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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Taylor S (2006) Non-steady state diagenesis in hydrothermal sediments records oceanic variability over the last 800 ka in the South East Pacific
Taylor S, Mills R, Thomson J & Palike H
(2003) 14C and 10Be in Cosmic Dust Magnetite
Jull T, Lal D, McHargue L, Vacher L, Taylor S & Maurette M

Taylor S. Ray (2011) Exploration of Interactions Involving Human Tooth Enamel and Dental Composites Using Vertical Scanning Interferometry
Vega-Arroyo M, Taylor SR, Arvidson RS, Kaplan HB, Tribble GD & Luttge A
(2006) Crustal Evolution on the Terrestrial Planets: Contrasts in Style, Timing and Composition
McLennan S, Taylor SR & Hahn BC
(2006) Low U/Pb, Th/Pb and U/Th Ratios in Archean Crust Implied by Paired Pb and Nd Isotopes in Modern Terrigenous Sediments
Hemming SR, Van De Flierdt T, McLennan SM & Taylor SR

Taylor Sandra (2022) Understanding Trace Element Mobility during Early Diagenesis Using Several in situ Techniques
Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Atienza NE, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Perea D, Taylor S & Lyons TW
(2021) Determination of How As is Hosted in Pyrite Using a Combination of LA-ICPMS, TEM, APT, nanoSIMS XAFS, and XANES
Gregory DD, Chappaz A, Perea D, Taylor S, Cliff J & Kovarik L
(2020) Ancient Seawater Compositions Recorded in Nanoscale Fluid Inclusions in Pyrite?
Taylor S, Perea D, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Gregory D & Lyons T
(2020) Trace Element Mapping in Pyrite Framboids by Atom Probe Tomography
Atienza N, Gregory D, Taylor S, Perea D, Owens J & Lyons T
(2020) Is Pyrite an Important Sink for Mo? Evidence from XAFS, TEM and APT Analyses of Pyrite
Gregory D, Chappaz A, Atienza N, Taylor S, Perea D, Kovarik L & Lyons T
(2019) The Formation of Pyrite Framboids: A View from TEM and APT
Gregory D, Perea D, Taylor S, Kovarik L, Owens J & Lyons T
(2019) Capturing Atom Exchange Fronts during Fe(II)-catalyzed Recrystallization of Fe(III)-oxide Minerals Using Isotopic Mapping Probes
Taylor S, Liu J, Zhang X, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Perea D, Byun TS, Schreiber D & Rosso K
(2018) Chasing Atom Exchange Fronts during Fe(II)-Catalyzed Recrystallization of Hematite Using Isotopic Mapping Probes
Taylor S, Liu J, Arey B, Schreiber D, Cliff J, Perea D & Rosso K
(2015) Reduction of U(VI) by Fe(II): Influence of Fe- and Al-(oxyhydr)oxides on Redox Catalysis
Taylor S, Marcano M, Rosso K & Becker U

Taylor Sarah (2014) Geochemical Studies of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions in Central Washington, USA
Gazis C, Holt R, Patterson J, Taylor S & Weis Z

Taylor Stephen (2008) Comparison of Isotopic Trends Revealing the Fate of Injected CO2 in Two Geological Storage Projects in Mature Oilfields in Canada
Mayer B, Raistrick M, Johnson G, Nightingale M, Shevalier M, Taylor S, Hutcheon I & Perkins E

Taylor Susan (2019) Fate of Energetic Compounds as Influenced by Environmental Conditions
Dontsova K, Taylor S, Hunt E, Qin C, Brusseau M, SImunek J, Troya D & Wang Y
(2008) Oxygen Exchange in Olivine
Taylor S, Guan Y & Matrajt G

Taylor V (2004) Measurement of Short-Lived Radionuclides by ICP-MS
Evans D, Lariviere D, Taylor V & Cornett J

Taylor Victoria (2018) Temperature Change from Greenhouse to Icehouse Climate
Piasecki A, Taylor V, Bohaty S, Wilson P & Meckler N

Taylor Victoria E (2023) Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions at the Oligocene-Miocene Transition
Lear CH, Kennedy-Asser A, John EH, Liebrand D, van Peer T, Slater SM, Taylor VE & Wilson P

Taylor W. R. (2006) Solubility of Carbon and Hydrogen in Melts at High Pressures and Reduced Conditions
Tuff J, Taylor WR & Green DH
(2005) Linking Microbial and Geochemcial Processes in Geothermal Habitats
Inskeep W, Macur R, Ackerman G, Kozubal M, Taylor W & Korf S
(2001) Laser ICP-MS U/Pb Analyses of Detrital Zircons from Proterozoic Sediments in Bahia State, Brazil; Implications for the Evolution of the S„o Francisco Craton Prior to 3.3 Ga
Magee CW, Palin JM & Taylor WR

Taylor Wendy L (2023) Searching for Signals of Oxygenation in Ediacaran Microbial Reefs
Tostevin R, Taylor WL, Mataboge B, Nke AY, Mtonda MT & Wilton A

Taylor Wendy L. (2021) Paired Records of Global Weathering and Redox Across the Ediacaran–Cambrian Boundary
Tostevin R, Mtonda MT, Mashego M, Taylor WL, le Roux P & Andersen MB

Taylor William (2021) Engineered Porous Materials for Mineral Dissolution Experiments
Taylor W, Navarre-Sitchler A & Gorman B

Taylor Z. (2010) Evaluating Isotopic and Geochemical Spatial Variability in Lake Sediments
Taylor Z, Finkelstein D & Horn S

Taylor Jr H.P. (2001) Predicting Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionations
Schauble EA, Rossman GR & Taylor Jr HP

Taylor-Jones K. (2014) Understanding Zirconium-in-Rutile Thermometric Results in High Metamorphic Grade Rocks
Taylor-Jones K & Powell R
(2011) Calculated Stability of Osumilite, Sapphirine and Biotite in K2O-FeO-Mgo-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-Tio2-O (KFMASHTO)
Taylor-Jones K, Powell R & Holland T

Tazaki K. (2003) Radioactive Microbial Mats in Hot Springs
Tazaki K, Fujisawa A, Yamamoto M & Kurihara T

Tazawa J-I. (2010) Hydrothermal Diagenesis of Paleozoic Seamount Carbonates
Brand U, Azmy K, Tazawa J-I, Sano H & Buhl D
(2009) Is Paleozoic Ocean-Chemistry Coupled with Epeiric Seawater Isotope Records?
Brand U, Tazawa J-I, Sano H & Azmy K

Tazawa K. (2017) Recovery of Pristine Micrometeorites from Antarctic Snow Filed in Central Victoria Land
Lee JI, Tazawa K, Hirowatari T, Park CK, Lee MJ, Nakamura T & Baek J

Tazi S. (2012) Accurate Force Fields Built from Ab-Initio: The Case of Clays
Tazi S, Salanne M, Rotenberg B & Turq P

Tazoe Hirofumi (2014) The Nd Isotopic Composition of Seawater in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
Amakawa H, Tazoe H, Obata H, Gamo T, Sano Y & Shen C-C
(2013) Determination of Strontium-90 in Seawater Using TODGA Chelating Resin
Tazoe H, Yamagata T, Obata H & Yamada M
(2011) Nd Isotopic Compositions in the Central Indian Ocean
Tazoe H, Obata H, Nagai H & Gamo T
(2008) Surface Nd Isotopic Distribution in the South Pacific Ocean
Tazoe H, Sato H, Nagai H, Obata H & Gamo T
(2006) Vertical profiles of Cerium and Neodymium Isotopic compositions and REEs pattern in the Ross Sea
Tazoe H, Obata H & Gamo T
(2005) Cerium and Neodymium Isotopic Compositions in the Northwestern Pacific and its Adjacent Seas
Tazoe H, Obata H, Amakawa H & Gamo T
(2003) The Ce and Nd Isotope Ratios in the Surface Seawater
Tazoe H, Amakawa H, Obata H & Nozaki Y

Tazoe Hirofumi (2015) 239Pu and 240Pu Inventories and 240Pu/239Pu Atom Ratios in the Andaman Sea Water Column
Yamada M, Zheng J, Aono T & Tazoe H

Tazoe Hirofumi (2016) Development of Automated Separation System for Determination of Strontium-90 in Soil and Fish Bone Samples
Tazoe H, Yamagata T, Karube Z & Yamada M
(2016) Rapid Determination of U-236 in the Soil Contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident Using Single Extraction Chromatography Combined with Triple-Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Yang G, Tazoe H & Yamada M

Tazoe Hirofumi (2017) Distributions of Nd Isotopic Composition and REE Concentrations in Surface Seawater in the North Pacific Ocean
Hara T, Tazoe H, Obata H & Gamo T
(2017) Latitudinal Variations of Neodimium Isotopic Composition in Seawater along 160th Meridian East in the Western North Pacific
Tazoe H, Obata H, Gamo T & Nishioka J

Tazoe Hirofumi (2018) Distributions of Total Particulate Trace Elements in the Subarctic North Pacific
Maruyama K, Norisuye K, Obata H, Minami H, Nakaguchi Y, Tazoe H & Gamo T
(2018) Precise and Accurate Analysis of Stable Sr Isotope Ratios by DS-Tims and its Application to Paleoenvironmental Studies
Wakaki S, Obata H, Tazoe H & Ishikawa T

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