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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Tinkham Douglas K. (2015) Complex Zircon Morphologies and Zr-Hf Mobilization Produced by Partial Melting of Metabasalts in the Sudbury Igneous Complex Contact Aureole
Jørgensen TRC, Tinkham DK & Lesher CM
(2008) Timing and Duration of Metamorphism and Melting Recorded in Garnet: Fiordland, NZ
Stowell H, Tulloch A, Tinkham D & Gatewood M
(2008) Equilibrium and Kinetics in Metamorphism of Pelites in the Nelson Aureole, British Columbia
Pattison D & Tinkham D
(2005) Equilibrium and Fractional Crystallization in Prograde Metamorphism Revisited
Tinkham DK & Pattison DRM
(2005) Unreactivity of Garnet in Low Pressure Metapelites
Pattison D, Tinkham D & Yang P
(2002) Integration of Phase Equilibria Modelling and Garnet Sm-Nd Geochronology for Construction of P-T-T Paths: Examples from the Cordilleran Coast Plutonic Complex, USA
Stowell H & Tinkham D

Tinnacher Ruth (2023) Changes in Uranium(VI) Solution Speciation and Adsorption Behavior with Increasing Temperature
Tinnacher R, Urick B & Tournassat C
(2023) Experimental Investigation of Uranium(VI) Adsorption onto Montmorillonite at Elevated Temperatures
Urick B, Tinnacher R & Tournassat C
(2022) Effects of Temperature on uranium(VI) Solution Speciation and Sorption Behavior
Urick B, Tournassat C & Tinnacher R
(2021) Effects of Temperature on uranium(VI) Solution Speciation
Urick B, Tournassat C & Tinnacher R
(2021) Molecular-Level Insights on Uranium Surface Speciation in Engineered Barrier Systems
Bhattacharyya A, Massey M, Grangeon S, Tournassat C & Tinnacher R
(2021) Effects of Heat and Dissolved Calcium on the Sorption of Uranium(VI) in Bentonite Barrier Systems
La DQQ, Gutierrez Diaz A, Voltolini M, Carrero S, Sauer K, Fox PM, Bhattacharyya A, Caporuscio F & Tinnacher R
(2020) Sorption of Uranium(VI) onto Montmorillonite in the Presence of Calcite
Urick B, Shaw A, La DQ, Gutierrez Diaz A, Tournassat C & Tinnacher R
(2020) Characterizing Uranium Surface Speciation on Na-Montmorillonite
Tinnacher R, Massey M, Bhattacharyya A, Grangeon S & Tournassat C
(2014) Characterization, Transformation, and Mobilization of Sediment-Associated Natural Organic Matter in Subsurface Sediments
Fox P, Tinnacher R, Nico P, Gilbert B & Davis J
(2013) Numerical Interpretation of Laboratory and Field Data Showing CO2-induced Groundwater Changes
Zheng L, Tinnacher R, Varadharajan C, Spycher N, Bianchi M, Nico P, Birkholzer J, Trautz R & Pugh J
(2010) Subsurface Transport of Pu on Nanominerals: Teasing out Biogeochemical Controls in Field Environments
Kersting A, Zavarin M, Dai Z, Felmy A, Kips R, Moser D, Powell B, Tinnacher R & Zaho P

Tinnacher Ruth M. (2018) Effects of Calcite Impurities in Bentonite Buffer Systems on Uranium(VI) Solution Speciation and Sorption Behavior
Tinnacher RM, Pistorino JC, Hall NG & Tournassat C
(2018) Simulation of Uranium(VI) Speciation and Sorption in Montmorillonite Clay in the Presence of Calcite Impurities
Pistorino J, Tournassat C & Tinnacher R

Tino Christopher (2020) Nitrogen Isotope Ratios Trace High pH in a Terrestrial Mars Analog Site
Tino C, Stüeken E, Arp G, Jung D & Lyons T
(2020) Hydrological Controls on Sulfur Cycling in the Green River Formation
Cremiere A, Cui X, Tino C, Pommer M, Roychowdhury M, Sarg F, Lyons T, Summons R, Sessions A & Adkins J
(2019) Evaluating δ15N as a High pH Proxy for Closed-Basin Lacustrine Systems
Tino C, Stüeken E, Gregory D, Arp G, Jung D & Lyons T
(2019) Co-evolution of Early Environments and Microbial Life
Lyons T, Tino C, Anderson R, Fournier G, Kappler A, Leavitt W, Magnabosco C, Stüeken E & Zerkle A
(2018) δ15N as a pH Proxy for the Miocene Ries Impact Crater Lake
Tino C, Stüeken E, Arp G, Jung D & Lyons T

Tino Christopher J. (2023) Revisiting the Mid-Proterozoic Marine Oxygenation Event at ~1.1 Ga
Tu C, Ghnahalla M, El Albani A, Tino CJ, Owens JD & Lyons TW
(2023) Dampened Nitrogen Cycling can Manifest as Elevated 15N in the Sediments of Shallow Alkaline-Hypersaline Lakes
Tino CJ, Stüeken EE, Gregory DD & Lyons TW
(2022) Large Sulfur Isotope Variation Exhibits Uncertain Biosignature Potential at an Ancient Hydrothermal Mars Analog
Tino CJ, Stüeken EE, Arp G, Böttcher ME, Bates SM & Lyons TW
(2022) Sulfur and Oxygen Isotope Study of Sulfur Cycling in a Polymictic Eutrophic Saline Lake, Salton Sea, California
Hung C, Diamond C, Gilhooly W, Tino CJ & Lyons TW

Tinseau E. (2006) Se-Soil Organic Matter interactions: direct or indirect association?
Chabroullet C, Coppin F, Martin-Garin A, Floriani M, Tinseau E & Gaudet J-P

Tippelt G. (2014) 27Al and 29Si MAS-NMR and 57Fe Mössbauer Study of Iron-Bearing Grossular and Pyrope Garnet: Implications for Order/Disorder
Palke A, Stebbins J, Geiger C & Tippelt G

Tipper Edward (2021) REE and Nd Isotopes in Sedimentary Fe Oxides as Proxies for Shale Weathering
Bayon G, Jang K, Vigier N, Tachikawa K, Larkin C, Piotrowski A & Tipper E
(2021) Distinct Organic Carbon Dynamics in the Irrawaddy, Salween, and Mekong River Basins
Baronas JJ, Hilton RG, Stevenson EI, Bickle M & Tipper E
(2020) Lithium Isotope Fractionation in Aqueous Glass Dissolution
Goût T, Misra S, Tipper E, Bohlin M, Guo R & Farnan I
(2020) Deconvolving the Effects of Lithology, Sorting, and Chemical Weathering Using Compositional Analysis of Irrawaddy River Sediments
Baronas JJ, Lipp A, Stevenson E, Bickle M, Shorttle O & Tipper E
(2020) Sulfuric Acid Weathering in a High Arctic Watershead
Stevenson E, Murphy M, Relph K, Tipper E, Turchyn S, Pogge Von Strandmann P & Christensen T
(2020) A Trapdoor in the Carbon Cycle: The Global Implications of Riverine Carbonate Chemistry
Knapp W, Stevenson E & Tipper E
(2020) Lithium Isotope Fractionation during the Formation of Secondary Minerals in Large Rivers
Feng L & Tipper E
(2020) Using Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes to Partition Sources of Riverine Sulfate
Relph K, Stevenson E, Turchyn S, Antler G, Bickle M, Baronas J, Parsons D, Darby S & Tipper E
(2020) Evolution & Stability of Sediment Chemistry in Himalayan Rivers
Hughes G, Tipper E, Bickle M & Andermann C
(2020) Muddying the Waters: Sediment Water Cation Exchange Reduces Silicate Weathering Feedback
Tipper E, Stevenson E, Alcock V, Knight A, Larkin C, Feng L, Bickle M, Baronas J, Relph K, Hilton R & Hughes G
(2018) Old Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Mackenzie River Basin: A Smoking gun for the Degradation of Aged Organic Matter?
Hilton R, Tipper E, Galy V, Garnett M, Dellinger M, Schwab M, Tank S, Bryant C, Ascough P & Eglinton T
(2018) Sources of Sulfate in the Mekong River
Relph K, Tipper E, Bickle M, Turchyn A, Antler G, Feng L & Baronas J
(2017) Erosion and Weathering Drive Net CO2 Drawdown in the Mackenzie River Basin over Geological Time
Horan K, Hilton R, Dellinger M, Galy V, Gaillardet J, Tipper E, Selby D, Ottley C & Burton K
(2017) Carbonate Weathering Processes: Controls and Rates
Calmels D, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J & Tipper E
(2017) Synthesis of Layer Silicate Minerals by Co-precipitation: A Tool for Systematic Isotope Fractionation Studies
Tosca R, Hindshaw R, Tosca N & Tipper E
(2017) Controls on the Mackenzie River Sediment Geochemistry
Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Hilton RG, Galy V, Bouchez J, Tipper E & Calmels D
(2017) Silicate and Carbonate Weathering in the Mighty Mekong River Basin
Relph K, Tipper E, Bickle M, Parsons D, Darby S & Robinson R
(2017) Linking Isotope Fractionation and Secondary Mineral Formation in Field and Laboratory Settings
Tipper E & Hindshaw R
(2017) Li and Mg Isotope Fractionation during Clay Mineral Formation
Hindshaw R, Tosca R, Tosca N & Tipper E
(2015) Re-assessing the Weathering Signature of Continental Waters
Tipper E
(2015) Chemical Weathering in the Flood Plain of the Ganges
Bickle M, Chapman H, Tipper E, Galy A, de la Rocha C & Ahmad T
(2015) Stable Isotope Fractionation during Porous Flow with Fluid-Solid Exchange
Bohlin M, Misra S, Tipper E & Bickle M
(2015) Experimental Determination of Mg, Si and Li Isotope Fractionation during Clay Mineral Formation
Tosca R, Tosca N & Tipper E
(2015) Li and Mg-Isotopic Tracers of Fluid Mineral Reactions in Natural Analogues for Geological Carbon Storage
Morgan A, Tipper E, Bohlin M, Misra S & Bickle M
(2015) Ocean Acidification and the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction: Process and Manifestation
Kasemann S, Wood R, Clarkson M, Lenton T, Daines S, Richoz S, Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Poulton S & Tipper E
(2012) Inter-Mineral Mg Isotope Fractionation in Mantle Xenoliths
Stracke A, Tipper ET & Bizimis M
(2012) Mg Isotopes in Natural Waters: What do They Mean?
Tipper E
(2011) A Paradox between Mg and Li Isotope Ratios during Weathering
Tipper E, Calmels D, Gaillardet J, Louvat P, Capmas F & Dubacq B
(2010) Tracing Mg Transfer from Rock to the Oceans: Insights from Mg Isotope Ratios in the Rivers of the Mackenzie Basin
Tipper E, Gaillardet J & Calmels D
(2010) Silicate Weathering and Si Isotope Fractionation in a Glacial, Granitic Catchment
Reynolds B, Lemarchand E, Hindshaw R, Tipper E & Bourdon B
(2009) Process-Related Mg Isotope Fractionation during a Seasonal Cycle in a Granitic Catchment
Tipper E, Lemarchand E, Hindshaw R & Bourdon B
(2009) Li Isotope Fractionation in Surface Waters of an Alpine Granitic Catchment
Lemarchand E, Tipper ET, Hindshaw R, Wiederhold JG, Reynolds BC, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Ca Isotope Ratios in the Largest Rivers in the World: Implications for the Global Ca Budget and Weathering Processes
Tipper E, Gaillardet J, Galy A, Louvat P & Bickle M
(2007) Interpreting the Ca Isotope Record from Marine Biogenic Carbonates
De La Rocha C, Sime N, Tipper E, Tripati A, Galy A & Bickle M
(2007) Calcium and Magnesium Isotope Systematics in Rivers. Fractionation or Lithological Control?
Tipper E, Galy A, Gaillardet J & Bickle M
(2006) A revised estimate of the δ44/42Ca of continental runoff
Tipper E, Galy A, Bickle M, Calmels D & Gaillardet J
(2006) The Mg isotope budget of the modern ocean: Constraints from riverine Mg isotope ratios
Tipper E, Galy A, Gaillardet J, Bickle M, Elderfield H & Carder E
(2005) The Importance of a Vital Effect on the Ca Isotopic Composition of Foraminiferal Tests
Galy A, Sime NG & Tipper ET
(2005) Record of the Weathering Timescale in Himalayan Rivers
Pomies C, Bickle M, Tipper ET, Chapman H, Fairchild I & Harris N
(2005) Process-Related Covariation in Mg and Ca Isotopes in the Riverine Dissolved Load
Tipper E, Galy A & Bickle M
(2004) Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Mg in Himalayan River Waters
Tipper E, Galy A & Bickle M

Tipper Edward T. (2023) Role of Weathering and Flow Path Length on Elemental and Isotope Composition of Spring Waters from the Melamchi Valley, Nepal
Tarique M, Bickle M, Tipper ET, Atwood A & West AJ
(2023) An Inorganic Carbon Budget for Three of the Largest Rivers in SE Asia, the Irrawaddy, Mekong and Salween Rivers
Tipper ET, Stevenson EI, Baronas JJ, Turchyn A(V, Bickle M, Relph K & Feng L
(2023) Barium Isotopes Trace Perturbations to Critical Zone Nutrient Inventories in the Mekong River Catchment due to Dam Construction
Bridgestock L, Stevenson EI, Feng L, Baronas JJ, Knight ACG, Bradbury H, Freymuth H, Turchyn A(V & Tipper ET
(2023) Experimental Constraints on Barium Isotope Fractionation during Adsorption-Desorption Reactions: Implications for Critical Zone Tracer Applications
Knight ACG, Bridgestock L, Turchyn A(V & Tipper ET
(2023) Effects of Cation Exchange Processes on the Isotopic Composition of δ26/24Mg, δ25/24Mg, δ88/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr at the Freshwater-Seawater Interface
Stevenson EI, Knight ACG, Bridgestock L & Tipper ET
(2023) Strontium and Lithium in Planktic Foraminiferal Shells: A New Tracer for Surface Ocean Carbon Concentration?
Fang W-N, Ren HA, Spero H, Fehrenbacher J, Tipper ET, Misra S & Branson O
(2023) Do Anthropogenic Tufas Record Chemical Weathering and Carbon Capture at Legacy Steel Slag Heaps?
Yambing JRO, Knapp WJ & Tipper ET
(2023) Quantifying CO2 Removal from Enhanced Weathering Sites: A Multi-Proxy Approach
Knapp WJ, Stevenson EI, Renforth P, Ascough P, Knight ACG, Bridgestock L, Bickle M, Lin Y, Riley AL, Mayes WM & Tipper ET
(2023) Carbon Fixation Using Seawater for Sustainable Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage—Using Stable Isotopes for Quantification
Phillips E, Voigt M, Bradbury H, Knapp WJ, Turchyn A(V, Tipper ET, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Clark DE, Oelkers EH & Gislason SR
(2022) Global Efficacy of Enhancing Carbonate Weathering
Knapp W & Tipper ET
(2022) Tracing Transients in Exchangeable Cation Storage Using Barium Isotopes
Bridgestock L, Stevenson EI, Baronas JJ, Knight ACG, Bradbury HJ, Turchyn A( & Tipper ET
(2022) Chemical Weathering Fluxes Underestimated in Erosion Hot-Spots due to the Hidden Riverine Flux of Adsorbed Cations
Knight ACG, Stevenson EI, Bridgestock L, Andermann C & Tipper ET
(2019) Mg and Fe Isotopes in Primitive Icelandic Olivine – What do They Reveal?
Rasmussen MB, Williams HM, Tipper ET & Halldórsson SA
(2019) Marine Precipitates as a Significant Source of REEs in the Mackenzie River
Larkin C, Tipper E, Hindshaw R, Piotrowski A & Hilton R
(2019) Impact of Coseismic Landslides on Himalayan Chemical Weathering
Hughes G, Tipper E, Bickle M & Andermann C
(2019) High Arctic Rivers: A Transient Source or Sink for Atmospheric CO2?
Murphy M, Stevenson E, Relph K, Tipper E, Turchyn A & Pogge von Strandmann P
(2019) Preliminary Weathering and Carbon Budgets for the Irrawaddy and the Salween Rivers
Baronas JJ, Tipper E, Bickle M, Hilton R, Stevenson E, Hackney C & Parsons D
(2019) Li Isotope Fractionation in Weathering Regimes: Understanding Interlayer Sites on Clay Minerals
Feng L, Tipper E & Relph K
(2019) Equilibrium between River Water Chemistry and the Sediment Exchange Pool in Some of the World’s Largest Rivers?
Tipper E

Tipping E (2005) Humic Ion-Binding Modelling and its Application to Field Processes and Ecotoxicology
Tipping E, Lofts S, Lawlor A & Shotbolt L

Tipping Edward (2015) Ocean Acidification: The Affect on Trace Metal Speciation Evaluated with WHAM/Model VII
Stockdale A, Tipping E, Lofts S & Mortimer R
(2014) Soil Organic Matter Stabilisation and Turnover from Different Perspectives
Tipping E
(2013) WHAM-Ftox: An Aquatic Cation Mixture Toxicity Model
Tipping E, Lofts S & Stockdale A

Tipple B. (2014) Establishing the Environmental Controls and Mechanisms Shaping the 2H/1H Ratios of Leaf Wax N-Alkanes
Tipple B, Berke M, Hambach B, Roden J & Ehleringer J
(2014) Multidecadal Isotope Analysis of Encelia farinosa from Death Valley, California
Berke M, Tipple B, Hambach B, Sandquist D & Ehleringer J
(2010) Compound Specific Terrestrial Leaf Wax Records from the Cicogna Section (Italy) during the PETM
Krishnan S, Pagani M, Tipple B & Agnini C
(2008) Secondary Weathering Phases and Apatite (U-Th)/He Ages
Reiners P, Thomson S, Tipple B, Peyton L, Rahl J & Mulch A
(2005) The Influence of C4 Photosynthesis during the Miocene
Pagani M & Tipple B

Tiquio M.G.J. (2014) Distribution of Trace Metals in the Sediment and Seagrass Posidonia oceanica from Golfe de Juan, Northwestern Mediterranean
Tiquio MGJ, Hurel C, Marmier N & Francour P

Tiraboschi C. (2023) Preferential Mobilisation of Oxidised Iron by Slab-Derived Hydrous Silicate Melts
Tiraboschi C, McCammon C, Rohrbach A, Klemme S, Berndt J & Sanchez-Valle C
(2023) An Experimental Study on the Role of Volatiles on the Solidus and Melting Relations of Amphibole- and Mica-Bearing Peridotites
Flemetakis S, Tiraboschi C, Steenstra ES, Rohrbach A, Klemme S & Berndt J
(2023) COH Fluids in the Upper Mantle: An Experimental Perspective on Fluid-Driven Metasomatism
Tiraboschi C
(2021) Oxidation of Subducted Organic Matter Buffered by Marine Carbonate Rules the Carbon Isotopic Signature of Arc Emissions
Tumiati S, Remusat L, Tiraboschi C, Sverjensky D, Manning C, Vitale Brovarone A, Poli S & Boutier A
(2021) Iron Mobility in Slab-Derived Hydrous Silicate Melts at Sub-Arc Conditions
Tiraboschi C, Rohrbach A, Klemme S, Berndt J & Sanchez-Valle C
(2020) Dissolution of Subducted Ocean Carbonates and Organic Matter Controls the Carbon Isotopic Signature of the Mantle Wedge
Tumiati S, Recchia S, Remusat L, Tiraboschi C, Sverjensky D & Poli S
(2016) Experimental Contraints on the CO2 Content of Fluids Interacting with the Subduction Mélange
Tumiati S, Tiraboschi C, Pettke T, Recchia S, Ulmer P & Poli S
(2013) Composition of COH Fluids up to 2.4 GPa: A Multi-Method Approach
Tiraboschi C, Tumiati S, Ulmer P, Recchia S, Pettke T, Fumagalli P & Poli S

Tiraboschi D. (2009) Contrasting Osmium Isotopes and Zn/Al Ratios as Magmatism Proxies in Cenomanian-Turonian Sediments
Turgeon SC, Hetzel A, Tiraboschi D, Creaser RA, Brumsack H-J & Erba E

Tirado J. (2013) Greenhouse Gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) Emissions from Llobregat (Barcelona) Riverbed Sediment: Effects of Soil Moisture and C, N, Fe Substrates
Dutta T, Rubol S, Vall SA & Tirado J

Tirado N. (2020) Origin, Distribution, and Biogeochemistry of Arsenic in the Altiplano-Puna Plateau of South America
Murray J, Tapia J, Ormachea M, Tirado N & Nordstrom K

Tirado Bustillos N.S. (2022) As3MT Polymorphisms and Vitamin D: Effects in Arsenic Elimination and Genotoxic Damage in Women of Poopó Lake – Bolivia
Tirado Bustillos NS & Mamani Jarro J

Tirona C. (2018) A Petrologic Investigation into NWA 7059
Tirona C, White L & Tait K

Tirone M. (2011) On the Thermal and Dynamic Requirements for Mantle Melting
Tirone M & Ganguly J
(2005) Equilibrium Thermodynamics: Applications to Mantle Geodynamics
Tirone M & Morgan JP
(2005) Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics: Diffusion Controlled Partial Melting
Tirone M & Morgan JP
(2002) Thermodynamic Control on Thermo-Fluid Dynamic Mantle Flow Model
Tirone M & Ganguly J
(2002) Closure Temperature and Age of Minerals
Ganguly J & Tirone M

Tirosh O. (2021) Lead in Albacore Revisited: A Cautionary Call Concerning the Forecasted Increase in Metal Production and Use
Erel Y, Pinhasi R, Coppa A, Ticher A, Tirosh O & Carmel L
(2020) Major and Trace Element Settling and Burial Fluxes in the Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea
Torfstein A, Kienast S, Tirosh O & Yarden B
(2017) Chemical Characterization of Atmospheric Dust from a Weekly Time Series in the North Red Sea between 2006-2010
Teutsch N, Torfstein A, Tirosh O, Shaked Y, Rivlin T, Zipori A, Stein M, Lazar B & Erel Y
(2015) Earth's Natural Fertilizer: Tracing Phosphorus in Dust from the Sahara Towards America's Tropical Rain Forests
Gross A, Turner B, Goren T, Pio C, Cardoso J, Tirosh O, Todd M, Rosenfeld D, Weiner T, Custodio D & Angert A
(2014) Atmospheric Aerosols in the Middle East: Trans-Boundary Pollution and Toxicity Considerations
Erel Y & Tirosh O
(2011) Atmospheric Dust Input to the Northern Gulf of Aqaba
Teutsch N, Tirosh O, Tzipori A, Dayan U & Erel Y

Tirumala S. (2009) Three Dimensional Magmatism in the Settupalle Complex, Cuddapah Alkaline Province, South India
Tirumala S & Ravulapati M
(2005) Three Dimensional Model in the Evolution of Cuddapah Alkaline Province Andhra Pradesh India-Geochemical Perspective
Tirumala S

Tirumala Penugonda S. (2006) The Sub-alkaline/alkaline magmatism around Settupalle Complex, Cuddapah Alkaline Province, Andhra Pradesh ,South India
Tirumala Penugonda S & Ravulapati K
(2006) Significance of Fayalite-Quartz assemblage in Gokanakonda Fayalite syenite complex, Cuddapah Alkaline Province, Andra Pradesh, South India
Tirumala Penugonda S

Tischer J. (2017) Nitrate-Dependent Microbial Oxidation of Fe(II) in Stratified Freshwater Lakes
Zopfi J, Walter XA, Tischer J, Picazo A, Lehmann MF & Camacho A

Tischler S. (2023) Biogeochemical Impacts on Soil Phosphorus and Other Macro- and Micro Elements Solubility, Ratios and Forms during Heatwaves
Zohar I, Khoury M, Kirshenbaum Y, Tischler S & Ganem HE

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