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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Wainwright Ashlea N (2024) An Exploratory Study on Streamlining Lab and Analytical Protocols for Labile 87Sr/86Sr Determination in Emerging Applications
Mahan B, Maas R, Manestar G, Wainwright AN, de Caritat P & Shewan L
(2023) Controls on Stable Sr and Mg Isotope Variations in Speleothems
Wainwright AN, Pollard T, Woodhead JD & Drysdale R
(2016) Constraints from the West African Craton on Archean Mantle Dynamics
Wainwright AN, Debaille V & Berger J

Wainwright Ashlea N. (2018) Temporal HSE Variation and Core Formation in Vesta
Debaille V, Slotte N, Wainwright A, Goderis S & Luguet A
(2018) Tracing Early Earth Differentiation with 142Nd
Wainwright AN, Debaille V, Pourkhorsandi H, Zincone SA, Mole DR, Barnes SJ, Maas R & Guice G
(2017) Complex Archean Mantle Dynamics Revealed by 142Nd Isotopes
Wainwright AN, Debaille V & Berger J
(2015) From Macro to Micro: Re-Os and HSE Systematics at Variable Scales
Wainwright AN, Schreiber A, Luguet A, Fonseca ROC, Wirth R, Lorand J-P, Nowell GM & Janney PE

Wainwright Ashlea Nicole (2013) Sulfide Re-Os Dating in Modally Metasomatised Peridotites, Insights from Letlhakane (Botswana)
Wainwright AN, Luguet A, Fonseca ROC & Pearson DG

Wainwright Haruko (2012) Identifying Key Controls on the Behavior of an Acidic-U(VI) Plume at the Savannah River Site Using Reactive Transport Modeling
Bea SA, Wainwright H, Spycher N, Hubbard S & Davis J
(2012) Integrating Geochemical, Reactive Transport, and Facies-Based Modeling Approaches at the Contaminated Savannah River F-Area
Spycher N, Bea S, Wainwright H, Mukhopadhyay S, Christensen J, Dong W, Hubbard S, Davis J & Denham M

Wainwright Haruko (2015) Noninvasive Characterization of Biogeochemical Hotspots Using Induced Polarization Imaging
Wainwright H, Flores-Orozco A, Bücker M, Dafflon B, Chen J, Hubbard S & Williams K

Wainwright Haruko (2020) Global Sensitivity Analysis for Radionuclides Transport in a Generic Clay Repository
Ermakova D, Wainwright H & Zheng L
(2020) A Scale-Aware Modeling Framework to Quantify Subsurface Geochemical Exports and River Water Quality
Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Newcomer M, Arora B, Özgen-Xian I, Nico P, Faybishenko B, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox P, Williams K & Hubbard S
(2020) Advancing Understanding, Modeling, and Scaling of Hyporheic Zone Terrestrial Aquatic Interfaces and their Impacts on Watershed Function
Newcomer M, Bouskill N, Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Maier U, Arora B, Nico P, Faybishenko B, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Carroll R, Fox P, Williams K & Hubbard S

Wainwright Haruko (2021) A Scale-Adaptive Framework to Predict Water and Nutrient Fluxes Across Land-Water Interfaces
Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Arora B, Newcomer M, Ozgen I, Faybishenko B, Nico PS, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox PM, Williams KH & Hubbard S
(2021) New Approaches to Surface Complexation Modeling and Application of Machine Learning to Radionuclide-Mineral Interface Reactions
Zavarin M, Wainwright H, Zouabe J & Chang E

Wainwright Haruko (2022) Developing Insights into River Corridor and Watershed Hydro-Biogeochemistry Across Scales
Dwivedi D, Ozgen I, Steefel C, Arora B, Newcomer ME, Faybishenko BA, Dafflon B, Wainwright H, Fox PM, Williams KH & Hubbard S
(2022) A Chemistry Informed Hybrid Machine Learning Approach to Predict Metal-Mineral Surface Interactions
Chang ES-H, Zavarin M & Wainwright H

Wainwright Haruko Murakami (2024) Academic-Industry-Government Partnerships in Nuclear Waste Management to Advance Applied Research and Workforce Development in the US
Hasiuk F, LaForce T, Stein E, Sassani D, Zheng L, Wainwright HM, Caporuscio F, Mendez C, Saltzstein S & Peddicord L
(2022) Beyond Kd: Next Generation Performance Assessment Framework Through Machine Learning
Wainwright HM, Chang ES-H, Ermakova D, Lu H, Beverly L, Xu Z, Zavarin M & Zheng L

Wainwright N. (2008) Organic Decontamination of Sampling Devices for Life-Detection Studies
Benning LG, Eigenbrode J, Maule J, Wainwright N, Steele A, Amundsen HEF & Amase 2005 and 2006 

Waisman A. (2023) When the Unexpected Reaches the Methanogenic Zone: Coupled CH4-Fe-N Cycling
Sivan O, Bosco Santos A, Rivlin A, Waisman A, Herut B, Shaar R & Rubin-Blum M

Waite Amanda (2008) Drilling and Storage Effects on Biogenic Carbonate Mineralogy: Implications for Isotope Fractionation
Waite A & Swart P

Waite Anya

Waite D. (2024) Identification of Natural Hydrogen Generation Environments in Australia
Black E, Miller C, Li J, Armstrong R, Feitz A & Waite D
(2015) Effect of Chloride Driven Copper Redox Cycling on the Kinetics of Fe(II) Oxidation in Aqueous Solutions at pH 6.5-8.0
Sun Y, Pham AN & Waite D
(2015) Impact of Algal Exudate on Iron Redox Transformations
Wang K, Bligh M, Li X, Miller C & Waite D
(2015) Bioreduction and Transformation of Fe(III) Oxides by Schewanella Oneidensis MR-1 Under Anaerobic Conditions
Xiao W, Li X, Bligh M & Waite D
(2015) Coupled Chemical-Hydrodynamic Modelling of Iron Oxyhydroxide Precipitation in Dynamic Aqueous Environments
Maheshwari P, Kovalsky P, Bligh M & Waite TD
(2015) Formation of Surface U(V) by Reduction of Ca-U-Carbonate Complexes with Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron
Tsarev S, Waite D & Collins R
(2014) Silver-Mediated Fenton-Like Processes – Do They Occur in Natural Environments?
Waite D, He D & Miller C
(2012) Fe(II)-mediated Reduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) in the Presence of Fe(III) Oxyhydroxides
Boland D, Collins R, Glover C, Payne T & Waite D
(2012) Time-Resolved SAXS Study of Nucleation and Growth of iron(III) Oxyhydroxides
Bligh M, Rose A, Collins R & Waite D
(2011) Production of Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide on Photolysis of Natural Organic Matter
Garg S, Rose A & Waite D
(2011) Silver Nanoparticle-Reactive Oxygen Species Interactions: Application of an Electron Charging-Discharging Model
He D, Jones AM, Garg S & Waite D
(2011) Kinetics of Coupled Fe(II)-Catalysed Ferrihydrite Transformation and U(VI) Reduction
Boland D, Collins R, Glover C, Payne T & Waite D
(2011) Ferric Iron Geometry and Coordination during Hydrolysis and Ferrihydrite Precipitation
Collins R, Rose A, Glover C, Boland D, Payne T & Waite D
(2010) Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by Elemental Iron and Silver Nanoparticulates
Waite TD, Jones A & Garg S
(2010) Impact of Amorphous Ferric Oxide Reactions during the Dissociation of Organically Complexed Fe(III)
Bligh M & Waite TD
(2010) Mineral Species Controlling the Solubility of Al in Acid Sulfate Soil Waters
Jones A, Collins R & Waite TD
(2010) The Inhibitory Effect of Silicate on the Fe(II)-catalysed Sequestration of U by Fe(III) Oxides
Boland D, Collins R, Payne T & Waite TD
(2010) Is There a Link between Fe(III) Oxide Reactivity, Fe(II)-Catalysed Crystallisation and U(VI) Reduction?
Collins RN, Payne TE & Waite TD
(2009) Superoxide-Mediated Transformations of Iron by Cyanobacterial Prokaryotes
Waite D, Godrant A, Fujii M & Rose A
(2006) Transformation kinetics of nanosized iron oxides and elemental iron in natural and engineered systems
Waite D

Waite G.P. (2012) SO2 Emissions and their Role in Eruptive Activity at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
Nadeau PA, Waite GP & Palma JL

Waite Herbert (2016) Attachment on the Rocks: The Adhesion System of Anomia
Birkedal H, Froelich S, Leemreize H, Tseng Y-H, Stock S, Kenesei P, Almer J, Hesse B & Waite H

Waite Hunter (2018) H2 Production from Radiolysis in a Subsurface Ocean on Titan
Glein C, Ray C & Waite H

Waite J.H. (2021) What's for Lunch on Enceladus? How Oxidant Production Generates a Rich Metabolic Menu
Ray C, Glein C, Waite JH, Teolis B, Hoehler T, Huber JA, Lunine J & Postberg F

Waite T. David (2012) Mobilization of Exchangeable Aluminum in Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS)
Yvanes-Giuliani Y, Fink D, Rose J, Waite TD & Collins R
(2006) Superoxide-mediated reduction of ferric iron in natural aquatic systems
Waite TD, Rose AL, Garg S & Fujii M

Waite T. David (2013) The Role of Reactive Intermediates in Redox Transformations of Iron in Photolyzed Acidic Natural Organic Matter Solutions
Waite D, Garg S, Bligh M & Rose A
(2013) Copper-Mediated Oxidation of Hydroquinone Under Conditions Typical of Natural Saline Waters
Yuan X, Pham AN, Miller C & Waite TD
(2013) Iron Speciation and Aging in Organic-Rich Aquatic Systems
Maheshwari P, Wang Y & Waite D

Waite T. David (2017) Impact of Irradiation on Silver Nanoparticles Mediation by H2O2 in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter
Rong H, Garg S & Waite TD

Waite Trevor David (2016) Oxidative Dissolution of Silver Nanoparticles by Chlorine: Implications to Silver Nanoparticles Fate and Toxicity
Rong H, Garg S, Miller C & Waite D
(2016) Hydroquinone-Mediated Redox Cycling of Iron and Concomitant Oxidation of Hydroquinone Under Acidic Conditions
Jiang C, Garg S & Waite D
(2016) The Role of Interlayer Fe(II) in the Reduction of Uranium by Nontronite and Montmorillonite
Tsarev S, Collins RN & Waite TD
(2016) Fe(II) – Ferrihydrite Transformation Studies in Oxygen-Free Environment
Xiao W, Jones AM & Waite TD
(2016) Investigating Fe(II)-Fe(III) Oxide Redox Chemistry and its Impact on Contaminant Reduction Using Mediated Electrochemistry
Jones AM, Collins RN & Waite TD
(2016) Transient Oxidant Production during the Oxidation of iron(II) Monosulfides at pH 8
Miller CJ & Waite TD
(2016) Elucidation of the Interplay between Fe(II), Fe(III) and Dopamine with Relevance to Iron Solubilization and ROS Generation by Catecholamines
Sun Y, Pham AN & Waite TD

Wakabayashi D. (2013) Equation of State for Silicate Melts: Static vs. Shock Compression
Funamori N & Wakabayashi D

Wakabayashi H. (2023) Intra-Molecular Isotope Analysis of Acetate in a Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal System
Wakabayashi H, Taguchi K, Gilbert A & Ueno Y

Wakabayashi J. (2014) Geochemical Insight into Subduction Initiation, Element Mobility in Metamorphism, and Provenance Signal Bias in Clastic Rocks
Wakabayashi J & Basu A
(2014) Architecture of the Franciscan Subduction Complex, California and Implications for Tectonic Processes
Wakabayashi J

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