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Teeda V.K. (2022) Carbon, Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic Carbonate Rocks, Gwalior Basin, Central India
Dixit S, Ramamurty PB, Teeda VK & Sreenivas B
(2021) New Information on the Geochemistry of Neoarchean Sanukitoids from Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India; Implications to Regional Tectonics
Khadke N, Teeda VK, Yerraguntla BR & Babu EVSSK

Tegan N.E.S. (2021) Origin of Mafic Volcaniclastics in the Central Part of the Toumodi-Fetekro Greenstone Belt (Côte D’ivoire)
Tegan NES, Yao KA, Kouamelan AN, Coulibaly I, Hayman P, Gbele O & Aka WG

Tegelaar E.W. (2018) Environmental and Organic-Matter Characterisation of the Toarcian Lacustrine Da’anzhai Member, Sichuan Basin, China
Xu W, Weijers JWH, Idiz EF, Ruhl M, Gorbanenko O, Tegelaar EW, Jenkyns HC, Riding JB & Hesselbo SP
(2016) Lacustrine Expansion and Carbon Drawdown during the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Xu W, Ruhl M, Jenkyns HC, Hesselbo SP, Riding JB, Selby D, Naafs BDA, Weijers JWH, Pancost RD, Tegelaar EW & Idiz EF

Tegen I. (2013) Impact of Anthropogenic Land Cover Changes (ALCC) on Dust Particle Emissions and Associated Impact on Radiation
Stanelle T, Bey I, Reick C, Raddatz T & Tegen I
(2013) Regional Modelling of Saharan Dust
Tegen I & Heinold B
(2002) Emission of Soil Dust Aerosol: Anthropogenic Contribution and Future Changes
Tegen I, Harrison SP, Kohfeld KE, Engelstaedter S & Werner M

Tegetmeyer Halina (2013) Microbial Iron Reduction in Marine Intertidal Sediments
Geelhoed J, Tegetmeyer H & Strous M

Tegetmeyer Halina E (2017) Nitrous Oxide Reduction by Metabolically Specialized Bacteria in Dynamic Permeable Sediments
Marchant HK, Milucka J, Mussmann M, Tegetmeyer HE, Ahmerkamp S, Rahal J & Kuypers MM

Tegler Logan (2020) Minimal Cadmium-Isotopic Variations during a ‘whiff’ of O2 at 2.5 Ga
Tegler L, Ostrander C, Anbar A, Kendall B, Nielsen S & Horner T

Tegler Logan A (2023) The Oxic Uranium Flux and Isotope Fractionation in Modern Deep-Sea Sediments
Ossa Ossa F, Andersen MB, Tegler LA, Auro M, Costa K, Dunlea A & Nielsen SG
(2022) Iron Sources and Cycling over the Cenozoic: Evolution of the Iron Cycle in the South Pacific and Southern Ocean
Tegler LA, Horner T, Nielsen SG, Severmann S, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Dunlea A
(2021) Redox and Productivity Controls on the Cadmium Isotope Composition of Organic-Rich Sediments
Tegler LA, Nielsen SG, Ostrander CM, Anbar A, Kendall B, Owens J, Peterson L, Scholz F & Horner TJ

Tegner C. (2023) New Constraints on the Melting Conditions during the Northeast Atlantic Breakup: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 396
Hartley A, Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M
(2023) The Northeast Atlantic Breakup (IODP Exp. 396): A Case Study for Modeling the Evolution of Mantle Source Mineralogy during Continental Rifting
Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferré EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M
(2023) Crust-Mantle Interactions during Continental Break-Up: Insights from an Early Eocene Dacitic Unit within the Norwegian Margin Collected during IODP Expedition 396
Morris AM, Lambart S, Guo P, Jones MT, Mohn GTF, Andrews G, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Chatterjee S, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Longman J, Millett JM, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R, Tegner C & Wang M
(2022) Zircon Diversity in the Skaergaard Intrusion and the Late-Stage Evolution of Mafic Intrusions in Sub-Volcanic Magma Plumbing Systems
Moerhuis N, Scoates JS, Weis D, Scoates RFJ & Tegner C
(2017) On the Relationship of the Nebo Granite to the Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex
Skursch O, Tegner C, Corfu F, Cawthorn G, Hagen-Peter G & Lesher C
(2017) Strontium Isotopes in Plagioclase Constrain Mantle Sources and Crustal Differentiation Processes of the Skaergaard Intrusion and Kialineq Complex of Eastern Greenland
Hagen-Peter G, Vestergaard C, Tegner C, Ulrich T, Andreasen R & Lesher C
(2016) Controls on Magmatic Au-Pge Mineralisation in the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland
Keays R & Tegner C
(2015) Iron Isotope Systematics of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
Stausberg N, Lesher C, Glessner J, Barfod G & Tegner C
(2014) Iron Isotope Systematics of the Skaergaard Intrusion
Lesher C, Lundstrom C, Barfod G, Glessner J, Brown E, Thy P, Salmonsen L & Tegner C
(2011) A Magma Plumbing System Probed by the Grænavatn Porphyritic Group, East Iceland
Andersen C, Riishuus M & Tegner C
(2009) The Pb-Nd-Sr-Hf-Isotopic Mantle Signature of the Kap Washington Group Volcanics, North Greenland
Duprat H, Holm PM, Thorarinsson S, Tegner C & Barfod G
(2007) Magma Chamber Processes beneath Icelandic Central Volcanoes: Evidence from Gabbros of the Austurhorn Intrusive Complex, SE Iceland
Thorarinsson SB & Tegner C
(2006) Evidence for early liquid immiscibility in the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland
Jakobsen JK, Veksler IV, Tegner C, Lesher CE, Thy P & Brooks K
(2004) Icelandic Magma Chambers: Constraints from Layered Gabbro of the Vesturhorn Igneous Centre
Thomadsen P, Tegner C, Thorarinsson S, Momme P, Jakobsen J & Klausen M
(2004) Compositional and Isotopic Constraints on the Formation of Coexisting Silica over- and Under-Saturated Syenites: The Kangerlussuaq Intrusion Revisited
Riishuus M, Peate D, Tegner C, Wilson J & Brooks C
(2004) Icelandic Magma Chambers: Petrology of the Layered Gabbro of the Austurhorn Igneous Centre
Thorarinsson S, Tegner C, Thomadsen P, Jakobsen J, Momme P & Klausen M
(2004) Extreme Fe Enrichment and Liquid Immiscibility in Skaergaard: Evidence from Apatite-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Jakobsen J, Veksler I, Tegner C & Brooks C
(2004) Stratification and Crystallization of an Initially Homogenous Magma: The Upper Zone of the Bushveld Complex
Kruger F, Tegner C & Cawthorn G
(2004) Crustal Assimilation in Basalt and Jotunite: Constraints from Layered Intrusions
Tegner C, Wilson J & Robins B
(2004) Anorthosites at Hrappsey, Iceland
Selbekk R & Tegner C

Tei S. (2016) Ecology of Willow in the Arctic for Reconstruction of River Condition of Indigirka and its Tributaries
Fan R, Takano S, Morozumi T, Tei S, Maximov TC & Sugimoto A
(2016) Tree Response to Climate Change over Circumpolar Forest Ecosystems Deduced from Tree Rings and a DGVM
Tei S, Sugimoto A, Liang M, Matsuura Y, Osawa A, Yonenobu H, Sato H & Maximov T

Teiber H. (2013) The Halogen (F, Cl, Br) Budget of Continental Granitoid Plutonic Rocks
Teiber H, Marks M, Wenzel T, Siebel W, Altherr R & Markl G

Teichert Barbara (2011) Long-Term Development of Diagenetic Signals of Past Sulfate-Methane Transition Zones in Subseafloor Sediments
Wehrmann L, März C, Meister P, Ockert C, Brunner B, Gussone N, Teichert B & Ferdelman T
(2010) Ca-Isotope Fractionation during Interaction with Clay Minerals
Ockert C, Teichert B, Kaufhold S & Gussone N
(2010) Ca-Isotopes of Early Diagenetic Dolomite and Porewater from the Peru Margin
Teichert B, Meister P, Ockert C & Gussone N
(2009) Glendonite Formation in Early Jurassic Dark Shales – Evidence for Methane Seepage in Northern Germany
Teichert B & Luppold F

Teichert Barbara (2015) Evidence for Microbial Methane Oxidation and Sulfate Reduction at Marmara Sea Cold Seeps: A Multi-Parametric Approach
Chevalier N, Teichert B, Strauss H, Géli L & Ruffine L
(2015) Constraining Fluid Flow Dynamics at the Northeastern Pacific Continental Margin
Strauss H, Gussone N, März C & Teichert B
(2015) Glendonites as Archives of Paleoenvironmental Change in the Aftermath of the PETM
Nenning F, Teichert B, Gussone N, Schultz B, Birgel D, Peckmann J & Strauß H

Teichert Barbara (2019) Review of Silicate Weathering in Anoxic Marine Sediment and its Role in Authigenic Carbonate Burial
Torres M, Hong W, Solomon E, Milliken K, Kim J, Sample J, Teichert B & Wallmann K

Teichert Z. (2023) Evaluating Matrix Effects for Boron Isotope Measurements in Silicate Materials Using LG-Sims
Sievers NE, Zimmer M & Teichert Z
(2022) Lithium in Kerogen: A Source of Isotopically Light Li in the Global Geochemical Cycle
Teichert Z, Eble CF, Bose M & Williams LB
(2021) Quantification of Li Content in Organic Matrices by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Teichert Z, Bose M, Williams P, Hervig R & Williams L

Teillaud S. (2023) Preconcentration of Co and Ni from Aged Mine Tailings: Exploring Mineral Processing Techniques
Teillaud S, Coudert L, Simonnot M-O, Laubie B, Morel J-L & Guittonny M

Teinturier S. (2016) U/Pb Dating of Carbonates: A Novel Approach for Rapid Identification of Appropriate Samples
Godeau N, Deschamps P, Guihou A, Angeletti B, Hamelin B, Girard J-P & Teinturier S

Teisserenc R. (2016) Trace Metal Legacy on Mountains Aquatic Ecogeochemistry: TRAM
Le Roux G, Claustres A, Binet S, De Vleeschouwer F, Gandois L, Hansson S, Mazier F, Simonneau A & Teisserenc R

Teitler Y. (2021) Multi-Scale Investigation Applied to Ni Laterite Ore Deposits: Impact of Discrete Fractures on Ni Mineralization
Favier S, Teitler Y, Cathelineau M & Golfier F
(2018) Distribution, Speciation and Enrichment Processes of Scandium in Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Bonnet C, Levard C, Rose J, Ambrosi J-P, Cathelineau M, Teitler Y, Marcaillou C & Hesse B
(2017) Petrology and Geochemistry of Scandium in New Caledonian Ni-Co Laterites
Teitler Y, Cathelineau M, Ulrich M, Ambrosi J-P & Munoz M
(2015) Direct Evidence for Significant Oxygen in the Late Archean Atmosphere from Paleosols of the Fortescue Group, Western Australia
Teitler Y, Philippot P, Gerard M, Le Hir G, Fluteau F & Ader M
(2014) Archaean pCO2 Reconstructed with a 3D Climate-Carbon Model
Le Hir G, Teitler Y, Fluteau F, Donnadieu Y & Philippot P
(2013) Isotopic and Mineralogical Evidence for Atmospheric Oxygenation in 2.76 Ga Old Paleosols
Philippot P, Teitler Y, Gérard M, Cartigny P, Muller E, Assayag N, Le Hir G & Fluteau F
(2011) The Assumption of a Low pCO2 during the Archean Investigated with a 3D Climate Model
Le Hir G, Teitler Y, Fluteau F, Donnadieu Y & Philippot P
(2011) Ubiquitous Subaerial Weathering during Emersion of the Fortescue Late Archean Igneous Province, Western Australia
Teitler Y, Philippot P, Gerard M, Fluteau F & Le Hir G

Teitz Sebastian (2013) Characterization of Microbial Diversity of a Geothermal Plant after Long-Term Shutdown Periods
Neumann D, Morozova D, Scheiber J, Teitz S & Würdemann H

Teitz Sebastian (2015) Effects of Microbiological Processes on Corrosion in Geological H2 Storage – Results of Laboratory Long-Term Experiments
Kasina M, Halm H, Lerm S, Teitz S, Pudlo D & Würdemann H

Teitz Sebastian (2017) Destructive Effects of Microbes on Borehole Materials during Hydrogen Storage
Lerm S, Kleyböcker A, Weigt J, Teitz S & Würdemann H

Teixeira D. (2012) Petrografic and Geochemical Characteristic of Metagreywackes (Central Portugal): Implication of Zr Content
Teixeira D, Ribeiro M & Martins H

Teixeira L. (2020) Microbial Activity Recorded in Neoarchean Iron Formations from Carajás (Brazil)
Siciliano E, Busigny V, Lalonde SV, Rossignol C, Narduzzi F, Teixeira L, Zapparoli A, Babinski M & Philippot P

Teixeira N. (2023) Nanoscale Detection of Microbial Fossils in Banded Iron Formations (BIFs): Examples from 2.74 Ga Carajás Formation, Brazil
Vasconcelos C, Ganade C, Teixeira N, McKenzie J, Delgado C & Martinez-Ruiz F

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