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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Thomas Andrew N. (2019) Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in Peat Deposits of the Hetao Basin, China
Wang H, Byrne J, Perez J, Thomas A, Benning L, Mayanna S, Hoefer H, Kontny A, Eiche E, Guo H, Kappler A & Norra S
(2019) Effects of Aging on Hexavalent Chromium Reduction by Green Rust Sulfate: Kinetics and Reversibility
Thomas A, Eiche E, Benning L, Freeman H, Rubio SN, Tobler D, Dideriksen K & Neumann T
(2019) How Nanominerals Form and their Role in Contaminant Cycling
Benning LG, Perez JPH, Navaz-Rubio S, Stawski TM, Hoevelmann JE, Tobler DJ, Thomas AN, Fuellenbach LC, Oelkers EH & Freeman HM

Thomas B (2006) New RIS-TOF facility for measuring very small Kr and Xe gas samples
Lavielle B, Gilabert E, Thomas B & Lavastre V

Thomas Bastien (2023) Mercury Species Sorption and Partition Kinetics from a Model Marine Phytoplankton
García Arévalo I, Thomas B, Lefort C, Hubert C, Berard JB, Lacour T, Collin K & Knoery J

Thomas Bertand (2020) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Thomas B, Lavielle B, Baldassari A, Bachaud P, Bouquet S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Brichart T, Chiquet P, Luu van Lang L, Gance J, Texier B, Hautefeuille B, Leroux O, Loisy C, Petit A, Rossi L, Kennedy S & Cerepi A

Thomas Bertrand (2010) Development of a New Facility for Dating Old Groundwaters and Ice Cores Based on 81Kr Measurement
Lavielle B, Gilabert E & Thomas B
(2009) Development of a New Facility for Dating Old Groundwaters and Ice Cores Based on 81Kr Measurement
Lavielle B, Gilabert E, Thomas B & Lavastre V

Thomas Björn (2011) Synoptic Approaches to Scale CH4 Flux in Boreal Landscapes
Dörsch P, Lange H, Thomas B, Siljanen H, Jensen S & Bakken L

Thomas Bob (2011) Multiphase Magmatic History of the Oman-Uae Ophiolite
Goodenough K, Styles M, Thomas B, Schofield D, Crowley Q & Millar I

Thomas Brian (2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K
(2016) Co-occurrence and Metabolic Consequences of Candidate Bacterial Phyla and Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing Archaea in the Deep Crustal Biosphere
Ino K, Hernsdorf A, Konno U, Kouduka M, Sunamura M, Hirota A, Togo Y, Ito K, Fukuda A, Iwatsuki T, Mizuno T, Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Yanagawa K, Ishimura T, Amano Y, Thomas B, Banfield J & Suzuki Y
(2014) Prediction of the Biogeochemical Roles of Uncultivated Bacteria and Archaea in the Subsurface
Banfield J, Castelle C, Hug L, Wrighton K, Sharon I, Brown C, Kantor R, Singh A, Thomas B, Luef B, Comolli L, Williams K, Long P & Hubbard S
(2011) High-Resolution Metabolomics Reveals Unusual N-Methyl Lyso Phosphatidylethanolamines as Abundant and Strain-Specific Lipids in Acid Mine Drainage Biofilms
Wilmes P, Fischer C, Bowen B, Thomas B, Mueller R, Denef V, VerBerkmoes N, Hettich R, Northen T & Banfield J
(2009) Community-Wide Analysis of Microbial Genome Signatures
Dick G, Andersson A, Baker B, Simmons S, Thomas B, Yelton AP & Banfield J
(2009) Influence of Geochemistry and Biology on Community Protein Expression within a Chemoautotropic Biofilm
Mueller R, Denef V, Kalnejais L, Wilmes P, Thomas B, Shah M, Hettich R, VerBerkmoes N & Banfield J

Thomas Burt (2014) Uptake of Isotopic Spike by Si-Rich Alteration Layer during Olivine Dissolution
Johnson N, Maher K, Thomas B, Rosenbauer R, Bird D & Brown G
(2012) Formation of the Si-Rich Layer on Olivine Surfaces during Carbonation Under in situ Conditions
Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2012) Effect of Oxalic Acid on Geological Storage of CO2 Using Serpentinite
Kang S-H, Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2011) Reactivity of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks with CO2-charged Fluids and the Autocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Form CH4
Rosenbauer R, Oze C, Jones C, Thomas B, Goldsmith J & Bischoff J
(2011) Adsorption of Organic Ligands on Silicate Mineral Surfaces in the Presence of CO2 and Water: Insight into Olivine Dissolution Rates
Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2007) The Intramolecular Carbon Isotopic Composition of Acetate in Peatland Porewaters
Thomas B, Arthur M & Freeman K

Thomas Camille (2023) Intense Arsenic Enrichment Linked to Microbial Detoxification Processes in a Mineralized Mat of the Dead Sea
Thomas C, Filella M, Ionescu D, Sorieul S, Oehlert AM, Pollier CGL, Zahajska P, Ferreira Sanchez D, Gedulter N, Agnon A & Ariztegui D
(2023) Lessons Learnt (and yet to be Learnt) When Creating the Community-Driven Diamond Open Access Journal Sedimentologika
Thomas C, Zuchuat V, Vaucher R, Spychala Y, Saleh F, Privat A, Poyatos-Moré M, Marchegiano M, Kernen R, Kane I & Chiarella D
(2022) Arsenic Enrichments in Active Microbial Mats of the Dead Sea Shores as Analog of Potential Archean Trace Metal Biosignatures
Thomas C, Ionescu D, Filella M, Gedulter N, Agnon A & Ariztegui D
(2021) Arsenic Enrichment and Organomineralizations in Microbial Mats of the Dead Sea Shores
Thomas C, Gedulter N, Darvasi Y, Bundeleva I, Torfstein A, Agnon A & Ariztegui D
(2016) Life Influence on the Deep Dead Sea Sedimentary Archive: Insights from Fe-S Minerals and Organic Matter Recycling
Thomas C, Ebert Y, Kiro Y, Stein M & Ariztegui D
(2016) Life Under the Ice: Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemical Cycling in the Seasonally-Covered Lake Onego, Russia
Lyautey E, Ariztegui D, Bouffard D, Dubois N, Frossard V, Tofield-Pasche N, Perga M-E & Thomas C

Thomas Christine (2016) The Water Undersaturated Transition Zone
Panero WR, Thomas C, Myhill R & Pigott JS

Thomas Claire (2013) Thermodynamics of Melts from Shock Wave Experiments and a Simplified Speciation Model
Asimow PD, Thomas CW & Wolf AS
(2012) Equation of State for CaO-FeO-Mgo-Al2O3-SiO2 Melts and Evolution of a Whole-Mantle Magma Ocean
Asimow P, Thomas C, Agee C, Liu Q & Lange R
(2000) Time-Scales and Mechanisms of Metamorphic Fluid Flow from Integrated Textural and 18O/16O Micro-Analysis Studies of Metacarbonates: Evidence for Transient Flow Events
Lewis S, Graham C, Thomas C, Bond C & Holness M
(2000) The Structure of the Lowermost Mantle
Thomas C & Kendall J

Thomas Dana (2019) Fluid-Mineral-Organic Interactions and Contaminant Release in Shale Reservoirs
Harrison A, Li Q, Jew A, Dustin M, Kiss A, Thomas D, Joe-wong C, Bargar J, Brown G & Maher K
(2017) The Evolution of Land Plants and Silicate Weathering
Ibarra D, Caves J, Bachan A, Baresch A, Lau K, Thomas D, Lee J-E, Boyce K & Chamberlain CP
(2016) Physical and Chemical Alteration of Shales during Hydraulic Fracturing
Harrison AL, Jew A, Dustin M, Kiss A, Kohli A, Thomas D, Joe-Wong C, Liu Y, Lim J-H, Brown G, Maher K & Bargar J
(2016) Hydrologic and Geochemical Responses to CO2 Injection in Basalts Based on Flow-Through Experiments
Thomas D, Hingerl F, Maher K, Garing C, Bird D & Benson S
(2014) CO2 Uptake and Trace Element Mobilization in Icelandic Geothermal Systems
Thomas D, Bird D, Arnórsson S, Brown, Jr. G & Maher K

Thomas Dave (2014) Evaluation of Bioaccessibility Methods to Predict Relative Bioavailability of Arsenic in Contaminated Soils
Stevens B, Basta N, Whitacre S, Naber S, Scheckel K, Casteel S, Bradham K & Thomas D

Thomas David (2015) The Study of Air-Ice CO2 Exchange Emphasize the Importance of Gas Bubble Transport during Sea Ice Growth
Kotovitch M, Moreau S, Zhou J, Tison J-L, Dieckmann G, Van der Linden F, Thomas D & Delille B

Thomas Deborah (2012) Late Cretaceous Evolution of Southern Hemisphere Seawater Neodymium Isotope Composition
Thomas D & Murphy D
(2011) Testing Boundary Exchange of Nd Isotopes in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
Woodard S, Marcantonio F, Thomas D & Lyle M
(2010) Nd Isotopes as Indicator of Glacio-Eustasy, Mid-Carboniferous Boundary Arrow Canyon, NV
Woodard S, Thomas D, Grossman E, Olszewski T, Yancey T, Raymond A & Miller B
(2009) Is it Eolian Dust? Contributions to the Fine Silicate Fraction of Deep Sea Sediments on Shatsky Rise, 58Ma
Woodard S & Thomas D
(2008) Extraterrestrial 3He and Constraints on Eolian Fluxes and Provenance in Sediments from the Shatsky Rise
Marcantonio F, Woodard S, Thomas D, McGee D & Winckler G
(2008) Early to Middle Eocene Arctic Paleoceanography from Nd-Sr Isotope Study of Fossil Fish Debris, Lomonosov Ridge
Gleason J, Thomas D, Moore T, Blum J, Owen R & Haley B
(2007) Water Column Structure of the Eocene Arctic Ocean from Nd-Sr Isotope Proxies in Fossil Fish Debris
Gleason J, Thomas D, Moore T, Blum J & Owen R

Thomas Donald (2020) Study of Hawaii Geothermal Opaline Silica Deposits with Raman, Luminescence, NIR Reflectance and X-Ray Diffraction Instruments
Sharma S, Thomas D, Dera P, Egan M, Li S & Lucey P
(2020) Assessment of Groundwater Ages Using Radiocarbon and Chlorofluorocarbons in West Hawai'i Aquifer Systems
Okuhata B, El-Kadi A, Dulai H, Lee J, Thomas D & Popp BN
(2020) Identifying Water Sources and Reassessing Aquifer Boundaries in West Hawaiʻi, USA
Tachera D, Lautze N, Dulai H, Shuler C & Thomas D

Thomas Elizabeth (2019) Aquatic Leaf Wax δ2H in Lakes with Contrasting Residence Times Reflects Arctic Precipitation Seasonality
Thomas E, Hollister K, Cluett A, Corcoran M & Briner J
(2018) A Transect of Orbital-Scale Water Isotope Proxy Records in East Asia Shows a ‘sweet Spot’ for Detecting Summer Monsoon Variability in the Yangtze River Valley
Thomas E & Clemens S
(2014) Differentiating Summer and Winter Monsoon Signals in Precipitation Isotope Records from East Asia
Thomas E, Clemens S, Prell W, Sun Y, Huang Y, Chen G, Liu Z & Wen X

Thomas Elizabeth R. (2008) New High-Resolution Records of Dustiness over Recent Centuries from Greenland and Antarctic Ice Cores
McConnell J, Aristarain A, Curran M, Thomas E, Banta R & Edwards R
(2008) Developing an Ice Core Reconstruction of Regional Sea Ice Changes Around Antarctica
Abram N, McConnell J, Thomas ER, Curran M & Mulvaney R

Thomas Ellen (2019) Interrogating the Paleocene Palaeoclimate Paradox
Henehan M, Barnet J, Planavsky N, Littler K, Hain M, Thomas E, Özen V, von Blanckenburg F & Hull P
(2018) Late Oligocene Warming: Constraints from TEX86-derived Sea Surface Temperature Proxy Records
O'Brien C, Super J, Pagani M, Thomas E & Hull P
(2018) NORTH ATLANTIC SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES SINCE THE EARLY MIOCENE North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures Since the Early Miocene
Super J, O'Brien C, Thomas E, Huber M, Pagani M & Hull P
(2018) Foraminiferal I/Ca Results from the Benguela Upwelling System
Lu W, Dickson A, Thomas E, Rickaby R & Lu Z
(2017) A North Atlantic TEX86 and Uk’37 Sea Surface Temperature Transect Across the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum
Super J, Pagani M, Thomas E & Hull P
(2015) Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The History of Palaeocene Ocean pH
Henehan M, Hull P, Planavsky N, Thomas E & Özen V
(2015) Source and Magnitude of Carbon Release Associated with the PETM
Gutjahr M, Sexton PF, Ridgwell A, Anagnostou E, Pearson PN, Pälike H, Norris RD, Thomas E & Foster GL
(2014) Long-Term Stability of the Carbonate Compensation Depth Across the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Warming Trend
Greene SE, Ridgwell AJ, Kirtland Turner S, Schmidt DN, Pälike H & Thomas E
(2014) The CCD in the Latest Maastrichtian: Implications for Global Carbon Cycle Resilience to the K/Pg Impact and Associated Extinctions
Ridgwell A, Green S, Schmidt D, Thomas E, Kirtland S & Pälike H
(2014) The Urban Geochemistry of Wethersfield Cove, Hartford, CT
Varekamp J, Owrang S, Martini A, Woodruff J, Thomas E & Kruge M
(2014) The Human Footprint on Long Island Sound, an Urban Estuary
Thomas E, Varekamp J, Altabet M, Cooper S, Sangiorgi F & Donders T
(2014) The Two Newberry Crater Lakes, OR: Subaqueous Sources of Hg and As
Varekamp J, Lefkowitz J & Thomas E
(2013) I/Ca Evidence for Upper Ocean Deoxygenation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Lu Z, Thomas E, Zhou X, Rickaby R & Winguth A
(2011) Quantifying Ocean Acidification during the Palaeogene Hyperthermals
Foster L, Schmidt D, Ridgwell A, Thomas E, Coath C, Hinton R & Scott T
(2008) Constraints on the Carbon Cycle Changes during the PETM
Schmidt DN, Ridgwell A, Kasemann S & Thomas E
(2002) Paleoceanographic Proxies in Long Island Sound, CT, USA
Thomas E, Lugolobi F & Varekamp J

Thomas Fabien (2010) Acid-Base Properties of 2:1 Clays. The Role of Electrostatics
Thomas F, Labbez C, Delhorme M & Caillet C

Thomas Femi Anna (2023) Metal Tolerant Bacteria in Arctic Ecosystems – Hidden Treasures to Uncovering the Genomic Mysteries of Pollution
Thomas FA

Thomas Helen (2010) Pyrite is the Key: Insights into Ore Forming Processes at Bendigo, Australia Using LA-ICPMS Trace Element and Isotope Methods
Thomas H, Large R & Bull S
(2006) Dating Ore Deposits using the Te-Xe system.
Thomas H, Pattrick R & Gilmour J

Thomas Helmuth (2014) Using Carbon and Radium Isotopes to Evaluate the Biogeochemical Impact of Boundary Exchanges in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Hagens M, Brenner H & Pätsch J
(2014) Radium Isotopes as a Tracer of Sediment-Water Column Exchange in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Pätsch J, Omar A, Schrum C, Daewel U, Brenner H & de Baar H
(2012) Pore-Water Diffusive Fluxes of 224Ra and CO2 in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia
Burt W, Thomas H, Fennel K, Smith J & Horne E

Thomas Holly (2018) A Late Cenozoic Glacial History of the Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica Using 3He, 21Ne, and 10Be Surface Exposure Ages
Balter A, Bromley G, Balco G, Thomas H & Jackson M

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