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Walch E.J. (2024) Unexpected Phases and Phase Transitions in Biomineral Aragonite
Schmidt CA, Tambutté E, Venn AA, Zou Z, Castillo Alvarez MC, Devriendt L, Bechtel H, Stifler CA, Anglemyer S, Breit C, Foust CL, Hopanchuk A, Klaus CN, Koehler I, LeCloux IM, Mezera J, Patton MR, Purisch A, Quach V, Sengkhammee J, Sristy T, Vattem S, Walch EJ, Alberic M, Politi Y, Fratzl P, Tambutté S & Gilbert P

Walczak Aleksandra (2021) Anthropogenic Impact on Environmental Strontium Isotope Signatures (87Sr/86Sr) in Poland: Implications for Archaeological Provenance and Migration Research
Zieliński M, Dopieralska J, Belka Z, Królikowska-Ciągło S & Walczak A

Walczak Alexandra (2012) Phosphate Reaction with PbS Stimulates Microbial S Oxidation
Walczak A, Yee N & Young L
(2010) Bosea sp. WAO Oxidizes Metal Sulfides at Neutral pH
Walczak A, Yee N & Young L

Walczak I. (2018) Reconstructing North Atlantic Climate over the Past Six Centuries Using a High Resolution Stalagmite Multi-Proxy Approach
Baldini L, Walczak I, Jamieson R, Lechleitner F & Baldini J
(2014) The Onset of the Mediterranean Climate in Western Europe Inferred from Dating and CT Scanning of Un-Sectioned Stalagmite
Walczak I, Baldini J, Baldini L, Marsden S, Richards D, Standish C, McDermott F & Andreo B

Walczak K.A. (2023) Long Story Encrypted in a Small Grain – Zircon from Meta-Andesite in Lower Köli Nappes Reveals Complex History of Virisen Arc, Scandinavian Caledonides, Sweden
Walczak KA, Carter I, Cuthbert S, Ziemniak G & Włodek A

Walczyk T. (2012) Chemical Imaging of Isotopic Spikes in Hard Tussues Using LA-ICPMS
Prohaska T, Horsky M, Irrgeher J, Zitek A, Teschler-Nicola M, Schulze-Koenig T & Walczyk T
(2002) Iron Isotope Fractionation by the Human Body, Animals and Plants
von Blanckenburg F & Walczyk T

Wald T. (2024) Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes during the Last 160 ka in the Mediterranean Sea
Wald T, Ai XE, Fripiat F, Montagna P, Pons-Branchu E, Schiebel R, Haug GH, Sigman DM & Martinez-Garcia A

Waldbauer J. (2024) Experimental Diagenesis of Proteins Fossilizing in Tree Resin
Greidanus C & Waldbauer J
(2023) Multi-Omics Insights on Disproportionate Carbon Dioxide Efflux due to Unshared Metabolic Paths of Assimilated Organic Carbons in Soil Bacteria
Mendonca CM, Waldbauer J & Aristilde L
(2018) Protein-Level Proteorhodopsin Expression Patterns in Aquatic Microbes
Gallagher G & Waldbauer J
(2018) Isotopic Tracking of Viral Protein Synthesis: New Insights into Nutrient Biogeochemistry
Waldbauer J, Campbell K, Rizzo A, Lotus J & Coleman M
(2017) Quantitative Metaproteomics of Microbial Communities
Waldbauer J, Rizzo A, Zhang L & Coleman M
(2016) Relating Geochemical Signatures to the Metabolic State of Cells
Bradley A, Leavitt W & Waldbauer J
(2007) Late Archean Molecular Fossils from Scientific Drill Cores Record the Antiquity of Microbial Diversity
Waldbauer J, Sherman L, Sumner D & Summons R
(2006) Exchange of C Between Mantle and Crust and Its Effect on Global Redox Budgets
Hayes J & Waldbauer J

Waldbusser G. (2012) Pumping Away: Impact of Benthic Macrofauna on Flow, Redox Dynamics and Sediment N Cycling
Meile C, Dornhoffer T, Kaza S, Volkenborn N & Waldbusser G
(2010) Macrofaunal Transport Dynamics in Marine Sediments as Inferred from 2D Images
Meile C, Lopez-Maisonave C & Waldbusser G
(2010) Impact of Patchiness in Burrow Distribution on Sediment Chemistry
Dornhoffer T, Waldbusser G & Meile C

Walde D. (2017) Geochemical Reconstruction of the Neoproterozoic Urucum Habitat
Viehmann S, Bau M, Bühn B, Dantas EL, Andrade F & Walde D

Waldeck Anna (2022) Microbial Control on the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Cenozoic Marine Sulfate
Waldeck A, Hemingway JD, Yao W, Paytan A & Johnston D
(2019) Volcanic Controls on Seawater Sulfate over the Past 120 Million Years
Laakso T, Waldeck A, Macdonald F & Johnston D
(2016) The Phanerozoic Record of Global Temperatures and Sea Water δ18O as Recorded by Marine Phosphates
Waldeck A & Colman A

Waldeck Anna R (2024) Biocalcification Stress and a Foraminiferal Extinction at the Aptian-Albian Boundary
Chen J, Wan C, Waldeck AR, Huber B, Jacobson AD & Sageman BB
(2024) Combined Stable Ca, Sr, and O Isotope Records Reveal Coccolithophore Calcification Stress Before and Across the PETM
Wan C, Kitch GD, Sarvian NL, Waldeck AR, Sageman BB & Jacobson AD
(2024) Radiogenic Sr Isotope Ratios Spanning Cretaceous OAE2 Record Hydrothermal Activity and Ocean Mixing
Waldeck AR, Jacobson AD, Sageman BB, Linzmeier BJ, Kitch GD, Sarvian NL, Wan C & Hurtgen M
(2018) Environmental Divers of Decoupled Marine Sulfate Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Trends during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Gomes M, Waldeck A, Gill B & Johnston D
(2018) A Mechanistic Understanding of Oxygen Isotope Effects during Microbial Sulfate Reduction
Bertran E, Waldeck A, Wing B, Halevy I, Leavitt W, Bradley A & Johnston D
(2018) Deciphering the Atmospheric Signal in Marine Sulfate Oxygen Isotope Composition
Waldeck AR, Cowie BR, Bertran E, Halevy I, Wing BA & Johnston DT

Walder Ingar (2013) Characterization of the Effects of Grain Size to Mine Water Quality and Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Production in Kinetic Testing
Embile Jr. R, Walder I, Madai F, Moricz F, Walder P & Rzepka P
(2013) Sub-Sea Tailings Deposition Leach Modeling
Rzepka P, Walder I, Bożęcki P & Rzepa G
(2011) Mineral CO2 Sequestration in Mine Waste Rocks: Column Experiments
Tangwa E, Walder I & Lundkvist A

Walder Ingar (2015) Nickel Leaching for Metal Recovery from Titania Tailings, Norway
Walder I, Nilsen AH & Winton A

Walder Ingar (2017) Galena Reaction Rate in Synthetic Seawater
Embile R & Walder I

Walder Ingar (2018) Cu, Pb and Fe Release from Sulfide-Containing Mine Tailings in Seawater: A Laboratory Simulation
Embile R, Walder I, Schuh C & Donatelli J

Walder P. (2013) Characterization of the Effects of Grain Size to Mine Water Quality and Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Production in Kinetic Testing
Embile Jr. R, Walder I, Madai F, Moricz F, Walder P & Rzepka P

Walding N. (2016) Subduction Zones, CO2 Degassing, and Recovery from the Cryogenian Icehouse
Mills B, Scotese C, Walding N & Lenton T

Waldl H. (2023) Sphalerite as an Unconventional Cobalt Source? Correlative Microcopy and Atom Probe Tomography of Cobalt-Rich Sphalerite from the Dolostone Ore Formation Deposit, Namibia
Bertrandsson Erlandsson V, Gopon P, Waldl H, Misch D, Ellmies R & Melcher F

Waldmann N. (2007) U-Th, δ18O and Paleomagnetic Dating of a Mid-Pleistocene Lacustrine Sequence: The Amora Formation, Mount Sedom, Israel
Torfstein A, Haase-Schramm A, Waldmann N, Kolodny Y & Stein M

Waldmann S. (2014) Comparison of Model and Experimental Results for CO2-Water-Rock Interactions: What Data are Best?
Hentscher M, Ostertag-Henning C, Stadler S & Waldmann S
(2013) Fluid-Mineral Interactions of CO2/O2, NaCl-Brines and Siderite-Ankerite-Mixtures at Geological CO2-Storage Conditions
Gröger-Trampe J, Waldmann S, Nowak T & Ostertag-Henning C

Waldner M. (2017) Unravelling Thermal History in Lower Greenschist Metamorphic Conditions: Coupling Thermochronometers and Thermometers in the Axial Zone, Pyrenees
Waldner M, Bellahsen N, Mouthereau F, Pik R, Bernet M & Scaillet S

Waldner P. (2002) Nitrate Release from a Melting Snowpack
Waldner P, Schneebeli M, Schwikowski M, Stähli M & Flühler H

Waldo N. (2018) Plant Effects on Carbon Composition and Recalcitrance in Peat from a Boreal Bog: Implications for Methane Emissions
Waldo N, Tfaily M, Chu R, Anderton C, Moran J & Neumann R

Waldron H. (2009) A First Look at GEOTRACES Issues from the IPY BONUS GOODHOPE Cruise in the Southern Ocean
Boye M, Achterberg E, Bown J, Bucciarelli E, Cardinal D, Cassar N, Cavagna A-J, Chever F, Dehairs F, Fine RA, Happell J, Joubert W, LeMoigne F, Masqué P, Monteiro P, Planchon F, Sarthou G, Verdeny E, Wake B & Waldron H

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