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Tierney Kate (2022) Enhanced Reverse Weathering in the End Permian and the Early Triassic Ocean
Liu X-M, Cao C, Bataille C, Song H, Saltzman M, Wu H, Tierney K, Korte C & Zhang Z
(2018) Strontium and Lithium Isotope Variations from Bulk Carbonates Across the Permian Period
Bataille C, Cao C, Li W, Tierney K, Saltzman M & Liu X-M

Tierney Kieran (2019) Development of Novel Treatments for Carbon-Based Radioactive Waste
Tierney K, Renshaw J, Switzer C & Lunn R

Tierny J. (2005) A Tale of Two Margins: A Comparison of Redox and Productivity Paleo-Proxies in Sediments off Oman and Peru
Altabet MA, Agnihotri R, Tierny J, Higgins SM & Herbert TD

Tierz P. (2012) Enriched Mantle Source for the Cretaceous Alkaline Lamprophyres from the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (NE Spain)
Ubide T, Gale C, Arranz E, Lago M, Larrea P, Tierz P & Sanz T

Tiessen C.J. (2019) Halogen Analysis at the Ultratrace Level – First Applications of the Dresden Super-Sims
Renno AD, Akhmadaliev S, Belokonov G, Böttger R, von Borany J, Kaever P, Meyer M, Noga P, Rugel G, Tiessen CJ, Wagner N, Wiedenbeck M, Wu H & Ziegenrücker R

Tietjens A. (2019) Inter-Annual Variability of Hf-Nd Isotope Compositions and ree Distributions in the Labrador Sea
Filippova A, Frank M, Hathorne E, Tietjens A, Patton G & Schneider R

Tietz O. (2011) Age Relations, Mineral-Chemical and Isotopic Investigations on Basaltic gem Stone Zircons from Eastern Germany
Büchner J, Tietz O, Seifert W, Gerdes A & Linnemann U

Tiffani F. (2018) An Exceptional Record of Early- to Mid-Paleozoic Redox Change from the Road River Group, Yukon, Canada
Sperling E, Strauss J, Tiffani F, Austin M, Sabrina T, Joseph M, Stephanie P-T, Liam B, Stockey R, Devon C, Noah P, David L, Lenz A & Melchin M

Tigano G. (2007) The Use of Campanian Pumices in the Roman Mortars of Messina Area (Sicily) as Indicator of Technological Tradition
Barone G, La Russa MF, Mazzoleni P, Pezzino A & Tigano G

Tight D. (2018) Hydrogeologic Controls on Nitrogen Dynamics within the Tidal Freshwater Zone
Barnes R, Tight D, Sawyer A & Wallace C

Tigli M. (2005) TE and REE Modeling of Central Anatolian Volcanics, Turkey
Dogan AU, Dogan M, Kilinc A, Steele I, Yesilyurt FI, Ustunisik G, Ozbay S, Tigli M, Conger O & Tosun S

Tiihonen R. (2016) Impacts of Flocculation and Redox Shuttling on Iron and Manganese in Non-Tidal Estuarine Sediments
Jilbert T, Tiihonen R, Myllykangas J-P, Asmala E & Hietanen S

Tiirola M. (2017) Effects of Iron and Aluminium on the Biodegradation of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter
Xiao Y-H, Hoikkala L, Kasurinen V, Tiirola M, Kortelainen P & Vähätalo AV

Tijing L. (2014) Characterising Aggregate Structure in Natural Waters Using On-Line Laser Light Scattering
Chekli L, Phuntsho S, Tijing L & Shon HK

Tikhomirova M. (2001) Age and Genesis of the Siilinjarvi Archean Carbonatite Complex in Light of Isotope Data
Belyatsky BV, Savva EV, Tikhomirova M, Grosche G & Wall F

Tikhomirova Y. (2020) Grib Kimberlite Peridotite Xenoliths: Isotopic Evidence of Variable Source of Mantle Metasomatism
Lebedeva N, Nosova A, Kargin A, Larionova Y, Sazonova L & Tikhomirova Y
(2020) Crust – Mantle Boundary beneath the Pripyat Rift: Insights from Minerals of Hornblenditic Xenoliths
Volkova G, Nosova A, Voznyak A, Sazonova L, Yutkina E, Anosova M, Tikhomirova Y, Kuzmenkova O & Laptsevich A

Tikhonova M. (2021) Geochemical Processes of Unconventional Reservoirs Genesis in Bazhenov Formation Source Rocks: Mineral Matrix and Organic Matter Transformations Investigation
Kalmykov A, Tikhonova M, Gafurova D, Balushkina N, Kalmykov G & Bychkov A
(2019) Variability of Bitumen Composition and its Characteristics in Different Pore Space of Organic-Rich Rocks
Tikhonova M, Ivanova D, Kalmykov A & Kalmykov G

Tikoff B. (2023) Interrogating the Hf-Nd Isotope Compositions of Paleoarchean Rocks in the Pilbara Craton by Integrating Whole Rock and in situ Datasets
Salerno R, Roberts N, Vervoort J, Tikoff B & Hammerli J
(2022) The Formation of Dome-And-Keel Structures at 3.32 Ga in the Pilbara Craton
Salerno R, Roberts N, Vervoort J & Tikoff B
(2019) Magmatism and Deformation in the Mt. Edgar Granitic Complex at ~ 3.3 Ga, Pilbara Craton
Salerno R, Vervoort J, Fisher C, Roberts N, Tikoff B & Kemp A

Tikoo S. (2018) The Lunar Dynamo: Paleomagnetism and Power Sources
Tikoo S, Lepaulard C, Strauss B, Gattacceca J, Wang H, Mighani S, Getzin B, Nichols C, Weiss B & Evans A

Tikunova N. (2013) A Cyano-Bacterial Community as a Possible Agent of Ge Аccumulation in Coal
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Morozova V, Babkin I, Tikunova N, Taran O, Shuvaeva O & Zhmodik S

Tilgner Andreas (2013) A New Aqueous Phase Protocol for the Mechanism Generator GECKO-A Used for the CAPRAM Mechanism Extension
Bräuer P, Mouchel-Vallon C, Tilgner A, Wolke R, Aumont B & Herrmann H
(2011) CAPRAM Mechanism Development: Evaluation of Prediction Methods for Aqueous Phase Rate Constants and Model Results
Bräuer P, Mouchel-Vallon C, Tilgner A, Aumont B & Herrmann H
(2011) Photolysis of iron(III) Carboxylato Complexes – Quantum Yield Determination and Reactivity Simulation in Clouds and Atmospheric Particles
Weller C, Tilgner A & Herrmann H

Tilgner Andreas (2015) Highlight Results from the HCCT-2010 Hill Cap Cloud Experiment
van Pinxteren D, Poulain L, Tilgner A, Henning S, Stratmann F, Mertes S, Schneider J, Harris E, Sinha B, Whalley L, Heard D, D'Anna B, George C & Herrmann H

Tilhac R. (2023) First Natural Evidence of Kinetic Eu Anomalies in the Earth’s Mantle:implications for the Interpretation of Ghost Plagioclase Signatures in Oceanic Basalts
Tilhac R, Garrido CJ, Oliveira B & Hidas K
(2023) Fe, Cu and Zn Isotopes: Proxies to Constrain the Magmato-Hydrothermal History at Oceanic Core Complexes (Mid-Atlantic Ridge Kane Area, MARK, 23°N, ODP Leg 153)
Coltat R, Debret B, Tilhac R, Andreani M, Patten CGC, Godard M & Escartin J
(2021) Kinetic Fractionation and Extreme Mineral-Scale Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Tilhac R, Garrido CJ, Hidas K & Oliveira B
(2021) Systematic Enrichment of Mantle Harzburgites: New Insights from San Carlos Xenoliths
Tilhac R, Morishita T, Tamura A & Guotana JM
(2020) Hf-Nd Isotope Decoupling in the Mantle: A Brief Review and New Geodynamic Perspectives
Tilhac R, Begg GC, O'Reilly SY & Griffin WL
(2020) A Disequilibrium Reactive Transport Model for Mantle Magmatism
Oliveira B, Afonso JC, Klöcking M & Tilhac R
(2019) Metasomatic Re Addition Overprints Unradiogenic Os in Sub-Arc Mantle
Tilhac R, Schaefer BF, Ceuleneer G, Oliveira B, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY & Grégoire M
(2019) Multiphase Multicomponent Reactive Transport: Disequilibrium Melt-Rock Processes and Geochemical Geodynamics
Oliveira B, Afonso JC & Tilhac R
(2017) The Unexplored Potential Impact of Pyroxenitic Layering on Upper Mantle Seismic Properties
Henry H, Afonso JC, Satsukawa T, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Kaczmarek M-A, Tilhac R, Gregoire M & Ceuleneer G
(2017) Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry of Cabo Ortegal Pyroxenites: Origin and Age of a Sub-Arc Mantle Domain
Tilhac R, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Ceuleneer G, Schaefer BF, Henry H & Grégoire M
(2017) Numerical Modelling of Multi-Phase Multi-Component Reactive Transport in the Earth's Interior
Oliveira B, Afonso JC, Zlotnik S & Tilhac R
(2015) Metasomatized Segregates of high-Ca Boninites: Cabo Ortegal Pyroxenites
Tilhac R, Grégoire M, Ceuleneer G, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL & Pearson NJ

Tiljander M. (2014) 15-Year Experiments of the Interaction of the Compacted Bentonite, Copper Canister and Fresh Water
Järvinen J, Tiljander M, Matusewicz M, Rajala P, Itävaara M, Olin M & Muurinen A

Till Christy (2020) What Makes Volcanoes Erupt?
Kent A, Till C & Cooper K
(2016) A Review of Mantle Thermobarometry for Primitive Arc Magmas
Till C
(2016) Depth of Chlorite Formation: Quantitative Determination Using Boron Isotopes
Guild M, Till C, Hervig R & Wallis S
(2007) Processes Controlling the Relationship between Volcanic Fronts and the Subducting Slab Revisited
Grove T & Till C

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