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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Taylor Bruce (2016) VMS Exploration: Oxygen Isotope Mapping from Top to Bottom
Taylor B, Peter J, Laakso K & Rivard B

Taylor Bruce E. (2012) 3D Visualization of the Horne Hydrothermal System
Taylor B, de Kemp E, Grunsky E, Martin L, Rigg D, Goutier J, Lauziere K & Dube B
(2010) Tracing Varied Fluid Sources between VMS Deposits by Multiple Sulfur Isotope and Trace Element Analysis
Sharman E, Wing B, Minarik W, Taylor B & Dubé B
(2008) Cumberland Batholith Petrogenesis: Implications for Paleoproterozoic Crustal and Orogenic Processes
Whalen J, Wodicka N & Taylor BE

Taylor Christopher (2020) A New Paradigm for Designing Corrosion Resistant Materials
Saal J, Nyby C, Scully J, Windl W, Taylor C, Vienna J, Lian J, Frankel G & Ryan J

Taylor Craig (2009) (Meta)genome Enabled Insights into Chemolithoautotrophy at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Sievert S, Taylor C, Schuster S & Gulmann L

Taylor David (2019) Spatial and Temporal Expansions of C4 Plants in East Asia: Evidence of Carbon Isotopes
Zhou B, Bird M & Taylor D
(2015) The Application of High Resolution Chemostratigraphy to Improve Reservoir Characterization – An Example from the Shu’aiba Formation, Saudi Arabia
Lu F, Reid C, Taylor D & Shen S

Taylor Dianne (2009) Early Differentiation of the Lunar Magma Ocean – New Lu-Hf Isotope Results from Apollo 17
Taylor D, McKeegan K, Harrison M & Young E

Taylor Dylan (2008) High-Mg Andesites from Glacier Peak Wa, Derivatives of Mixing between Low- and hi-Si Endmembers
DeBari S, Sisson T & Taylor D
(2005) Basalts and High-Mg Andesites from the Northern Cascade Arc (Glacier Peak, Washington): Insights into Mantle and Crustal Processes
DeBari S, Taylor D & Sisson T

Taylor Frank (2023) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Citric Acid in the Presence of Cement Pellets: Impact on Cement Integrity
Byrd N, Morris K, Singh A, Small J, Taylor F, Boothman C, Engelberg D, Lowe T, Mahmood S & Lloyd JR
(2021) Anaerobic Biodegradation and Biotransformation of Ni-Citrate Complexes at Alkaline pH
Byrd N, Lloyd JR, Small J, Taylor F, Bagshaw H, Hughes L & Morris K
(2020) The Biogeochemical Fate of Organic Decontamination Agents in Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal
Byrd N, Lloyd J, Small J, Taylor F, Bagshaw H, Boothman C & Morris K

Taylor Fred (2008) Deglacial Climate Dynamics in the Western Pacific Ocean Measured in a Stalagmite from Guam
Sinclair D, Banner J, Taylor F, Quinn T, Jenson J & Mylroie J

Taylor Frederick (2018) Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Quinn T, Shen C-C, Erb M, DiNezio P, Okumura Y, Siringan F, Cardenas MB, Thirumalai K, Lin K, Wu C-C, Banner J, Hu H, Jackson C & Taylor F

Taylor G. Jeffrey (2018) A Primitive Hydrogen Reservoir in the Lunar Interior?
Robinson KL, Nagashima K, Taylor GJ, Anand M & Kring DA
(2013) The D/H Ratio of the Deep Mantle
Hallis LJ, Huss GR, Taylor GJ, Nagashima K, Halldórsson SA & Hilton DR
(2009) Planetary Geochemistry: Searching for Generalities
Taylor GJ
(2007) A View of Martian Weathering from Microns to Hundreds of Kilometers
Taylor GJ, Stopar J, Hurowitz J, McLennan S, Boynton W, Wyatt M & Baloga S
(2006) Environments of Planet Formation and Effects on Differentiation
Taylor GJ
(2003) Multi-Elemental Maps from the Mars Odyssey Gamma ray Spectrometer
Reedy R, Boynton W & Taylor G

Taylor Gillian (2022) Chemical and Microbiological Tools for Identifying Climate Change Impacts at Roman Fort Sites, Northumberland, UK
Taylor G, Orr CH & Baldini LM
(2002) Alkylphenols and Light Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Oilfield Waters are Produced in Source Rocks, not from Petroleum Hydrolysis
Aplin AC, Love G, Dale J, Bennett B, Taylor G & Larter S

Taylor Gordon (2019) Particle-Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Fayetteville Green Lake, a High Sulfur, Permanently Anoxic Lake
Cohen A, Weber F, Klepac-Ceraj V, McCormick M & Taylor G

Taylor Holly (2020) The Aftermath of the Sturtian Glaciation: Reconstructing Palaeo- Seawater Chemistry and Silicate Weathering
Taylor H, Dosseto A, Farkas J, Cox G & Lamothe K
(2019) Deglaciation of the Cryogenian Glaciations: Intense Silicate Weathering and Large Element Fluxes in the Oceans
Taylor H, Dosseto A, Farkas J, Cox G, Kell Duivestein I, Dietzel M, Kingston A, Lorrey A, Corrick A & Shen B

Taylor Hugh (2002) Theoretical Estimates of Equilibrium Chromium-Isotope Fractionations
Schauble E, Rossman G & Taylor H

Taylor Jeanette (2011) Testing the Use of Detrital Rutile to Investigate HP/UHP Rocks
Enea FC, Taylor J, Storey C, Marschall H & K-Schmolke M
(2005) Characterizing Microbial Ureolytic Activity in Groundwater for the Potential to Facilitate Calcite Precipitation for Remediation of Strontium-90
Fujita Y, Petzke L, Taylor M, Taylor J, Tyler T & Smith R

Taylor Jeanne (2013) U-Pb, Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics during Polymetamorphism in the Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland
Taylor J, Gerdes A & Zeh A
(2013) Leucosome Formation by Desequilibrium Melting and Melt Loss: Perspectives from the South Marginal Zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa
Nicoli G, Stevens G, Moyen J-F & Taylor J

Taylor Jennifer (2018) Using the CLEAN Collection to Build Three-Dimensional Lessons to Teach the Climate System
Ledley TS, Gold AU, Niepold F, Taylor J, Kirk K, Bruckner M & Fox S

Taylor Joanna (2012) Monitoring Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation in the Subsurface
Fujita Y, Gebrehiwet T, Henriksen J, Taylor J, Dafflon B, Hubbard S & Smith R

Taylor Jordan L. (2012) Magnetite (U-Th)/He Dating Attractive Dates in Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks
Stockli DF, Taylor JL, Szymanski E & Ketcham RA

Taylor Kevin (2020) Identification of Persistent Sulfidogenic Bacteria in Shale Gas Produced Waters
Cliffe L, Nixon S, Daly R, Eden B, Taylor K, Boothman C, Wilkins M, Wrighton K & Lloyd J
(2020) Is the Mississippian Bowland Shale an End-Member?
Emmings J, Poulton S, Davies S, Vane C, Jenkin G, Stephenson M, Hennissen J, Dowey P, Taylor K, Leng M, Lamb A, Moss-Hayes V & Rushton J
(2012) Urban Soil-Dust Interactions: Improving Urban Risk Models
Cardoso R, Taylor K, Cheng J & Breward N
(2010) Metal-Rich Anthropogenic Glass Particles in an Urbanised River Basin: Novel Observations on Contaminated Sediments
Taylor K, Barrett J & Carraz F
(2007) Temporal Increase in Iron Oxide Inputs into a Shallow Marine Carbonate Sediment System: A Sediment, Porewater and Geomicrobiological Study
Taylor K, Perry C, Machent P & Greenaway A
(2006) Solid state speciation of Pb and Cu in road-deposited sediments
Barrett JE, Taylor KG, Hudson-Edwards KA & Charnock JM
(2005) Impacts of Fe-Rich Sediment Input Upon Chemical Diagenesis of Shallow Marine Tropical Carbonates: Discovery Bay, Jamaica
Taylor K & Perry C

Taylor Kyle (2012) A Critical Evaluation of TEX86 Derived Sea Surface Temperatures in the Paleogene
Pancost R, Taylor K & Hollis C
(2011) Response of Continental Biogeochemical Processes to Short- and Long-Term Global Warming
Pancost R, Taylor K, Hollis C, Handley L, Rees-Owen R, Crouch E & Schouten S
(2011) Late Paleocene Sea Surface Cooling in Southeast New Zealand
Taylor K, Hollis C, Handley L, Morgans H, Crouch E, Schouten S & Pancost R
(2010) Biomarkers for Methane Cycling: From Marine to Terrestrial Settings
Pancost R, Aquilina A, Talbot H, Lim K, Evershed R, Gill F, Weijers J, Collinson M & Taylor K

Taylor Kyle W.R. (2021) Assessing the Evolution of Primary Productivity at Distal Sections from Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
Sosa Montes de Oca C, Rodrigo-Gámiz M, Huang Y, Taylor KWR, Hollis CJ, Martínez-Ruiz F, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Castro JM, Quijano ML & Pancost RD

Taylor Lawrence (2017) Evolution of Lithosphere during Oceanic Plate Reconfiguration along the Baja California Margin
Oller B, Day JMD, Driscoll NW, Lonsdale P & Taylor LA
(2017) Evolution of Garnet Clinopyroxenites from a Margin of Siberian Craton in Major and Rare Element Viewpoint
Alifirova T, Pokhilenko L & Taylor L
(2016) Early Mantle Heterogeneties in the Réunion Hotspot Source
Peters B, Day J & Taylor L
(2016) Geochemical Features of Garnet Exsolutions in Mantle Xenoliths (Yakutia, Russia)
Alifirova T, Pokhilenko L, Korsakov A & Taylor L
(2016) Identifying Metasomatic Components within the SCLM Using Halogens and Noble Gases
Broadley M, Barry P, Burgess R, Sumino H, Ballentine C & Taylor L

Taylor Lawrence A. (2015) Diamond Inclusions: OH in NAMs
Taylor L, Logvinova A, Guan Y, Howarth G, Chen Y, Liu Y & Sobolev N
(2015) Origin of Nitrogen in Lunar Basalts
Füri E, Barry PB, Taylor LA & Marty B
(2015) Multiple Metasomatic Events within the Siberian SCLM Revealed by Halogen and Noble Gas Analysis
Broadley M, Barry P, Burgess R, Sumino H, Ballentine C, Zedgenizov D & Taylor L
(2015) Lithium in Mantle Xenoliths from Siberian Kimberlites
Pernet-Fisher J, Magna T, Barry P, Day J & Taylor L
(2014) Highly Siderophile Element Enrichment in Native-Fe Basaltic Ores
Howarth G, Day J, Ryabov V, Barry P, Pernet-Fisher J & Taylor L
(2014) Planetary Apatites: Critical Problems in Models of OH Contents
Taylor L, Pernet-Fisher J, Liu Y, Guan Y, Chen Y, Barry P & Howarth G
(2013) Ancient Recycled Nitrogen Isotope Signatures in Siberian Xenoliths
Barry P, Hilton D & Taylor L
(2012) Water, Water, Everywhere on the Moon
Liu Y & Taylor L
(2012) Water in the Moon: D/H and High Volatile Abundances of Lunar Apatite
Greenwood J, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, Warren P, Taylor L & Yurimoto H
(2011) Sulfur Speciation in Lunar Apatite
Boyce J, Ma C, Eiler J, Liu Y, Stolper E & Taylor L
(2010) New Lunar Discoveries from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1
Isaacson P, Pieters C & Taylor L
(2010) Origin of OH/Water on and in the Moon
Taylor L
(2010) D/H of Lunar Water: Implications for the Origin of the Earth's Water
Greenwood J, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, Warren P, Taylor L & Yurimoto H
(2010) Effects of Water in Lunar Basalts
Liu Y & Taylor L
(2010) Evolution of the Siberian Platform; Constraints from Diamondiferous Xenoliths of Nyurbinskaya
Riches AJV, Liu Y, Day JMD, Spetsius ZV & Taylor LA
(2009) The Role of Volatiles during Asteroidal Differentiation
Day J, Walker R, Sunshine J, Ash R, Rumble D, Liu Y, McDonough B & Taylor L
(2000) Lu-Hf Systematics and the Early Evolution of the Moon
Lee D, Halliday A, Snyder G & Taylor L

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