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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Thomas I. (2011) Comparison of Diviner Lunar Radiometer Observations of Apollo Sites and Apollo Soils Measured in Simulated Lunar Environment
Greenhagen B, Thomas I, Bowles N, Allen C, Donaldson Hanna K, Foote E & Paige D

Thomas J (2006) The Influence of Chalcopyrite on the Acid Generating Behaviour of Pyrite
Gerson A, West L & Thomas J

Thomas James (2012) Modeling Groundwater Recharge and Seawater Intrusion in the Quaternary Coastal Plain Aquifer of the Wadi Watir Delta, Sinai, Egypt
Eissa M, Thomas J, Pohll G, Hershey R, Shouakar-Stash O, Daowud M, Dahab K & Gomaa M
(2012) Radiocarbon Analysis of Microbial DNA and PLFA from Arsenic Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh
Mailloux B, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Dochenetz A, Stute M, Freyer G, Ferguson A, Ahmed KM, Alam M,J, Buchholz B, Slater G, Ziolowski L, Thomas J, Layton A, Zheng Y & van Geen A

Thomas Jasper (2021) The Impact of Weathering on 238U/235U Systematics in the Critical Zone
Andersen MB, Thomas J, Hudson G & Archer C

Thomas Jay (2019) Assessing the Reliability of Elastic Geobarometry Methods
Bonazzi M, Tumiati S, Thomas J, Angel RJ & Alvaro M
(2018) Experimental Evaluation of the Quartz-in-Garnet Elastic Thermobarometer up to 3 GPa
Thomas J & Spear F

Thomas Jay B (2022) Experimental Evaluation of Anisotropic Elastic Thermobarometry Applied to Stiff Mineral Inclusions in Soft Hosts: First Evaluation of Zircon Inclusions in Quartz
Gonzalez JP, Thomas JB, Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ & Alvaro M

Thomas Jay B. (2023) Zircon-in-Garnet (ZiG) Elastic Thermobarometry: A First Look at Experimental Calibration
Koch MM & Thomas JB
(2023) Experimental Evaluation of Stress Relaxation of Quartz Inclusions in Garnet
Pummell BA & Thomas JB
(2023) Phase Equilibria and Geochronologic Constraints on Paleozoic Metamorphism, Anatexis, and Melt-Facilitated Exhumation in New York City
Castro AE, Tailby ND, Wolfe OM, Morin KD, Brunet IM, Merrill EJ, Vazquez Ochoa AT & Thomas JB
(2023) Clumped Isotope Reordering Kinetics in Carbonate Minerals: Experiments and First-Principles Atomistic Simulations
Grossman EL, Sun Z, Perez-Beltran S, Zaheer W, Defliese WF, Thomas JB & Banerjee S
(2014) New Technique to Promote Unseeded Precipitation of Inorganic Calcium Carbonate Crystals from Artificial Seawater
Borrelli C, Watson EB, Gabitov R, Thomas JB, Ackerson MR, Trail D, Ruscitto D & Katz ME
(2014) Overstepping the Garnet Isograd: A Comparison of QuiG Barometry and Thermodynamic Modelling
Spear F, Hallett B & Thomas J
(2013) Improved Crustal PTtD Evolution Constraints Using TitaniQ Thermobarometry
Ashley K, Law R, Stahr D, Thomas J, Caddick M, Spear F & Webb L
(2013) Probing Quartz for P-T-D Paths
Webb L, Dyess P, Ashley K, Spear F & Thomas J
(2012) P-T-D Histories and Reequilibration of Ti in Quartz: Using the TitaniQ Thermobarometer in Poly-Deformed Tectonic Terranes
Ashley K, Webb L, Spear F & Thomas J
(2012) Tectonic Implications of Short Metamorphic Episodes
Spear F, Ashley K, Webb L & Thomas J
(2012) Diffusion of Neon in Olivine and Quartz
Cherniak D, Thomas J & Watson EB
(2011) Diffusive Fractionation of Transition Metals in Grain Boundaries
Homolova V, Watson EB & Thomas JB
(2010) Calibrating Ti Concentrations in Quartz on the SIMS Using NIST Silicate Glasses with Applications to the TitaniQ Geothermobarometer
Behr W, Thomas J & Hervig R
(2010) Fe-Mg Interdiffusion along Dry Grain Boundaries in Quartzites
Thomas J & Watson B
(2010) Trace Elements in Quartz: Experimental Constraints on Al, Ti, Fe and P Saturation
Tailby N, Thomas J & Watson B
(2009) OH in Zircon
Trail D, Thomas JB & Watson EB
(2008) The Sometimes Ignoble Behavior of Noble Gases in Minerals
Watson B, Cherniak D & Thomas J
(2008) Two Diffusion Mechanisms for Argon in K-Feldspar?
Kelley SP, Baxter E, Cherniak D, Clay P, Thomas J & Watson B
(2007) Argon Diffusion, Solubility and Mineral/Melt Partitioning in Forsterite, Enstatite, Periclase, Quartz and Corundum
Thomas J, Watson B & Cherniak D
(2006) Two Diffusive Pathways for Argon in Quartz and Feldspar
Baxter E, Clay P, Kelley S, Watson B, Cherniak D & Thomas J
(2005) Quartz-H<->2<$>O Dihedral Angles and Crystal Misorientation
Thomas J, Wark D, Watson B & Jiang Z
(2001) Melt Inclusions in Zircon: Microautoclaves for Determination of Trace Element Partition Coefficients
Thomas JB, Bodnar RJ & Shimizu N

Thomas Jennie L (2023) A Mass Budget and box Model of Global Plastics Cycling, Degradation and Dispersal in the Land-Ocean-Atmosphere System
Sonke JE, Koenig AM, Yakovenko N, Le Roux G & Thomas JL

Thomas Jon (2020) The Response of Plant Biomarker Lipids to Water Stress and Light Variables
Wang Z, Hockaday W, White J & Thomas J

Thomas Judith C. (2012) Helium-4 Dating of Groundwater in the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Northwestern, Colorado, USA
Hunt AG, McMahon PB, Thomas JC & Moscati RJ

Thomas Katherine (2013) Manganese-Oxidizing Photosynthesis Before the Rise of Cyanobacteria
Johnson J, Webb S, Thomas K, Ono S, Kirschvink J & Fischer W

Thomas Katherine (2011) Pre-Sturtian Euxinia and Ocean Chemistry: Evidence from the Coppercap Formation in the Northwest Territories, Canada
Thomas K, Hallmann C, Macdonald F, Summons R & Ono S

Thomas Kathryn (2023) Sediment Core Reconstruction of Changes in Phosphorus Loading and Cycling Accompanying a Watershed’s Transition from Agricultural to Urban Land Use
Slowinski S, Radosavljevic J, Ippolito I, Graham A, Thomas K, Wiklund J, Shafii M, Parsons CT, Rezanezhad F, Hall RI & Van Cappellen P
(2021) Sediment Core Phosphorus and Other Human-Influenced Element Distributions Record Historical Land Use and Runoff Changes in the Watershed of an Urban Lake
Slowinski S, Radosavljevic J, Graham A, Rezanezhad F, Shafii M, Parsons C, Thomas K, Wiklund J, Hall R & Van Cappellen P

Thomas Louise E. (2007) Dynamics and Longevity of the Magmatic System of Furnas Volcano, São Miguel, Azores
Gertisser R, Gaspar J, Pacheco J, Queiroz G, Self S & Thomas L
(2006) Magma generation processes and timescales leading to the great 1815 eruption of Tambora volcano, Sumbawa, Indonesia
Thomas L, Gertisser R, Self S & Handley H
(2004) Assessing the Scale of the Osmium Isotope Heterogeneity in Mid- Ocean Ridge Basalts
Gannoun A, Burton K, Alard O, Parkinson I & Thomas L
(2002) Open-System Behaviour in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Gannoun A, Thomas LE, Burton KW & Schiano P
(2002) The Evolution of the Youngest Toba Tuff: A Crystal Disequilibrium Study
Thomas L, Blake S, Kelley S & Morgan D
(2000) Melt Generation and Differentiation for Central Atlantic OIB
Hawkesworth C, Thomas L, Kokfelt T & Turner S
(2000) Short Crystal Residence Times and Complex Magmatic Evolution of the 3000 km3 Youngest Toba Tuff
Thomas L, Blake S, Hawkesworth C, van Calsteren P & Jones S
(2000) Melting beneath a Continental Rift: Radiogenic Isotope and U-Series Analyses from the Kenya Rift
Rogers N, Macdonald R, Hawkesworth C & Thomas L

Thomas Ludwig (2014) Controls of Oxygen Fugacity on Trace Element Diffusion in Rutile
Dohmen R, Polednia J, Marschall H & Thomas L

Thomas Manu Anna (2009) Quantifying DMS-Cloud-Climate Interactions Using the ECHAM5-HAMMOZ Model
Thomas MA, Suntharalingam P, Rast S, Pozzoli L, Feichter J & Lenton T

Thomas Max (2016) The Distribution of Dissolved Trace Elements Across a Zonal Section of the Southwest Pacific Ocean
Bowie A, Ellwood M, van der Merwe P, Wuttig K, Townsend A, Baker A, Thomas M, Hassler C & Boyd P
(2016) The Atmopshere Sea-Ice Biogeochemistry In the Arctic (ASIBIA) Facility: A Coupled Ocean-Sea-Ice-Atmospheric Chamber
France J, Thomas M & von Glasow R

Thomas Maxime (2023) Silicon Isotopes as a Tool to Capture Biogeochemical Connectivity in Permafrost Soils: Implications on Fe-Organic Carbon Interactions
Villani M, Hirst C, Thomas M, du Bois d'Aische E, Vanderelst S, Lundin E, Giesler R, Mörth M & Opfergelt S
(2023) Evolution of Fe Oxides Crystallinity in Permafrost Deposits from Mid-Pleistocene to Holocene: Implications for Mineral Organic Carbon Interactions
Thomas M, Jongejans LL, Strauss J, Vermylen C, Calcus S, Opel T & Opfergelt S

Thomas Paul (2017) Water in Opals: New Insights from Thermal Analysis
Chauviré B, Thomas P, Rondeau B & Fritsch E
(2008) Anisotropic Diffusion in Crystals: Insights from Computer Simulations
Henke S, Ihinger P & Thomas P

Thomas Pino (2013) Multi-Wavelength Raman Survey of IOM from Primitive Meteorites
Quirico E, François-Regis O-D, Pierre B, Lydie B, Rosario B, Emmanuel D, Thomas P, Gilles M, Jean-Noel R, Cecile E & Jean D

Thomas Pohl (2009) White Smoker at 20 M Water Depth at Panarea´s Submarine Volcano, Aeolian Island, Italy
Merkel B, Ronny B, Thomas P, Mandy S & Robert S

Thomas R. (2007) Progress in the Establishment of a New Infrared Calibration for the SiO2-system
Thomas S-M, Koch-Müller M, Reichart P, Thomas R & Hövelmann J
(2006) Low-Temperature Alkali Silicate Melt and Fluid in the System Na2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O
Veksler I, Thomas R & Schmidt C
(2006) Low-Calcium Olivine Crystals in Subduction-Related Magmas: Messengers From the Mantle or the Magma Chamber?
Elburg M, Kamenetsky VS, Arculus R & Thomas R
(2005) Evolution of Silicate Melts during Formation of the Granite-Pegmatite System of the Malkhany Pegmatite Field, Russia (A Case Study of Melt Inclusions in Quartz)
Badanina E, Thomas R & Syritso L
(2004) The Chemical Evolution of a Magmatic-Hydrothermal System Related to a Sn-W Mineralisation
Rickers K, Thomas R & Heinrich W
(2004) Origin and Evolution of Extremely F-Rich Hydrous Melt Fractions and Hydrothermal Fluids during Differentiation of Highly Evolved Tingranite Magmas
Thomas R, Förster H, Rickers K & Webster J
(2001) Microanalysis of Crystallized Melt Inclusions
Audétat A, Pettke T, Thomas R & Bodnar RJ
(2001) Characterization of the Magmatic-To-Hydrothermal Transition in Barren vs. Mineralized Granites
Audétat A, Pettke T, Thomas R & Bodnar RJ
(2001) The Synthesis of Boron-Rich Aqueous Melt and Implications for Element Partitioning in Pegmatites
Veksler IV, Thomas R, Schmidt C & Heinrich W
(2001) Phase Equilibria, Mineral-Melt and Fluid-Melt Element Partitioning in the Haplopegmatite System
Veksler IV & Thomas R
(2001) Quantitative Determination of Boron in Fluid and Melt Inclusions Using Raman Spectroscopy
Thomas R
(2001) Strong Enrichment of H2O, B, F, P, Rb, and Cs in Pegmatite-Forming Melts
Thomas R, Heinrich W & Webster JD

Thomas Rainer (2015) New Evidence of Liquid Immiscibility Occurrence during Formation of Rare Metal Volatile-Rich Granitic Systems
Badanina E, Thomas R, Syritso L & Pikhulina A
(2015) The Application of Raman Microprobe Spectroscopy in the Study of Fluid and Melt Inclusions in Quartz from Sherlovaya Gora (Russia)
Pikhulina A, Badanina E, Sagitova A, Syritso L, Thomas R & Bocharov V
(2011) Distribution of Rare Elements in Mineral-Forming Environments of Rare-Metal Granites
Badanina E, Borisova A, Thomas R & Syritso L
(2008) Verification Attempts of Experimental Data on Behaviour of Rare Elements by Studying of Melt Inclusions
Badanina E, Trumbull R, Thomas R & Syritso L
(2007) The Alteration of Zircon and its Role in the Remobilization of High Field Strength Elements in the Georgeville Granite, Nova Scotia
Anderson A, Wirth R & Thomas R
(2002) SIMS Study of 11B/10B in Immiscible Borosilicate Glasses
Gurenko A, Veksler I, Thomas R, Meixner A, Dorfman A & Dingwell D
(2002) Melt Evolution in Li-F Granites as Revealed by Quartz-Hosted Melt Inclusions (Orlovka Massif, Russia)
Badanina E, Thomas R & Veksler I
(2002) Experimental Evidence of the Role of Liquid Immiscibility in Evolution of Granitic Pegmatites and Li-F Granites
Veksler I, Badanina E & Thomas R

Thomas Randal B. (2010) Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide: Potential Environmental Impacts of CO2-organic Interactions
Kharaka YK, Campbell P, Thordsen JJ, Thomas RB, Dole DR & Hovorka SD

Thomas Rebecca (2002) A Flux-Ingrowth Model for Melt Generation in Mantle Wedges
Hirschmann M & Thomas R

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