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Ternois S. (2015) Petrography, U-Pb Age Constraints and Metamorphic History of the Nulliak Supracrustal Assemblage (Northeastern Labrador)
Thomassot E, Kitayama Y, Wind S, Jovovic I, Ternois S, Barbey P & Deloule E

Terrani K. (2019) Fabrication Avenues for High-Performance UO2 Fuel Candidates
Finkeldei S, Hunt R, Kiggans J, Terrani K & Nelson A
(2018) Fabrication and Properties of Advanced Urania Fuel
Finkeldei S, Kiggans J, Hunt R & Terrani K

Terranova U. (2017) FeS Polymorphs: Stability and Thermodynamics from ab Initio Modelling
Terranova U & de Leeuw N
(2015) Structure and Hydration of the FeS Mackinawite/Water Interface from Molecular Modelling
Terranova U & de Leeuw N
(2014) Aqueous Iron-Sulfur Clusters: Insights from Molecular Dynamics
Terranova U & de Leeuw N
(2014) Fe2S2 Cluster in Aqueous Solution: Geometry, Magnetic Properties, and Hydration from First Principles
Terranova U & de Leeuw N
(2013) DFT Studies of the Interaction of Water with (Fe, Ni)-Sulfide Surfaces and Clusters
de Leeuw NH, Roldan A, Haider S, Santos Carballal D & Terranova U

Terray L. (2021) 222Rn in Magmatic Gases Brings New Constraints on Degassing Dynamics Under an Active Volcano
Terray L, Gauthier P-J, Breton V & Sigmarsson O

Terrazas-Ahumada A. (2021) Air Quality Changes in Mexico City, London and Delhi in Response to Various Levels of Lockdown Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rangel EV, Namdeo A, Bramwell L, Miquelajauregui Y, Resendiz-Martinez C, Jaimes M, Luna F, Terrazas-Ahumada A, Maji K, Entwistle JA, Núñez Enríquez JC, Mejia JM, Portas A, Hayes L & McNally R

Terrill N.J. (2010) The Mechanism of ACC Nanoparticle Transformation to Vaterite
Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Bots P, Terrill NJ, Shaw S & Benning LG
(2006) The Life Cycle of Nanoparticles in Acid Mine Drainage: An In-Situ Synchrotron Study
Davidson L, Benning L, Shaw S & Terrill N
(2005) Nucleation and Growth of Nano-Apatite: Applications to Biomineralisation
Schofield P, Valsami-Jones E, Sneddon R, Wilson J, Kirk C, Terrill N, Martin C, Lammie D & Wess T
(2005) The Effect of Arsenic on the Nucleation and Growth of Schwertmannite: An in situ SAXS Study
Davidson L, Benning L, Shaw S & Terrill N
(2004) Nucleation and Growth of Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticles from Solution: An in situ Time-Resolved Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) Study
Shaw S, Benning L, Terrill N & Davidson L
(2004) Controls on Calcium Phosphate Cluster Formation
Valsami-Jones E, Schofield P, Terrill N & Martin C
(2000) The Nucleation of Particulate FeS Observed with Small- and Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering
Benning LG, Shaw S & Terrill NJ

Terrinha P. (2019) Analysing the Distribution of Marine Mineral Deposits Across European Seas: A New Perspective from the EMODnet-Geology Project
Medialdea T, Judge M, González FJ, Somoza L, Terrinha P & Marino E
(2011) The Mesozoic Evolution of the West Iberian Margin as Witnessed by Magma Geochemistry
Mata J, Alves CF, Miranda R, Martins L, Madeira J, Terrinha P, Youbi N, Bensalah M & Azevedo MDR
(2009) Stable Isotope Signature of the Middle Holocene Climatic Change in the SW Iberia
Ribeiro C, Terrinha P, Rosado L, Candeias A & Voelker A
(2009) Isotopic and Trace Element Constraints on the Source of the Late Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism of the West Iberian Margin
Miranda R, Mata J, Terrinha P & Azevedo MDR
(2007) Age Constraints on the Late Cretaceous Alkaline Magmatism on the West Iberian Margin
Miranda R, Mata J, Valadares V, Terrinha P, Azevedo MDR, Gaspar LM, Kullberg JC & Ribeiro C

Terroso D. (2016) Healing Clays from Portugal: Technological Properties and Risk Assessment
Costa C, Rocha F, Quintela A & Terroso D

Terry J. (2005) Rates of uranium(VI) Reduction by Hydrogen Sulfide in Aqueous Media: Effects of Carbonate and pH
Hua B, Terry J, Deng B & Thornton E

Terry M.P. (2004) Interplay between Fluid Infiltration, Deformation, and Diffusion during Eclogitization in the Mte. Mucrone Quartz Diorite, Italy
Terry M & Heidelbach F
(2004) U-Pb Age Constraints on the Subduction–extension Interval in the Averoya–Nordoyane Area, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Krogh T, Kwok Y, Robinson P & Terry M
(2001) Geothermobarometry of Phengite-Kyanite-Quartz/Coesite Eclogites
Ravna EJK & Terry MP
(2001) Relationship between Thrusting and Extension during Caledonian Orogeny in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway: Evidence Based on a New Tectono-Stratigraphic Compilation and U-Pb Geochronology of Zircon, Monazite, Sphene, and Baddeleyite
Tucker RD, Robinson P, Krogh T, Solli A, Terry MP, Gee D, Carswell DA, Thorsnes T & Bickford ME
(2001) Evidence for Supersilicic Pyroxene in an UHP Kyanite Eclogite, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Terry MP & Robinson P

Terry N. (2021) Linking Innovative Field Measurements to Models: Characterizingreactive Groundwater Exchange along Large Rivers
Briggs MA, Helton AM, Gooseff MN, Barclay JR, Terry N, Moore EM, Haynes A, Jackson K, Bisson A, DiGiorno M, Arntzen E & Chen X

Terry O. (2021) Geochemical Evaluation of Fluid-Rock Interactions between Niobrara Formation and Alkaline Fracturing Fluid during Well Shut In, Denver-Julesburg Basin, CO, USA: A 30-Day Experimental Study
Terry O, Caro D, Dewey J & Kaszuba JP
(2021) Geochemical Evaluation of Flowback and Produced Water from Five Hydraulically-Fractured Wells in the Niobrara Formation, Denver-Julesburg Basin, CO, USA: A 228 Day Field Study
Caro D, Kaszuba JP & Terry O

Terry-Tang Y.S. (2017) Organic and Carbonate Carbon Burial Through Earth’s History
Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Bolton E & Terry-Tang Y
(2017) On Reverse Weathering, Climate Stability and Cooling
Terry-Tang Y & Planavsky N
(2017) Deciphering the δ7Li Record in Carbonates
Kalderon-Asael B, Planavsky NJ, Asael D & Terry-Tang YS

Terschure A. (2010) Development of a Method to Speciate Gaseous Oxidized Mercury Using Thermal Decomposition
Swartzendruber P, Bauer D, Ter Schure A & Hynes A
(2010) Measurements of Halogen Oxides and Speciated Mercury at a Coastal Site in Pensacola, FL
Coburn S, Dix B, Sinreich R, Terschure A, Edgerton E & Volkamer R

Teršič T. (2008) Historical Ore Processing in Idrija – Case Study of a Unique Mercury Waste Disposal Site
Teršič T, Gosar M & Biester H

Terskikh V. (2014) Ordered and Disordered Environments in Synthetic Ca-Tschermak Clinopyroxene and Variation with Pressure, Temperature and Time
Flemming RL & Terskikh V

Tersmette D.B. (2022) Discovery of a Giant Juvenile 3.3–3.1 Ga Terrane in the Rae Craton, Canada
Neil B, Tersmette DB, Chacko T, Heaman LM, Kjarsgaard BA, Martel E, Creaser RA, Pearson DG, Stern RA, Dufrane SA & Luo Y

Tertre E. (2023) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Adsorption and Desorption on/From Soil Phyllosilicates and Phyllomanganates(kaolinite, Montmorillonite, Muscovite and Vernadite)
Schmitt A-D, Gangloff S, Brazier J-M, Nuvoli N & Tertre E
(2021) Effect of Particle Orientation on the Diffusion of Water in the Dual Porosity of Vermiculite Porous Media
Asaad A, Hubert F, Ferrage E, Dabat T, Paineau EN, Savoye S, Gregoire B & Tertre E
(2019) Calcium Isotope Fractionation Associated to Adsorption and Desorption on/From dMnO2
Schmitt A-D, Gangloff S, Brazier J-M & Tertre E
(2017) Calcium Isotopic Fractionation during Adsorption and Desorption onto Common Soil Phyllosilicates
Brazier J-M, Schmitt A-D, Gangloff S & Tertre E
(2016) How to Experimentally Improve the Predictive Capacity of Adsorption Models of Solutes on Swelling Clays ?
Tertre E
(2015) Influence of Particle Size on the Experimental Dissolution and Al-Hydroxylation of K-Vermiculite
Viennet J-C, Hubert F, Tertre E & Turpault M-P
(2012) Clay-Rock Alteration Experiments at 80Â℃ in Closed and Open Conditions: Application to the Waste Storage
Beaucaire C, Tertre E, Ferrage E, Grenut B, Pronier S & Made B
(2012) Ion Exchange Model for Reversible Sorption of Divalent Metals on Calcite
Tertre E, Beaucaire C & Page J
(2010) Transport and Ion Exchange between Na+ and Ca2+ in Vermiculite: Modeling of Experimental Data Obtained for Static and Stirred Flow-Through Reactor Methods
Tertre E, Pacreau M, Bruzac S, Ferrage E & Prêt D
(2008) A Multi-Site Ion Exchange Model to Predict Contaminants Sorption in Sediments
Beaucaire C, Tertre E, Coreau N, Juery A & Legrand S
(2008) Behaviour of Lanthanides in Sorption Process at the Thermodynamic Prospect
Belline J, Conceição R, Formoso M, Tertre E & Berger G
(2007) Modeling of Zn Sorption onto Clayey Sediments Using a Multi-Site and Multi-Componant Ion-Exchange Model
Tertre E, Coreau N, Juery A & Beaucaire C
(2007) Is There a Reversible Step in 45Ca Sorption onto Pure Calcite?
Ly J, Tertre E, Beaucaire C & Mevellec V
(2004) Experimental Sorption of Cs+, Ni2+ and Eu3+ onto a Montmorillonite from 25 to 150℃
Tertre E, Berger G & Castet S

Terweh S. (2023) Multi-Element River Water Monitoring by Quantifying 68 Elements in One Single Analytical run
Belkouteb N, Schroeder H, van Dongen R, Terweh S, Slabon A, Arndt J, Wiederhold JG, Ternes TA & Duester L

Terzano R. (2011) Mineral Weathering and Mobilization of Trace Metals in the Rhizosphere: The Role of Root Exudates
Terzano R, Medici L, Mimmo T, Tomasi N, Pinton R & Cesco S
(2011) Zeolitization of Aluminosilicate Waste Materials in Soil as a Tool for Soil Remediation
Terzano R

Terzić J. (2009) Usage of Tritium, δD, δ18O and Chemical Data in the Hydrogeological Investigations of the Karstic Area -Lička Jasenica
Marković T, Terzić J & Krajcar Bronić I

Terziotti S. (2019) Predicting Base Flow Nitrate Concentrations in Streams Using Machine Learning
Tesoriero A, Wherry S & Terziotti S

Tesán Onrubia J.A. (2019) Bioaccumulation of Trace Metals on Microplastics: A Biofilm-Mediated Reaction
Tesán Onrubia JA, Djaoudi K, Mounier S & Stocchino A

Teschler-Nicola M. (2012) Sr Isotopic Investigations of Calcium-Rich Matrices by LA-MC-ICPMS
Irrgeher J, Galler P, Zitek A, Teschler-Nicola M & Prohaska T
(2012) Chemical Imaging of Isotopic Spikes in Hard Tussues Using LA-ICPMS
Prohaska T, Horsky M, Irrgeher J, Zitek A, Teschler-Nicola M, Schulze-Koenig T & Walczyk T

Teschner Claudia (2012) Plio-Pleistocene Evolution of Water Mass Exchange and Erosinal Input in the Nordic Seas
Teschner C, Frank M, Haley BA & Knies J
(2011) Plio-Pleistocene Evolution of Water Mass Exchange and Erosional Input in the Fram Strait
Teschner C, Frank M, Haley BA, Christl M, Vogt C & Knies J

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