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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Tisdale C. (2020) Products of Littoral Explosions and their Formation Conditions: A Case Study from Episode 58 of Puʻu ʻŌʻō, Kīlauea Volcano, HI
deGraffenried R, Houghton B, Walker B, Beucler O, Cline J, Cockshell W, Evans K, Mourey A, Nelson W, Tisdale C, Tremblay J & Zinn M

Tishchenko P. (2007) Silicate Weathering in Anoxic Marine Sediments
Wallmann K, Aloisi G, Haeckel M, Éisenhauer A, Tishchenko P & Pavlova G
(2006) A possible long-term CO2 sink through submarine weathering of detrital silicates
Aloisi G, Wallmann K, Tischenko P, Haeckel M, Pavlova G, Greinert J & Eisenhauer A

Tishchenko V. (2014) Fe2+ Catalyzed Iron Atom Exchange and Re-crystallization in Soils from the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
Thompson A, Tishchenko V, Meile C, Scherer M & Pasakarnis T
(2012) Fe Reduction and Atom Exchange Rates during Redox Oscillation of Luquillo CZO Forest Soils
Thompson A, Ginn B, Tishchenko V, Meile C, Wilmoth J, Pasakarnis T & Scherer M

Tishin P. (2021) Some Features of the Geological Structure and Ore Mineralization of the Anorogenic Gold Deposits in the West of Aldan Shield (Sakha-Yakutia, Russia)
Trumm T, Tishin P, Sokhorev K & Gladkov A
(2014) Geochronology (U/Pb, 40Ar/39Ar) of Sinkinematic Granites from Collision Orogens: Constraints from Caledonides of Western Cisbaikalia
Vladimirov A, Travin A, Mikheev E, Vladimirov V & Tishin P
(2013) Geochemistry of Ancient Estuarine Deposits on the Example of Pokurskaya Suit Sediments (West Siberia)
Afonin I, Tishin P & Tatyanin G
(2013) The Distribution of LILE and HFSE in the Magmatic Hydrothermal Systems of Mylonites on the Example of the Detachment-Closed Metamorphic Block (Eastern Trans-Baikalian Region, Russia)
Tishin P, Bukharova O & Kremer I
(2011) Geochemical Heterogeneity of the Clinoform Sequence by the Example of Neocomian Sediments of the West Siberian Plate
Afonin I, Tatyanin G & Tishin P
(2010) X-Ray Luminescence Study of REE Behaviour in Fluorites from Gold-Bearing Metasomatites, SE Siberia
Veklenko V, Boroznovskaya N, Tishin P, Biryukov E & Tsyro N
(2010) Neoproterozoic Alkaline Magmatism and Gold Deposits of the Yenisei Ridge, Central Siberia: A Result of the Plume Activity and Late Collisional Tectonics
Vrublevskii V, Gertner I, Tishin P, Veklenko V & Kozulina T
(2009) Geochemical Heterogeneity of Ultrabasic and Basic Rocks from Suture Zones of the Altai-Sayan Folded Area, Central Siberia
Gertner I, Krasnova T, Tishin P & Vrublevskii V

Tishmack J.K. (2002) Impact of Tire-Derived Fuel on the Chemical Composition of Coal-Combustion Products
Gieré R, Carleton LE, LaFree ST, Zingg A & Tishmack JK

Tisnerat-Laborde Nadine (2009) Millennium Scale Radiocarbon Variations in Eastern North Atlantic Thermocline Waters: 0-7000 Years
Frank N, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Colin C, Dottori M, Reverdin G & Hatté C

Tisnerat-Laborde Nadine (2015) Mid-Depth Northeast Atlantic 14C during the Past 30000 Years
Frank N, Wefing A-M, Hemsing F, Fohlmeister J, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Blamart D, Schröder-Ritzrau A & Carreiro-Silva M

Tisnerat-Laborde Nadine (2016) Holocene North Atlantic Mid-Depth Gyre Dynamics Revisited
Bonneau L, Colin C, Pons-Branchu E, Douville E, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Mienis F & Frank N

Tisnerat-Laborde Nadine (2017) Modern and Holocene Hydrological Variations of the NE Atlantic Inferred from Nd Isotopic Composition Analyzed on Seawater and Deep-Sea Corals
Colin C, Bonneau L, Dubois-Dauphin Q, Pons-Branchu E, Douville E, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Elliot M, Douarin M, Mienis F, Frank N, Swingedouw D & Eynaud F

Tisnerat-Laborde Nadine (2019) Carbonate Ion Effects on Elemental Ratios in Benthic Foraminifera Hoeglundina Elegans: Application to Intermediate Water Circulation in the North Indian Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
Ma R, Sepulcre S, Bassinot F, Haurine F, Tisnerat-Laborde N & Colin C

Tison J-L. (2023) New Insights on Greenland Ice Sheet Basal Processes: Modelling the Evolution of a Biological Signature and Diffusion Processes
Ardoin L, De Wit A, Tison J-L, Blunier T, Dahl-Jensen D, Steffensen JP & Fripiat F
(2016) Sulfur Isotope Variability of DMS(P) Production by Antarctic Sea Ice Microbial Communities
Carnat G, Said-Ahmad W, Fripiat F, Tison J-L & Amrani A
(2016) Unravelling the Origin(s) of Methane in Sea Ice Using Stable Isotope Ratios
Sapart CJ, Carnat G, Zhou J, Delille B, Niemann H, Röckmann T, van der Veen C & Tison J-L
(2015) Dust Depostition in Snow from Northeast Antarctica: Mineralogical, Morphological and Chemical Characterization
Vanderstraeten A, Bonneville S, Schoeman V, Flament P, Deboudt K, Grobéty B, De Vleeschouwer F, Le Roux G, Gieré R, Tison J-L & Debaille V
(2015) The Study of Air-Ice CO2 Exchange Emphasize the Importance of Gas Bubble Transport during Sea Ice Growth
Kotovitch M, Moreau S, Zhou J, Tison J-L, Dieckmann G, Van der Linden F, Thomas D & Delille B
(2015) Missing Carbon Source or Methodological Bias?
Roukaerts A, Zhou J, Fripiat F, Tison J-L & Dehairs F
(2015) Sea Ice in the Global Biogeochemical Cycles: How Much do We Care ?
Vancoppenolle M, Moreau S, Bopp L, Madec G, Delille B, Tison J-L & Lannuzel D
(2015) Mid-Winter Surveys of Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in Polar Oceans
Nomura D, Delille B, Dieckmann GS, Granskog MA, Tison J-L, Meiners KM, Fransson A, Ohshima KI & Tamura T
(2013) Unravel the Role of Sub-Arctic Lake Ice Cover on the Methane Budget: A Multi-Proxy Analysis
Sapart CJ, Boerenboom T, Röckmann T, Niemann H, van der Veen C & Tison J-L
(2012) Nitrate (delta15N) Isotopic Distribution in Antarctic Sea Ice
Fripiat F, Sigman DM & Tison J-L
(2009) Sediment-Rich Antarctic Basal Ice as a Habitat for Microorganisms
Montross S, Doyle S, Samyn D, Tison J-L, Christner B & Skidmore M
(2008) High-Accuracy Determination of Iron in Antarctic Waters by Isotope Dilution MCICPMS Using Nitrilotriacetic Acid Chelating Resin for Preconcentration and Matrix Separation
De Jong J, Schoemann V, Lannuzel D, Tison J-L & Mattielli N
(2008) Microbiological Control on the Cycling of Fe and its Isotopes in Antarctic Sea Ice
Schoemann V, De Jong J, Lannuzel D, Tison J-L, Delille B, Chou L, Lancelot C & Becquevort S

Tissandier L. (2023) Ni and Co Metal/Silicate Partitioning: Tracing Pressure and Oxygen Fugacity Conditions of Planetary Differentiation
Cartier C, Llado L, Pirotte H, Tissandier L, Namur O, Charlier B & Collinet M
(2023) New C and S Metallic Reference Materials for SIMS Analysis
Dalou C, Villeneuve J, Tissandier L, Riguet L & Paris G
(2023) Experimental Investigation of Metal-Silicate Germanium Isotopic Fractionation at Equilibrium: Insights into Early Planetary Differentiation
Le Bellego B, Luais B, Dalou C, Cividini D, Motto-Ros V & Tissandier L
(2019) Nitrogen Solubility in the Upper Terrestrial Magma Ocean: An Experimental Approach
Boulliung J, Füri E, Dalou C, Tissandier L, Zimmermann L & Marrocchi Y
(2019) Experimental Germanium Isotopic Fractionation Under HT, fO2-controlled Conditions of Core Formation and Accretion
Luais B, Phelipeau A, Toplis M, Cividini D, Tissandier L, Florin G & Alard O
(2017) Si-Rich Glass Inclusions Trapped within Olivines of Type IA Chondrules: Only Relicts of the First Magmas of the Solar System?
Faure F, Tissandier L, Florentin L & Devineau K
(2017) The Diffusion Coefficients of Noble Gases (He-Ar) in a Synthetic Basaltic Liquid: One-Dimensional Diffusion Experiments
Tissandier L, Burnard P, Amalberti J & Laporte D
(2015) Synthesis of Refractory Organic Matter in the Ionized Gas Phase of the Solar Nebula
Kuga M, Marty B, Marrocchi Y & Tissandier L
(2013) Redox and Pressure Controls on Iron Isotope Variations in MORBS Determined by NRIXS Spectroscopy
Roskosz M, Dauphas N, Alp EE, Sio CK, Tissot FLH, Neuville DR, Hu M, Zhao J, Tissandier L, Cordier C & Médard E
(2012) Origin of Q-Gases in Pristine Meteorites: An Experimental Study
Kuga M, Marty B, Marrocchi Y, Tissandier L & Zimmermann L
(2012) Iron Isotope Geochemistry with a Synchrotron Light Beam
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Alp E, Sio C, Tissot F, Neuville D, Hu M, Zhao J, Tissandier L & Medard E
(2011) Influence of Glass Composition on Si and Ca Isotope Measurements by SIMS
Tissandier L, Rollion-Bard C & Caro G

Tisserand A. (2017) Calibration of the Clumped Isotope Thermometer for Planktonic and Benthic Foraminifera
Meckler N, Meinicke N, Piasecki A, Ho L, Tripati A, Tisserand A & Bernasconi S
(2009) New Mg/Ca Calibration of Benthic Foraminiferal Species: Mapping of the Tropical Thermocline Dynamics
Tisserand A, Dokken T, Scao V, Jorissen F, Fontanier C & Gherardi J-M

Tisserand D. (2012) Origin, Mobility, and Temporal Evolution of Arsenic from a Low-Contaminated Catchment in Alpine Crystalline Rocks
Pili E, Tisserand D, Casiot C & Bureau S
(2009) Dissolution Kinetics of Diopside as a Function of the Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction
Hellmann R, Daval D, Tisserand D, Martinez I, Corvisier J & Guyot F
(2008) Bridging the ‘Gap’ between Laboratory Dissolution and Natural Chemical Weathering
Tisserand D & Hellmann R
(2008) Investigating the Dissolution Behavior of Serpentine
Hellmann R, Daval D, Tisserand D, Martinez I & Guyot F
(2007) Investigating the Dependence of Feldspar Dissolution Rates on Gibbs Free Energy in the Presence of High pCO2
Hellmann R, Daval D & Tisserand D
(2005) Feldspar Dissolution Rates and the Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction
Hellmann R & Tisserand D
(2002) Arsenic Removal by Gypsum and Calcite: The Continuum between Sorption and Solid-Solution Phenomenon
Roman-Ross G, Cuello G, Tisserand D & Charlet L

Tisserand N. (2004) Structural and Magnetic Role of Iron in Obsidians
Galoisy L, Calas G, Elmaleh A & Tisserand N

Tisserant G. (2012) Light is an Active Contributor to Vital Effect in Coral Skeleton Proxies
Juillet-Leclerc A, Reynaud S, Dissard D, Tisserant G & Ferrier-Page C

Tissir F-E. (2022) Position of Precambrian Magmatism and Metamorphism of the High Atlas in the West Africain Craton
Tissir F-E, Reddad A, Elhaibi H, Elhadi H & Mehdioui S

Tissot Francois (2017) Determining the Abundance of 247Cm in the Early Solar System: Implications for the R-Process of Nucleosynthesis
Tissot F, Tang H, Dauphas N, Grossman L, Liu M-C & McKeegan K
(2017) Strontium Stable Isotope Variations in Allende Fine-Grained Inclusions
Charlier B, Tissot F & Dauphas N
(2016) Iron Equilibrium Fractionation Factors from Ab Initio, NRIXS, and Lab Experiments: The Path Forward
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Blanchard M, Alp E, Hu M, Baptiste B, Morin G, Zhao J, Hu J & Tissot F
(2012) Iron Isotope Geochemistry with a Synchrotron Light Beam
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Alp E, Sio C, Tissot F, Neuville D, Hu M, Zhao J, Tissandier L & Medard E

Tissot François L. H. (2015) Spinel-Olivine-Pyroxene Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Fractionation and Applications to Natural Peridotites
Roskosz M, Sio C, Dauphas N, Bi W, Tissot F, Hu M & Alp E
(2013) Introducing PT-Hplc
Tissot F, Ireland T, Yokochi R & Dauphas N
(2013) Introducing a Comprehensive Data Reduction Algorithm for High-Precision U-Th Geochronology with Isotope Dilution MC-ICP-MS
Pourmand A, Tissot FLH, Arienzo M, McGee D & Sharifi A
(2013) Redox and Pressure Controls on Iron Isotope Variations in MORBS Determined by NRIXS Spectroscopy
Roskosz M, Dauphas N, Alp EE, Sio CK, Tissot FLH, Neuville DR, Hu M, Zhao J, Tissandier L, Cordier C & Médard E
(2013) MC-ICPMS and NRIXS: A Stereo View of Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Silicic Magmas
Dauphas N, Roskosz M, Telus M, Hu M, Alp E, Moynier F, Sio C, Tissot F, Teng F, Neuville D, Nabelek P, Craddock P, Groat L & Zhao J

Tissot Francois L. H. (2020) Evidence of Presolar SiC in the Allende Fine-Grained CAIs
Pravdivtseva O, Tissot FLH, Dauphas N & Amari S
(2020) δ94/90Zr Variations in Granites
Kirkpatrick H, Harrison M, Liu M-C, Bell E, Tissot F & Ibañez-Mejia M
(2020) Nucleosynthetic W-Mo Isotope Variations in Solar System Materials
Budde G, Tissot FLH, Burkhardt C & Kleine T

Tissot François L.H. (2023) Ruthenium Isotope Composition of the K-Pg Impactor and Terrestrial Impact Structures
Fischer-Gödde M, Tusch J, Goderis S, Bragagni A, Mohr-Westheide T, Messling N, Elfers B-M, Schmitz B, Reimold WU, Tissot FLH, Koeberl C, Claeys P, Maier W & Münker C
(2023) Reappraising the U Isotope Composition of Seawater and Deep-Sea Corals: Implications for Paleo-Environmental Reconstructions
Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Li H, Ellwood MJ, John SG, Middag R & Adkins JF
(2023) Intra-Crustal Zirconium Stable Isotope Systematics in an Active Continental Arc
Zieman L, Ibanez-Mejia M, Tissot FLH, Tompkins H, Pardo-Villaveces N & Bloch EM
(2023) High-Precision Zirconium Isotope Analysis of Pacific Seawater Reveals Large Mass-Dependent Fractionations in the Ocean
Huang L, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Forsch KO, Arendt CA, Choy CA & Aarons SM
(2023) Are Presolar Materials Preserved in Coarse-Grained CAIs from Allende? Insights from Step-Leaching Experiments
Charlier BLA, Tissot FLH & Amelin Y
(2022) Search for the Carriers of P-Process Anomalies in Early Solar System Condensates
Marquez RT, Charlier BLA, Abbott T, Smeets P, Heck PR & Tissot FLH
(2022) Apparent Mo Isotope Anomalies Resulting from Non-Exponential Mass Fractionation
Budde G, Tissot FLH, Kleine T & Marquez RT
(2022) How do I and Pu Partition during Core Formation? Constraints from First-Principles Molecular Dynamics and Implications
Liu W, Zhang Y, Tissot FLH, Avice G & Yin Q-Z
(2022) Establishing and Calibrating the Zr Isotope Reference Material (iRM)
Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Vocke R, Rabb S, Fehr M, Schönbächler M, Tang H & Young ED
(2022) The Oxidation State of Uranium in Zircon from U M4-edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Houchin SK, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Newville M, Lanzirotti A & Pavia F
(2022) Iron Isotopes in Mantle and Cumulate Xenoliths from Adak Island, Central Aleutians
Sosa ES, Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Kay SM & Kay R
(2022) Fractionation of Iron Isotopes between Strongly Peraluminous Granites and their Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of the Archean Ghost Lake Batholith
Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Sosa ES, Tissot FLH & Kipp MA
(2022) Controls on the Zr Stable Isotope Composition and Variability of Earth’s Upper Mantle
Ibanez-Mejia M, Garrido CJ & Tissot FLH
(2022) Experimental Constraints on Zr Stable Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Zircon Crystallization
Tompkins HGD, Ibanez-Mejia M, Tissot FLH, Wang Y, Trail D & Bloch E
(2022) A Shale-Hosted Selenium Isotope Record of Paleozoic Ocean Oxygenation
Kipp MA, Bubphamanee K, Stüeken EE, Tissot FLH, Algeo TJ, Brocks JJ, Dahl TW, Kinsley J & Buick R
(2022) What Drives Copper Isotope Effects in the Serum of Cancer Patients? Mechanistic Insights from box Modeling
Miaou E & Tissot FLH
(2022) Shark Teeth: A New U Isotopic Archive for Paleoredox Reconstruction?
Li H, Kipp MA, Kim SL, Kast ER & Tissot FLH
(2021) Robustly Quantifying Seafloor Anoxia Using Uranium Isotope Data from Ancient Marine Sediments
Kipp MA & Tissot FLH
(2021) On the Analytical 183W Effect and the Interpretation of Terrestrial W Isotope Variations
Budde G, Archer GJ, Tissot FLH & Kleine T
(2019) Single-Grain 238U/235U Measurements in Early Earth Zircons
Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Boehnke P, Dauphas N, McGee D, Grove TL & Harrison TM
(2019) Initial 87Sr/86Sr Chronology of Allende Fine-Grained CAIs from Step Leaching Experiments
Charlier B, Tissot F, Dauphas N, Vollstaedt H & Wilson C
(2019) In situ d94/90Zr Variations in Zircon
Kirkpatrick H, Harrison TM, Liu M-C, Tissot F & Ibanez-Mejia M
(2019) A New Perspective on Refractory Element Fractionation from REE Isotope Systematics in CAIs
Hu J, Dauphas N, Tissot FLH, Yokochi R & Ireland TJ
(2019) Zr Stable Isotope Variability in the Silicate Earth: Is Zircon to Blame?
Ibanez-Mejia M, Tissot FLH, Grohn LJ & Tompkins HGD

Tissot Francois.L.H. (2018) Beyond REE Abundance Patterns: REE Stable Isotopic Compositions
Hu JY, Dauphas N, Tissot FLH, Yokochi R & Ireland T
(2018) S-Process Xe and Kr Enrichment in the Allende CAI Curious Marie: Case for a Presolar SiC Carrier
Pravdivtseva O, Tissot F, Dauphas N, Meshik A & Amari S
(2018) Calculating Isotope Anomalies: A Bayesian Approach
Boehnke P, Steele R, Tissot F & Davis A
(2018) Experimental Constraints on the Redox State and Size of the Angrite Parent Body
Tissot F, Collinet M, Dauphas N & Grove T
(2018) Zr Stable Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Processes
Ibanez-Mejia M & Tissot F

Titarenko S. (2014) Hydrothermal Circulation In Fault Slots with Topography
Titarenko S & McCaig A
(2014) Static and Fault-Related Alteration In The Lower Ocean Crust, IODP Expedition 345, Hess Deep
McCaig A, Titarenko S, Faak K, Harigane Y, Marks N, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R & Gillis K

Titelboim D. (2022) The Role of Symbiont Bearing Benthic Foraminiferal Biomineralization in Coastal Environments Undergoing Warming
Manda S, Pinko D, Abramovich S, Ashckenazi-Polivoda S, Titelboim D, Abdu U, Almogi-Labin A, Herut B, Kucera M & Morard R
(2022) Establishing Baseline Assessment Levels for Monitoring Coastal Heavy Metals Using Foraminiferal Shells: A Case Study from the Southeastern Mediterranean
Hoober L, Titelboim D, Abramovich S, Herut B, Teutsch N, Benaltabet T & Torfstein A
(2022) The Combined Effects of Rising Temperature and Salinity may Halt the Future Proliferation of Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera as Ecosystem Engineers
Kenigsberg C, Titelboim D, Ashckenazi-Polivoda S, Herut B, Kucera M, Almogi-Labin A, Hyams-Kaphzan O & Abramovich S
(2017) The Faithfulness of Foraminiferal Calcite as a Seawater Chromium Recorder
Parkinson I, Remmelzwaal S, Sadekov A, Titelboim D, Roepert A, Schmidt D, Abramovich S, Polerecky L & Middelburg J

Titley S. (2007) Potential Utility of Cu Isotopes to Recognize Secondary Cu Mineralization and the Degree of Enrichment
Mathur R, Brantley S, Wall A, Kimball B, Barra F, Titley S, Munizaga F & Makseav V
(2001) Natural Oxidation and Leaching Processes in Copper-Iron Sulfide Systems
Titley SR & Enders MS
(2000) Different Crustal Sources for Au-Rich and Au-Poor Ores of the Grasberg Porphyry Copper Deposit, Irian Jaya
Mathur R, Ruiz J, Titley S & Gibbins S

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