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Tomiyama S. (2016) Integrating the Topic of Radioactivity on Nagoya University Campus into the First Year Seminar
Mukumoto H, Tomiyama S, Katoh T, Sakata K & Tanaka T

Tomiyama T (2003) Cooling History of L Chondrites
Tomiyama T, Yamaguchi A & Misawa K

Tomiyama Takayuki (2016) GANSEKI: Sample and Data Resource for Ocean Geosciences
Tomiyama T, Toyoda Y & Horikawa H
(2016) Ages of Pre-Mare Magmatism Recorded in Zircons and Baddeleyites of Lunar Meteorite NWA 4485
Arai T, Misawa K, Tomiyama T, Niihara T, Yoshitake M, Yokoyama T, Kaiden H & Irving A

Tomiyama Y.

Tomiyasu F. (2013) Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Earth’s Early Ocean Estimated from Archean MORB in Barberton Greenstone Belt
Tomiyasu F, Ueno Y & DeWit M

Tomiyasu T. (2007) Distribution of Mercury in Soil Near Idrija Mercury Mine, Slovenia
Tomiyasu T, Matsuyama A, Imura R, Horvat M, Kotnik J, Kocman D & Fajon V
(2007) Influence of Water – Rock Interaction on the Chemistry of Surface Water in Volcanic Areas
Anazawa K, Tomiyasu T, Sakamoto H & Ohmori H
(2003) Speciation of Mercury in River Water Near Idrija Mercury Mine, Slovenia
Tomiyasu T, Horvat M, Logar M, Kotnik J, Rajar R & Akagi H
(2003) Hydrochemistry at a Volcanic Summit Area, Norikura, Central Japan
Anazawa K, Ohmori H, Tomiyasu T & Sakamoto H

Tomizawa R. (2016) Observations of PM2.5 Sampled in Osaka with SEM/TEM-Eds, IR and Raman Spectroscopy
Tomizawa R, Maruyama D, Nakashima S, Suzuki M, Ohnishi I, Seto Y, Matsumoto M, Nishimura R & Fukuyama Y
(2015) Water Adsorption on a Clay Mineral as Studied by IR Micro-Spectroscopy with a Humidity Control System
Okada M, Nakashima S & Tomizawa R

Tomkins Andrew (2023) Sulfide Undersaturated Melts at the Ultraslow Spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean
Richter M, Nebel O, Park J-W, Dottin Iii J, Tomkins A, Keays RR, Farquhar J & Dick HJB
(2023) Rheology Modification in Subduction Channels due to High Pressure Metasomatism (Rocky Beach Metamorphic Melange, Port Macquarie, Australia)
Finch MA, Olesch-Byrne A, Beilharz M & Tomkins A
(2022) Recrystallisation and Subgrain Formation in Metamorphic-Hydrothermal Titanite
Scibiorski E, Xing Y, Tomkins A & Cawood PA
(2022) The Role of Orogenesis on the Formation of Epigenetic Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Deposits
Qiu Z, Fan H, Goldfarb RJ & Tomkins A
(2020) Cobalt Released from Stratiform Sulfides by Metamorphic Remobilization: Sources of Orogenic Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Deposits
Qiu Z, Fan H, Tomkins A, Liu X & Li X
(2019) Caught in the Act: Incipient Metal Extraction during Melting of Metasomatically Oxidised Mantle
Tomkins A, Rielli A, Nebel O, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Evans K, Vasilyev P, Wykes J & Paterson D
(2019) Silver Isotope Signature of the Sudbury Igneous Complex
Davis A, Tomkins A & Nebel O
(2017) Oxidation State of Melt Generated at the Site of Mantle Metasomatism
Rielli A, Tomkins A, Nebel O, Brugger J & Etschmann B
(2017) Potential of Weathering-Derived Efflorescences in Meteorites for Preserving Biofilms, Fossils and Organics
Tait A, Wilson S, Gagen E, Holman A, Tomkins A, Grice K & Southam G
(2017) Fossil Micrometeorites: Echo of Ancient Air
Tomkins A & Genge M
(2016) Effects of Geodynamic Setting on the Redox State of Fluids Released by Subducted Mantle Lithosphere
Evans K, Reddy S, Tomkins A & Crossley R
(2016) Carbon-Driven Oxidation of the Sub-Arc Mantle in the Early Earth
Rielli A, Tomkins A, Nebel O, Brugger J & Zhong R

Tomkins Andrew G. (2013) Sources of Sulfur and Sulfur Preservation in Subducted Rocks: An in situ Sulfur Isotope Study
Evans K, Tomkins A & Cliff J
(2013) Sr-Nd Isotope Geochemistry of the Troctolitic-Gabbroic Bell Rock Range, Giles Complex, Central Australia
Seubert R, Keays R, Jowitt S & Tomkins A
(2011) The Relationship between Subduction Zone Redox Budget and Arc Magma Fertility
Evans K & Tomkins A
(2011) Gold Scavenging by Liquid Bismuth Melts
Cockerton AB & Tomkins AG
(2011) Unusual U-Ree Deposits at Mt Isa, Australia and Potential Links to Mid-Crustal Anorogenic Granites
McGloin M, Tomkins A & MacRae C
(2011) Experiments on the Wetting Properties of Precious Metal-Rich Sulfosalt Melts Against MSS
Tomkins A
(2009) Hydrothermal PGE and Au Transport from Upper Crustal Felsic Magma
van Dongen M, Tomkins A & Weinberg R
(2009) Windows of Metamorphic Sulfur Generation
Tomkins A
(2008) The Role of Group V and VI Elements in Metamorphic Polymetallic Melts: Parallels with Magmatic Sulfide Systems
Tomkins A
(2006) Formation and Fractionation of Metamorphic Sulfide Melts
Tomkins A, Mavrogenes J, Frost R & Pattison D
(2001) Mobilization of Gold as a Polymetallic Melt during Pelite Anatexis
Tomkins AG & Mavrogenes JA

Tomkins Andrew G. (2015) The Influence of Temperature on Partitioning of Fluorine and Chlorine between Biotite and Granitic Melt
Finch E & Tomkins A
(2015) Meteorites as Potential Microbial Habitats on the Surface of Mars
Tait AW, Gagen EJ, Wilson SA, Tomkins AG & Southam G

Tomkins H. (2006) Zr-almandine thermodynamics, and implications for zircon equilibria.
Tomkins H
(2005) Monazite Petrogenesis in the Nelson Contact Aureole, Southern British Columbia
Tomkins H & Pattison D
(2005) Biogenic and Metamorphic Monazite in a Neoproterozoic Turbidite Sequence, Windermere Supergroup, Southern B.C
Tomkins H & Ross G

Tomkins K. (2006) Longer-term and contemporary denudation rates, and the role of extreme events along a passive margin, Australia
Humphreys G, Tomkins K, Wilkinson M, Fink D, Shakesby R, Doerr S, Walbrink P & Blake W

Tomkinson T. (2017) Taking the Pulse of Mars via 40Ar/39Ar Dating of a Plume-Fed Volcano
Cohen B, Mark D, Cassata W, Lee M, Tomkinson T & Smith C
(2016) In situ Isotopic Analyses Using a New Generation Collision Cell Mass Spectrometry
Chen H-W, Lewis J, Coath C, Schwieters J, Tomkinson T & Elliott T

Tomlinson Emma (2019) ‘Fossil’ Geotherms Frozen in Diamond Require Very Deep (>300 km) Early Kalahari Cratonic Lithosphere
Hoare B, Tomlinson E & Balz K
(2019) Exsolution in Orthopyroxene in the Archaean Lithospheric Mantle
Tomlinson E
(2015) REE Determination in Olivine by LA-ICP-MS: An Analytical Strategy and Applications
Stead C, Tomlinson E, Kamber B & Babechuk M
(2015) Pushing the Limits of Atmospheric Trace Metal Detection in Peat Samples
Rosca C, Tomlinson E, Mitchell F, McGlynn G & Kamber B
(2015) Beyond Garnet: REEs in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Tomlinson E, Stead C & Kamber B
(2013) Tephra from Ischia: Dating Eruptions and Geochemical Changes
Tomlinson E, Albert P, Wulf S, Civetta L, Brown R, Smith V, Keller J, Orsi G & Menzies M
(2013) The Y-3 Tephra: New Insights
Albert P, Hardiman M, Keller J, Tomlinson E, Müller U, Smith V & Menzies M
(2011) New Juvenile Glass Chemistry from Colli Albani, Italy and its Use for Understanding Petrogenesis
Cross J, Smith V, Giordano G, Tomlinson E, Roberge J & Menzies M
(2008) Metasomatic Processes Recorded in Fibrous Diamonds
Tomlinson E, Muller W, Hinton R, Klein BenDavid O, Pearson G & Harris J
(2007) A Snapshot of Mantle Metasomatism?
Tomlinson E, Beard A & Harris J
(2005) A Synthesis of Diamond and Inclusion Trace Element Studies
Tomlinson E, De Schrijver I, De Corte K, Van Haecke F & Moens L
(2004) Experimental Diamond Growth in carbonate-Kcl: An Analogue for the Growth of Diamond Coat in the Mantle
Tomlinson E & Jones A

Tomlinson Emma L (2023) Constraining the Depth and Timing of Silica Enrichment of the Cratonic Lithosphere
Tomlinson EL, Hoare B, McKenna C, van Zuilen K & Davies GR
(2023) Where is all the Missing Komatiite Implied by Refractory Archaean Cratonic Harzburgite?
Kamber BS, Walsh C & Tomlinson EL
(2021) Trace Element Partitioning between Garnet and Silicate-Carbonate Melt – An Experimental Study at 3.5-21 GPa in a Carbonated Eclogite System
Kiseeva K, Tomlinson EL & Yaxley G
(2021) Timing and Causes of Metasomatism Revealed by Combined Zircon U-Pb Isotope and Trace Element Analysis
Hoare BC, O'Sullivan GJ & Tomlinson EL
(2021) Fully Quantitative Major and Trace Element Laser Ablation ICP Mapping of Heterogeneous Samples
Tomlinson EL, Riegler T, Petrus JA, McClenaghan SH & Chew DM
(2017) An Exsolution Origin for Archaean Mantle Garnet
Tomlinson E, Kamber B, Hoare B, Stead C & Ildefonse B
(2017) Microanalysis of Cl, Br and I in Apatite, Scapolite and Silicate Glasses by LA-ICP-MS
Caulfield J, Tomlinson E, Marks M, Chew D, McKenna C & Ubide T
(2017) Origin, Distribution and Residence of Halogens in the North Atlantic Craton, Greenland
Hoare B, Tomlinson E, Barnes J, Caulfield J & Thirlwall M
(2017) Increasing Zinc Pollution of the Earth Surface Environment? An Example from an Irish Peat Bog
Rosca C, Schoenberg R, Tomlinson EL & Kamber BS
(2017) Diffusion and Distribution of Rare Earth Elements in Olivine
Stead C, Tomlinson E, Kamber B & McKenna C
(2017) Characterisation of the Deposition of Organolead Compounds in the Irish Peatlands by GC-MC-ICP-MS
Craig G, Rosca C, Tomlinson E, Kamber B, Lloyd N, Bouman C & Schwieters J
(2017) Halogen Composition of the Proto-Iceland Plume Source Mantle
O' Farrell D, Tomlinson E, Caulfield J, Bouvier A-S & Stuart F

Tomlinson S. (2014) Apatite Hygrometry
Boyce J, Tomlinson S, McCubbin F, Greenwood J & Treiman A
(2014) Mostly Wet Apatites on a Mostly Dry Moon
Boyce J, Tomlinson S, McCubbin F, Greenwood J & Treiman A

Tomljenovic B. (2007) Pre-Variscan Barrovian Metamorphism in the Eastern Part of the Slavonian Mountains, Tisia Unit (NE Croatia): Application of Quantitative Phase Diagrams and Monazite Age Dating
Horváth P, Balen D, Finger F, Humer B, Tomljenovic B & Árkai P

Tommaseo C. (2013) Microstructural Development of in situ Deformed and Heated Polycrystalline Halite in Dependence of Silica Gel
Tommaseo C

Tommasi A. (2021) From Dry to Damp but Stiff Mantle Lithosphere by Reactive Melt Percolation Atop the Hawaii Plume
Demouchy S & Tommasi A
(2017) Petrophysical and Experimental Investigations of Fluxed-Melting Processes in the Mantle Wedge
Benard A, Tommasi A, Vasilyev P, Arculus R & Nebel O
(2017) Mechanical Anisotropy of Olivine Polycrystals: A Comparision between Laboratory Data and Viscoplastic Self-Consistent Models
Mameri L, Tommasi A, Signorelli J & Hansen L
(2013) Heterogeneity and Anisotropy in the Lithospheric Mantle
Tommasi A, Baptiste V, Frets E, Higgie K, Soustelle V, Le Roux V, David M, Vauchez A, Garrido C & Bodinier J-L
(2013) Deformation Mechanisms of Olivine Compressed at 300 MPa and 800-1100℃
Cordier P, Demouchy S, Mussi A & Tommasi A
(2013) Geochemistry and Crystal Preferred Orientation of Upper Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Liptai N, Patkó L, Aradi L, Szabó C, Kovács I, Hidas K, Falus G, Vaselli O, Tommasi A & Barou F
(2011) Water Weakening in Dunite: Highlights from Torsion Experiments
Demouchy S, Hansen L, Zimmermann M, Tommasi A, Barou F & Kohlstedt D
(2010) High-Pressure Hydrofracturing during Deserpentinization
Garrido CJ, Padrón-Navarta JA, Tommasi A, López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V, Gómez-Pugnaire MT, Jabaloy A & Vauchez A
(2009) Mantle Heterogeneity Records by Xenoliths beneath In Teria (SE Algeria)
Kaczmarek M-A, Alard O, Bodinier J-L, Bosch D, Dautria J-M & Tommasi A

Tommasi F. (2023) Effects of Several Rare Earth Elements on the Growth, Photosynthetic Pigments, Ascorbate Content, and Lipid Peroxidation Level of Lemna Minor L
Gjata I, Paciolla C, De Leonardis S & Tommasi F
(2023) REE Levels in Abandoned Mining Sites
Brouziotis AAA, Heise S, Saviano L, Giarra A, Tommasi F, Guida M, Libralato G & Trifuoggi M

Tommasini Simone (2013) Residence Time Analysis of Active Volcanic Systems: Rb-Sr Isotope Study of Ischia and Pantelleria
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R & Tommasini S
(2013) The Establishment of the Steady-State Activity at Stromboli Volcano (Italy): Evidence from Diffusion and Mixing Processes Revealed at Mineral Scale
Braschi E, Petrone CM, Francalanci L & Tommasini S
(2000) Complex Magma Chamber Dynamics at Stromboli during the 20th Century
Davies GR, Francalanci L, Tommasini S & Conticelli S

Tommasini Simone (2015) NIDIS: The Non-Isothermal Diffusion Incremental Step Model. A New Approach to Elemental Diffusion in Volcanic Rocks
Bugatti G, Petrone CM, Braschi E & Tommasini S
(2015) Residence Time Analysis of the Active Volcanic Systems of Ischia, Italy
Tommasini S, Casalini M & Avanzinelli R
(2015) Decadal Timescales of Magma Chamber Dynamics at a Steady-State Volcano: The Case of Stromboli Volcano, Italy
Petrone CM, Braschi E, Francalanci L & Tommasini S
(2015) Non-Traditional Isotope Tracers (238U/235U and 98Mo/95Mo) of Subduction Processes in the Central-Mediterranean Magmatism
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R, Elliott T, Tommasini S & Conticelli S

Tommasini Simone (2019) Genesis and Differentiation of a Calc-Alkaline Volcano in Syn-Collisional Continental Setting: The Mount Ararat (Ağrı Dağı, Eastern Anatolia)
Casalini M, Avanzinelli R, Tommasini S, Garzonio CA, Cioni R & Conticelli S

Tommasini Simone (2020) Tracing the Canary Islands Hotspot Back to the Mesozoic: Isotopic Evidence from the Central High Atlas Basalts, Morocco
Tommasini S, Santo AP, Casalini M, Valeriani L, Braschi E, Benvenuti M & Francalanci L

Tommasini Steven (2015) Increased Carbonate Associated with Phosphate Demand in Bioapatite Crystallites
King H & Tommasini S

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