acid sulfate soil system
Welch S, Kirste D, Beavis S, Yates G, Beavis F & Wallace L

Yates Martin (2014) Boron Isotopes in Tourmaline from the 3.7-3.8 Ga Isua Belt, Greenland: Implications for B Concentrations in Eoarchean Continental Crust
Grew E, Dymek R, De Hoog J, Harley S, Hazen R & Yates M
(2013) A-Type Granites of Prydz Bay, Antarctica: Products of Melting of a Two-Component Granulite Crust?
Grew E, Maas R, Christy A, Carson C, Yates M & Boger S
(2008) Chopinite-Sarcopside in Meteorite GRA95209
Grew E, Yates M, Beane R, Floss C & Gerbi C
(2007) A Natural Analog of 'Boron-Mullite' in Granulite-Facies Metapelites from Mount Stafford, Central Australia
Buick I, Grew E, Yates M, Medenbach O, Bebout G & Clarke G

Yates Matthew (2015) Temperature Dependency of Long Range Electron Transport in Microbial Biofilms
Yates M, Strycharz-Glaven S, El-Naggar M & Tender L

Yatsenko V.

Yatzor B. (2010) Release of Toxic Elements from Air-Exposed Coal of Guizhou, China
Liang H, Gardella JA & Yatzor B

Yau A. (2013) Characteristics of the Eemian from the Greenland Ice Sheet at GISP2
Yau A

Yau Yu Yan (2020) Isotopic Investigation of Dry and Wet Nitrogen Deposition in Hong Kong
Yau YY, Baker DM & Thibodeau B

Yau Yvonne Y Y (2023) δ65Cu and δ66Zn Behavior Across Mangrove Pollution Gradients in Brazil
Barreira J, Castro S, Tonhá M, Cunha B, Garnier J, Souto de Oliveira CE, Babinski M, Reithmaier GMS, Yau YYY, Cabral A, Amora Nogueira L, Marotta Ribeiro H, Abuchacra RC, Santos I, Luiz-Silva W, Sanders C, Machado W & Araújo DF

Yavuz B. (2009) Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Black Shales in Middle Miocene Hirka Formation (Ankara, Turkiye)
Yavuz B, Koç Ş, Koca D & Sari A

Yavuz Pehlivanli B. (2015) Weathering, Provenance, and Tectonic Settings with Geochemical Approaches of Oil Shales from The Middle Miocene Hırka Formation
Yavuz Pehli̇vanli B, Koç Ş & Sari A

Yaw N. (2023) Experimental Modeling of Complex Rare Earth Element Phosphate Solid Solutions
Reece ME, Carlsen E, Strzelecki AC, Yaw N, Hurtig NC, King G, Benmore CJ, Gysi AP, Migdisov AA & Guo X

Yaxley Gregory (2022) The Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in Carbonate Melts and Phosphate Ore Minerals
Ray S, Yaxley G & Berry A
(2021) Trace Element Partitioning between Garnet and Silicate-Carbonate Melt – An Experimental Study at 3.5-21 GPa in a Carbonated Eclogite System
Kiseeva K, Tomlinson EL & Yaxley G
(2020) The Case for a (Geochemically) Dirty Mantle Plume Melange
Nebel O, Yaxley G & Ruttor S
(2019) Mantle Metasomatism, Oxidation and Kimberlite Magma Genesis
Yaxley G & Foley S
(2019) Vanadium Isotopic Composition of Garnet-Clinopyroxene Pairs from Kimberlite-Hosted Mantle Xenoliths
Page S, Prytulak J, Nowell G, Novella D & Yaxley G
(2019) Can Primitive Kimberlite Melts Have an Alkali-Carbonate Composition?
Golovin A, Sharygin I, Korsakov A, Kamenetsky V, Yaxley G & Abersteiner A
(2019) Diamond Crystallisation from Methane-Rich Fluids
Matjuschkin V, Woodland AB, Frost D & Yaxley G
(2018) Methane-Rich Fluids in the Upper Mantle: Their Speciation, Subduction and Involvement in Redox Melting Reactions
Matjuschkin V, Woodland AB & Yaxley G
(2018) Partial Melting of Pyroxenite Domains in Peridotitic Mantle – not all Pyroxenites are Born Equal
Yaxley G & Rosenthal A
(2017) Garnet as a Recorder of Metasomatism in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Goodarzi P, Berry A, Pearson G, Yaxley G & Newville M
(2017) Atom Probe Study of Carbonate-Silicate Melts Immiscibility and Implication to REE Distrubution
Vasilyev P, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, Evans K & Yaxley G
(2017) The Concurrent Emergence and Causes of Double Volcanic Hotspot Tracks on the Pacific Plate
Jones T, Davies R, Campbell I, Iaffaldano G, Yaxley G, Kramer S & Wilson C
(2017) Iron Isotopes from EM1 to HIMU: Processes vs Source Inheritance and Pyroxenite vs Carbonatite
Nebel O, Sossi P, Davies R, Yaxley G, Woodhead J & Arculus R
(2016) Carbonation of Serpentinite and Spinel Peridotite Under Fore Arc Conditions – An Experimental Study
Sieber M, Yaxley G & Joerg H
(2016) The Redox State of Eclogite and Peridotite Xenoliths of the Udachanaya Kimberlite Pipe and Implications for Diamond Stabiltiy
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, Hofer H, Zedgenizov D & Ragozin A
(2016) Preconditioning Deep Cratonic Lithosphere for Kimberlite Genesis; Evidence from the Central Slave Craton
Yaxley G, Berry A, Rosenthal A & Woodland A

Yaxley Gregory M. (2015) Redox State of Deeply Subducted Altered Oceanic Crust: Experimental Study and Evidence from Natural Samples
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, O'Neill H, Berry A, Höfer H, Woodland A, Rosenthal A & Korsakov A
(2015) The Important Role of Incipient Melting in the Compositional and Petrological Evolution of the Mantle
Foley S & Yaxley G
(2015) On the Formation of Subalkaline Arc Magmas: Source and Primary Melt Characteristics Inferred from Xenoliths and Experiments
Benard A, Nebel O, Vasilyev P, Arculus R, Ionov D & Yaxley G
(2015) Primitive Island Arc Ankaramite in the Urals: An Example of Primary Melt for the Ural-Alaskan Type Ultramafic Intrusions
Pushkarev E, Kamenetsky V, Gottman I, Ryazancev A & Yaxley G
(2014) Diffusion of Major and Minor Elements within Zoned Garnet from the Kaapvaal Craton, as Determined Using NanoSIMS and EPMA
Hanger B, Jollands M, Yaxley G & Hermann J
(2014) Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Oxygen Fugacity on Diamond Versus Carbonate in Carbon-Bearing Eclogites during Deep Subduction
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, Hermann J, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2013) Phase Relations of Carbonate Eclogite during Subduction and the Effect of Redox Conditions on Diamond–carbonate Reactions
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, Hermann J, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2013) Fe3+ Determination in Garnet: A Crystal Chemical Test with the EPMA Flank Method
Hoefer HE, Hoefer CE, Matjuschkin V, Yaxley GM & Brey GP
(2013) Oxygen Fugacity in the Kaapvaal Cratonic Lithosphere – Evidence from Fe XANES Measurements of Fe3+ in Garnet from the Kimberley Pipe
Hanger B, Yaxley G, Berry A, Kamenetsky V, Paterson D & Howard D
(2013) Xenoliths, XANES and Redox-Related Processes in the Cratonic Lithosphere
Yaxley G, Berry A, Woodland A, Hanger B & Kamenetsky V
(2012) Refertilisation of the Hawaiian Oceanic Lithospheric Mantle
Doull J, Yaxley G, Norman M, O'Neill H, Sossi P & Smith I
(2012) Redox Conditions and Metasomatic Activity beneath the Wesselton Kimberlite, South Africa
Hanger B, Yaxley G, Berry A & Kamenetsky V
(2011) Redox Profile Through the Siberian Craton: Fe K-Edge XANES Determination of Fe3+/Fe2+ in Garnet from Peridotite Xenoliths of the Udachnaya Kimberlite
Yaxley G, Berry A, Kamenetsky V, Woodland A, Paterson D, de Jonge M & Howard D
(2011) Quantitative Mapping of the Oxidation State of Iron in Mantle Garnet
Berry A, Yaxley G, Hanger B, Woodland A, de Jonge M, Howard D & Paterson D
(2010) Zircon Oxygen and Hf Isotopic Constraints on 150 M.y. of Subduction Magmatism, South Patagonian Batholith, South America
Fanning M, Hervé F, Pankhurst R, Calderón M, Yaxley G & Holden P
(2010) Experimental Phase and Melting Relations of Metapelite in the Upper Mantle – Implications for the Petrogenesis of Intraplate Magmas
Spandler C, Yaxley G, Green DH & Scott D
(2009) Melting and Melt-Peridotite Interactions in Heterogeneous Upper Mantle Sources of Primitive Volcanics
Yaxley G, Spandler C, Sobolev A, Rosenthal A & Green D
(2009) Melting of Carbonated Eclogite at 3.5-5.5 GPa: An Experimental Study
Kiseeva E, Yaxley G & Kamenetsky V
(2009) Garnet Pyroxenite Melting at the Break-Up of Gondwana (Karoo LIP) to Present day (Bouvet TJ)
Kamenetsky V, Zellmer G, Kuzmin D, Maas R, Yaxley G & Sobolev A
(2008) Stable Mg Isotope Composition of Earth’s Mantle
Handler M, Baker J, Schiller M, Bennett V & Yaxley G
(2008) Melting of Residual Eclogites with Variable Proportions of Quartz/Coesite
Rosenthal A, Yaxley GM, Green DH, Hermann J & Spandler CS
(2007) The Influence of Minor Elements on Melting of Eclogite in the Mantle
Yaxley G, Spandler C, Green D, Rosenthal A & Brey G
(2007) Phase and Melting Relations of a Residual Garnet Clinopyroxenite
Rosenthal A, Yaxley G, Green D, Hermann J & Spandler C
(2007) A New, Comprehensive Set of Bulk Distribution Coefficents (D's) Governing Partial Melting of Hydrous Metabasalt
Rapp RP, Yaxley G & Norman MD
(2006) Carbonate-eclogite in the upper mantle
Yaxley GM
(2006) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Provenance of Permian Detritus in Metasedimentary rocks of Southern Chile and Livingston Island, Antarctica
Fanning CM, Hervé F, Yaxley GM & Pankhurst RJ
(2006) Iron oxidation state determination in garnets by EPMA and XANES
Höfer HE, Brey GP, Yaxley GM & Berry AJ
(2006) Source variability and crustal contamination of the Baffin Island picrites – coupled Sr isotope and trace element study of individual melt inclusions
Harlou R, Pearson DG, Davidson JP, Kamenetsky VS & Yaxley GM
(2006) Constraints on the timing and isotopic evolution for the 150 my emplacement history of the South Patagonian batholith, southern Chile.
Hervé F, Pankhurst RJ, Fanning CM, Calderón M & Yaxley GM
(2005) Calibration of XANES for Determination of Fe<+>3+<$>+/?Fe in Garnet
Yaxley G, Berry A, Woodland A & O'Neill H
(2004) High-Pressure Partial Melting of Gabbro and the Preservation of “Ghost Plagioclase” Signatures
Yaxley G, Sobolev A & Snow J
(2003) Petrological Constraints on Carbonated Eclogite as a Source of Carbonatites
Yaxley G & Brey G
(2002) Li as an Indicator of Petrogenetic Processes in the Earth's Mantle
Woodland AB, Seitz H-M, Yaxley GM & Altherr R
(2002) A Melt Inclusion Study of Baffin Bay Picrites
Yaxley G, Kamenetsky V, Kamenetsky M & Francis D
(2000) Primary Magmas, Mantle Temperatures and Buoyancy Plumes
Green DH, Eggins S, Falloon T & Yaxley G

Yaxley Gregory Mark (2023) Solubility of Carbon in Diamond-Saturated Granite Melt in Subducted Crust: Implications for Carbon Transport to the Deep Mantle
Acosta-Vigil A, Stöckhert B, Hermann J, Cesare B, Yaxley GM & Remusat L
(2023) Rejuvenated Lavas Resolve Enriched Ponded Melt at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
Rogers A, Nebel O, Knight B, Wang X, Capitanio F, Yaxley GM, O'Neill HSC, Nebel-Jacobsen Y, Kendrick MA & Ruttor S
(2023) Xenolith Constraints on the Lithospheric Architecture and Mantle Geochemistry of the South Australian Craton
Sudholz ZJ, Yaxley GM & Jaques AL
(2023) Lost in Subduction: Nitrogen Mobility in Fluids Indicates its Low Recycling Efficiency in Cold Slabs
Förster MW, Chen C, Foley SF, Alard O & Yaxley GM
(2023) Petrogenesis of Carbonatites
Yaxley GM
(2023) The Solubility of Monazite in Carbonate Melts at Upper Mantle and Crustal Conditions
Ray S, Yaxley GM & Berry A
(2023) Carbonatite Formation in Continental Settings via High Pressure – High Temperature Liquid Immiscibility
Berkesi M, Myovela JL, Yaxley GM & Guzmics T

Yaylali-Abanuz G. (2017) Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Characteristics of Westphalian Aged Coal Beds in Kozlu, Zonguldak/Turkey
Erdoğan MS, Kara Gülbay R, Çevik S, Yaylalı Abanuz G, Hoş Çebi F & Korkmaz S
(2017) Element Enrichment and Organic Matter-Element Relationship of the Eskişehir Oil Shale Deposit, NW Turkey
Yaylali-Abanuz G, Korkmaz S, Kara Gülbay R, Erdoğan MS & Şengüler İ
(2017) N-Alkane Characterization of Marine, Lacustrine and Terrestrial Environments: A Statistical Application on the Selected Fields from Turkey
Kara Gülbay R, Vardaloğlu H, Yaylali-Abanuz G, Korkmaz S & Erdoğan MS
(2015) Multivariate Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollution in Roadside Soil of Bursa, NW Turkey
Yaylali-Abanuz G
(2011) Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils Around Gebze Industrial Area, NW-Turkey
Yaylali-Abanuz G
(2010) Statistical Evaluation of Seasonal Variation of Trace Elements in Soils and Tea Plants from the Çayeli Cu Deposit (NE Turkey)
Yaylali-Abanuz G & Tüysüz N
(2007) Heavy Metal Concentrations in Soils and Tea Plants in Sürmene and Çayeli Area (NE -Turkey)
Yaylali Abanuz G, Tüysüz N & Tüfekçi M

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