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Yang Tammy (Tianxiao) (2022) Study of U Sorption onto Granite and Bentonite
Guido-Garcia F, Walker A, Racette J, Nagasaki S & Yang T(

Yang Tammy Tianxiao (2018) Sorption Properties of Radionuclides in Saline Solutions
Yang TT, Vilks P, Nagasaki S, Bertetti P & Hobbs M

Yang Tao (2022) Orbitally-Driven Nutrient Pulses Linked to Cambrian Oxygenation and Animal Radiations
Zhang Y, Mills BJW, Newton RJ, He T, Yang T & Zhu M
(2020) Sulfate Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Pyrite Burial in the Aftermath of the Late Paleozoic Great Ice Age
Wu H, Wang Y, He T, Newton R, Che B, Zhang Y & Yang T
(2019) Suppressed Silicate Weathering Recorded by Seawater Lithium Isotopic Compositions in the Terminal Proterozoic: Insights from the Chigebrak Formation in Keping Area, NW Tarim Basin
Zhang Y, Yang T, Hohl S & Weynell M
(2018) Termination of Cryogenian Ironstone Deposition by the Spread of Euxinia: Fe-S-C Isotope Evidence
Li W, Wu C & Yang T
(2018) Geochemical and Sr-Os-B-Si Isotope Constraints on Ore-Forming Process of Modern Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Sulphide Mineralization
Yang J-H, Jiang S-Y & Yang T
(2014) Determination of δ11B in Pore Water via MC-ICP-MS Using Matrix Effect Correction
Zhu B, Yang T & Jiang S
(2013) Sr and Nd Isotopes of Modern Cold Seep Carbonates from the Northern South China Sea
Ge L, Chen J, Jiang S & Yang T

Yang Teng Teng (2015) Influence of pH on Boron and Carbon Isotopes in Coral Skeletons
Martin P, Yang TT, Stewart JA, Foster GL, Wang B-S, Fan T-Y, You C-F & Goodkin NF

Yang Tian-Nan (2016) Discovery of Oceanic-Crust-Type Eclogite in the Bangong Co–Nujiang Ophiolitic Mélange, Central Tibet, and Tectonic Implications
Zhao W-X, Dong Y-L, Wang B-D, Yang T-N & Xu J-F

Yang Tianjian (2018) Formation of the Yuanjiang Ruby Deposit and its Relationship with Movement of the Red River Shear Belt, SW China: Evidence from Graphite Raman Analyses and Ar-Ar Phlogopite Geochronology
Yang T, Sun X & Shi G

Yang Tiannan (2018) New Insight into Reaction Iso–grades, Petrography, Mineral Chemistry of Metapelites and gem Bearing Marbles in Karakoram Metamorphic Complex (Aliabad – Karimabad), Central Hunza, NE Pakistan
Baig SS, Xue C, Yang T & Jan MQ

Yang Tianyang (2021) Petrology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Critical Elements Deposition of the Lopingian (Late Permian) Coal-Bearing Series in Western Guizhou, SW China
Yang T & Shen Y

Yang Tiffany (2013) The Effect of Chloride on the Dissolution Rate of Silver Nanoparticles and Toxicity to E. coli
Levard C, Mitra S, Yang T, Jew A, Badireddy AR, Lowry GV & Brown Jr. GE

Yang Ting (2016) Insight into Evolutionary Processes and Sources of High-Nitrate Haze Episodes in Beijing, Spring 2012
Yang T

Yang Tingting (2020) Porphyroblastic Andalusite Zoned Microstructures Respond to Multiple Pulse Magma Emplacements?
Chen N, Chen B & Yang T
(2018) Intracellular Calcite and Sulfur Dynamics of Achromatium Cells in Aerobic Incubation Experiments
Yang T, Ambrose W, Nielsen LP, Carvalho V & Teske A

Yang Tsanyao (2021) Helium Isotopic Signature in the Ilan Plain, NE Taiwan: Geochemical Evidences of a Magmatic Source
Chen A-T, Sano Y, Chen C-H, Takahata N, Lo C-H, Yang T, Liu T-K & Wang Y
(2015) The Heat Source of Geothermal Energy in the Ilan Plain, Northeast Taiwan
Song S-R, Lu Y-C, Liu C-M & Yang T

Yang Tsanyao Frank (2019) Exploring the Release of Radioactive Material in the Volcanic Area and its Tectonic Implications
Fu C-C, Lee L-C, Yang TF, Lin C-H, Walia V & Chen C-H
(2019) Helium Isotopic Signature of the Plate Boundary Suture in an Active Arc-Continent Collision Setting, Eastern Taiwan
Chen A, Shen C-C, Byrne TB, Sano Y, Takahata N, Yang TF & Wang Y
(2018) Anomalous Fluid Emission at the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Borehole Associated with the 2013 M6.2 Nantou Earthquake
Fu C-C, Lai C-W, Yang TF, Ma K-F & Lee L-C
(2016) An Automatic System for Continuous Monitoring of Groundwater Geochemistry at an Active Fault Zone in SW Taiwan
Fu C-C, Lai C-W, Yang TF, Hilton DR, Liu T-K, Vivek W, Chen C-H, Lee L-C & Lai T-H
(2016) Fluxes and He-C Isotopes of the Volcanic-Geothermal Gases of the Gulu-Yadong Rift (GYR), South Tibet: Implications for Northward Subduction of the Indian Continental Lithosphere
Zhang L, Guo Z, Zhang M, Sun Y, Cheng Z & Yang TF
(2016) Magma-Derived CO2 Emissions in the Tengchong Volcanic Field, SE Tibet: Implications for Deep Carbon Cycle at the India-Asia Continental Subduction Zone
Zhang M, Guo Z, Zhang L, Sun Y, Cheng Z & Yang TF
(2014) Geochemical Precursors of Fluid Samples from an Active Fault Zone in SW Taiwan
Yang TF, Chen C-H & Liu T-K
(2014) Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Evolution of SE China: A Record in the Palawan Continental Terrane, Philippines
Walia M, Knittel U, Yang TF, Chung S-L, Dimalanta CB & Yumul GP
(2013) Ancient Magmatic CO2 Degassing from Non-Volcanic Area in West Taiwan: Helium and Carbon Isotopic Evidences
Yang TF
(2013) Gas Geochemistry and Soil CO2 Flux in Active Volcanic Areas, China
Wen H-Y, Yang T, Guo Z, Fu C-C, Chen A-T & Zhang M
(2013) Temporal Variation of Compositions of Volcanic Gas and Hot Springs in the Tatun Volcano Group, Taiwan
Lee H-F, Yang TF, Wen H-Y & Lin C-H
(2013) First Tritium-Helium Dating Results of Groundwater in Central Taiwan
Chen A-T, Yang TF, Liu T-K, Sano Y, Takahata N, Chen K-Y & Wang Y
(2013) Precursory Soil Radon Anomalies Related to the Major Earthquakes in Taiwan
Fu C-C, Yang TF, Liu T-K, Chen C-H, Walia V, Lai T-H & Chen C-Y
(2009) Proxy of Past and Present Methane Migration in the Active Accreted Continental Margin Sediments Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
Lin S, Lim Y, Yang T, Chung S & Wang Y
(2009) Sampling and Analysis of Dissolved Noble Gases in The Porewater of Marine Sediments in Northeastern Okinawa Trough, Japan
Lan TF, Takahata N, Kiyota K, Tsutsumi M, Kaneko A, Yang TF & Sano Y
(2009) Abnomalously High 3He/4He Ratios of Fluid Samples from Non-Volcanic Area of Western Taiwan
Yang TF
(2009) Archaeal and Bacterial Diversity and Distribution in Methane Seep of Yung-An Ridge, SW Taiwan
Lai M-C, Ding J-Y, Wu S-Y, Hung C-C, Lai S-J, Lin S & Yang TF
(2008) Abnormally Enriched Arc Lavas at Arc-Continent Collision Zone: An Example from Lutao Volcanics, Offshore SE Taiwan
Yang TF, Chen C-H, Lee T, Chen C-H & Kurz MD
(2007) Formosa Ridge, a Cold Seep with Densely Populated Chemosynthetic Community in the Passive Margin, Southwest of Taiwan
Lin S, Lim Y, Liu C-S, Yang TF, Chen Y-G, Machiyama H, Soh W & Fujikura K
(2007) Noble Gas Isotopic Ratios of Volcanics and Xenoliths from Northern Taiwan-Luzon Arc
Yang TF, Kurz MD, Matsuda J-I & Matsumoto T
(2002) Fluid Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes at the Accretionary Prism in Southern Taiwan
Yeh G-H, You C-F, Chen J-C, Yang T, Chen Y-G & Song S-R
(2002) 3He/4He Ratios of Fluid Samples in Taiwan
Yang T

Yang W. (2004) The Coupling Relation between 210Pbex and Organic Matter in Sediments of Enrichment Nutrient Lake: An Example from Lake Chenghai, China
Wan G, Santschi P, Chen J, Xu S, Wu F, Wan E & Yang W
(2001) Toward an Explanation for the Great Oxidation Event between ca. 2.3 and 2.0
Holland HD & Yang W

Yang W. (2013) Organic Carbon from the Tissint Martian Meteorite: Hints for Biogenic Origin
Lin Y, El Goresy A, Hu S, Zhang J, Gillet P, Xu Y, Hao J, Miyahara M, Ouyang Z, Ohtani E, Xu L, Yang W, Feng L, Zhao X, Yang J & Ozawa S

Yang Wan-Zhi (2008) SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Chronology, Elemental and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Geochemistry of SSZ Ridge Plagiogranite in Western Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Jiang Y-H, Liao S-Y, Yang W-Z & Shen W-Z

Yang We (2012) Facies Architecture and Evolution of Late Permian Carbonate Platform Margin, Northeastern Sichuan, China
Ts Z, Zhao G, Liu Z, Chen X, Yang W & Ming H

Yang Wei (2014) Geochemical Characteristics of the Shale Gas Reservoir Rocks in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation, the Southern Sichuan Basin, China
Liu Z, Liao P, Li F, Zhang T & Yang W
(2013) Strontium, Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Silurian on the Northern and Southern Margins of Sichuan Basin, Chinan
Yang W, Zhang T & Cheng X
(2012) New Understanding of Changxing Formation Reefs in Permian in Eastern Sichuan Area, China
Zhang T, Liu Z, Yang W, Ming H, Dang L, Zheng C & Yang Y
(2012) Magnesium Isotopic Composition of the Lower Continental Crust: A Xenolith Perspective
Teng F-Z, Yang W & Rudnick R
(2012) The Study of the Sequence Stratigraphy and the Sedimentary Enviroment of Ordovician in Southern Margin of Sichuan Basin
Tingshan Z, Yang W, Liu Z & Min H

Yang Wei (2013) Studying Crystal Growth with NanoSIMS: An Example of Zircon
Yang W, Lin Y, Hao J, Zhang J, Hu S & Ni H

Yang Wei (2016) Comparison of the Simulated the Canopy Scale Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Satellite-Based SIF Measurements in Northern High Latitudes
Kobayashi H, Yang W & Ichii K

Yang Wei (2016) Late Permian Carbon Cycle and Response of Microbial Carbonate Deposition
Zhang T, Chen X, Yang W & Zhu H
(2016) Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Carbon Cycle and Response of Black Shale Deposition
Zhu H, Zhang T, Chen X & Yang W

Yang Wei (2019) Sulfur Isotopes of Pyrite in Meteorite NWA 7533 and Early Oxygenation Event on Martian Atmosphere
Shang S, Hui H, Yang W, Hu S, Hao J, Zhang J, Wei Y, Lin Y, Cui J, Li S, Li Y & Zeng X

Yang Wei (2020) Reconstruction and Quantitative Evaluation of Porosity Evolution during Diagenesis -- Implication for Carbonate Reservoir Development
Yang L, Yu L, Chen D, Li C, Liu K, Li Z, Tang X, Gao Z, Liu D & Yang W

Yang Wei.Long. (2013) Indonesian Mineralization Event in the Wulashan District, Northwest China: Evidence of Isotopic Geochronology
Zhang YM, Gu XX, Yang WL & Zhu WP

Yang Weifang (2019) The Ultra-Depleted MORB Glass in Southwest India Ocean Ridge
Liu J, Tao C, Li W, Liao S, Liang J & Yang W
(2018) Hydrothermal Activity History of Duanqiao Hydrothermal Field, the Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence from 230Th/238U Geochronology of Polymetallic Sulfides
Yang W, Tao C, Liang J & Liao S
(2017) Active and Relict Hydrothermal Mineralization at the Longqi-1 field,Southwest Indian Ridge
Liang J, Tao C, Yang W, Huang W, Li H & Liao S

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