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Wagner Jennifer (2017) Early Hominin Cultural Development in Central Asia Constrained by High-Precision U-Series Chronology
Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Wagner J & Patchett J

Wagner Johannes (2015) Trace Element Partitioning Dependence on Melt Structure: A First-Principles Simulation Study
Wagner J & Jahn S
(2015) Metal-Silicate Melt Partitioning of Ni with ab Initio Simulation Methods
Künzel D, Wagner J & Jahn S

Wagner Julia (2020) Mercury Methylation in Permafrost Thaw Ecosystems
Canário J, Jusek M, Hintelmann H, Pilote M, Hugelius G, Wagner J, Vieira G, Martin V, Ritcher A, Lodi R & Lantuit H

Wagner Lara (2019) Subducted Serpentinite Water, Superdeep Diamonds, and Deep Focus Earthquakes
Shirey S, Wagner L, Walter M, Pearson G & van Keken P

Wagner Lara S. (2021) Sublithospheric Diamonds and Deep Earthquakes Demonstrate an Arc-Avoiding Subduction Pathway for C-O-H-N-S Volatiles
Shirey SB, Wagner LS, Walter MJ, Pearson DG & van Keken PE

Wagner Luise J. (2021) Exploring the Selenium Isotope Record in the Archean Mantle
Varas-Reus MI, König S, Neubauer R, Yierpan A, Wagner LJ, Lorand J-P & Schoenberg R
(2021) Stable Cr Isotope Compositions of Modern Silicate Mantle Reservoirs
Wagner LJ, Kleinhanns IC, König S, Bach W, Rouxel O, Wörner G & Schoenberg R

Wagner Marian (2019) Blue and Green Natural Fluorescence Phenomenon in Amber from Sumatra (Palembang Province) and Dominican Republic (El Valle, Hato Mayor Province)
Stach P, Drzewicz P, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Naglik B, Wagner M, Girulski R, Kubica D, Milovsky R & George C

Wagner Matthias (2015) Integration of Solvent Parameters in kMC Dissolution Modeling
Wagner M & Luttge A

Wagner Meghan (2014) Exploring Mo-Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Interactions as a Control on the Mo Paleoproxy
Wagner M & Chappaz A
(2010) Quantifying Ag Uptake and Storage in Marine Diatoms
Wagner M & Hendy I

Wagner Michael (2014) Foraging on the Host: Uncovering Metabolic Host-Gut Microbiota Interactions at the Single Cell Level
Berry D, Stecher B, Schintlmeister A, Reichert J, Rauch I, Decker T, Wild B, Wanek W, Richter A, Loy A & Wagner M
(2011) Sulfate Reduction in Peatlands – Ecophysiology of a Rare Microorganism that Contributes to a Process with Increasing Importance for the Global Climate
Pester M, Hausmann B, Deevong P, Wagner M & Loy A

Wagner N. (2017) Distribution of Lanthanides, Yttrium and Scandium in Ashes from Coal-Fired Power Stations
Santos C, Abagiu TA, Białecka B, Cruceru M, Freire C, Guedes A, Martinez J, Popescu L, Predeanu G, Wagner N & Valentim B
(2017) Carbon Forms in Coal, Fly Ash and Bottom Ash
Guedes A, Abagiu TA, Białecka B, Cruceru M, Freire C, Martinez J, Predeanu G, Santos C, Wagner N & Valentim B

Wagner Nicola (2013) Organic Geothermometery: Defining Metamorphic Grades in Coal
Bussio J, Roberts J & Wagner N

Wagner Nicole (2019) Halogen Analysis at the Ultratrace Level – First Applications of the Dresden Super-Sims
Renno AD, Akhmadaliev S, Belokonov G, Böttger R, von Borany J, Kaever P, Meyer M, Noga P, Rugel G, Tiessen CJ, Wagner N, Wiedenbeck M, Wu H & Ziegenrücker R

Wagner R. (2022) Controls on the Distribution of Trace Elements in Estuarine Sediments and Bottom Waters of Mobile Bay, Alabama
Donahoe RJ, Young S, Kandow A, McKinney M, Wagner R & Jones S

Wagner Sasha (2024) Expanding the View of Wildfire at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: A Novel Molecular Marker Approach
Wagner S, Schaller M, Barton R, Barkett S, Corcoran C & Fung M
(2018) A Study of Fire and Rain: Dissolved Black Carbon in Throughfall and Stemflow
Wagner S, Brantley S, Stuber S, Van Stan J & Stubbins A
(2018) Inter-Storm Variation in the Quality, Flux and Biolability of tree-Dom
Stubbins A, Wagner S, Howard D, Zhu L, Guillemette F & Van Stan J
(2018) Temporal Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux in a Georgia Saltmarsh
Codden C, Edwards C, Stubbins A, Wagner S, Spencer R & Johnston SE

Wagner Stephan (2012) Development of Flow-Field Flow Fractionation Based Methods for the Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles in a Complex Matrix
von der Kammer F, Legros S, Wagner S, Meisterjahn B, Larsen E, Loeschner K, Navratilova J & Hofmann T

Wagner Steven (2013) Direct Measurements of Isotopic Fractionation Factors of Water Vapor over Ice for Temperatures Below 235 K
Lamb K, Clouser B, Sarkozy L, Stutz E, Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Möhler O, Saathoff H & Moyer E
(2013) Water H218O Isotope Studies in the AIDA Cloud Simulation Chamber
Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Wagner S, Moyer EJ, Saathoff H, Ebert V & Kerstel E
(2013) Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy for Water Isotopic Measurements in Cold Clouds
Moyer E, Sarkozy L, Lamb K, Clouser B, Stutz E, Kuhnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Moehler O & Saathoff H

Wagner Thomas (2015) Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Data for Aqueous Species in the Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-Cl System
Miron GD, Wagner T, Kulik DA & Heinrich CA
(2015) Beyond Authigenic Apatite: New (and Old) Insights into the Marine Phosphorus Cycle
März C, Brumsack H-J, Kasten S, Poulton SW, Riedinger N, Schnetger B & Wagner T
(2015) Manganese Oxides: A ‘Mineral Pump’ Mechanism for Transforming Organic Carbon?
Johnson KL, Peacock C, Purvis G, Lopez-Capel E, Gray N, Wagner T, März C, Greenwell C & Worrall F
(2014) A 2.5Ma Year Record of Wetland Development in the Congo Basin Inferred from Hopanoid Biomarkers
Talbot H, Spencer-Jones C, Handley L, Dinga B, Schefuss E, Mann P, Poulsen J, Spencer R, Wabakanghanzi J & Wagner T
(2014) Carbon in Manganese Oxides
Johnson K, Purvis G, Lopez-Capel E, Caroline P, Gray N, März C, Wagner T & Worrall F
(2014) Carbon Burial Potential and Reduced Rates of Oxidation during Deposition; Mineral Surfaces and Anoxia in OAEs
Kennedy M, Wagner T & Stefan L
(2013) Reconstruction of Redox Conditions during Deposition of Jordan Oil Shale Using Inorganic Geochemical Records
Aqleh S, van den Boorn S, Podlaha O, Marz C, Wagner T, Poulton S & Kolonic S
(2013) Molybdenum Drawdown during the Cretaceous OAE 2
Goldberg T, Poulton S, Wagner T & Rehkämper M
(2013) Controls on Redox-Nutrient Cycling in the Cretaceous Greenhouse Ocean: Insights from S Isotope Systematics
Poulton S, Henkel S, März C, Urquhart H, Flögel S, Kasten S, Sinninghe Damsté J & Wagner T
(2013) B-Isotope Variations in Tourmaline in the Varuträsk Rare-Element Pegmatite: The Role of Mica
Wagner T, Trumbull R, Siegel K, Jonson E & Heinrich C
(2013) GEMS: Gibbs Energy Minimization Software for Geochemical Modeling
Kulik D, Dmytrieva S, Wagner T, Thoenen T & Berner U
(2013) Deep Ingression of Meteoric Water in Late-Metamorphic Veins: A LA-ICPMS Fluid Inclusion Study from the Rhenish Massif, Germany
Marsala A, Wagner T & Wälle M
(2012) Fluid Evolution along a Cross Section Through the Central Alps, Switzerland
Martinek K, Wagner T, Waelle M & Heinrich C
(2012) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of the Varutraesk Rare-Element Pegmatite (Northern Sweden)
Siegel K, Wagner T, Trumbull R, Jonsson E & Heinrich CA
(2012) Fluoride Complexation of Hafnium Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Loges A, Migdisov AA, Wagner T, Williams-Jones AE & Markl G
(2011) A Continental Amplifier for Marine Carbon Sequestration in a Greenhouse Ocean
Kennedy M & Wagner T
(2011) Arsenic Distribution in an Unconformity Related Hydrothermal Vein System
Fußwinkel T, Wenzel T, Wagner T, Wälle M & Lorenz J
(2011) Insights into Short-Term Changes in Local and Global Seawater Redox Conditions during Cretaceous OAE 2
Goldberg T, Poulton SW, Wagner T & Rehkamper M
(2011) Mo-Isotopes as Tracers of Cretaceous Ocean Anoxia
Izon G, Cohen A, Coe A, Poulton S & Wagner T
(2011) REE and Stable Isotope Constraints on Formation of Metamorphic Quartz Veins: A Case Study from the Rhenish Massif (Germany)
Wagner T, Boyce A & Erzinger J
(2011) Fluoride Complexation of Yttrium Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Loges A, Migdisov A, Wagner T, Williams-Jones A & Markl G
(2011) Development of an Aqueous Activity Model for Geothermal Conditions
Hingerl F, Wagner T, Kulik D, Kosakowski G & Driesner T
(2010) Biomarker Evidence for Intense Aerobic Methane Oxidation during Sapropel Conditions
Talbot H, Handley L, de Lange G & Wagner T
(2010) Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Influence of Thermodynamic Data and Activity Models on Predicted Mineral Precipitation-Dissolution Reactions
Hingerl FF, Wagner T, Kulik D, Driesner T, Kosakowski G & Thomsen K
(2010) Novel Records of Past Methane Emission Events from the Congo and Amazon Fans
Handley L, Talbot H, Cooke M & Wagner T
(2010) REE Fractionation during Low-Temperature Water-Mineral Interaction
Loges A, Goeb S, Jacob DE, Bau M, Wagner T & Markl G
(2009) Greater Average Chain Length of N-Alkanes Correlates with D-Depletion and 13C-Enrichment in Evergreen Angiosperms in Comparison with Other Higher Plant Species
Pedentchouk N, Wagner T & Jones M
(2009) The Biohopanoid Soil Proxy: Recent Developments and Future Directions
Talbot H, Cooke M, Handley L & Wagner T
(2009) Exploiting SCIAMACHY’s Capabilities for Aerosol Retrieval from Satellite
Penning de Vries M, Beirle S & Wagner T
(2009) Remobilization of REE in F-Rich, Low-Temperature Environments
Loges A, Goeb S, Barth M, Bau M, Wagner T & Markl G
(2009) Geochemical Modeling of the Formation of Kyanite-Quartz Veins, Alpe Sponda, Central Alps
Wagner T, Beitter T & Markl G
(2007) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Hydrothermal Ore Deposition and Alteration
Markl G, von Blanckenburg F, Wagner T & Horn I
(2007) The Hydrothermal Wenzel Deposit, South Germany: Implications for the Formation of Kongsberg-Type Silver Deposits
Staude S, Wagner T & Markl G
(2007) Comparison of δ13C and δD Values of N-Alkanes from Angiosperms and Gymnosperms in Western Europe
Pedentchouk N, Wagner T, Jones M, Pellegrini M, Brugnoli E, Lauteri M, Pollegioni P & Behling H
(2006) High-resolution multi-molecular records from North Atlantic drift sediments (ODP Sites 980, 984) reflecting Late Quaternary/Holocene climate and ocean dynamics
Holtvoeth J, Wagner T, Johnson C, Meggers H, Mollenhauer G, Montluçon D, McManus J, Oppo D & Eglinton T
(2004) Evolution of Sulphide Mineralization in Ferrocarbonatite, NW Namibia: Constraints from Sulphur Isotopes
Drüppel K, Wagner T & Boyce A

Wagner Thomas (2016) Sources of Orogenic Gold Ore Fluids in the Ilomantsi Greenstone Belt (Finland): Insight from Fluid Inclusion LA-ICPMS Analysis
Fusswinkel T, Sakellaris G & Wagner T
(2016) Geochemistry of Tourmalines from Archean Orogenic Gold Deposit: Proxies for the Origin of Gold Mineralizing Fluids?
Kalliomäki H, Fusswinkel T & Wagner T

Wagner Thomas (2017) Fluorapatite as a Fluid Tracer in the Hydrothermal Olserum-Djupedal REE Mineralisation, SE Sweden
Andersson S, Wagner T & Jonsson E
(2017) Stability of Fe-Mg Tourmalines: Insights from Phase Equilibria Experiments in the System MgO-(±FeO)-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-NaCl-B2O3 at 400-650℃ and 3 kbar
Kalliomaki H, Loges A & Wagner T

Wagner Thomas (2019) Magmatic and Hydrothermal Platinum Group Mineralization of the Boula-Nuasahi Area, Odisha, India
Nayak B & Wagner T

Wagner Thomas (2022) Dynamic, Redox-Promoted P Cycling during the Termination of OAE2
Krewer C, Poulton SW, Maerz C, Newton RJ, Mills BJW & Wagner T

Wagner Thomas (2023) From Hydrothermal Fluids to Mineral Deposits – Development of a New Internally-Consistent Geochemical-Thermodynamic Model of Pb-Zn-Ag-Au-As-Sb Systems
Beeskow M & Wagner T
(2023) Evolutionary Lineages of Alkenones Recorded in Cretaceous and Paleocene Sediments from the Transkei Basin (Iodp Site U1581)
Doiron KE, Brassell SC, Bijl PK, Wagner T, Herrle J, Uenzelmann-Neben G, Bohaty SM, Childress LB & Science Party IE3
(2023) Controls on the Termination of OAE2 in the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco
Krewer C, Poulton SW, März C, Newton RJ, Mills BJW & Wagner T

Wagner Tom (2017) Weathering of Shales in Outcrops: The Importance of Carbonate for Preserving Inorganic Geochemical Proxies
Mahoney C, März C, Buckman J & Wagner T

Wagner-Raffin C. (2023) Late Neoproterozoic Takab Iron Formation, NW Iran: Implication for BIF Depositional Setting
Honarmand M, Nabatian G, Delpech G, Bayon G, Wagner-Raffin C, Boudouma O, Monsef I & Orberger B

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