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Tolbert P. (2009) Linking Particulate Matter Sources to Health
Russell A, Balachandran S, Lee D, Pachon J, Mulholland J, Tolbert P & Sarnat J

Toledo B.B. (2023) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Environment of Neoproterozoic Calc-Alkaline Magmatism in the Southern Portion of Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe: Comparative Study of Pre-Collisional Orthogneisses and Post-Collisional Granitoids
Toledo BB, Janasi VDA, Schmidt MW & Vasconcellos AC

Toledo F. (2010) The Role of Abyssal Ocean Circulation in Abrupt Climate Changes in the Past
McManus J, Yan B, Yanchilina A, Major C, Toledo F & Eglinton T

Toledo Gerardo (2002) Microbiology: What is Next?
Keller M, Zengler K, Toledo G, Elkins J, Mathur E & Short J

Toledo Geremiah (2021) Chromium Isotopes as a Proxy for Redox Conditions on Early Earth: Insights from Australian Sedimentary Rock Records
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Stromberg J, Spinks S, Toledo G, Liebelt S, Blades M, Collins A & Frei R
(2020) Fractionated Cr Isotopes in the Late Paleoprotorozoic Marine Carbonates from the McArthur Basin, Australia: A Record of Oxic Paleo-Seawater or a Later Diagenetic Fluid-Flow Event?
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Collins A, Toledo G, Frei R, Lohr S, Murray S, Cox G, Blades M & Subarkah D
(2019) Chromium Isotope Constraints on the Late Paleoproterozoic Marine Redox: Evidence from ~1.64 Ga Carbonates of the Greater McArthur Basin, Australia
Farkas J, Toledo G, Klaebe R, Frei R, Collins A, Cox G, Blades M, Bullen M, Guiliano W, Samanta M, Edgoose C & Smith B

Toledo V. (2017) Moissanite in Volcanic Systems: Super-Reduced Conditions in the Mantle
Huang J, Xiong Q, Griffin W, Martin L, Toledo V & O'Reilly S
(2017) CH4 Interaction with Basalt Magma: Super-Reducing Conditions beneath Mt Carmel, Israel
Griffin WL, Gain SEM, Huang J, Toledo V & O'Reilly SY
(2016) Deep Carbon: SiC in Mantle- and Mantle-Generated Rocks
Huang J-X, Griffin W, Martin L, Toledo V & O'Reilly S

Tolentino H. (2022) Micro- and Nano-Pore Structure and Composition of Microaggregates from a Tropical Soil
Hesterberg DLR, Ferreira TR, Pólo CC, Rabelo RS, Tolentino H, Pérez CA, Roose T, Gonzaga LC, Carvalho JN, Bordonal RDO & Pavinato PS
(2021) Complementary Beamlines at the 4th Generation Sirius Synchrotron for Hierarchical Analyses of Geochemical Systems
Hesterberg D, Tolentino H & Westfahl H

Tolentino P. (2020) Water Isotopes and Weathering Fluxes from Catchments in the Zambales Ophiolite Region, Luzon, Philippines
Ibarra D, Domingo J, Meyer N, Mix H, Tolentino P, Attal M & David C

Toler S. (2010) In situ Chemical Analyses by Underwater Mass Spectrometry
Bell R, Toler S & Short T

Toli K. (2013) New Insights into Iron Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Saharan Dust Precipitated over Greece
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis T, Hatzikonstantinou N, Douvalis A, Toli K, Goettlicher J, Steininger R & Simon R
(2011) Characterization of Saharan Dust from Red Rain Precipitated over Athens, Greece
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis T, Toli K, Douvalis A & Simon R

Tolic N. (2021) Assessing Soil Organic Matter Features Under Drought and Normal Conditions Using Direct Infusion High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-Ms/MS Feature Based Molecular Networking
DiDonato N, Rivas Ubach A, Clendinen C, Sokol N, Tolic N, Adhikari D, Martinez CE, Pett-Ridge J & Pasa Tolic L
(2015) Novel Analysis Approach and New Insights from UHR MS of Soil Organic Matter
Hess N, Tfaily M, Tolic N, Heredia-Langner A & Robinson R
(2014) Characterizing SOM Leveraging Extraction Bias and Controlling for Distortion Effects
Roscioli K, Shen Y, Fillmore T, Tfaily M, Zhao R, Tolic N, Anderson B, Anderton C, Pasa-Tolic L, Hess N & Robinson E

Tollan Pete M.E. (2013) Insights into Mantle Processes from Water and Trace Elements in Olivine
Tollan P, Hermann J, Arculus R, O'Neill H & Davidson J
(2013) Melt Evolution from the Mantle Wedge to the Crust: Insights from South Kamchatka and West Bismarck Arc Xenoliths
Bénard A, McAlpine SRB, Nebel O, Tollan PME, Arculus RJ & Ionov DA

Tollan Peter (2020) Tracking Volatile Degassing of an Explosive, Rhyolitic Eruption Using Lithium Isotopes
Neukampf J, Ellis B, Bouvier A-S, Tollan P, Laurent O, Ulmer P, Magna T & Bachmann O
(2019) Oxidation of Arc Magmas by Hydrogen Incorporation in Mantle Orthopyroxene
Tollan P & Hermann J
(2019) Petrogenesis and Evolution of the Continental Lithospheric Mantle Below the Cameroon Volcanic Line
Nformidah-Ndah SS, Tollan P & Hermann J
(2019) Decoding the Kinetic Rulebook: H Diffusion in Quartz
Jollands M, Baumgartner L, Tollan P, Müntener O & Pistone M
(2017) The Role of Trace Element Chemistry in Controlling Water Incorporation in San Carlos Olivine
Tollan P & O'Neill H
(2017) “Hydroxylation Spectroscopy” may Reveal the History of Olivine Crystals
O'Neill H, Le Losq C, Tollan P & Jollands M
(2015) Thermodynamic Controls on Water Incorporation in San Carlos Olivine
Tollan P, O'Neill H & Hermann J

Tollan Peter M (2021) Paleobathymetry of Submarine Lavas in the Samail and Troodos Ophiolites: Insights from Volatiles in Glasses and Implications for Hydrothermal Systems
Belgrano TM, Tollan PM, Marxer F & Diamond LW
(2021) Infrared Spectroscopy of Amphibole Lamellae in Pyroxenes from Mantle Xenoliths of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Liptai N, Lange TP, Patkó L, Aradi LE, Berkesi M, Tollan PM, Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2021) Variability of Hydrogen Defects in Mantle Orthopyroxene along a Back-Arc Transect in Southern Patagonia
Demers-Roberge A, Jollands MC, Tollan PM & Müntener O
(2021) Oxygen Isotope (δ18O, Δ’17O) Insights into Subcontinental Mantle Evolution Since the Archean
Bindeman IN, Ionov D, Tollan PM & Golovin A
(2021) Differential Record of Pre- and Syn-Eruptive Degassing of a Large Rhyolitic System Recorded by Li, H, and δ7Li Diffusion between Quartz, Melt Inclusions and Groundmass Glasses
Neukampf J, Laurent O, Tollan PM, Bouvier A-S, Magna T, Ulmer P, France L, Ellis BS, Guillong M & Bachmann O

Tollan Peter M. E. (2023) Focal Plane Array FTIR Imaging as a Semi-Quantitative Tool to Reveal the Metasomatic Origin of Amphibole Lamellae in Pyroxenes of Upper Mantle Xenoliths
Liptai N, Lange TP, Patko L, Aradi LE, Berkesi M, Tollan PME, Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J, Gergely S, Szabó C & Kovács IJ

Tollari N. (2007) Trace Elements Concentrations in Apatites from the Sept-Îles Intrusive Suite – Implications for the Genesis of Nelsonites
Tollari N, Barnes S-J, Nabil H & Cox R
(2005) Predicting Phosphate Saturation in Silicate Magmas: An Experimental Study of the Effects of Melt Composition and Temperature
Tollari N, Toplis M & Barnes S

Tollefsen E. (2019) Ikaite Column Formation Explained by Secondary Alteration of a Syenite-Carbonatite Complex
Tollefsen E, Skelton A, Stockmann G, Lundqvist L & Sturkell E
(2017) What Controls Ikaite (CaCO36H2O) Formation in Ikka Fjord, Greenland?
Stockmann G, Tollefsen E, Skelton A, Brüchert V, Balic-Zunic T, Langhof J & Skogby H
(2017) Chemical Controls on Ikaite Formation
Tollefsen E, Stockmann G, Skelton A, Mörth C-M, Dupraz C & Sturkell E

Toller S. (2023) Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) Enrichment in Drainage Canals’ Sediments from a Low-Lying Coastal Area Affected by Saltwater Intrusion
Greggio N, Carloni G, Giambastiani BMS, Toller S, Dinelli E & Antonellini M

Tollerud H. (2011) Unconstrained Fluxes to the Ocean: Calcium Isotopes in Dust-Producing Regions
Fantle M, Tollerud H, Eisenhauer A & Holmden C

Tollett R. (2017) Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale Unconventional Oil and Gas Production Areas, USA
McMahon P, Barlow J, Engle M, Belitz K, Ging P, Hunt A, Kharaka Y, Jurgens B, Tollett R & Kresse T

Tolley J. (2017) Diffusion and Partition Coefficients of 36 Elements in Magnetite as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity
Sievwright R, Tolley J, O'Neill H, Berry A & Wilkinson J
(2016) REE Mineralisation in the Cummins Range Carbonatite, Western Australia
Tolley J, Jaques L & Berry A
(2015) Trace Element Partitioning between Apatite and Carbonatite Melt
Tolley J & Berry A

Tollstrup D. (2022) The Breakthrough is in What you Don’t See: Thermo Scientific™ Neoma MS/MS™ MC-ICP-MS
Bouman C, Craig G, Roberts J, Lloyd N, Pfeifer M, Wehrs H, Tollstrup D & Schwieters J
(2022) Detecting Low Levels of Radioactive Sr in Environmental Samples Using RPQ-Tims
Wakaki S, Aoki J, Suzuki K, Miyazaki T, Roberts J, Vollstaedt H, Takagai Y, Tollstrup D & Sasaki S
(2011) Emplacement of Passive Margin Sediments into Deep Crustal Hot Zones of Continental Arcs: Interplay of Tectonic and Magmatic Thickening in the Formation of Continental Crust
Chin E, Lee C-T, Tollstrup D, Xie L, Wimpenny J & Yin Q
(2011) Tracing Changes in the East Asian Monsoon Using the Mg Isotope Record in a Loess-Paleosol Sequence from Luochuan, China
Wimpenny J, Yin Q-Z, Tollstrup D, Xie L-W & Sun J
(2011) Predicting the Character of Future Eruptions: Insights from Single Crystal Analyses
Ramos F, Gill J, Wolff J, Dimond C & Tollstrup D
(2007) Element Transfer Through the Kurile Convergent Margin
Dreyer B, Morris J, Gill J & Tollstrup D
(2006) Hf mobility and immobility during subduction
Gill J, Tollstrup D & Todd E
(2006) Mantle melting in the Izu arc and rear arc: insights from melt inclusion studies
Kent AJR, Kimura J-I, Gill JB & Tollstrup D
(2002) Crustal Transport of Flood Basalt Magma: The Record of Crystal Isotopic Zoning
Wolff JA, Ramos FC & Tollstrup DL

Tolmacheva E. (2008) REE Distribution in Zircons from Lamproites in Panozero Complex of Sanukitoids (Karelia, NW Russia)
Skublov S, Lobach-Zhuchenko S, Guseva N, Gembitckaya I & Tolmacheva E
(2007) Method of Interpretation of in situ U-Pb Zircon Geochronology Using Data on Melt and Fluid Inclusions
Tolmacheva E, Saltykova T, Berezhnaya N, Velikoslavinsky S & Sergeev S
(2007) Archaean Evolution of the Okhotsk Terrane by U/Pb Zircon Chronology
Berezhnaya N, Kuzmin V, Glebovitsky V, Tolmacheva E, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Paderin I & Sergeev S
(2006) Geochronological evidences of three-stage tectonic evolution of the Dzhugdzhuro-Stanovoy fold terrane
Berezhnaya N, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Tolmacheva E, Glebovitsky V & Sergeev S
(2006) U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons from the ore-bearing Kharaelakh intrusion (Talnakh district, Russia)
Petrov O, Malitch K, Shevchenko S, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Tolmacheva E, Tuganova E & Khalenev V

Tolnai B. (2000) Geochemistry of Lower Jurassic Organic-Rich Sediments from the Mecsek Mountains, Southern Hungary
Raucsik B, Tolnai B, Horváth T, Szilágyi V & Hetényi M

Tolnai I. (2021) Boron and Cesium Leachability from Cementitious Waste Forms Containing B-10 Enriched Boric Acid
Rostamiparsa M, Nkotya E, Tolnai I, Fábián M, Falus G, Szabó C, Szabó-Krausz Z & Völgyesi P

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