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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Thomas Rebecca (2013) Evidence for Volatiles on Mercury
Rothery D, Thomas R & Kerber L

Thomas Richard (2021) The Chemical Behaviour of Halogens in Silicate Melts
Thomas R & Wood BJ

Thomas Richard M. (2007) Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Chamber Processes: Insights from the Oman Ophiolite
MacLeod CJ, Thomas RM & Coogan LA

Thomas Richard W (2023) In and Out – Venusian Atmospheric Chlorine Abundance Provides Evidence of Extensive In-Gassing
Thomas RW, Wade J, Dyck B & Wood BJ
(2023) Chlorine in Silicate Melts: Controls on Dissolution, Bonding, Evaporation, and Brine Exsolution
Thomas RW & Wood BJ
(2019) Halogen Solubility in Silicate Melts
Thomas RW & Wood BJ

Thomas Robert (2022) Petrogenesis of a New Type of Subduction Zone Granitoid from the Samail Ophiolite
Angelo T, Spencer C, Cavosie AJ, Thomas R & Li H
(2010) Al Solubility in SiO2-H2O Fluids at 800-1000℃, 5-20 kbar: Evidence for Al/Si Complexing
Thomas R & Manning C
(2009) Aluminosilicate Polymerization in Dense Aqueous Fluids: Implications for Subduction-Zone Mass Transfer
Manning CE, Newton R, Thomas R, Hunt J & Cruz M
(2009) Al-Si Complexing in High-P Aqueous Fluids: Implications for Al Transport in Subduction-Zones
Thomas R & Manning C

Thomas Russell (2012) A Bio-Nanotechnological Approach to the Remediation of Alkaline Cr(VI) Containing Leachate from Chromite Processing Ore Residue
Watts M, Thomas R & Lloyd J

Thomas S (2006) Diamondiferous microxenoliths from the Diavik Diamond Mine (Canada): lherzolitic hosts for harzburgitic diamonds?
Thomas S, Steven C, Hayley M, Cara L. D, Sean W & Robert W. L

Thomas S.-M. (2007) Progress in the Establishment of a New Infrared Calibration for the SiO2-system
Thomas S-M, Koch-Müller M, Reichart P, Thomas R & Hövelmann J

Thomas Sara (2020) Microbe-Metal Interactions: Novel High Energy-Resolution XANES Spectroscopy of Zn and Hg Complexes and Nanoparticles at Bacteria-Water Interfaces
Myneni S, Thomas S & Mishra B
(2018) Hg Coordination in Actively Hg-Methylating Bacteria
Thomas S, Mishra B & Myneni S
(2017) HERFD-Xas: A New Powerful Structural Tool in Environmental & Geochemistry Sciences
Lahera E, Bazarkina E, Del Net W, Kieffer I, Rovezzi M, Proux O, Testemale D, Irar M, Thomas S, Aguilar-Tapia A, Prat A, Tella M, Auffan M, Rose J & Hazemann J-L
(2015) Effect of Organic Ligands and Cell Metabolism on Hg(II) Sorption and Coordination to E. coli
Thomas S & Gaillard J-F
(2014) Bacterial Biouptake and Cell-Mediated Ligand-Exchange of Hg(II) Complexed with Organic Ligands
Thomas S, Tong T & Gaillard J-F

Thomas Sara H. (2012) Probing the Effects of Organic Ligands on Mercury Biouptake
Thomas S, Tong T, Ji I & Gaillard J-F
(2010) Uranium Biogeochemistry – Novel Insights from a Microbe’s Prospective
Sanford R, Fletcher K, Thomas S, Kemner K, Boyanov M, Ritalahti K & Loeffler F
(2009) Novel Tools for in situ Detection of Biodiversity and Function of Dechlorinating and Uranium-Reducing Bacteria in Contaminated Environments
Hauer K, Meisinger DB, Pavlekovic M, Thomas SH, Kniggendorf A-K, Chee Sanford J, Sanford R, Lebrón CA, Liebl W, Loeffler FE & Lee NM

Thomas Scott C. (2016) Phylogenomic and Physiological Exploration of Novel Clades of the Phylum Chloroflexi from Great Boiling Spring, Nevada, USA
Thomas SC, Dodsworth JA, Zhou E, Murugapiran SK, Woyke T, Shaprio N, Bowen B, Silva LP, Northen TR & Hedlund BP

Thomas Sylvia-Monique (2015) Radiative Thermal Conductivity of Majoritic Garnet
Thomas S-M, Wilson K & Goncharov A
(2013) Reduced C-O-H Volatiles Dissolved in Lunar Picritic Glasses
Wetzel DT, Rutherford MJ, Jacobsen SD, Hauri EH, Saal AE & Thomas S-M

Thomas T (2004) Experiments to Identify the Molecular Properties of Step-Pinning Adsorbates on KDP
Thomas T, Land T, Johnson M & Casey W

Thomas Trent B. (2023) Untangling Planetary Processes in the Neoproterozoic Using Cap Carbonates and a Geochemical Carbon Cycle Model
Thomas TB & Catling DC

Thomas V. (2010) Spectroscopic, Structural and Electronic Properties of Acid Dissociation Intermediates in Water
Iftimie R, Thomas V, Buin A & Ayotte P
(2006) Hydrosilicate liquids in late magmatic processes: experimental results and natural evidence
Smirnov S, Thomas V, Peretyazhko I, Zagorsky V, Kamenetsky V & Large R

Thomas Werner (2019) Tree-ring δ²H Chronology of Lignin Methoxyl Groups from Germany Reflects Western European Temperature Changes
Anhäuser T, Sehls B, Thomas W, Hartl C, Greule M, Scholz D, Esper J & Keppler F
(2009) Weekly Aerosol Cycle at DWD Observatory Hohenpeissenberg
Flentje H, Thomas W & Fricke M

Thomas Wlliam (2011) Groundwater Recharge in the Santo Tomás Valley, Baja California, México
Kretzschmar T & Thomas W

Thomas Y. (2015) High-Resolution 3D Seismic Imaging of the Utu Uli Mn-Ni Deposit
Thomas Y, Pelleter E, Marsset B, Ker S, Fouquet Y, Alix A-S, Cheron S & Etoubleau J

Thomas Z. (2022) Developing Novel Techniques for Reconstructing Past Fire Histories in South-Eastern Australia
Ryan R, Dosseto A, Lemarchand D, Dlapa P, Bradstock R, Thomas Z & Simkovic I

Thomas Arrigo Laurel (2023) Methylmercury Production and Release in Fe-Rich Mineral and Organic Soils from Iceland
Le Bars M, Bouchet S, Thomas Arrigo L, Schädler F, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Stability and Transformation of (Al-)jarosite in Acid-Sulfate Paddy Soils: A Field Study
Grigg ARC, Schulz K, Barmettler K, Wisawapipat W, Notini L, Thomas Arrigo L & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Unravelling Vivianite Formation in situ in Intertidal Sediments: The Role of P-Adsorbed Ferrihydrite as a Precursor
Kubeneck LJ, Notini L, Rothwell KA, Thomas Arrigo L, Schulz K, Fantappiè G, Huthwelker T & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Investigating Iron Mineral Transformations in Soils and Sediments Using 57Fe-Labeled Minerals and 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Notini L, Schulz K, Kubeneck LJ, Grigg ARC, Rothwell KA, Fantappiè G, Thomas Arrigo L & Kretzschmar R

Thomas Arrigo Laurel Kathleen (2021) Competitive Incorporation of Mn2+ and Mg2+ in the Ferrous Phosphate Mineral Vivianite
Kubeneck LJ, Thomas Arrigo LK, Rothwell KA, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2021) Composition and Reactivity of Fe-C Aggregates along a Permafrost Thaw Gradient
Chauhan A, Patzner MS, Mansor M, Joshi P, Thomas Arrigo LK, Bryce C, Kretzschmar R & Kappler A
(2021) Ferrihydrite Transformation in Flooded Paddy Soil Microcosms
Grigg ARC, Schulz K, Rothwell KA, Kaegi R, Thomas Arrigo LK & Kretzschmar R
(2021) Stabilization of Ferrihydrite and Lepidocrocite by Silica during Fe(II)-catalyzed Transformation and the Impacts on Mineral Transformation Products
Schulz K, Thomas Arrigo LK, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R

Thomas J. A. (2018) Sulfate-Controlled Marine Euxinia in Semi-Restricted Inner Yangtze Sea during the Ordovician-Silurian Transition
Li N, Li C & Thomas J. A

Thomas-Arrigo L. (2019) Mercury Reduction by Vivianite
Etique M, Bouchet S, Byrne J, Thomas-Arrigo L, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R

Thomas-Guyon H. (2012) A Mesocosm Study of Fate and Effects of CuO Nanoparticles on Endobenthic Species (Scrobicularia Plana, Nereis Diversicolor)
Buffet P-E, Richard M, Caupos F, Vergnoux A, Perrein-Ettajani H, Thomas-Guyon H, Luna-Acosta A, Amiard-Triquet C, Amiard J-C, Risso C, Guibbolini M, Reip P, Valsami-Jones E & Mouneyrac C

Thomas-Keprta K. (2018) Paleomagnetic Tests to Distinguish the Origin of ALH84001 Magnetite
Buz J, Kirschvink J & Thomas-Keprta K
(2009) Cycling of Fe by Siderophilic Cyanobacteria: Implications for an Early Biosphere
Brown I, Thomas-Keprta K, Sarkisova S, Fischer C, Luttge A, Arvidson R, Shen G, Bryant D, Galindo, Jr C, Garrison D, Clarke W & McKay D
(2002) Bacterial Silicification – An Experimental Approach
Toporski J, Steele A, Westall F, Thomas-Keptra K & McKay DS

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