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Tjallingii Rik (2015) Annual Lamination in a Recent Speleothem from Zoolithencave (Bavaria, Germany)
Riechelmann DFC, Jochum KP, Tjallingii R, Fohlmeister J, Richter DK, Brummer G-J & Scholz D

Tjallingii Rik (2021) Erosion Dynamics in Semi-Arid Areas of the Mediterranean Sea during Past Interglacials
Blanchet CL, Ramisch A, Jurikova H, Tjallingii R, Osborne A, Frank M & Brauer A

Tkachev Sergey (2011) Equation of State of Water and Melting Curve of Ice VII Based on Simultaneous Measurements of Sound Velocity and X-Ray Diffraction of Ice VII to 19 GPa and 873 K
Sang L, Farber D, Aracne C, Zhang J, Prakapenka V, Kantor I, Tkachev S, Zhuravlev K & Bass J

Tkachev Sergey N. (2022) Melting and Thermoelastic Properties of High-Pressure Ices Under Conditions of Planetary Interiors
Chen B, Lai X, Chao K-H, Zhu F, Zhang J, Tkachev SN, Zhang D, Chariton S & Prakapenka V

Tkahata N. (2020) New Morphotypes, Cell-Wall Structures, and Elemental Distribution of the Gunflint Microfossils
Sasaki K, Ishida A, Tkahata N, Sano Y & Kakegawa T

Tkalcec B. J. (2020) HR 3D Element Distribution by SR-Xrf Tomography of CM2 Material as Analog for Material Returned in Hayabusa2
Tkalcec BJ, Tack P, Brenker FE, De Pauw E, Vekemans B, Vincze L, Nakamura T, Matsumoto M, Amano K, Takahashi M, Fujioka Y, Kagawa E & Falkenberg G

Tkalcec Beverley J. (2015) The Complex History of an Olivine-Rich Diogenite NWA 5480
Tkalcec BJ & Brenker FE
(2011) EBSD Study of Lattice Preferred Orientation (LPO) of the Harzburgite NWA 5480
Tkalcec B & Brenker FE

Tkalčić H. (2021) Bayesian Joint Inversion Implies a Complex Multiscale Lowermost Mantle Overlaying Simple Core-Mantle Boundary Topography
Muir JB, Tanaka S & Tkalčić H

Tlig S. (2017) Ore Deposits and Epithermal Evidences Associated with Intra-Magmatic Faults at aïn El Araâr-Oued Belif Ring Structure (NW of Tunisia)
Ben Aissa W, Ben Aissa L, Ben Haj Amara A & Tlig S

Tlili A.

Tlustos P. (2011) Arsenic and its Compounds in Plants Growing in Soils Contaminated by Mining Activities
Pacáková I, Száková J, Goessler W & Tlustoš P
(2009) Influence of Organic Acids on Heavy Metals Mobilization in the Soil Suspension
Vesely T, Tlustos P & Szakova J

Tlusty M. (2018) Impacts of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Shell Mineralogy in the Juvenile American Lobster
San Antonio C, Tlusty M & Hannigan R
(2018) Ocean Acidification Alters Morphology of all Otolith Types, Delays Settlement in Clark’s Anemonefish (Amphiprion Clarkii)
Holmberg R, Freeburg E, Rhyne A, Tlusty M, Stebbins A, Nye S, Honig A, Johnston A, San Antonio C, Bourque B & Hannigan R
(2015) Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Otolith Development in Larval Haemulon Chrysargyreum
Holmberg R, Wilcox-Freeburg E, Tlusty M, Rhyne A, Bourque B & Hannigan R

Tnoumi A. (2019) Assessment of Heavy Metals Contamination in Sediment from the Khnifiss Lagoon (SW-Morocco)
Tnoumi A, Armiento G, Angelone M, Caprioli R, Crovato C, De Cassan M, Montereali M, Nardi E, Schirone A, Spaziani F, Fadili A & Zourarah B

To D. (2016) Characterization of Thiol, Disulfide and Persulfide Compounds for Environmental Studies Using Cyclic Voltammetry
To D & Crane EJ
(2016) Characterization of Forms of Sulfur that Predominate during S Reduction with Enzymes, in Microbial Cultures and in Sulfidogenic Environments
Crane E, To D, Zhu B, Li W, Kafantaris F & Druschel G

Tobase T. (2014) CO2 Speciation in Ca- and Na- Aluminosilicate Glasses as a Function of Melt Polymerization: A Multi-Nuclear NMR Study
Xue X, Kanzaki M, Floury P & Tobase T

Tobe H. (2016) Melting Relation in the Fe-S-Si System at 10 GPa: Implications for Mercury's Core
Tobe H, Suzuki A, Shibazaki Y, Sakamaki T & Ohtani E

Tobe R. (2021) Excretion of Biogenic Selenium Nanoparticles Depends on Outer Membrane Integrity in Escherichia Coli
Ochi A, Tobe R, Toyotake Y, Izu Y, Imai T & Mihara H
(2019) A Novel Selenite-Reducing System in the Dissimilatory Metal-Reducing Bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens
Mihara H, Jahan MI, Jinno M, Shimamoto N, Ishido Y, Juengwiwattanakitti P, Izu Y & Tobe R

Tobias C. (2010) Benthic Microalgae and Bacteria Facilitate Carbon and Nitrogen Retention in Shallow Photic Sediments
Hardison AK, Canuel EA, Anderson IC, Tobias C & Veuger B

Tobias P. (2003) The Age of the Border Cave 5 Mandible
Grün R, Beaumont P, Tobias P & Eggins S

Tobie G. (2019) Reaction Rates and Products of Olivine Alteration in Ammonia Aqueous Solutions: Application to Icy Worlds
Zandanel A, Truche L, Hellmann R, Tobie G & Marrocchi Y
(2019) Geodynamical Contexts for Water-Rock Interactions in Icy Worlds
Tobie G & Zandanel A

Tobimatsu Y. (2016) Relationships Among Morphology, Microstructure, and Noble Gas Signatures of Four Itokawa Grains
Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Mitsunari T, Tobimatsu Y, Uesugi M, Yada T, Karouji Y, Hidaka H & Kimura M

Tobin J.G. (2011) Splittings, Satellites and Fine Structure in the Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Actinides
Tobin JG

Tobin M. (2018) Garnet Records of Pressure and Fluid Pulses during Subduction
Viete D, Allen M, Tobin M, Ávila J & Seward G
(2013) Investigation of Fungal Decomposition of Leaf Lignin Using Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy
Kerr J, Baldwin D, Tobin M, Puskar L, Rees G & Silvester E

Tobin Thomas (2023) Diagenesis of Fossil gar Fish Scales with Implications for Geochronological and Paleoenvironmental Applications
Fink J, Tremblay MM, Tobin T, Stockli LD, Stockli DF & Ickert R
(2021) Survivorship vs. Extinction at the KPg Boundary: An Isotopic Look at Vital Effects in Bivalves
Petersen SV, Curley AN, Edie SM, Mohr RC, Oliphant E & Tobin T
(2019) Calcium Isotope Evidence for Environmental Change Before and Across the K-Pg Extinction
Linzmeier B, Jacobson A, Sageman B, Hurtgen M, Ankney M, Petersen S & Tobin T

Tobin Thomas S. (2018) Linking Deccan Volcanism and the Bolide Impact with Ca Isotope Stratigraphy from the Late Maastrichtian of Seymour Island, Antarctica
Linzmeier BJ, Jacobson AD, Sageman BB, Hurtgen MT, Ankney ME, Petersen SV & Tobin TS
(2018) Mercury Chemostratigraphy as Indicator of Deccan Volcanism in Hell Creek, Montana
Fendley I, Sprain C, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Renne P, Tobin T & Weaver L

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