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Teolis B. (2021) What's for Lunch on Enceladus? How Oxidant Production Generates a Rich Metabolic Menu
Ray C, Glein C, Waite JH, Teolis B, Hoehler T, Huber JA, Lunine J & Postberg F

Tepanosyan G. (2023) Street Dust and Green Barrier Deposited PM Particles Chemical Characterization and Associated Health Risk Assessment in an Urban Kindergarten
Tepanosyan G, Baldacchini C, Asmaryan S & Sahakyan L
(2021) Naturally Occurring and Technogenic Radionuclides in Yerevan (Armenia) Soils: Background Values Spatial Distribution and Stochastic Health Risk Assessment
Aruta A, Sahakyan L, Tepanosyan G, Movsisyan N, Dominech S, Lima A, Belyaeva O & Albanese S
(2021) Soil Geochemical Mapping and Characterization of Ararat Region, Armenia
Tepanosyan G & Sahakyan L
(2020) Arsenic Contents and Associated Health Risk in Soils of a Mining Area
Tepanosyan G, Sahakyan L & Saghatelyan A
(2018) Soils Geochemical Surveys as an Indicator of the Quality of Urban Environment
Tepanosyan G, Sahakyan L & Saghatelyan A

Tepe N. (2022) Stromatolites of the Western Pannonian Basin Reflect Trace Metal Availability in Microbial Habitats during the Middle Miocene Salinity Crisis
Viehmann S, Kujawa R, Hohl SV, Tepe N, Rodler A, Hofmann T & Draganits E
(2022) The Provenance of Copper of Egyptian Blue Pigments: A Sarcophagus from Sidon
Rodler A, Brøns C, Tepe N, Hofmann T, Koeberl C, Frei R & Artioli G
(2017) Improvements in Sample Introduction and Calibration Approaches for Analysis of Engineered Nanomaterials by Single Particle ICP-MS
Tepe N, Laycock A, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2017) Transformation of Copper-Based Nano Materials in Soils
Laycock A, Gerstmann B, Tepe N, Kah M, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2015) Controls on Dissolved and Truly Dissolved REY in Glacial-Fed Rivers in West-Greenland
Tepe N & Bau M
(2015) REY Scavenging in the Presence of Siderophores Produces Negative Ce Anomalies in Manganese Oxides
Kraemer D, Tepe N, Pourret O & Bau M
(2013) Controls on Dissolved REE and HFSE in Glacial Meltwater Rivers in Southern Iceland
Tepe N & Bau M

Teper E. (2020) Lead Speciation in Ambient Urban Air
Teper E, Jabłońska M, Janeczek J, Rachwał M & Rogula-Kozłowska W
(2020) Unusually High Concentrations of NaCl in Non-Marine Aerosol
Jabłońska M, Janeczek J, Teper E, Smołka-Danielowska D & Szczyrba M
(2016) Mineral Composition and Magnetic Properties of Technogenic Particles Originated from Non-Ferrous Metal Smelting Activities
Jabłońska M, Rachwał M, Janeczek J, Magiera T, Krzykawski T, Teper E & Wawer M

Tepley F. (2018) Tracking the Mantle Origins of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts Using Plagioclase-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Drignon M, Nielsen R, Tepley F & Kotash A
(2017) An Experimental Investigation into Plagioclase-Hosted Melt Inclusion Volatile Exsolution
Drignon M, Nielsen R & Tepley F
(2014) The Petrogenesis of Plagioclase Ultraphyric MORB
Nielsen R, Tepley F & Lange A
(2011) Megacryst Compositional Heterogeneities in Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts (PUBs)
Tepley Iii F, Lange A, Burleigh A, Nielsen R & Kent A
(2008) Unravelling Complex Magmatic Processes Using Amphibole: A Case Study from El Misti, Peru
Tepley F, De Silva S & Salas G
(2005) Degassing and Crystallization Time-Scales Implied by <+>210<$>Po-<+>210<$>Pb-<+>226<$>Ra Activities for Lavas from Anatahan, Arenal, and Mount St. Helens
Reagan M, Tepley F, Gill J, Cooper K & Garrison J
(2005) U-Th-Ra Disequilibria and the Time Scale of Andesite Differentiation at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-2003)
Tepley F, Lundstrom C, Williams R & Gill J
(2002) Magma System Processes Constrained by Mineral-Scale Isotope Variations
Davidson J, Tepley Iii F, Hora J & Knesel K
(2000) The Role of Magmatic Versus Subsolidus Processes in Determining Mineral-Scale Isotopic Characteristics of the Rum Intrusive Complex
Tepley Iii FJ, Davidson JP & Palacz Z
(2000) The Origin of K-Feldspar Megacrysts Hosted in Alkaline Potassic Rocks from post-Orogenic Setting: Constraining the Interaction between high-K calc-Alkaline and Alkaline Magmas
Perini G, Tepley Iii F, Davidson JP & Conticelli S

Teplyakov N. (2005) Redox Fractionation of Copper Isotopes in Sedimentary Conditions
Asael D, Matthews A, Bar-Matthews M, Halicz L, Ehrlich S & Teplyakov N

Tepolt C. (2022) Biohalogenation and gut Mineralization of Invertebrates Specialized in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Environments
Yohe LR, Tepolt C, Yohe S, Syverson D & Hark R

Teppen B. (2010) Spectroscopic and DFT Studies of Pentachlorophenol Reactions on Fe(III)-Montmorillonite Clay Surfaces
Gu C, Liu C, Johnston C, Teppen B & Boyd S
(2001) Two-Dimensional NOESY Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Molecular Dynamics Study in Conformation Behavior of 2-Octanone in Humic Acid
Chien YY, Bleam WF & Teppen BJ

Tepper J (2005) Temporal and Spatial Variations in Cascade Arc Magmatism: The 35<!s><$>Ma Plutonic Record
Tepper J, Ponzini C & Gustafson J

Tepper Jeffrey (2020) Petrologic, Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Unique Depleted Olivine Microwebsteritic Shergottite Northwest Africa 13179
Irving A, Carpenter P, Righter M, Lapen T, Tepper J & Hoefnagels B

Tepsell J. (2023) New Insights into the Formation of the Rajapalot Deposit from Stable Ni, Cu and Fe Isotopes
Tepsell J, Lahaye Y, Molnár F, Rämö T & Cook N
(2022) Silver Isotope Analysis and Systematics of Native Gold from the Rajapalot Gold Deposit, Northern Finland
Tepsell J, Lahaye Y, Molnár F, Rämö T & Cook N
(2020) Toward the Application of Ni and Ag Isotopes as Indicators of the Genesis of Cobalt in Orogenic Gold Systems, Finnish Lapland
Tepsell J, Rämö T, Molnár F & Lahaye Y

ter Heerdt G. (2023) Effectiveness of P Retention in Eutrophic Peat Lake Sediments 10 Years after Fe Amendment
Münch M, van Kaam R, As KS, Peiffer S, ter Heerdt G, Slomp CP, Voegelin A & Behrends T
(2021) Sedimentary P and Fe Dynamics in a Eutrophic Peat Lake after Fe-Amendment
Münch M, van Kaam R, As K, Peiffer S, ter Heerdt G, Slomp CP & Behrends T

ter Maat G. (2023) Basis for Geochemistry Data Science Applications; Data Standardisation Through the OneGeochemistry Initiative
Prent A, Hezel DC, Wyborn LAI, Klöcking M, Lehnert KA, Elger K, Profeta L, ter Maat G, Farrington R & Rawling T
(2023) How Historically the Technological Advances in Geochemical Analysis Exceeded our Ability to Store, Curate and Globally Share Geochemical Data
Wyborn LAI, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Prent AM, Elger K, Hezel DC, Farrington R & ter Maat G
(2022) EXCITE: A European Infrastructure to Promote Electron and X-Ray Microscopy of Earth Materials
Hellebrand E, Walter S, Cnudde V, Plümper O & ter Maat G
(2022) The OneGeochemistry Initiative
Prent AM, Klöcking M, Profeta L, Lehnert KA, Elger K, Hezel D, ter Maat G & Wyborn LAI
(2022) OneGeochemistry: Accelerating the Development of Machine Readable Digital Standards for Geoanalytical Data Through International Collaboration
Wyborn LAI, Lehnert KA, Klöcking M, Elger K, Prent AM, Hezel D, Profeta L & ter Maat G
(2020) Data Services and Trans-National Access Program Accessible Through EPOS Multi-Scale Laboratories
Hellebrand E, Wessels R, Hamers M, Lange O, ter Maat G, Plümper O & Drury M

Tera F. (2009) Old Sm-Nd Ages for Cumulate Eucrites and Redetermination of the Solar System Initial 146Sm/144Sm Ratio
Boyet M, Carlson R, Horan M & Tera F
(2007) Two Views of Initial Pb of Early Earth
Tera F
(2002) The Chemical Origins and Evolution of Organic Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Cody G, Alexander C & Tera F
(2000) Beryllium Isotope Systematics of Volcanic Arc Cross-Chains
Morris J & Tera F
(2000) Lithium Isotope Systematics of the Marianas Revisited
Benton L & Tera F

Terada A. (2021) Temporal Variations in Helium and Argon Isotopic Compositions of Fumarolic Gases at Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan
Obase T, Sumino H, Toyama K, Ohba T, Yaguchi M & Terada A
(2018) Sequential Water Leaching Method to Assess Geogenic Arsenic Contamination in Construction Surplus Urban Soils in Japan
Li J, Riya S, Terada A & Hosomi M
(2016) Evaluation of Temporal Changes in Volcanic Fluid Emitted from the Bottom of Active Hot Crater Lakes
Terada A & Hashimoto T

Terada K (2005) Zircon Œmicro-Vein‚ in Gneissic Peralkaline Granite
Kebede T, Hidaka H, Horie K & Terada K
(2004) Ion Microprobe Analysis of Rb & Sr Isotopes in K-Rich Minerals: An Attempt of Radiometric Dating
Inoue Y, Tsutsumi Y, Terada K & Sano Y
(2003) Apatite-Rich Layer in the Finero Phlogopite-Peridotite Massif: Metasomatism and its Timing
Morishita T, Terada K, Matsumoto T & Arai S
(2003) In situ Ion Microprobe U-Pb Dating of Volcanic/Impact Spherules from Apollo17 Luna Sample
Terada K, Saiki T, Hashizume K & Sano Y
(2003) Ion-Microprobe U-Pb Age of Neoproterozoic Phosphorite from South China
Kano A, Terada K, Kojo T & Wang W
(2003) Lead, Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Apatite-Bearing Metasediments from ~3.8 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt, West Greenland
Sano Y, Nishizawa M, Takahata N, Terada K, Komiya T & Ueno Y
(2001) In situ Ion Microprobe U-Pb Dating of Phosphates in H-Chondrites
Terada K & Sano Y
(2001) Ion Microprobe Analysis of Rare Earth Elements in Silicate Glass, Apatite and Zircon
Sano Y, Terada K & Fukuoka T
(2000) Constraints on the Origin of Carbonado from C and N Isotopes in Diamond Matrix and Studies of Inclusion Minerals
Yokochi R, Sano Y, Takahata N, Terada K, Ozima M & Chaves M
(2000) In situ Ion Microprobe U-Th-Pb Dating and REE Abundance of Biogenic Apatite
Sano Y & Terada K

Terada Kenetaro (2016) Interactive Evolution of Inorganic and Organic Materials and Water in Comets and Icy Bodies
Nagahara H, Noguchi T, Yabuta H, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, Mitsunari T, Okubo A, Okazaki R, Nakamura T, Tachibana S, Terada K, Ebihara M, Imae N & Kimura M
(2016) Comprehensive Studies on S-Process Eu Isotopic Composition: SIMS Analysis of Presolar SiCs and Subaru Observation of CH Stars
Terada K, Arai K, Aoki W, Iwamoto N & Yoshida T
(2016) Undergraduate Education in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry at Osaka University, Japan
Yabuta H, Kondo T, Nakashima S, Sasaki S, Shibai H, Terada K, Toyoda M, Hirono T, Hisatomi O, Saiki K, Terasaki H, Uyeda C, Yamanaka C, Aoki J, Hashizume K, Kawai Y, Sakaiya T & Tani A

Terada Kentaro (2021) An Influx of Bioavailable Elements to the Earth 0.8 Billion Years ago Suggested by the Size-Frequency Distribution of the Lunar Craters
Terada K, Morota T & Kato M
(2016) Development of Laser Post-Ionization SNMS for in situ U-Pb Chronology
Kawai Y, Matsuda T, Miya K, Yabuta H, Aoki J, Hondo T, Ishihara M, Toyoda M, Nakamura R & Terada K
(2013) Organic Nitrogen Cosmochemistry of Ultracarbonaceous Micrometeorite
Yabuta H, Noguchi T, Itoh S, Tsujimoto S, Sakamoto N, Hashiguchi M, Abe K, Kilcoyne D, Okubo A, Okazaki R, Tachibana S, Terada K, Nakamura T, Ebihara M & Nagahara H

Terada M. (2011) The Behavior of Vanadium between Water and Basalt
Terada M & Shikazono N

Terada T. (2016) Distribution of Aerobic Microbial Activities in Ultra-Oligotrophic Sediments of the South Pacific Gyre
Morono Y, Terada T, Ito M, Hoshino T, D'Hondt S & Inagaki F
(2013) Technological Challenges for the Advanced Study of Subseafloor Life
Morono Y, Terada T, Ito M, Hoshino T & Inagaki F
(2013) Cell Alive System (CAS); A New Method of Core Sample Freezing for Shore-Based Biological Analyses and Sample Storage
Xiao N, Morono Y, Terada T, Yamamoto Y, Hihose T & Inagaki F
(2013) An Improved Hot-Alkaline DNA Extraction Method for High Cell-Lysis Efficiency of Subseafloor Microbial Communities
Terada T, Morono Y, Hoshino T & Inagaki F
(2008) Improved and Automated Cell Count System for Rapid Enumeration of Microbial Cells in Deep Subseafloor Sediments
Morono Y, Terada T, Masui N & Inagaki F

Terada Y (2006) A study on the chemical state of radiogenic osmium in molybdenite by sensitive fluorescence XAFS
Takahashi Y, Uruga T, Tanida H & Terada Y

Terada Yasuko
(2016) Speciation of Molybdenum and Tungsten in Euxinic Sediment Using Wavelength Dispersive XAFS
Watanabe Y, Kashiwabara T, Sekizawa O, Nitta K, Terada Y, Uruga T & Takahashi Y
(2016) Speciation of Platinum in Marine Ferromanganese Oxides Using Wavelength-Dispersive XAFS
Kashiwabara T, Watanabe Y, Sekizawa O, Nitta K, Terada Y, Uruga T, Usui A, Hein J & Takahashi Y

Terahara T. (2016) Diversity of Methanogenic and Methanotrophic Archaea beneath Bacteria Mats in Shallow Gas Hydrate Bearing Deep Subsurface Sediments
Imajo T, Hashiguchi J, Kobayashi T, Imada C, Terahara T & Matsumoto R

Teraji S. (2013) REE Geochemistry of ~3.2 Ga Old BIFs from the Mapepe Formation and Msauli Member, Barberton, South Africa
Yahagi TR, Yamaguchi KE, Haraguchi S, Sano R, Teraji S, Kiyokawa S, Ikehara M & Ito T

Terakado Y. (2016) Determination of Solubility Products of Rare Earth Carbonates in Relevance to Mechanism of Rare Earth Element Partitioning into Calcium Carbonate
Kishibe K & Terakado Y
(2016) Dolomitization of CaCO3: An Experimental Study at 200 (or 130) ℃
Toyama K & Terakado Y

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