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Tokeshi Satoshi (2017) Determination of Highly Siderophile Element Concentrations and 187Os/188Os Ratio for Ferromanganese Nodule Reference Materials
Tokeshi S, Ishikawa A & Suzuki K

Toki T. (2022) Different Depths of Sedimentary and Fluid Origins in Submarine Mud Volcanoes off Tanegashima Island, Japan
Ijiri A, Setoguchi R, Hamada Y, Mitsutome Y, Toki T, Hagino K, Murayama M & Inagaki F
(2018) Pore Fluid Chemistry of Active Hydrothermal Fields in the Mid-Okinawa Trough
Ishibashi J-I, Toki T, Shinjo R, Nozaki T, Kumagai H & Maeda L
(2017) Secondary Methanogenesis in Dormant Submarine Mud Volcano off Tanegashima Island, Japan
Ijiri A, Toki T, Agena K, Hoshino T, Hagino K, Hamada Y, Machiyama H, Ashi J & Inagaki F
(2016) Hydrothermal Fluids of the Okinawa Trough: Sr Isotopic Composition
Toki T, Shinjo R & Ishibashi J-I
(2015) Arsenic Behavior with Microbial Activity in Deepsea Sediment
Masuda H, Yoshinishi H, Fuchida S & Toki T
(2014) Arsenic Behavior in Modern Deep Sea Sediment Columns
Masuda H, Yoshinishi H & Toki T
(2011) Microbiological Investigation of the Iron-Containing Floculent Mats in Various Deep Sea Environments
Makita H, Kikuchi S, Mitsunobu S, Nakamura K, Toki T, Kawagucci S, Noguchi T, Abe M, Miyazaki J, Yamanaka T, Tsuchida S, Nomaki H, Takahashi Y & Takai K
(2011) Biogeochemical Processes in Mud-Volcano Sediments from the Kumano Forearc Basin, Japan
Ijiri A, Toki T, Yamaguchi Y, Kawagucci S, Hattori S, Morono Y, Tsunogai U, Nakamura K, Takai K, Ashi J & Inagaki F
(2009) Fluid Geochemistry of the Suiyo Hydrothermal Field at the Izu-Bonin Arc Submarine Volcano
Ishibashi J-I, Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Toki T, Teranishi G, Obata H & Gamo T
(2008) Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Hydrothermal Fluids and the Associated Water Samples Obtained from Arc-Backarc Systems
Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Ishibashi J-I, Sunamura M, Kimura H, Toki T, Nakagawa S & Takai K
(2007) Anomalously Low D/H Ratio of H2 Gas from High Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids in the Mariana Trough
Kawagucci S, Toki T, Ito M, Oomori T, Ishibashi J-I, Masuda H, Takai K & Gamo T
(2006) Seafloor hydrothermal activity at off-axial seamounts of backarc spreading in southern Mariana Trough
Ishibashi J-I, Suzuki R, Yamanaka T, Toki T, Kimura H, Noguchi T & Urabe T
(2003) Geochemical Study of Cold Seeps on the Seafloor off Kumano in Nankai Trough
Toki T, Tsunogai U, Gamo T & Kuramoto S

Tokimori H. (2016) Mineral-Amino Acid Interactions and Origin of Life
Nisii A, Kitadai N, Tokimori H & Kurokawa K

Tokioka S. (2020) Genomic and Geochemical Identification of the Long-Chain Alkenone Producers in Lake Takahoko Estuarine in Japan: Implications for Temperature Reconstructions
Kajita H, Nakamura H, Ohkouchi N, Harada N, Sato M, Tokioka S & Kawahata H

Tokiwai K. (2007) Dehydration Behaviour of Muscovite by in situ Infrared Microspectroscopy
Tokiwai K & Nakashima S

Tokoro C. (2023) Geochemical Evaluation in Mine Drainage Treatment Using Manganese Neutralization Sludge for Effective Waste Functionalization
Furukori Y, Oyama K & Tokoro C
(2021) Practical Performance of Arsenate (As(V)) Removal Using Mesoporous Zerovalent Iron-Magnetite Nanocomposites (ZVI-Mncs)
Zubair YO, Fuchida S & Tokoro C
(2021) Investigation on Zn Adsorption/Coprecipitation Mechanisms on MnO2 Under Neutral pH Conditions
Tajima S, Fuchida S & Tokoro C
(2021) Kinetic Evaluation of pH and Temperature Effects on Silica Polymerization in Mg, Al and Fe Coexisting Systems
Ishii S, Kitagawa T, Tajima S, Takaya Y, Fuchida S & Tokoro C
(2021) Galvanic Influence on Pyrite and Chalcopyrite Oxidation Rates Under Floatation pH Condition
Ishida S, Xue J, Fuchida S, Aoki Y, Kaseyama T, Kishimoto Y & Tokoro C
(2020) Study on Geochemical Mechanisms for Acid Mine Drainage Generation by Kinetic Modeling and Petrological Analysis of Sulfide Cores
Fuchida S, Suzuki K, Kadokura M & Tokoro C
(2020) Kinetic Modeling of pH and Temperature Effects on Silica Polymerization
Tajima S, Kato T, Fuchida S, Kitagawa T & Tokoro C
(2020) Influence of Calcium Ion and pH on Oxidation Rates and Secondary Mineral Formation on Pyrite Surface
Xue J, Ishida S, Kato T, Fuchida S, Kuroiwa S, Aoki Y, Kikutani H & Tokoro C
(2016) Comparative Study of Arsenite Removal Using Ferrihydrite between Adsorption/Coprecipitation Processes
Oo KS, Tokoro C & Mitani Y
(2016) Process Optimization of Boron Removal by Ettringite from Hot Spring Wastewater
Hobo S, Muto K, Tokoro C, Tanaka Y & Nakamura T
(2016) Removal Mechanism of Mn(II) by Coagulation-Sedimentation Method Using Calcium Hydroxide
Yagisawa M, Mitani Y, Kato T & Tokoro C
(2016) Sorption Mechanisms of Chromate with Ferrihydrite Through Coprecipitation in Aqueous Solution
Mamun AA, Tokoro C & Morita M
(2013) Clarification of As(V) Sorption Mechanism with Ferrihydrite for Quantitative Modelling of Coprecipitation Process in Wastewater Treatment
Tokoro C, Haraguchi D, Izawa S & Owada S
(2013) Clarification for Boron Sorption Mechanism in Coprecipitation with Magnesium Hydroxide
Izawa S, Tokoro C, Suzuki S & Sasaki K
(2013) Removal Mechanisms of Silicate in the Wastewater Using Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation Method
Suzuki S, Tokoro C, Haraguchi D, Izawa S & Owada S
(2012) Spectrophotometric Analysis for As(V) Sorption Mechanism in the Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation Method
Haraguchi D, Tokoro C & Owada S
(2012) XAFS Investigation for Sorption Mechanism in As(V) Coprecipitation with Ferrihydrite
Izawa S, Tokoro C, Oda Y, Haraguchi D & Owada S
(2011) Sorption Mechanism of Dilute Fluorine in Wastewater Using Aluminum Hydroxide Coprecipitation Method
Haraguchi D, Tokoro C & Owada S
(2011) Geochemical Modeling for Boron Removal by a Permeable Reactive Barrier Using Magnesium Oxide
Tokoro C, Kurami J, Moriyama S & Sasaki K

Tokranov A.K. (2023) A Comprehensive Field and Laboratory Approach to Investigating PFAS Occurrence and Partitioning
Tokranov AK, Santangelo L, Welch S, Marts J, Schlosser KE & Drouin A

Toksoy-Köksal F. (2015) Petrology of the Neotetyan Ophiolitic Basalts and Dykes (Çorum-Turkey): New Insights
Atak-Küçük A & Toksoy-Köksal F
(2010) The Karakoç Magmatic Association (Central Anatolia, Turkey): Intrusive Products of H2O and CO2 Rich Alkaline Melt
Toksoy-Köksal F & Göncüoglu MC
(2009) U-Pb Age and Isotope Data from the S- and I-Type Syn-Collisional Granites in Ekecikdag Area, Central Anatolia
Toksoy-Köksal F, Gerdes A, Göncüoglu MC, Möller A, Frei D & Köksal S
(2007) Petrological Characteristics and LA-Sf-ICP-MS U-Pb Ages of S-Type Granitoids from Central Turkey
Köksal S, Möller A, Frei D, Göncüoglu MC & Toksoy-Köksal F
(2007) Hydrous Aluminosilicate Metasomatism in an Intra-Oceanic Subduction Zone: Implications from the Kurancali Ultramafic-Mafic Cumulates within the Alpine Neotethys Ocean, Turkey
Toksoy-Köksal F, Oberhaensli R & Göncüoglu MC

Tokuchi N. (2016) Long-Term Trends of Bulk Precipitation, Stream Water, and Soil Water Chemistry Under Nitrogen Saturated and Unsaturated Deciduous Forest Ecosystems
Makino S, Tokuchi N & Kawakami T
(2016) Natural Isotope Tracers for Studying Stream Ecology
Tayasu I, Ishikawa NF, Kato Y, Yoshimizu C, Ohte N & Tokuchi N
(2015) Nitrogen Deposition and Transformation Dynamics along the Canopy–soil Continuum of a Suburban Forest in Japan
Shi J, Ohte N, Tokuchi N, Imamura N, Nagayama M, Oda T & Suzuki M

Tokumaru A. (2014) Uranium Isotope in Ferromanganese Crusts: Implications for the Marine 238U/235U Isotope System
Goto K, Anbar A, Gordon G, Romaniello S, Shimoda G, Takaya Y, Tokumaru A, Nozaki T, Suzuki K, Machida S, Hanyu T & Usui A
(2012) Temporal and Depth Variation of Os Isotope Composition in Ferromanganese Crusts from the Takuyo Daigo Seamount (#5 Takuyo Smt), Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Tokumaru A, Nozaki T, Goto KT, Takaya Y, Suzuki K, Chang Q, Kato Y, Usui A & Urabe T

Tokumasu M. (2016) Geographical and Temporal Variations of Multiple Geochemical Components in Rainwater, River Water and Groundwater in Saijo City, Southwestern Japan
Nakano T, Tokumasu M, Shin K, Saitoh Y, Yokoo Y & Yamada Y

Tokunaga K. (2023) Improvement of the Stability of IO3−-, SeO32−-, and SeO42−-coprecipitated Barite after Treatment with Phosphate
Tokunaga K, Tanaka K, Takahashi Y & Kozai N
(2019) Effective Removal of Oxyanions from Aqueous Solution by Coprecipitated with Barite
Tokunaga K, Takahashi Y & Kozai N
(2018) Alkaline-Activated Metakaolin Solidification of Iodine Sorbed by Layered Double Hydroxides
Ohnuki T, Kozai N, Tanaka K, Tokunaga K, Utsunomiya S, Ikehara R, Komiya T, Takeda A, Kaplan D & Santschi P
(2015) Estimation of Redox Condition Based on the Enrichment and Speciation of Arsenic and Selenium Oxyanions in Barite
Tokunaga K & Takahashi Y
(2013) Selenium Coprecipitated with Barite as a New Redox Indicator
Tokunaga K, Yokoyama Y & Takahashi Y

Tokunaga M. (2017) Change in the Chemical State of [AuCl4-n(OH)n]- Complex Ion (n=0 – 4) by the Substitution of Cl- with OH-
Kawamoto D, Kurisaki T, Tokunaga M & Yokoyama T
(2016) Why Does the Pd/Pt Anomaly Cause for Marine Manganese Crust ?
Tanaka K, Kawamoto D, Ohashi H, Okaue Y, Tokunaga M & Yokoyama T

Tokunaga Tetsu (2019) Unsaturated Porous Media Experiments on Nanoconfinement Influences of Water Films and Capillarity on Diffusion and Flow
Tokunaga T, Finsterle S, Lanzirotti A & Newville M
(2019) Quantifying Rock-Nitrogen Export from a Shale Hillslope to Floodplain in the East River Watershed, Colorado
Wan J, Tokunaga T, Bouskill N, Tfaily M, Brown W, Dong W, Maavara T, Henderson A, Williams K & Hubbard S
(2018) Sulfur Isotope Clues to Seasonal Changes in Flow Paths and Redox Conditions in a Sub-Alpine Watershed
Conrad M, Christensen J, Bill M, Nico P, Fox P, Bouskill N, Tokunaga T, Wan J, Carroll R & Williams K

Tokunaga Tetsu K (2022) Fossil Carbon Release and Exports from Subsurface Sedimentary Bedrock Weathering in Mountainous Watersheds
Wan J, Tokunaga TK, Dong W, Beutler C, Newman AW, Brown W, Bill M, Druhan JL, Henderson AN, Harvey-Costello N, Hubbard S & Williams KH
(2015) Chemical and Isotopic Dynamics of Spring Water Table Rise at Rifle, CO
Christensen JN, Brown ST, Basu A, Schilling K, Conrad ME, Bill M, Williams KH, Johnson TM, Shiel AE, Yang L, Dong W, Tokunaga TK, Yabusaki SB, Maher K, Weaver K, Long PE & Hubbard SS
(2014) Genome-To-Watershed Predictive Understanding of Terrestrial Biogeochemical Functioning: ‘Sustainable Systems 2.0’
Hubbard S, Agarwal D, Banfield J, Beller H, Brodie E, Long P, Nico P, Steefel C, Tokunaga T & Williams K
(2014) Additive Surface Complexation Modeling of Uranium(VI) Adsorption onto Quartz-Sand Dominated Sediments
Dong W, Wan J & Tokunaga T
(2014) Carbon Transport and Transformation from Vadose Zone to Groundwater
Wan J, Dong W, Tokunaga T, Williams K, Kim Y, Conrad M, Long P & Hubbard S
(2014) Application of Selenium in Barite as a New Redox Indicator
Tokunaga K, Yokoyama Y & Takahashi Y
(2014) Determining Water and Carbon Fluxes into Groundwater from a Semiarid Floodplain Vadose Zone
Tokunaga T, Wan J, Dong W, Kenneth W, Mark R, Yongman K, Boris F, Mark C, John C, Chad H, Benjamin G, Richard D, Philip L & Susan H
(2014) Constraints from U and Sr Isotopes on the Hydrology of a Alluvial Aquifer at Rifle, Colorado
Christensen JN, Shiel AE, Conrad ME, Williams KH, Dong W, Tokunaga TK, Wan J, Long PE & Hubbard SS

Tokunaga Tetsu K. (2016) Nitrate-Dependent Oxidation of Fe-Sulfides in Naturally Bio-Reduced Zones of Floodplain Sediments Driven by Seasonal Groundwater Fluctuations
Conrad M, Bouskill N, Tokunaga T, Bill M & Williams K
(2016) Climate Feedbacks on the Cycling of Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, Sulfur, and Methane on a Semi-Arid Floodplain
Bill M, Conrad ME, Tokunaga TK, Hobson C & Williams KH

Tokunaga Tomochika (2016) Fluoride Sorption to a Granitic Soil: Interaction Mechanism and Factors Influencing Sorption
Padhi S & Tokunaga T
(2013) Modeling Fluid Migration in Deep Crust with Modeled Permeability Based on Wettability and Energy Consideration
Ohta J & Tokunaga T

Tokusheva A. (2017) Lower Crustal Pyroxenites in Lithospheric Mantle of NW Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago
Tokusheva A, Koreshkova M, Nikitina L, Downes H & Goncharov A

Tokutake T. (2009) Distribution of 3He Plume and Deep-Sea Circulation in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Sano Y, Tokutake T, Takahata N, Shirai K, Tanaka K & Fujio S

Tokuyama A. (2003) Dissolved Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in Surface and Ground Waters from the Northern Area of Okinawa Island
Vuai S, Arakaki K & Tokuyama A
(2003) Effect of Ionic Strength on Aluminum and Dissolved Silica Under Red Soilseawater Interaction
Kombo M, Vuai S & Tokuyama A

Tokuyama Hidekazu (2013) Record of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction during 50~210 kyr ago in the Submarine Hypersaline Meedee Lake, off Crete Island, Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Minami H, Yamaguchi KE, Naraoka H, Murayama M, Ikehara M & Tokuyama H
(2007) Application of Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Dating for Studying West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary
Ohkouchi N, Eglinton T, Toyoda M, Chikaraishi Y, Tokuyama H, Miura H & Yokoyama Y
(2006) Massive melting of West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene: Hydrogen isotopic records of sedimentary biomarkers in Ross Sea
Toyoda M, Yokoyama Y, Miura H, Chikaraishi Y, Tokuyama H, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2003) High-Resolution Isotopic Record of Total Organic Carbon in Cretaceous Black Shales
Kuroda J, Tokuyama H, Ogawa N, Matsumoto K, Suga H & Ohkouchi N

Tokuyama Hironori (2017) Groundwater Flow System in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, Traced by tritium-3He and 129I Dating Methods
Sakuraba M, Sumino H, Maruoka T, Matsuzaki H, Kusuno H, Kawamoto M, Tokuyama H, Shozugawa K & Hori M
(2016) Tracing the Iodine Source of Marine Biota Using Iodine 129 Isotopic Ratio
Kusuno H, Matsuzaki H, Nagata T, Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Ohkouchi N, Tanaka E, Kawamoto M & Tokuyama H

Tolan M. (2012) Iron L- and M- Edges of Iron Containing Minerals Measured by X-Ray Raman Scattering
Nyrow A, Sternemann C, Wilke M, Mende K, Sahle C, Simonelli L, Gordon R, Hiraoka N, Wieland F, Tolan M & Tse J
(2012) Low Energy Absorption Edges of NS3 Glass, Albite and Silicon Investigated Using X-Ray Raman Scattering
Mende K, Nyrow A, Sternemann C, Schmidt C, Wilke M, Simonelli L, Moretti Sala M, Sahle C, Brenner T, Tse J & Tolan M
(2011) Studying Soft X-Ray Absorption Edges Under Extreme Conditions
Sahle C, Sternemann C, Nyrow A, Mende K, Wilke M, Schmidt C, Dubrail J, Tolan M, Simonelli L & Tse J

Tolar B. (2023) Floodplain Biogeochemistry at the Molecular to Pore Scale and Why it Matters at Ecosystem Scales
Boye K, Pierce S, DeVore C, Babey T, Aeppli M, Engel M, Tolar B, Maher K, Fendorf S, Francis CA, Bargar J & Noël V
(2023) Genome-Based Approach for Assessing Microbial Community Dynamics and Genetic Potential Reveals Diverse Methylotrophs in Slate River Floodplain Sediments
Rasmussen AN, Tolar B, Bargar J, Boye K & Francis CA
(2022) Large Organic Colloids Drive Biogeochemical Reactions Downstream of Sediment Interfaces in Simulated Aquifers
Boye K, Babey T, Aeppli M, Engel M, Tolar B, Lacroix EM, Fendorf S & Bargar J
(2020) Redox Interfaces Produce Halos of Altered Biogeochemical Reactivity in Alluvial Groundwater Sediments
Boye K, Babey T, Kumar N, Noel V, Perzan Z, Engel M, Tolar B, Bargar J & Fendorf S
(2018) Hydrologic and Thermodynamic Drivers Seasonally Shift Floodplain Soils between Two Redox States
Bobb C, Boye K, Tolar B, Bargar JR & Maher K
(2018) Microbial Energetics, Carbon, and the Progression of Redox Reactions in Flooded Soils
Boye K, Herrmann A, Bobb C, Tolar B, Noel V, Bargar J, Maher K & Fendorf S

Tolaymat T. (2014) Silver Nanoparticles in Beneficial Reuse Waste Materials
Scheckel K, Impellitteri C, Harmon S, Silva G, Miller B, Luxton T, Gitipour A, El Badawy A, Tolaymat T, Schupp D & Panguluri S

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