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Tian Liyan (2008) Hf and Pb Isotope Constraints on the Source Origin of Northern Lau Basin Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Hanan B, Rooney T, Pietruszka A, Tian L, Hahm D, Castillo P, Hilton D & Hawkins J

Tian Liyan (2013) Lithium and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Basaltic Glasses from Ridge Axes and Off-Axis Seamounts in the Northern EPR (10-15ºN)
Tian L, Shirey S, Wang Z & Castillo P

Tian Liyan

Tian Liyan (2016) Fractionation of Stable Cadmium Isotopes in the Cadmium Tolerant Ricinus communis and Hyperaccumulator Solanum Nigrum
Wei R, Guo Q, Liu C, Wen H, Yang J, Hu J, Tian L, Han X & Kong J

Tian Liyan (2017) Status, Source and Ecological Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils from Tibet Plateau, China
Hu J, Li J, Zhu Z, Liu X, Guo Q, Wei R, Tian L, Han X, Kong J, Yang X, Li X, Zhou W & Song G

Tian Liyan (2019) Sulfur Cycling in Altered Oceanic Crust of South China Sea Rift Margin from IODP Expedition 368
Hu S, Tian L, Wang X, Martin L, Schoneveld L, Barnes S, Pagès A & Ding W
(2019) Tracing Mantle Sources in a Regional Back-Arc Basin by Independent Component Analysis of Basalt Isotopic Compositions
Tian L, Wu X & Wang X-C

Tian Luping (2016) Organic-Mineral Complex Protection of BC as Revealed by BPCAs
Chang Z, Liang N, Li F, Tian L & Bo P

Tian Maojie (2016) Removing Clays from Carbonate Rocks by Ultrasonic Assisted Elutriation
Yu C, Sun S, Wang D, Zhou T, Tian M, Jin Y, Liu J, Li M & Li C

Tian Meng (2023) A Unified Framework for Modeling the Chemistry of Secondary and Hybrid Atmospheres of Super Earths and Sub-Neptunes
Tian M & Heng K
(2023) Exoplanet Ocean Chemistry in the Presence of Diverse Carbonates
Hakim K, Tian M, Bower DJ & Heng K
(2022) Lithium Isotope Evidence for a Plumeworld Ocean in the Aftermath of a Cryogenian Snowball Earth
Gan T, Tian M, Wang X-K, Wang S, Liu X, Luo T & Xiao S
(2014) Metamorphic Thermal Pulses Caused by Compaction-Driven Fluid Flow
Tian M & Ague J

Tian Mi (2020) Ore-Related Anomalies Identification Based on Spatial Statistical Analysis
Tian M, Wang X & Nie L

Tian Mingzhong (2009) Geochemical Conditions of the Groundwater for Developing Bursting Pingos in Jingxian Valley, Tibetan Plateau
Zheng D, Wu Z, Ye P & Tian M

Tian Qian (2022) Qaidam Basin N-Alkanes Reflect Climatic and Ecologic Changes on the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum
Tian Q

Tian Quanzhi
(2019) Suppression of Anionic Pollutant Leaching from Coal Fly Ash by Adding Hydroxylated Calcined Dolomite
Tian Q, Guo B, Nakama S, Zhang L, Hu Z & Sasaki K

Tian R. (2019) Carbonate Chemistry Reconstruction of the South Pacific with Implications for Deglacial CO2 Degassing
Karancz S, Raitzsch M, Buisson M, Tian R & Bijma J

Tian S (2006) 40Ar/39Ar ages of rocks and ores from the Muluozhai REE deposit in Mianning County, Sichuan Province and their geological significances
Tian S, Hou Z, Ding T & Yuan Z
(2006) Silicon Isotope Compositions of Dissolved Silicon and Suspended Matter in the Yellow River,China
Gao J, Ding T & Tian S
(2005) Geochemistry of Carbonatites in Lizhuang REE Deposit, Sichuan, China
Tian S, Hou Z & Ding T
(2005) Discovery of Pyrrhotite-Chalcopyrite Bearing Amphibole Megacrysts in Tongling Area, Anhui Province
Qin X, Du Y, Tian S, Lee HK, Yin J & Kim SJ
(2004) Mantle-Derived Components in Maoniuping REE Deposit, Sichuan, China
Tian S & Ding T
(2003) Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Isotope Studies on the Xiaotongguanshan Skarn Cu Deposit, Anhui, China
Tian S, Ding T, Hou Z, Yang Z, Wang Y & Meng Y

Tian Sheng-Yu (2016) Fractionation of V Isotopes during Magma Differentiation
Huang F, Tian S-Y & Wu F

Tian Shengyu (2023) Zirconium Isotopes Reveal Continental Crust Recycling into the Mantle
Tian S, Moynier F, Jackson MG & Inglis E
(2023) Triple Silicon Isotope Insight to the Formation of Precambrian Cherts
Sun H, Chaussidon M, Robert F, Tian S, Deng Z & Moynier F
(2022) Stable Zirconium Isotope Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Carbonatites
Tian S, Magna T, Rapprich V, Moynier F & Giebel RJ
(2021) Triple Silicon Isotope Constraints on the Formation of Precambrian Cherts
Sun H, Chaussidon M, Tian S, Robert F, Deng Z & Moynier F
(2021) The Zirconium Isotope Composition of the Mantle and Upper Continental Crust Through Time
Tian S, Moynier F, Inglis E, Rudnick RL, Huang F, Chauvel C, Gaschnig RM, Creech J & Puchtel IS
(2018) The Vanadium Isotope Evidence for Emergence of Felsic Crust after 3 Ga
Huang F, Tian S, Rudnick R, Qi Y, Wu F, Cai Y & Gaschnig R

Tian Shi Hong (2014) Fluid Origin of Jilong Vein Type Cu Deposit in Tibetan Plateau
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2014) Enriched Mantle Source and Petrogenesis of the Himalayan Collision Zone Carbonatites in Western Sichuan, SW China: Lithium Isotopic Constraints
Tian S, Hou Z, Mo X, Su A, Zhao Y, Hou K & Yang Z
(2013) Enriched Mantle Source and Petrogenesis of the Miocene Ultrapotassic Rocks in Western Lhasa Block, Tibetan Plateau: Lithium Isotopic Constraints
Tian S, Hu W, Hou Z, Mo X, Yang Z, Zhao Y, Hou K, Zhu D & Zhang Z
(2013) Fluid Electrolytes of Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Deposit in Tibetan Plateau
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2011) Silicon Isotope Composition of Chert in Carbonate Rocks, as an Indicator of Paleo-Environmental Variation in Ocean
Ding T, Gao J & Tian S
(2011) Geology and Fluid Origin of Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Deposit in Tibet
Liu YC, Hou ZQ, Yang ZS & Tian SH
(2011) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isochron Ages of the Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Ore Deposits in Yushu Area, Southern Qinghai and their Geological Implications
Tian S, Hou Z, Yang Z, Liu Y & Song Y
(2010) Geology and C, H and O Isotopic Geochemistry of Dongmozhazhua Pb-Zn Ore Deposit, Qinghai, China
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2010) U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope of Zircon from Granite in Jiaduopule Fe-Cu Deposit, Tibet
Yang Z, Hou Z, Tian S, Meng X & Yu Y
(2010) The Lithium Isotopic Characteristics of Jiajika Rare Metal Deposit in Sichuan, China
Li Z, Tian S, Hou Z, Su A, Li J & Yang Z
(2010) The Lithium Isotope Composition of Maoniuping Complex, Sichuan
Tian S, Su A, Hou Z, Li Z & Yang Z
(2010) The Lithium Isotope Composition of Lizhuang Complex, Sichuan
Su A, Tian S, Hou Z, Li Z & Yang Z
(2008) Ages of Carbonatite and Syenite from the Mianning-Dechang REE Belt in the Eastern Indo-Asian Collision Zone, SW China and their Geological Significance
Tian S, Hou Z, Ding T, Yang Z, Yang Z, Yuan Z, Xie Y, Liu Y & Li Z
(2008) Silicon Isotope Variation of Chert Beds from Later Archean to Proterozoic as a Tracer of Paleo-Environmental Variation in Ocean
Ding T, Wan D & Tian S
(2008) The Distribution of Adakite-Like Rocks in South Anhui Province, China
Liu Y, Yang Z, Hou Z & Tian S
(2008) Silicon Isotope Composition of Diatoms as a Paleoenvironmental Proxy in Lake Huguangyan, South China
Chen J, Li J, Tian S & Wan G
(2008) Geochemistry of Silicon and Oxygen in the Regolith on Feihong Ultramafic Complex, West Yunnan, China
Yang Z, Liu Y & Tian S
(2007) Geochemical Characteristics of the Mashan Au-S Deposit in Tongling, Anhui Province
Tian S, Hou Z, Yang Z, Ding T, Meng Y, Zeng P, Wang Y & Wang X
(2007) Silicon Isotope Compositions of the Underground Water, Limestone and Soil from Karst Caves in Guilin City, Guangxi, China
Ding T, Tian S & Gao J

Tian Shihong (2019) Origin and Evolution of the Gacun Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit in Sichuan,China: Hf and U-Pb Isotopic Evidence
Yang D, Hou Z, Zhao Y, Hou K & Tian S
(2018) In situ High-Precision Li Isotope Analysis of Spodumene by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Hou K & Tian S
(2018) Lithium Isotopic Evidence for Subduction of the Indian Lower Crust beneath Southern Tibet
Tian S, Hou Z, Mo X, Tian Y, Zhao Y, Hou K, Yang Z, Hu W, Li X & Zhang Y
(2018) Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Himalayan Leucogranites and the Indian Lower Continental Crust
Li X, Tian S, Teng F, Hou Z & Yang Z
(2017) Source and Evolution Path of Ore- Forming Fluids in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System: New Constraint from Lithium Isotopic Investigation on the Gacun Deposit, Sichuan
Yang D, Hou Z, Zhao Y, Hou K, Tian S & Fu Q
(2016) The δ30Si Peak Values Discovered in Cherts from Middle Proterozoic Carbonate Rocks in Northern China and its Implication on Environmental Variation of Ancient Ocean
Ding T, Gao J, Tian S, Zhao Y, Fan C & Wan D

Tian T. (2016) Sources and Deposition History of Mercury in Marginal Seas off Eastern China Using Mercury Isotopic Compositions
Yin Y, Guo Z, Hu L, Liu W, Hurley JP, Krabbenhoft DP, Lepak RF, Tian T, Feng X & Li X

Tian Wei (2023) Thermal Effect of the Late Paleoproterozoic Episodic Magmatism in the Jining Terrane, North China Craton
Zhu W, Wang B & Tian W
(2020) PGE Geochemistry Used to Determine Magma Fertility in Lihir and Feni Islands, Papua New Guinea
Huang Z, Campbell I, Arculus R & Tian W
(2018) Astrochronology of the End-Permian Extinction and the Early-Middle Triassic
Li M, Huang C, Ogg J, Hinnov L, Zhang Y, Chen W & Tian W
(2016) A Potential Indicator of Eruption Intensity of Archean Greenstone Volcanisms: ∆33S Values of Deep Marine Sediments
Chen M, Campbell IH, Ireland TR, Tian W & Avila J
(2016) High Water Content in Primitive Continental Flood Basalts
Xia Q-K, Bi Y, Li P, Tian W & Chen H
(2016) Volatile-Oversaturated Magma Ascending of Ultrapotassic Basalts from Wudalianchi-Erkeshan-Keluo (WEK) Volcano Field, NE China
Di Y, Tian W, Chu Z & Liang J
(2010) Petrology and Os-Nd-Sr Isotopes of the Gaositai Alaskan-Type Ultramafic Complex from the Northern North China Craton
Chen B, Tian W & Suzuki K

Tian Wenjun (2023) Seismic Fluid Geochemistry and Short- Imminent Forecasting of Earthquake
Li Y, Caracausi A, Mokhtari M, Yuce G, Nomikou P, Martinelli G, Yalcin Erik N, Martin CC, Hu L & Tian W

Tian X. (2023) MEA Decay Mediated by Photolysis of Nitrate in Atmospheric Particles: A Brown Carbon and Organic Phase Formation Pathway
Tian X, Zhang R, Wei B, Wang Y, Li Y & Chan CK

Tian Yankuan (2016) Chemometric De-Convoluting Marine Mixed Oils from the Tabei Uplift, Tarim Basin, China
Zhan Z-W, Tian Y, Zou Y-R, Liao Z & Peng P

Tian Yazhou (2015) Ca-Perovskite: A First Report of a Lower Mantle Mineral in Ophiolite-Hosted Diamond
Yang J, Wirth R, Xiong F, Tian Y, Huang Z, Robinson P & Dilek Y

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