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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Teschner Claudia (2015) Atlantic Inflow and the Erosional Input into the Nordic Seas during the Late Plio- and Pleistocene
Teschner C, Frank M & Haley BA

Teschner Claudia (2016) Extraction of Strontium Isotopes from Otoliths of the Mid-Burdigalian (Lower Ottnangian) in the Central Paratethys
Teschner C, Reichenbacher B & Weitzel F

Teschner M. (2008) Combustion Gases of Coal Fires – Composition and Interpretation
Schloemer S & Teschner M

Tesfa M. (2023) Estimating Organic Matter Acid-Base Properties and Electrical Charge by Spectrophotometry
Tesfa M, Dia A, Mahe F, Janot N & Marsac R
(2021) Simplified Spectrophotometric Acid-Base Titrations to Assess Organic Matter Reactivity
Tesfa M, Marsac R, Dia A & Mahe F

Tesfaye Demissie Bizuneh (2008) Evolution of the Southern Ethiopian Rift System: Constrained from Geochronological and Geochemical Data of Mafic Lavas of Amaro and Yabello Areas
Tesfaye DB, Tanaka R & Nakamura E

Tesfaye Demissie Bizuneh (2015) Fractionation Behavior of 238U-Series Nuclides during Acid Leaching of Basaltic Samples
Tanaka R, Yokoyama T, Kitagawa H, Tesfaye DB & Nakamura E

Teshima M. (2019) Rock Varnish: Implications for Biosignatures on Mars
Marti-Arbona R, Lanza N, Teshima M, Lingappa U, Fischer W & Yeager C

Teshome B. (2019) Isotopic Composition and Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwater and Surface Water in Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
Teshome B, Rai N & Krishan G

Tesi T. (2022) Land-Ocean Connections during Last Deglaciation: Transport of Biospheric Terrestrial Carbon beneath the Svalbard Barents Ice Sheet
Nogarotto A, Mollenhauer G, Hefter J, Noormets R, Capotondi L, Belt S, Chauhan T, Muschitiello F, Colleoni F, Pellegrini C & Tesi T

Teske Andreas (2021) Archaeal Niche Partitioning and Non-Temperature Effects on the TEX86 Paleotemperature Proxy in Planktonic Communities from the Gulf of Mexico
Elling FJ, Warren C, Nigro LM, Goldenstein NI, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U
(2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
(2018) Intracellular Calcite and Sulfur Dynamics of Achromatium Cells in Aerobic Incubation Experiments
Yang T, Ambrose W, Nielsen LP, Carvalho V & Teske A
(2018) Uncovering Microbial Species-Specific Effects on Organic Matter Transformation Through Novel Isotopic Approaches
Mahmoudi N, Enke T, Beaupre S, Teske A, Cordero O & Pearson A
(2017) Novel Hydrocarbon Utilization Pathways Uncultured Sediment Microbes
Baker B, Dombrowski N, Seitz K, Rambo I & Teske A
(2017) Radioactive Disequilibrium in Sediments of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California/Sea of Cortés
Benninger L, Hensen C, Teske A & MacGregor B
(2016) Factors Controlling the Distribution of Microbial Lipids in Marine Subseafloor Sediments
Hinrichs K-U, Meador T, Buttigieg P-L, Teske A & Darclife T
(2013) Production of Archaeal Lipid Biomarkers in Stable Isotope Labeled Incubations of MCG-Rich Sediments
Meador TB, Kuippers G, Lazar CS, Könneke M, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U
(2013) Insights into Potential Metabolisms of the Cosmopolitan Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group (MCG) from Estuarine Sediments Using Metagenomics
Lazar C, Baker B, Dick G, Hinrichs K-U & Teske A
(2013) Functional Contrasts and Functional Redundancy in Arctic Bacterial Communities in the Oxic Water Column and Anoxic Sediments
Arnosti C, Cardman Z, Steen A, Ziervogel K & Teske A
(2012) Natural-Abundance Stable Carbon Isotopes of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA): First Results from Guaymas Basin (Mexico)
MacGregor B, Mendlovitz H, Albert D & Teske A
(2010) Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Cool, Warm, and Hot Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Sediments
Biddle J, Cardman Z, Mendlovitz H, Albert D, Lloyd K, Boetius A & Teske A
(2009) Spatial Structure and Activity of Shallow Subsurface Microbial Communities in a Gulf of Mexico Methane Seep
Lloyd K, Albert D, Chanton J & Teske A
(2009) Stable Carbon Isotope Probing of Intact Polar Lipids from Benthic Archaea in Marine Subsurface Sediment
Lin Y-S, Biddle JF, Lipp JS, Holler T, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U
(2009) Microbial Community Stratification in TOC-Depleted Marine Subsurface Sediments of the Pacific Ocean
Durbin A, Biddle J, Martino A, House C, Fischer J, Spivack A, Schrum H, D'Hondt S & Teske A
(2008) A Genetic View of Diversity beneath the Seafloor
Biddle J & Teske A
(2008) Ubiquitous Distribution of Methanogens and Anaerobic Methanotrophs in Subseafloor Sediments and Basalts
Lever M, Inagaki F, Morono Y, Masui N & Teske A
(2002) Quantitative Molecular Techniques to Study the Abundance and Activity of Microorganisms in the Marine Deep Subsurface
Neretin LN, Schippers A, Teske A, Ferdelman T, Joergensen BB &  L2SSP

Teske Andreas P. (2019) Examining Pathways of Hydrocarbon Gas Generation in Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Sediments
Song M, Schubotz F, Kellermann MY, Hansen CT, Bach W, Teske AP & Hinrichs K-U

Tesmer M. (2015) IsoNose – Isotopic Tools as Novel Sensors of Earth Surfaces Resources – A New Marie Curie Initial Training Network
von Blanckenburg F, Bouchez J, Bouman C, Gaillardet J, Gorbushina A, James R, Kamber B, Oelkers E, Tesmer M & Ashton J

Tesoriero Anthony (2019) Predicting Base Flow Nitrate Concentrations in Streams Using Machine Learning
Tesoriero A, Wherry S & Terziotti S

Tesoriero Anthony J. (2023) Predicting Redox Conditions in Groundwater at a National Scale Using Random Forest Classification
Tesoriero AJ, Wherry SA, Johnson TD & Dupuy DI

Tessalina Svetlana (2020) Role of Granites in Genesis of Archean VHMS Systems, WA Examples
Tessalina S, Ware B, Barrote V & McNaughton N
(2019) Integrative Geochronology of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: Towards 4D Evolution Model
Tessalina S, Barrote V & McNaughton N
(2019) Nanoscale Quantification of Isotope Ratios by Atom Probe Tomography
Saxey D, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Tessalina S & Pearce M
(2019) Oxygenation: Global Tipping Point, Local Records
Philippot P, Avila J, Bouyon A, Killingsworth B, Siciliano Rego E, Rossignol C, Ader M, Busigny V, Cartigny P, Lalonde S, Tessalina S, Marly B, Trevor I, Zapporeli A, Bacelar Hühn S & Trindade R
(2018) Re-Os Isotope and Trace Elements Study of Black Shales and Nodular Pyrites Associated with Massive Sulphides in the Nimbus VHMS System, Western Australia
Barrote V, Tessalina S, McNaughton N, Evans N & McDonald B
(2018) Insights into the Hydration and Fertilization of the Kalkarindji CFB Magmas: Evidence for a Hydrated Source?
Ware B, Jourdan F, Tessalina S & Nebel O
(2017) Application of Atom Probe Microscopy to Nanoscale Os Isotopic Studies
Tessalina S, Daly L, Bland P, Saxey D, Reddy S, Fougerouse D & Rickard W
(2017) Re-Os Geochronology of Sub-Micrometre Meteoritic Alloys Through Atom Probe Microscopy
Daly L, Bland PA, Tessalina S, Saxey DW, Reddy SM, Fougerouse D, Rickard WDA, Forman LV, Trimby PW, Yang L, La Fontaine A, Cairney J, Ringer SP & Schaefer BF
(2017) Globally Asynchronous Sulfur Isotope Signals Require Re-definition of the Great Oxidation Event
Philippot P, Ávila J, Killingsworth B, Baton F, Caquineau T, Muller E, Pecoits E, Cartigny P, Tessalina S, Lalonde S, Ireland T, Thomazo C, Van Kranendonk M & Busigny V
(2015) Silver Isotope Systematics in Native Ag from Hydrothermal Mo-Cu, Cu-Pb-Zn and Ag-Au Deposits
Tessalina S
(2014) Re-Os Pilot Study of Western Australian Oil
Tessalina S, Grice K, Maslen E & Creaser R
(2013) Sources and Concentrations of Highly Siderophile Elements in VHMS Deposits Through Time
Tessalina S
(2013) Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Sulfides from Olympiada Gold Deposit (Yenisei Rige, Russia)
Naumov E, Tessalina S, Borisenko A, Nevolko P & Kovalev K
(2012) Tracing Magmatic Fluid in Hydrothermal Deposits within Subduction Zone Setting
Tessalina S
(2007) Isotopic Record of Hadean Crust in Western Australia
Tessalina S, Philippot P, Van Kranendonk M, Bourdon B & Birck J-L
(2006) Nd-Pb-Os and Cu-Zn isotope systematics of Urals VHMS deposits
Tessalina S, Weiss DJ, Mason TF & Chapman JB
(2006) Continental lithospheric mantle origin of 2.5 Ga old Monchegorsk layered intrusion from the Fennoscandian Shield
Tessalina S, Birck J-L, Allégre C-J, Sharkov EV & Belyatsky BA
(2005) Sources of Unique Rhenium Enrichment in the Kudriavy Volcano, Kurile Islands
Tessalina S, Yudovskaya M, Françoise C, Birck J, Vadim D, Chaplygin I & Allègre C
(2000) Isotopic Indicators of Subduction Process in South Urals (Russia)
Tessalina S, Guerrot C, Gannoun A, Orgeval J & Zaykov V
(2000) Late Devonian Re-Os Age for Sulphides from Dergamish Massif Sulphide, South Ural, Russia
Gannoun A, Tessalina S, Orgeval J, Tatarko N, Birck J & Allègre C

Tessalina Svetlana G (2022) Pb Isotopes of the Curnamona Province, an Example of Extreme Crustal Fractionation in the Proterozoic
Ware B, Liebmann J, Kirkland CL, Tessalina SG, Mole DR, Waltenberg K, Huston DL, Fraser G & Champion DC
(2022) Isotope Fingerprinting of Placer Gold from Kurnalpi Terrain, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Tessalina SG, Hancock EA, Ware B & McNaughton NJ

Tessele I. (2022) Distribution of Chromium and Thallium Species along the Amazon and Pará Estuaries and Mixing Plume
Tessele I, Carvalho L & Koschinsky A

Tesser L.R. (2022) Zircon and Monazite U–Pb Petrochronology: Unravelling Partial Reset and Metamorphism in an Upper-Amphibolite Facies Semipelitic Metatexite
Batista LDA, Kelsey DE, Moraes R, Gengo RM & Tesser LR

Tessier A. (2012) Stable Pb Isotope Ratios as Mid-1800s Stratigraphic Markers for Sediments from Eastern Canada Lakes
Tessier A, Gobeil C & Couture R-M
(2010) Arsenic Dynamics in Lake Sediments
Couture R-M, Gobeil C, Tessier A, Shafei B & Van Cappellen P
(2009) History of Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury Reconstructed from Sedimentary Records Corrected for Diagenesis
Feyte S, Gobeil C, Tessier A & Cossa D
(2009) Arsenic Reactions and Mobility along Redox Gradients in Lake Sediments
Couture R-M, Gobeil C & Tessier A
(2008) Chronology of Atmospheric Deposition of Arsenic Inferred from Reconstructed Sedimentary Records
Couture R-M, Gobeil C & Tessier A
(2008) Sequestration Mechanisms and Sources of Rhenium in Lacustrine Sediments, Eastern Canada
Chappaz A, Gobeil C & Tessier A

Tessier D. (2002) Short Scale Changes in Soil Properties due to Structural Iron Reduction
Favre F, Ernstsen V, Tessier D & Boivin P

Tessier Emmanuel (2023) Effect of Alluvial Gold Mines Rehabilitation on Mercury and Trace Metals Release to Hydrosystems (French Guiana)
Nitschke N, Tessier E, Ali A, Hellal J, Taravella S, Guedron S & Amouroux D
(2023) Mercury (Hg) Species Transformations in Shelf to Marginal Waters of the Mediterranean Sea – Experimental Evidence for in situ Biotic Dimethyl-Hg (DMHg) Formation
Kleindienst A, Tessier E, Torres-Rodriguez N, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Guyoneaud R, Bieser J & Amouroux D
(2023) Development of a New Analytical Strategy to Determine the Hg Isotopic Composition in Gold Materials
Barre JPG, Beck B, Tessier E & Bérail S
(2023) Simultaneous Investigation of the Biogeochemistry of Selenium and Mercury Compounds in Natural Waters of a Coastal Range Watershed: Analogues or Antagonists?
Amouroux D, Bueno M, Tessier E, Duval B, Lanceleur L & Stoichev T
(2023) Molybdate Inhibits Mercury Methylation of Pseudodesulfovibrio Hydrargyri BerOc1 Independently of Sulfate-Reducing Metabolism
Scuvee D, Goñi Urriza M, Tessier E, Gassie C, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Amouroux D, Guyoneaud R & khalfaoui Hassani B
(2023) Mercury Species Transformations by Natural Microbial Communities in a Sulfidic Hydrothermal Spring, Southwest France
Xue J-P, Margalef Marti R, Tessier E, Guyoneaud R, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Sebilo M, Pedrero Zayas Z & Amouroux D
(2021) Mechanistic Elucidation of Abiotic Monomethylmercury Photodemethylation in Freshwaters: Experimental Evidence
Lotfi Kalahroodi E, Tessier E, Le Bechec M, Bérail S, Pigot T & Amouroux D
(2021) Mercury (Hg) Transformation Pathways: Evaluating Hg Incubation Experiments in Seawaters Using Isotopic Tracers
Kleindienst A, Tessier E, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E & Amouroux D
(2021) Mercury Cycling in the Baltic Sea: can Stable Isotopes Help us ?
Bouchet S, Soerensen A, Björn E, Tessier E & Amouroux D
(2021) Towards a Better Understanding of Mercury (Hg) Dynamics in the Marine Environment
Gindorf S, Kleindienst A, Malberti LM, García Arévalo IG, Torres-Rodriguez N, Amptmeijer D, Amouroux D, Point D, Knoery J, Guyoneaud R, Lorrain A, Bieser J, Horvat M, Schrum C, Tessier E, Sonke JE, Jonsson S & Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E
(2021) Selenium Speciation and Reactivity in a Coastal Range Watershed: From Mountain Lakes to Estuarine Waters
Amouroux D, Romero-Rama A, Tessier E & Bueno M
(2021) Subcellular Localization, Speciation and Imaging of Mercury during Bacterial Methylation Process
Le Bars M, Barrouilhet S, Monperrus M, Goñi Urriza M, Tessier E & Isaure M-P
(2021) Biogeochemical Interactions between Iron and Nutrient Cycling in a Saline Inland Lake
Margalef Marti R, Sebilo M, Thibault de Chanvalon A, Gonzalez Alvarez I, Mazière C, Guibert M, Tessier E, Lauga B & Amouroux D
(2019) Insights into the Speciation of Arsenic, Selenium and Mercury in Saline Lakes of the Bolivian Altiplano
Guedron S, Tolu J, Tessier E, Bueno M, Mestrot A, Acha D & Amouroux D
(2019) Biogeochemistry of Selenium Compounds in the Water Column of a Warm Monomictic Lake (Lake Kinneret, Israel)
Romero-Rama A, Bueno M, Tessier E, Be'eri-Shlevin Y, Sukenik A, Nishri A & Amouroux D
(2019) Carbon Dioxide Emissions from High Altitude Lakes in Relation with their Geochemistry
Duval B, Kortazar L, Fernandez LA, Romero Rama A, Tessier E, Bueno M, Amouroux D & de Diego A
(2019) Methylmercury Distribution and Formation in Polluted Agricultural Soils
Gfeller L, Amouroux D, Caplette J, Lei D, Liao J, Tessier E, Xia J, Zhang H, Feng X & Mestrot A
(2019) Speciation and Fate of Hg and Se Species in the Water Column of High Altitude Lakes (Pyrenees)
Duval B, Romero Rama A, Tessier E, Bueno M, de Diego A & Amouroux D
(2017) Frontiers in Speciation Sciences: The MARSS Center: Centre of Mass Spectometry for Reactivity and Speciation Sciences
Donard OFX, Berail S, Amouroux D, Tessier E, Pecheyran C, Claverie F, Bowen I, Szpunar J, Bierla K, Schaumloeffel D, Malherbe J, Horreard F, Martinez H & Courreges C
(2017) Hg Transformations in Sediments and Biofilms from High Altitude Lakes
Bouchet S, Amouroux D, Goni-Urriza M, Monperrus M, Guyonneaud R, Fernandez P, Tessier E & Acha-Cordero D
(2016) Bringing Total and Species Specific Hg Isotopic Analysis to Ultra-Trace Levels Using Hyphenated MC-ICP-MS
Bérail S, Bouchet S, Cavalheiro J, Tessier E, Barre J, Pedrero Zayas Z, Donard O & Amouroux D
(2016) Traceability for Mercury Isotopic Measurements
Cavalhiero J, Berail S, Tessier E, Barre J, Renedo M, Amouroux D & Donard O
(2015) Understanding Bio-Volatilization Pathways of Trace Metal(loid)s (Hg, Se, Sn, …) in Aquatic Environments: Field and Lab Approaches
Amouroux D, Tessier E, Lanceleur L, Perrot V & Bueno M
(2015) Selenium Volatilization and Isotopic Fractionation Induced by Micro Organisms during Respiratory Reduction of Sulphate and Fumarate
Lanceleur L, Tessier E, Bueno M, Berail S, Hakil F, Guyoneaud R & Amouroux D
(2014) Combination of Isotopic Composition and Speciation in Rice Grains from Chinese Mining Area to Elucidate Hg Biogeochemcial Pathways
Feng C, Pedrero Z, Li P, Feng X, Barre J, Monperrus M, Tessier E, Berail S & Amouroux D
(2013) Tracing Antropogenic Hg Emissions in an Urban Area in Northeastern France
Estrade N, Cloquet C, Amouroux D, Tessier E, Donard O & Carignan J
(2012) In Vitro Simulation of Oscillatory Redox Conditions in Intertidal Sediments
Anschutz P, Abril G, Deborde J, Bouchet S, Bridou R, Tessier E & Amouroux D
(2009) Investigation of Mercury Methylation Routes Combining Species-Specific Isotopic Tracers and Isotopic Fractionation Measurements
Perrot V, Bridou R, Tessier E, Rodriguez-Gonzalez P, Epov V, Monperrus M, Guyoneaud R & Amouroux D
(2009) Speciation and Isotopic Signatures of Hg in the Lake Baikal – Angara River Food-Web
Epov V, Pastukhov M, Perrot V, Tessier E, Grebenshchikova V, Sonke J, Amouroux D & Donard O
(2009) Development of a Hyphenated Technique (HG-ICP-MS/HG-MC-ICP-MS) for Isotopic Study of Germanium Species
Escoube R, Epov V, Berail S, Tessier E, Amouroux D, Perrot V, Rouxel O & Donard O
(2007) Distribution and Speciation of Mercury in the Curuai Floodplain Lakes and Role of the Water Exchanges with the Amazon River, Brazil
Dutra Maia P, Maurice Bourgoin L, Tessier E, Cossa D, Amouroux D, Perez M & Moreira Turcq P
(2007) Development of the High Presicion Measurement of Mercury Species Isotopic Ratios by GC-MC-ICP-MS and its Validation with Two Other Analytical Aproaches
Epov V, Rodriguez-Gonzalez P, Sonke J, Tessier E, Amouroux D, Maurice Bourgoin L, Estrade N, Carignan J & Donard O
(2003) Evasion of Gasous Metal and Metalloid Species (Se, Sn, Hg, I) to the Atmosphere from European Esturies
Amouroux D, Tessier E & Donard O

Tessier Erwan (2012) Total Mercury and Methylmercury Accumulation in Aquatic Sediments
Cossa D, Garnier C, Gobeil C, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Mikac N, Patel-Sorentino N & Tessier E
(2012) Analysis and Modelling of Arsenic Dynamics in Coastal Sediments
Dang DH, Tessier E, Lenoble V, Durrieu G, Le Poupon C, Mullot J-U, Mounier S & Garnier C

Tessin Allyson (2019) Does Climate Warming Reduce Preservation of Organic Carbon in Arctic Marine Sediments?
Faust JC, Stevenson MA, Tessin A, Abbott GD & März C
(2019) Quantifying Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the Changing Arctic Barents Sea
Sales de Freitas F, Ward J, Stevenson M, Abbott G, Henley S, Faust J, Tessin A, Solan M, März C, Hendry K & Arndt S
(2019) Nutrient Exchange at the Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor and Implications for the Water Column
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Hendry K & Maerz C
(2018) Does Sea Ice Reduction Enhance Preservation of Organic Carbon in Arctic Marine Sediments?
Faust JC, Tessin A, Stevenson MA, Abbott GD & März C
(2018) Macronutrient Cycling in Arctic Sediments and Benthic-Pelagic Coupling
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Brand T & Maerz C
(2018) Molybdenum and Chromium Molecular Geochemistry: Advancing the Paleo-Redox Proxies
Chappaz A, Babos H, Hlohowskyj S & Tessin A
(2017) Understanding Diagenetic Processes and Overprint in Quaternary Arctic Ocean Sediments
März C, Meinhardt A-K, Tessin A, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J
(2017) Biogeochemical Cycling on the Yermak Plateau during the Last Two Glacial Cycles
Tessin A, Maerz C, Brumsack H-J, Forwick M, Löwemark L, Matthiessen J, O'Regan M & Schnetger B
(2014) New Carbon Isotope Records of the Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 3 from the Western Interior Seaway
Tessin A, Sheldon N & Hendy I

Tessin Allyson C. (2021) Benthic Organic Matter Dynamics Drives Carbonate Chemistry in Arctic Ocean Sediments
Sales de Freitas F, Arndt S, Hendry KR, Faust JC, Tessin AC & März C

Tesson J. (2019) A New Look at Paired-Cosmogenic Nuclide: Paleoaltimetry, Paleodepthmetry and Burial Ages
Blard P-H, Lupker M, Rousseau M & Tesson J
(2019) The CREp Chlorine-36 Exposure Age and Depth Profile Calculator
Schimmelpfennig I, Tesson J, Blard P-H, Benedetti L, Zakiri M & Balco G

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