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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Wuyep L.C. (2024) Analysis of the Correlation between Floods and Earthquake Using InSAR Technique: A Case Study of South Western Nigeria
Wuyep LC

Wyatt Damaris (2018) How are Sediments Incorporated into the Lower Continental Crust? A Monazite Based P-T-T Investigation of the Ivrea Zone
Wyatt D, Smye A & Hacker B

Wyatt DuFrane (2007) Subduction of Hydrated Lithosphere: 300 ppm H2O in Subducting Olivine Would Eliminate the Metastable Olivine Wedge
Sharp T, Diedrich T, Marton F & Wyatt D

Wyatt M. (2008) An Experimental Approach to Clay Mineral Formation on Mars
Tosca N, Milliken R & Wyatt M
(2007) A View of Martian Weathering from Microns to Hundreds of Kilometers
Taylor GJ, Stopar J, Hurowitz J, McLennan S, Boynton W, Wyatt M & Baloga S
(2007) Chemically Altered Basalt at High-Latitudes on Mars: TES, OMEGA, and GRS Integrated Data Sets
Wyatt M

Wyatt N. (2021) Hydrothermal Iron Supply to the Remote Southeast Pacific Ocean
Birchill AJ, Baker C, Wyatt N, Turnbull I, Milne A, Martin A, Moore M & Ussher S
(2017) Trace Elements in Aerosols, Rain, and the Sea-Surface Microlayer of the South Pacific Ocean Under Low Wind Conditions
Shelley R, Wyatt N & Landing W
(2013) Biogeochemical Cycle of Dissolved Zinc and Cobalt in the South Atlantic
Lohan M, Wyatt N, Milne A & Woodward M

Wyatt S. (2024) The Impacts of Climate Drivers on Biogeochemical Cycles in Oxygen Deficient Zones
Bourbonnais A, Frey C, Wyatt S, Slomp CP, Casciotti KL, Richardson CM, Paytan A, Sanders T, Varela D & Hatje V

Wyborb L.

Wyborn L (2005) FreeGs: A Web-Enabled Thermodynamic Database for Geochemical Modelling
Bastrakov E, Shvarov Y, Girvan S, Cleverley J, McPhail DB & Wyborn L

Wyborn Lesley (2019) How Can We Sustain Geochemical Databases into the Future?
Lehnert K & Wyborn L

Wyborn Lesley A. I. (2024) OneGeochemistry: Moving Beyond Stand-Alone Databases to an Online Open FAIR Global Geochemical Data Network
Wyborn LAI, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Elger K, Farrington R, Hezel DC, Prent A, Nixon A & Profeta L
(2024) Geochemical Databases: Understanding their History, Design, Policies and Principles to Shape Future Global Networks
Klöcking M, Lehnert KA & Wyborn LAI
(2023) Basis for Geochemistry Data Science Applications; Data Standardisation Through the OneGeochemistry Initiative
Prent A, Hezel DC, Wyborn LAI, Klöcking M, Lehnert KA, Elger K, Profeta L, ter Maat G, Farrington R & Rawling T
(2023) How Historically the Technological Advances in Geochemical Analysis Exceeded our Ability to Store, Curate and Globally Share Geochemical Data
Wyborn LAI, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Prent AM, Elger K, Hezel DC, Farrington R & ter Maat G

Wyborn Lesley Anne I (2022) The OneGeochemistry Initiative
Prent AM, Klöcking M, Profeta L, Lehnert KA, Elger K, Hezel D, ter Maat G & Wyborn LAI
(2022) OneGeochemistry: Accelerating the Development of Machine Readable Digital Standards for Geoanalytical Data Through International Collaboration
Wyborn LAI, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Elger K, Prent AM, Hezel D, Profeta L & ter Maat G
(2022) The Role of Unique Identifiers in Tracing the Life Cycle of a Sample and any Data Derived from it
Ramdeen S, Wyborn LAI, Lehnert KA & Klump J
(2021) OneGeochemistry: Creating a Global Network of Geochemical Data to Support the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Wyborn LAI & Lehnert KA
(2021) Open Access Beyond Publications: Data, Software, Samples
Lehnert KA & Wyborn LAI

Wyche K. (2011) Insights into Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Produced from Five Structurally Different Precursors
Alfarra MR, Good N, Hamilton J, Wyche K, Monks P, Lewis A & McFiggans G

Wyche S. (2023) Combined 142Nd and 182W Systematics of Neoarchean Rocks from the Yilgarn Craton, W-Australia
Hellers M, Hasenstab E, Tusch J, Gerritzen CT, Fischer-Gödde M, Schneider A, Marien C, Smithies H, Wyche S, Van Kranendonk MJ & Münker C

Wyckoff S. (2022) Shipboard Data from West Pacific Seamounts
Konter JG, Duncan BE, Jackson M, Koppers A, Anderson O, Beethe S, Cahoon E, Casey T, Gauer Pasqualon N, Hardardottir S, Rahalski E, Wildrick D & Wyckoff S

Wygralak A. (2021) Zn-Pb Ore-Forming Processes in the McArthur Basin and Lawn Hill Platform (Australia): Insights from Lead Isotopes and Trace Elements in Sulphides
Gigon J, Richard A, Mercadier J, Deloule E, Annesley IR, Wygralak A & Skirrow R

Wyhlidal S. (2007) New Experimental Constraints on the Na-in-Cordierite Thermometer and its Application to High-Grade Rocks
Wyhlidal S, Thöny W & Tropper P

Wykes J. (2021) Zr Solubility in Silicate Melts: Insights from X-Ray Absorption Studies at High Pressure and Temperature with Implications for Mantle Zircon
Farmer N, Rushmer T, Burnham A & Wykes J
(2020) In situ XAS Measurement of Zr, U and Th in Silicate Melts Using the D-Dia Facility at the Australian Synchrotron
Rushmer T, Farmer N, Wykes J & Mallmann G
(2020) In situ Study of Redox Reactions between Fe and Cu in Silicate Melts
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Wykes J & Scott D
(2019) Caught in the Act: Incipient Metal Extraction during Melting of Metasomatically Oxidised Mantle
Tomkins A, Rielli A, Nebel O, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Evans K, Vasilyev P, Wykes J & Paterson D
(2019) The Oxidation State of Copper in Silicate Melts
Miller L, O'Neill H, Berry A, Wykes J & Burnham A
(2019) The Effect of Pressure on the Structural Environment of Trace Elements in Silicate Melts
Burnham A, Le Losq C, O'Neill H & Wykes J
(2019) Zircon Rare Earth Element Patterns as an Indicator of Ore Potential
Berry A, Crisp L, Miller L, Burnham A & Wykes J
(2017) Liquids at Extreme Conditions: An in situ High-Pressure and Temperature Study of Element Speciation in Silicate Melts via Synchrotron Radiation
Rushmer T, Wykes J & Mallmann G
(2011) XANES Investigation of Selenium Speciation in Silicate Glasses
Wykes J, O'Neill H & Mavrogenes J
(2008) Solubility of Andradite in H2O-NaCl at 800℃, 1 GPa, and the Origin of Grandite in High-Grade Calc-Silicates
Wykes J, Newton RC & Manning C
(2007) Chlorine Partitioning: The Behavior of Cl in the Presence of Sulfide – Silicate Melts and Aqueous Fluid
Sparks H, Mavrogenes J, Wykes J & Hermann J

Wylie R. (2013) The Volatile Content of Mount Etna Magma: An FTIR and Raman Study of Glassy Melt Inclusions
Wylie R

Wyman D. Allie (2018) Assessing Bias in the Representation of ENSO in Precipitation Stable Isotope Values
Conroy JL, Wyman DA & Bell LJ

Wyman Davina (2012) Cr(Vi) Adsorption on Organic Rich Soil from Kleinstuck Marsh, Kalamazoo, mi
Wyman D, Koretsky C & Barger M

Wyman Derek (2019) Crustal Maturation Through Chemical Weathering and Crustal Recycling Revealed by Hf-O-B Isotopes
Tang G, Wang Q, Wyman D & Dan W
(2010) Archean Lithospheric Mantle: Plume-Arc Interaction
Kerrich R, Wyman D & Polat A
(2010) Re-Os and PGE of Neoarchean Websterite Xenoliths and Diamondiferous Lamprophyres
Shirey S, Ayer J, Wyman D & Nelson W
(2009) Ca. 780 Ma A-Type Granites in South China: Implications for the Breakup of Supercontinent Rodinia
Wang Q, Wyman D, Li Z-X, Zhao Z-H & Bao Z
(2008) Late Triassic Rhyolites and High-Mg Andesites in the Northern Hohxil Area, Songpan-Ganzi Terrane
Wang Q, Wyman D & Zhao Z
(2008) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Ore-Bearing Porphyries in the Lamasu and Dabate Areas, Western Tianshan (Northern Xinjiang, China)
Tang G, Wang Q, Zhao Z & Wyman D

Wymore Adam
(2019) Dissolved Organic Matter Biodegradation: How Substrate, Microbial Activity and Environmental Conditions Converge
Perdrial J, Landsman-Gerjoi M, Lancellotti B, Seybold E, Kincaid D, Adair C, Schroth A & Wymore A

Wymore Ann (2021) Effects of Syntrophic Interactions on Methyl-Mercury Generation
Elias D, Wilpiszeski R, Wymore A, Gionfriddo C & Podar M
(2020) A System Biology Approach to Discern the Native Biochemical Function of Hg Methylation Proteins in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132
Gionfriddo C, Wymore A, Podar M, Gilmour C, Soren A, Wilpiszeski R & Elias D
(2020) Resolving the Molecular Mechanisms Essential to Expression of hgcA by Mercury Methylators
Gionfriddo C, Wymore A, Wilpiszeski R, Schwartz G, Gilmour C & Elias D
(2018) Advancing Accessible Methods for Hg-Methylating Gene Abundance and Diversity in the Environment
Elias D, Gionfriddo C, Wymore A, Soren A, Podar M, Palumbo A, Wilpiszeski R, Brandt C & Gilmour C
(2018) A Systems Biology Characterization of Mercury-Methylating Synthetic Model Communities
Wilpiszeski R, Podar M, Wymore A, Wall J, Gilmour C, Gionfriddo C & Elias D

Wymore Ann M (2018) A Systems Biology Approach to Identifying the Native Function of Hg Methylation Proteins in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132
Gionfriddo CM, Moon JW, Wymore AM, Podar M, Brandt CC, Wall JD, Gilmour CC, Wilpiszeski R & Elias DA

Wynands E. (2022) Carbon Dioxide Injection into Processed Kimberlite at the Metre Scale and Beyond
Wynands E, Alban E & Dipple G
(2022) A New Method for Rapid Characterization of Carbon Sequestration Potential Using Thermogravimetric Analysis
Turvey C, Wynands E & Dipple G
(2020) Pilot Scale Demonstration of Carbon Mineralization in Processed Kimberlite
Wynands E, Alban E, Dipple G, Shaw A & McLean S
(2020) Carbon Mineralization in Ultramafic Mine Tailings: A Pathway to Negative Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Dipple G, Lu X, Vanderzee S, Wynands E, Baidya D, Ghoreishi-Madiseh SA & Cutts J

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