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Tomanicek Stephen J. (2014) Biophysical Characterization of HgcA, a Protein Required for the Biosynthesis of Methylmercury
Johs A, Tomanicek SJ, Belic A, Rush KW, Parks JM, Riccardi D & Smith JC

Tomanicek Steve (2016) Mercury Methylation by Methylcobalamin: Kinetics and Mechanisms Revisited
Liang L, Gu B, Johnston R, Johs A, Neupane K, Parks J, Rush K & Tomanicek S

Tomanikova L. (2018) The Impact of Melting of Metasomatized Subarc Mantle on the B Isotope Systematics of Arc Volcanics
Tomanikova L, Savov I, Harvey J, De Hoog C-J, Churikova T & Gordeychik B

Tomaru H. (2016) Long Term and Continuous Sampling of Interstitial Waters by OsmoSampler from Active Venting Sites of Shallow Gas Hydrate Field, Umitaka Spur, Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
Owari S, Tomaru H & Matsumoto R
(2011) Analysis of Iodine, Bromine and Chlorine in Marine Sediments and Carbonate Nodules by ICP-MS
Sekiya T, Muramatsu Y, Anzai H, Matsumoto R, Tomaru H & Aizawa S
(2011) Vertical Distribution of Iodine in Pore Water Collected from Japan Sea Sediments: Origin of Iodine-Rich Fluid Associated with Methane Hydrate
Muramatsu Y, Anzai H, Tomaru H, Matsumoto R & Matsuzaki H
(2009) Occurrence of Iodine and Methane in Active Margins: A Potential Link to Past Climatic Changes
Fehn U, Lu Z & Tomaru H
(2009) 129I Dating of Hydrocarbons in Gas Hydrate Deposit, off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan
Tomaru H, Fehn U, Lu Z, Takeuchi R, Inagaki F, Imachi H, Kotani R, Matsumoto R & Aoike K
(2005) Elemental Remobilization in Marine Sediments: Growth and Destruction of Authigenic Mineral Fronts Above Gas Hydrate Systems
Snyder G, Dickens G, Matsumoto R, Hiruta A, Tomaru H, Dicus C & Castellini DG
(2005) Depth Profile of Iodine and Bromine in Pore Waters Collected from the Nankai Trough
Doi T, Muramatsu Y, Matsumoto R, Takeuchi R, Tomaru H & Fehn U
(2005) Pore Water Iodine Concentrations and <+>129<$>I/I Ratios of the Hydrate Ridge (ODP 204): Implication for the Origin of Gas Hydrates
Lu Z, Fehn U & Tomaru H
(2005) Iodine Distribution in Pore Fluids Associated with Methane Plumes in the Sea of Japan
Tomaru H, Fehn U, Snyder G & Matsumoto R
(2003) Geochemical Clues for Seafloor and Subsurface Gas Hydrate Linkage in Cascadia, Canada
Tomaru H, Matsumoto R, Coffin R, Pohlman J & Spence G

Tomas A. (2023) Evaluation of a Methodology for Ozone Production Rate Quantification in Ambient Air
Abichou G, Lahib A, Jamar M, Chen W, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Tomas A & Dusanter S
(2023) Atmospheric Reactivity of Ketolimonene: Ozone Kinetics, Reaction Products and SOA Formation
Roman C, Amarandei C, Negru GA, Arsene C, Bejan IG, Jamar M, Dusanter S, Olariu RI & Tomas A

Tomas C. (2018) Production of Extracellular Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide by Harmful Phytoplankton
Diaz JM, Plummer S, Tomas C & Alves-de-Souza C

Tomaš K.C. (2023) LithoSpace – A Unique Cloud-Based Extra-Terrestrial Geochemistry Data Platform
Noble W, Kohlmann F, Azzopardi A, Sayer J, Tomaš KC, Iles GN & Theile M

Tomás Oliveira J. (2008) Geochemistry of the Baixo Alentejo Flysch Group, South Portuguese Zone: Implications for Provenance and Palaeoweathering
Fernandes P, Jorge R, Pereira Z & Tomás Oliveira J

Tomascak Paul (2018) Boron Isotope Budget in the Mono Basin, Eastern California USA
Han M, Rasbury T, Hemming G, Hemming S & Tomascak P

Tomascak Paul B. (2014) Using Trace Element and Halide Isotopes to Understand Salinization Mechanisms of Groundwaters from an Arid Aquifer
Meredith K, Hollins S, Tomascak P, Moriguti T, Frape S & Nakamura E
(2013) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates and Fluorite: Prospects for Understanding Fluids from Deposition Through Burial
Rasbury T, Parrish R, Austin-Gidding W, Lanzirotti T, Tomascak P & Kyle R
(2009) On Lithium Isotope Systematics and Abundances in Lunar Mare Basalts
Magna T, Neal CR, Tomascak PB, Bourdon B, Oberli F & Day JMD
(2003) Lithium Isotopic Fractionation during Continental Weathering
Njo H, Rudnick R & Tomascak P
(2003) Lithium Isotopes in the Solid Earth
Tomascak P
(2002) Evidence for Li Isotope Fractionation during Subduction
Zack T, Tomascak PB, McDonough WF, Rudnick RL & Dalpe C
(2002) Late Pleistocene Variations of Lake Level and Glacial Activity at Mono Lake, CA, USA
Zimmerman S, Hemming S, Hemming NG & Tomascak P
(2001) Lithium, Boron, and Strontium Isotope Constraints on Solute Sources for the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Tomascak PB, Hemming NG & Pedone VA
(2001) Li Isotope Fractionation during Slab Dehydration? Implications from Studies of Subduction-Related Eclogites and Associated Garnet Mica Schists
Zack T, Tomascak P, Rudnick RL & McDonough WF

Tomaschek Frank (2008) Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Alteration of Accessory Minerals from an Alkali Pegmatite from Zomba-Malosa (Malawi)
Soman A, Geisler-Wierwille T, Tomaschek F, Berndt-Gerdes J & Putnis A
(2007) Interaction of Calcite with Cr(III) and Evidence for Direct Inorganic Formation of Vaterite
Godelitsas A, Astilleros J-M, Hallam K, Wright K, Tomaschek F & Putnis A
(2004) Transient Porosity at Reaction Fronts: Replacement Textures from Flux-Grown Zircon
Tomaschek F
(2004) Direct Nanoscale Observations of Mixed REE Phosphate Crystal Growth on the Dissolved Surface of REE Fluorocarbonate Minerals
Godelitsas A, Tomaschek F & Putnis A

Tomaschek Frank (2013) Rates of Natural Silica Precipitation Through Time
Merle R, Nemchin A, Simons S, Geisler T & Tomaschek F

Tomaschek Frank (2015) Replacement of Wood Opal by Chalcedony: Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
Tomaschek F, Heuser A, Nemchin A & Geisler T
(2015) Implications for a Carbonated Peridotite Source for Intra-Continental Alkaline Mafic Lavas from the Siebengebirge Volcanic Field (Germany)
Baldwin LC, Tomaschek F, Gerdes A, Fonseca ROC & Ballhaus C

Tomasek A. (2022) Advances in Social Justice and Resiliency in Water Resources
Tomasek A

Tomasi N. (2011) Mineral Weathering and Mobilization of Trace Metals in the Rhizosphere: The Role of Root Exudates
Terzano R, Medici L, Mimmo T, Tomasi N, Pinton R & Cesco S

Tomašić N. (2023) Mineralogical and Geochemical Changes of Red Mud Under Bacterial Activity
Fajković H, Ivanković T, Vrkić I, Košir M, Zalar Serjun V, Tomašić N & Huljek L

Tomasini J. (2012) Methane and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Biogeochemistry in the Argentine Basin
Formolo M, Riedinger N, Mogollon J, Henkel S, Tomasini J, Strasser M, Vossmeyer A & Kasten S
(2011) Microbially Mediated Iron Reduction in the Methanic Zone of Sediments from the Western Argentine Basin
Riedinger N, Formolo MJ, Henkel S, Reese BK, Mills HJ, Voßmeyer A, Arnold GL, Sawicka J, Tomasini J, Love GD, Lyons TW & Kasten S

Tomasko D. (2015) Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity of Fluids in Confined Geometries
Cole D, Andersen A, Gautam S, Hoyt D, Mamontov E, Mueller K, Kolesnikov A, Le T, Liu T, Ok S, Patankar S, Phan A, Rother G, Striolo A, Tomasko D & Washton N

Tomaskova L. (2014) 14C Activity Level in the Surrounding of NPPs and in the Reference Localities
Svetlik I, Fejgl M & Tomaskova L

Tomasoni R. (2002) Dissolution Experiments and Natural Weathering of Carbonates
Frisia S, Borsato A, Mackenzie FT & Tomasoni R

Tomasovych A. (2019) In situ Measurements of Isotopic and Elemental Ratios in Brachiopods: Implications for their Use as Environmental Proxies and their Biomineralization Processes
Rollion-Bard C, Milner Garcia S, Burckel P, Angiolini L, Jurokiva H, Tomasovych A & Henkel D
(2017) Lithium in Brachiopods – Proxy for Seawater Evolution?
Gaspers N, Magna T, Tomasovych A, Henkel D, Eisenhauer A & Fryda J
(2017) Variations in the Oxygen Isotope Composition and Minor Element Ratios in the Shell Microstructure of Modern Brachiopods
Milner S, Rollion-Bard C, Burckel P, Tomašových A, Angiolini L, Jurikova H & Henkel D
(2017) δ26Mg Record of Phanerozoic Oceans
Törber P, Farkas J, Rollion-Bard C, Wallmann K, Brand U, Azmy K, Tomasovych A, Lecuyer C, Vigier N, Saulnier S, Komarek M, Magna T, Simecek M, Francova M, Böhm F & Eisenhauer A
(2017) Assessing Kinetic Fractionation in Brachiopod Calcite Using Clumped Isotopes
Bajnai D, Fiebig J, Raddatz J, Tomašových A & Brand U
(2013) Magnesium Isotope Composition of Globally Distributed Modern Brachiopods: Implications for Paleo-Seawater δ26Mg Reconstructions
Farkas J, Brand U, Tomasovych A, Azmy K, Fietzke J & Eisenhauer A
(2013) The Phanerozoic δ<sup>88/86</sup>Sr Record of Seawater: New Constraints on Past Changes in Oceanic Carbonate Fluxes
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Wallmann K, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Krabbenhöft A, Farkaš J, Tomašovŷch A, Raddatz J & Veizer J
(2012) Marine Carbonate Burial Rates at the Phanerozoic Mass Extinctions
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Bohm F, Fietzke J, Wallmann K, Liebetrau V, Farkas J, Tomasovych A & Veizer J
(2012) High-Resolution Ontogenic Distribution of Mg/Ca Ratios and Mg Isotopes in Modern Brachiopods
Farkas J, Tomasovych A, Chrastny V, Jacob D, Francova M, Boehm F & Vollstaedt H

Tomaszewski Elizabeth (2020) Tracing Kinetic Transformations of Organomineral Associations in a Changing Climate
Sparks D, Coward E, Sowers T & Tomaszewski E
(2018) The Role of Microbial Fe Metabolism in the Biogeochemical Cycle of Cd
Tomaszewski E, Bayer T, Sorwat J, Muehe M, Byrne J & Kappler A
(2014) Transformation of Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides Under Oscillating Redox Conditions
Ginder-Vogel M, Mejia J & Tomaszewski E

Tomaszewski Elizabeth J (2023) Distribution and Characteristics of Uranium and Rare Earth Elements in Southeast Utah, USA
Blake J, Tomaszewski EJ, Walton-Day K, Hynek S, Mixon R & DiViesti D
(2023) The Impacts of Climate-Driven Sea Level Rise on Soil Iron Speciation
Gu C, Tomaszewski EJ, Joshi S, Fischel M & Sparks DL

Tomaszewski Elizabeth J. (2019) Did Bacteria Induce Redox Cycling of Magnetite within Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)?
Byrne J, Schad M, McCammon C, Tomaszewski E, Smith A, Cerantola V & Kappler A
(2019) Influence of Microbial Biomass on Abiogenic and Microbial Magnetite Formation
Han X, Byrne JM, Tomaszewski EJ, Pan Y & Kappler A
(2019) Overview of the Role of Surface Defects on Goethite’s Biogeochemistry
Notini L, Latta D, Neumann A, Pearce C, Rosso K, Byrne J, Tomaszewski E, Zhou Z, Kappler A & Scherer M

Tomaszewski J.E. (2009) Importance of Soil Organic Matter to Sorption of Insecticidal Cry Proteins
Tomaszewski JE, Madliger M, Schwarzenbach RP & Sander M

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