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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Togashi S. (2016) CBSM: A Bulk Silicate Moon Model Enriched in Crustal-Component
Togashi S, Kita NT, Tomiya A & Morishita Y
(2011) Magmatic Evolution of Lunar Highland Rocks Estimated from Trace Elements of Plagioclase in Regolith
Togashi S, Kita NT, Tomiya A & Morishita Y
(2003) Evolution of Ureilites by 26Al Heating of the Parent Body
Kita N, Ikeda Y, Togashi S, Shimoda G, Morishita Y & Weisberg M
(2002) Geochemical Evolution of Magmas in Fuji Volcano, Japan
Togashi S, Miyaji N, Yasui M, Ukawa M & Yoshida T
(2001) Mechanical Control of Trace Element Partition in Plagioclase
Togashi S, Kita NT, Tomiya A, Miyagi I & Morishita Y
(2001) Trace Element Abundance in Plagioclase from the DAG-319 Polymict Ureilite
Kita NT, Togashi S, Ikeda Y & Morishita Y
(2000) Young Upper Crustal Chemical Composition of the Orogenic Japan Arc
Togashi S, Imai N, Okuyama-Kusunose Y, Tanaka T, Okai T, Koma T & Murata Y

Togawa O. (2011) 129I as an Oceanographic Tracer in the Japan Sea
Suzuki T, Minakawa M, Otosaka S & Togawa O
(2009) The Evaluation for the Turnover Time of the Japan Sea Bottom Water by 129I
Suzuki T, Minakawa M & Togawa O

Toggweiler J.R. (2009) Temperature Differences between the Hemispheres Drive Ice-Age Climate Variability
Toggweiler JR
(2006) The Once and Future Battles between Thor and the Midgard Serpent: The Southern Hemisphere Westerlies and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Russell J, Dixon K, Gnanadesikan A, Toggweiler JR & Stouffer R
(2004) Shifted Westerlies Caused Low CO2 during Cold Glacial Periods
Russell J & Toggweiler R

Tognelli A. (2017) Logging for the Structure of Groundwater Age with Passive Samplers
Meyzonnat G, Barbecot F, Corcho Alvarado JJA, Tognelli A, Mc Cormack R & Lauzon J-M
(2012) Events Control of Karst Aquifer Recharge
Delbart C, Barbecot F, Valdes D, Tognelli A & Purtschert R

Togo Yoko (2016) Co-occurrence and Metabolic Consequences of Candidate Bacterial Phyla and Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing Archaea in the Deep Crustal Biosphere
Ino K, Hernsdorf A, Konno U, Kouduka M, Sunamura M, Hirota A, Togo Y, Ito K, Fukuda A, Iwatsuki T, Mizuno T, Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Yanagawa K, Ishimura T, Amano Y, Thomas B, Banfield J & Suzuki Y
(2016) Areal Distribution, Chemical Feature and Flux of Slab-Derived Fluid Upwelling to the Surface in Japan: Geochemical Evidence from Groundwater Surveys
Kazahaya K, Togo Y, Takahashi H, Takahashi M, Yasuhara M, Sato T, Morikawa N, Iwamori H & Tanaka H
(2016) Origin of Deep Saline Groundwater Based on Halogen Composition in Tohoku
Togo Y, Kazahaya K, Takahashi M, Takahashi H, Morikawa N, Tosaki Y, Sato T & Horiguchi K
(2013) Migration of Radiocesium and Radioiodine in Soil-Water-River System Related to Fukushima-Diichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Takahashi Y, Fan Q, Sakaguchi A, Togo Y & Tanaka K
(2011) Transformation of Iodide to Organic Iodine in Soil-Water System
Togo Y & Takahashi Y

Togo Yuichi (2008) Geochemical Mapping in Kobe Area, Southwest Japan: Elemental Behaviors and Controlling Factors
Tsuboi M, Imamura K, Kagawa Y, Okabe M, Okauchi K, Osaki S, Shibata H, Tanaka M, Togo Y & Yamamura H

Togola A. (2023) Towards a Robust Reactive Transport Model to Simulate Fate and Transport of PFAS from Surface to Groundwater
Devau N, Mertz S, Thouin H, Djemil M, Colombano S, Togola A, Lion F, Derx J, Oudega TJ, Bosch C & Lions J

Toh S. (2016) Estimation of Intracrystalline Distribution Coefficient of Mg-Fe Ions in Olivine Using S/TEM
Miyake A, Toh S, Fukunaga K, Kuribayashi T & Igami Y

Toh Y. (2003) Trace Element Analysis by Multiple Gamma Ray Detection Method
Toh Y, Oshima M, Matsumoto R, Gharaie M, Hatsukawa Y & Kimura A
(2003) Geochemical Evidence for Environmental Changes at Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Leading to the Mass Extinction
Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Kakuwa Y, Milroy P, Toh Y & Oshima M
(2003) Ir Anomalies in Marine Sediments: Case Study for the Late Devonian Mass Extinction Event
Hatsukawa Y, Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Toh Y, Oshima M & Kimura A

Tohjima Y (2003) 13C/12C Ratio of CO2 Respired from Deciduous Needleleaf Forest Ecosystem in East Asia
Takahashi Y, Machida T, Tohjima Y, Fujinuma Y & Inoue G
(2003) Measurements of Atmospheric O2/N2 Ratio from Two Monitoring Stations in Japan and Shipboard Sampling in the Western and Northern Pacific Region
Tohjima Y, Mukai H, Machida T & Nojiri Y

Tohjima Yasunori (2016) Onboard Observations of Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 during Arctic Cuises in 2012-2015
Tohjima Y, Sasano D, Kosugi N, Kameyama S, Ishidoya S, Ishijima K & Patra P

Tohver E. (2019) Helium Isotope Signatures of the Mantle Transition Zone
Timmerman S, Honda M, Burnham A, Amelin Y, Woodland S, Pearson G, Jaques L, Le Losq C, Bennett V, Bulanova G, Smith C, Harris J & Tohver E
(2018) Melt Water Surge at End Marinoan Glaciation: Os Isotopic Evidence
Hannah J, Stein H, Yang G, Markey R, Tohver E, Kjoll HJ & Torsvik T
(2017) Petrogenetic Indicators in Titanite: Using the Trace Element Signature to Constrain Polygenetic Titanite Growth and Garnet Growth
Scibiorski E, Kirkland C, Kemp T, Tohver E & Evans N
(2016) Monazite as a Tectonic and Shock Deformation Chronometer – Linking EBSD and U-Pb Analyses
Erickson T, Timms N, Reddy S, Cavosie A, Pearce M, Kirkland C & Tohver E
(2016) New 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Primary Hydrous Minerals from the Karoo LIP Magmas: Evidence for a Hydrated Source?
Ware B, Fernandes K, Jourdan F & Tohver E
(2016) Zircon Breaking Badd: Fingerprinting Impact Histories from ZrSiO4 and Zirconia Microstructures
Timms N, Cavosie A, Erickson T, Pearce M, Reddy S, Schmieder M, Tohver E, Zanetti M & Wittmann A
(2011) U-Pb Age, Geochemical and Hf-O Isotopic Constraints on Magma Source of the I-Type Calc-Alkaline Baimaxueshan Batholith (SW China): Implications for Crustal Recycling at Convergent Margin
Zi J, Cawood PA, Fan W, Tohver E, Wang Y & McCuaig TC
(2010) Multiple Isotope Geochronology of the Permo-Triassic Araguainha Impact Crater and Implications for the Carbon Isotope Record
Tohver E, Lana C, Cawood P, Fletcher I, Sherlock S, Jourdan F, Rasmussen B, Estrada B, Trindade R, Souza Filho C & Marangoni Y

Toimil-Morales M-E. (2020) Minerals Under Extreme Conditions: Heavy Ion Irradiations Under High Pressure and in situ Raman Spectroscopy
Tzifas I, Voss K-O, Boehler R, Lang M, Merk B, Toimil-Morales M-E, Severin D & Trautmann C

Toju H. (2014) Preservation of Ancient Eukaryotic DNA in Methane Hydrate-Associated Marine Sediments
Kouduka M, Tanabe AS, Yamamoto S, Yamaguchi Y, Yanagawa K, Toju H & Suzuki Y

Tok E. (2022) Changes in the Marine Primary Productivity in the Marmara Sea (Turkey) during the Past Millennia Inferred from the Marine Sediment Biogeochemistry
Olgun Kıyak N, Bedir S, Tok E, Balci N & Sancar Ü

Tokai A. (2020) Estimation of the Risk Under the Accident that Hexamethylenetetramine Flows out to the River due to a Direct Earthquake
Hamamoto S, Ito L, Yoneyama N & Tokai A
(2020) Comprehensive Assessment of Health Risks from Cars, Including Photochemical Oxidants and Noises
Okazaki Y, Ito L & Tokai A
(2020) Sustainability and Reducing Environmental Impacts by Recycling Rare Metals for Electric Vehicle Batteries
Sakunai T, Ito L & Tokai A

Tokano T. (2007) Methane Hydrological Cycle on Titan
Tokano T
(2003) Production of Organic Species by Lightning in Titan’s Atmosphere
Tokano T

Tokarev I. (2021) Origin of Non-Equilibrium Uranium (234U/238U) in Barents Sea
Tokarev I, Iakovlev E, Zykov S & Zimina I
(2021) Isotope Signs (234U/238U, 2H, 18O) for the Paleo-Permafrost Existence in European Russia
Iakovlev E, Tokarev I, Zykov S, Iglovsky S & Ivanchenko N
(2020) Chemical Stability vs. Isotope Changes in Ferrous Mineral Water (Karelia, Northwest Russia)
Yakovlev E, Tokarev I, Borodulina G, Kamensky I & Skiba V
(2015) Water Cycle of a Subarctic Hydrothermal System
Malov A, Bolotov I, Tokarev I & Pokrovsky O
(2013) Fingerprint of Last Glaciation on 2H and 18O in Groundwater of North-East Part of Baltic Artesian Basin
Tokarev I
(2013) Comparison of 2H, 18O, 3H and Radionuclides Migration in Groundwater Near the Liquid Waste Injection Site (Tomsk-7, Russia)
Avramenko I, Blazhennikova I & Tokarev I
(2013) The Study of the Ferruterous Mineral Water in Kareliya by Isotopic and Chemical Tracers
Blazhennikova I, Avramenko I & Tokarev I
(2011) Study of Naryn River (Central Asia) Runoff Formation by Stable Isotope
Samsonova A & Tokarev I
(2011) Comparison of 4He and 14C Dating, Noble-Gas Temperatures and Stable Isotope (δ2H, δ18O) Data for Groundwater in Stratified Aquifers (Tomsk-7, SE Siberia)
Tokarev I, Kipfer R, Tomonaga Y, Brennwald M & Vereschagina E
(2009) Tritium/3He Dating and Fast Changes of Groundwater Quality
Tokarev I, Kamensky I, Tolsrikhin I, Rumynin V & Zubkov A

Tokarska K. (2017) Precipitation Responses in the Southern Hemisphere Subtropics: Reconciling Palaeodata and Climate Model Projections
Woodhead J, Sniderman K, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R, Brown J, Lorbacher K, Gillett N, Tokarska K, Maas R & Meinhausen M

Tokarz W. (2020) Magnetic Fraction in Atmospheric Aerosols in Krakow (Poland)
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Michalik JM, Tokarz W, Żukrowski J, Gajewska M & Michalik M

Tokazhanov G. (2019) Molecular Behavior of Cr(VI) on the Surface of Iron Phosphate Mineral
Bae S, Tokazhanov G, Lem O, Han S & Lee W

Tokeshi R. (2003) How Carbonate System in Coral Reef Responds to Global Environmental Change?
Oomori T, Kitada Y, Fujimura H, Mori M, Tokeshi R & Noguchi T

Tokeshi Satoshi (2008) Non-Relationship between Slab Melting and High-Mg Andesite from Northwestern Kyushu, SW Japan
Tokeshi S, Kobayashi K & Nakamura E
(2007) Geochemical Dynamics in an Active Margin of East Asia: Implications from the Temporal and Spatial Geochemical Evolution of Magmatism in Northern Kyushu, SW Japan
Tokeshi S, Kobayashi K, Makishima A & Nakamura E

Tokeshi Satoshi (2012) Involvement of Recycled Silica-Rich Pyroxenite in Continental Intraplate Magmatism: Evidence from Alkaline Basalts in NW Kyushu, SW Japan
Tokeshi S, Tanaka R, Kobayashi K, Makishima A & Nakamura E

Tokeshi Satoshi (2016) Comprehensive Geochemical Analyses of Feromanganese (Fe-Mn) Nodule Reference Materials, JMn-1, Nod-P-1 and Nod-A-1
Tokeshi S, Fukami Y & Suzuki K
(2016) Geochemical and Geochronological Exploration of Multiple Plutons in Southwest Japan
Yemer T, Kitagawa H, Ota T, Tokeshi S & Nakamura E
(2016) Geochemistry of Cenozoic Basalts in Northern Kyushu
Kitagawa H, Sakaguchi C, Tokeshi S & Nakamura E

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