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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Todd A. (2017) Kaolin Minerals: Tracking Meteoric Alteration with an Example from Offshore Western Australia
Thomas A, Zwingmann H & Todd A
(2013) Clay Mineral Argon Release during Frictional Shear Experiments – Implications for Brittle Fault Dating
Zwingmann H, Den Hartog S & Todd A
(2011) Constraining Timing of Brittle Deformation – A Case Study from Fault Zones in Toki Granite, Japan
Yamasaki S, Zwingmann H, Todd A, Yamada K, Umeda K & Tagami T

Todd E. (2023) Chemical Geodynamics Insights from a Machine Learning Approach
Stracke A, Willig M, Genske F, Beguelin P & Todd E
(2020) Coupled Magmatic and Eruption Dynamics of the Puipui and Nearby Submarine Eruptions (Tonga)
Rubin K, Clague D, Michael P, Russo C, Jenner F, Gill J, Todd E, Finlayson V, Escrig S & Embley B
(2016) Zircon Ages and Compositions Constrain the Nature and Sources of Melting during and after Progressive Accretion of the Wrangellia Composite Terrane to the Southern Alaska Margin
Todd E, Jones J & Kylander-Clark A
(2015) Composition within and between Tonga Arc/Lau Basin Backarc Eruptions Reveal Wide Variety of Parent Melts Linked to Eruption Styles
Rubin K, Michael P, Jenner F, Clague D, Glancy S, Hellebrand E, Arculus R, Gill J, Todd E, Lupton J & Embley R
(2014) Geochronological and Geochemical Transects of the Western Alaska Range Batholith
Ayuso R, Haeussler P, Todd E, Box S, Jones J, Bradley D, Vazquez J, Karl S & Jackson J
(2014) Geochemistry and Tectonic Significance of Pluton Successions in the Western Alaska Range
Todd E, Jones J, Karl S, Ayuso R, Stelten M, Saltus R, Box S, Bradley D, Haeussler P & Gamble B
(2013) Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R
(2011) A Variably Enriched Mantle Wedge and Contrasting Melt Types during Arc Stages Following Subduction Initiation in the Southwest Pacific
Todd E, Gill J & Pearce J
(2009) Geochemistry, Geochronology and Tectonic Implications of Cross-Arc Ridge Volcanism in the Southern Kermadec Arc, SW Pacific
Gamble J, Wright I, Wysoczanski R, Todd E & McIntosh W
(2009) Hf Isotopic Evidence for Small-Scale Heterogeneity in the Mode of Mantle Wedge Enrichment: Southern Havre Trough Back-Arc
Todd E, Gill J, Wysoczanski R, Handler M, Wright I & Gamble J
(2009) Volatility in BABB: Implications for Nb/Ta in the Mantle Source Region
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Greig A, Wysoczanski R, Leybourne M, Todd E & Wright I
(2009) Creating New Continental Crust in Fiji-Tonga
Gill J, Todd E, Drewes E, Ishizuka O, Tani K & Campbell I
(2006) Hf mobility and immobility during subduction
Gill J, Tollstrup D & Todd E
(2001) Electronic Structures of Iron and Manganese Oxides: Theory and Experiment with Applications to Surface Electrochemistry
Sherman DM, Todd EC & Purton JA
(2000) Nature of Sulphide Mineral Surfaces Under Atmospheric Conditions: Results from NEXAFS
Todd E, Sherman DM & Purton JA
(2000) Mechanism of Cu Sorption onto Iron Oxides: Results from Sorption Isotherms and Spectroscopy
Peacock CL, Sherman DM, Todd E & Heasman DM

Todd Jonathan (2021) A Palaeogene Record of the Ionic Composition of Seawater and its Relationship to Atmospheric CO2
Evans D, Rosenthal Y, Erez J, Hauzer H, Cotton L, Zhou X, Stassen P, Pearson P, Renema W, Saraswati PK, Todd J, Müller W & Affek HP
(2011) An Eocene Analogue for the Future Oceanic Response to Increased CO2 – Existence of a Tropical Thermostat?
Evans D, Müller W, Todd J & Renema W

Todd Jonathan D. (2023) Seasonal Variations in Rate of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction and Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation in Coastal Salt Marshes
Zhu B, Marquand TI, Daunt CM, Clegg JA, Williams B, Todd JD & Turchyn A(V

Todd K. (2014) Permeability of Core-Forming Melts: A Multidimensional Approach
Watson H, Todd K, Shi K, Van Deusen J, Yu T & Wang Y
(2012) Rapid Core Segregation in Planetesimals: Results from in situ X-Ray Microtomography
Watson H, Todd K, Wang Y & Yu T

Todd M. (2015) Earth's Natural Fertilizer: Tracing Phosphorus in Dust from the Sahara Towards America's Tropical Rain Forests
Gross A, Turner B, Goren T, Pio C, Cardoso J, Tirosh O, Todd M, Rosenfeld D, Weiner T, Custodio D & Angert A

Todd Z. (2018) UV Light on Early Earth and on M-Dwarf Exoplanets: Implications for Prebiotic Chemistry
Ranjan S, Todd Z, Wordsworth R & Sasselov D
(2018) Sulfidic Anion Concentration on Early Earth for Surficial Origins-Of-Life Chemistry
Todd Z, Ranjan S, Sutherland J & Sasselov D

Todd-Brown K. (2018) Multiscale Investigations on Responses of Soil Heterotrophic Respiration to Moisture Changes
Zhifeng Y, Bond-Lamberty B, Todd-Brown K, Bailey V, SiLiang L, CongQiang L & Chongxuan L

Todes J. (2022) Support for a Revised Interpretation of the Lomagundi-Jatuli Event and Oxygenation after the GOE
Blättler C, Bryant RN, Razionale D, Todes J & Mwinde C

Todorov T.I. (2012) Regional Evaluation of Catchment-Scale Weathering: Surface-Water Chemical Indicators of Lithology, and Mechanical and Biological Effects
Wanty R, Bern C, Verplanck P, Schmidt T, Todorov T, SanJuan C & Fey D
(2012) Pre-Eruptive Conditions of Ore-Forming Magma that Produced the Henderson Molybdenite Deposit, CO: Insights from Melt Inclusions and Mineral Thermobarometry
Mercer CN, Hofstra AH, Todorov TI & Marsh EE

Todorova A. (2009) Combined Impact of Global Warming and CCN Number on Precipitation from Mid-Latitude Convective Clouds
Todorova A, Mitzeva R & Tsenova B

Todou G. (2011) Evaluation of Lake Biomarkers as Indicator of Environmental Changes along a Climatic Gradient in Cameroon
Schwab-Lavrič V, Garcin Y, Sachse D, Todou G, Séné O, Onana J-M, Achoundong G & Gleixner G

Todt W. (2004) Cathodoluminescence and U-Pb SHRIMP Study on Granulitic Zircons from Siberia
Todt W, Poller U & Huth J
(2004) New Archean to Proterozoic SHRIMP Ages on Granulites from the Siberian Carton
Poller U, Gladkochub D, Donskaya T, Mazukabzov A, Sklyarov E & Todt W
(2003) Isotopic Study of Two Co-existing Magmas in the Western Carpathians
Todt W, Poller U & Kohut M
(2003) Paleoproterozoic U-Pb Single Zircon Ages from Southern Siberia
Poller U, Gladkochub D, Donskaya T, Sklyarov E & Todt W
(2002) Metamorphic Evolution of the Western Tatra, Slovakia: New Geochemical and Geochronological Data
Todt W, Poller U, Jan·k M & Koh?t M
(2002) Age of Magmatism in the Ivrea Zone, NW Italy: A Zircon Study to Test the Emplacement Model
Peressini G, Poller U, Todt W, Quick JE, Sinigoi S & Sbisa' A
(2000) Tracing Ancient Mantle Sources: Origin of Gabbros and Peridotites from the ATC Ophiolite in Central Asia – Petrological, Trace Element and Isotopic Constraints
Pfänder J, Jochum KP, Todt W & Kröner A
(2000) Geochemical and Isotopic Characteristics of the Granitoids from the Velka Fatra (W-Carpathians) in Combination with U-Pb Ion-Microprobe and TIMS Single Zircon Dating
Poller U, Todt W, Kohut M & Janak M

Toechterle P. (2016) Monitoring of Cave Air CO2 Using High Temporal Resolution Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectroscopy
Mandic M, Toechterle P, Dublyansky Y, Jost H & Spötl C

Toellner Thomas (2014) Melt Detection of Candidate Core Materials at High Pressures Using Atomic Dynamics Measurements and a Fast Temperature Readout System
Zhang D, Jackson J, Zhao J, Sturhahn W, Alp E, Hu M & Toellner T

Toellner Thomas S. (2023) Linking Water and Ferric Iron in Earth's Lower Mantle
Buchen J, Pardo OS, Dobrosavljevic VV, Sturhahn W, Ishii T, Chariton S, Greenberg E, Toellner TS & Jackson JM

Toeroek S. (2012) X-Ray Microspectroscopic Investigations of Ni(II) Uptake by Argillaceous Rocks of the Boda Claystone Formation in Hungary
Daehn R, Osa¡n J, Breitner D, Saja I, Marques M, Baeyens B & Toeroek S

Toet S. (2017) Volatile Metabolite Fluxes from Natural Salt Marshes
Redeker K, Fenn K, Cai L, Toet S, Dumbrell A & Turchyn A

Toevs G. (2005) Alkalinity Measurement in Mining-Impacted Wetland Sediments Using Gas Chromatography
Finkelnburg D, Morra M, Toevs G & Borek V
(2005) Arsenic Mobilization in Mine-Impacted Sediments
Toevs G, Polizzotto M, Morra M, Strawn D, Fendorf S & Bostick B

Tofan E. (2014) Trace Metals Content in the Grasslands and Forest Soils from Republic of Moldova
Tofan E, Iancu OG, Jigau G, Buzgar N, Cozma V & Tanase A
(2013) Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Urban Soils of Chisinau City (Republic of Moldova)
Tofan E, Iancu GO, Jigau G & Buzgar N

Toffin L. (2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
(2009) Methanogens Diversity and Distribution in Sediments of the Häkon Mosby Mud Volcano
L'Haridon S, Roumagnac M, Estebanez V, Pignet P, Chalopin M & Toffin L
(2002) Cultivable Microbial Populations in Deep Marine Sediments
Toffin L & Prieur D

Toffolo L. (2023) The Link between Subducted Marine Microalgae and Volcanic Arc Emissions
Tumiati S, Faucher G, Monzillo A, Ferrari E, Toffolo L, Erba E & Poli S
(2023) From Subducted Organic Matter to COH Fluids: An Experimental Investigation on the Redox Dissolution of Carbonaceous Materials
Toffolo L
(2022) What Controls the Geochemical Variability of Massive Sulfide Deposits on Mid-Ocean Ridges? Indications from Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Toffolo L, Nimis P, Tret'yakov GA, Melekestseva IY & Beltenev VE
(2015) Hydrothermal Magnetite Ore in Seafloor Ultramafic Rocks? A Case from Cogne (NW Italian Alps)
Toffolo L, Martin S & Nimis P

Tofield-Pasche N. (2016) Life Under the Ice: Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Seasonally-Covered Lake Onego, Russia
Lyautey E, Ariztegui D, Bouffard D, Dubois N, Frossard V, Tofield-Pasche N, Perga M-E & Thomas C

Togami A. (2012) High-Precision Temperature Change at the Western Japan during the Past 10, 000 Years and its Effect on the Human Activity
Kawahata H, Matsuoka M, Togami A & Harada N

Togashi H. (2019) Combining Isoscapes and Segmental Isotope Analysis of Vertebrae to Study the Movement of Fishes
Tayasu I, Kato Y, Kamauchi H, Yoshimizu C, Matsubayashi J, Osada Y, Saitoh Y, Shin K, Nakano T, Togashi H & Kurita Y

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