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Tatyanin G. (2013) Geochemistry of Ancient Estuarine Deposits on the Example of Pokurskaya Suit Sediments (West Siberia)
Afonin I, Tishin P & Tatyanin G
(2011) Geochemical Heterogeneity of the Clinoform Sequence by the Example of Neocomian Sediments of the West Siberian Plate
Afonin I, Tatyanin G & Tishin P

Tatzel M. (2023) Multiple Isotope Constraints on Clay Formation and Alteration during Early Marine Diagenesis
Frings PJ, Läuchli C, Gaviria-Lugo N, Bernhardt A, Wittmann H, Sachse D & Tatzel M
(2022) Investigating the Diagenetic Controls on Chert δ18O
Tatzel M, Frings PJ & Oelze M
(2020) Magnesium and Strontium Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Dolomite Formation
Tatzel M, Paytan A, DiLoreto Z, Dittrich M, Bontognali T & Sanchez-Román M
(2020) Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotopes in Seawater over the Late Quaternary
Wood M, Tatzel M, Pit S & Paytan A
(2019) The Silicon Isotopic Composition of the Silicate Earth: Revisiting the Enstatite Chondrite Connection
Becker H, Kadlag Y, Tatzel M & Frick D
(2017) Assessing δ26Mg in Bioapatite as Proxy for Faunivory
Tatzel M, Vogl J, Tütken T & Rosner M
(2017) The Heating Rate Controls Chert δ18O
Tatzel M, von Blanckenburg F, Herwartz D, Oelze M, Lünsdorf NK & Wiedenbeck M
(2015) Si Stable Isotope Evidence for Ecosystem Engineering as Driver for the Late Neoproterozoic Ocean Oxygenation
Tatzel M, von Blanckenburg F, Oelze M, Bouchez J & Hippler D
(2013) The Silicon Isotope Record of Early Silica Diagenesis
Tatzel M, von Blanckenburg F, Schuessler J & Bohrmann G

Tau G. (2020) Dust-Cycle Response to Arizona’s Holocene Climate Change
Tau G, Crouvi O, Enzel Y & Teutsch N

Taubald Heiner (2016) Iron Speciation and Iron Isotopes of Neoarchean Ca-Mg Carbonates
Eroglu S, Swanner E, Pascarelli S, Schoenberg R, Taubald H & Beukes N

Taubald Heinrich (2018) Redox-Record from Sulfur-Selenium Isotope Decoupling at the Sulfide Scale
König S, Eickmann B, Zack T, Yierpan A, Taubald H & Schoenberg R
(2015) The Isotope-Geochemical Record of a Near-Shore Neoarchean Oxygen Oasis
Eroglu S, Schoenberg R, van Zuilen M, Taubald H, Swanner E & Beukes N
(2012) Variations of Catchment P in Stream Water Constrained by Oxygen Isotopes in Phosphate
Taubald H, Tonderski K, Andersson L & Roennberg R
(2010) Oxygen Isotopes in Phosphate as a Tracer for Sources and Pathways of Catchment P in Stream Water
Taubald H, Tonderski K, Andersson L, Ronnberg R & Ahlgren J
(2009) New in situ Zircon U-Pb Age Evidence for Archaean Crust Fragment in the Heterogeneous Saharan Metacraton, Central North Sudan Basement
Shang CK, Satir M, Taubald H & Morteani G
(2009) Mantle Source and Crustal Contamination of the Anorthosites of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia
Gleißner P, Drüppel K, Taubald H & Romer RL
(2008) Element and Isotope Compositions of Variscan S-Type Granites Reflect Different Basement Domains
Siebel W, Shang C, Reitter E & Taubald H
(2008) C-Isotope Exchange Experiments between DIC and TCE
Taubald H, Schüth C & Link M
(2008) Heterogeneous Signature of the Saharan Metacratonic Crust in Central North Sudan
Shang C, Satir M, Taubald H & Morteani G
(2007) Coeval Pan-African Granitization and Migmatization of the North Sudan Basement
Shang CK, Satir M, Taubald H & Morteani G
(2007) Phosphoric Acid Fractionation Factors for Aragonite between 25 and 72℃ with Implications on Aragonite-Calcite Oxygen Isotope Fractionation
Gilg A, Taubald H & Struck U
(2004) C-Isotope Exchange between DIC and Organic Compounds (TCE)
Taubald H & Schueth C
(2002) Geochemical and Geochronological Investigations of TTG Rocks from the Ntem Complex, Congo Craton and Implications for Post Magmatic Evolution
Shang CK, Siebel W, Satir M, Nsifa EN, Taubald H & Chen F

Tauber M.J. (2022) A Multi-Spectroscopic Study of Electrical Conduction in Xenoliths
Tauber MJ & Pommier A

Taubert A. (2015) Multiple Suspension Particles as Templates for Biomineralisation
Peh E, Tauer K & Taubert A

Taubert M. (2020) Survival at the Interface of Surface Input and Oligotrophic Conditions in the Deep Biosphere
Heinze B, Taubert M, Jehmlich N, von Bergen M & Küsel K
(2009) Protein-Stable Isotope Probing (Protein-SIP) for Simultaneous Identification of Bacterial Species and Determination of Metabolic Activity
Seifert J, Jehmlich N, Schmidt F, Taubert M, von Bergen M, Richnow H-H & Vogt C
(2009) SIP Goes Proteomics – Elucidation of Structure and Function of Microbial Communities
Jehmlich N, Schmidt F, Taubert M, von Bergen M, Richnow H-H & Vogt C

Taubner H. (2023) Clues on Methane’s Biogeochemistry and Associated Heterotrophic Microbes in Marine Sediments from AOM Enrichment Cultures
Elvert M, Zhu Q, Gropp J, Taubner H, Halevy I, Hinrichs K-U & Wegener G
(2022) Mass Spectrometry Imaging as a New Tool for Deep Time Ecological Reconstruction
Nettersheim BJ, Wendt J, Wörmer L, Obreht I, Alfken S, Taubner H, Decker C, Hübner A, Schott C, Cvačka J, Schulz H-M, Hallmann C & Hinrichs K-U
(2021) Explaining Sulfate-Driven Isotope Effects in Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Using a Metabolic-Isotopic Model
Gropp J, Wegener G, Taubner H, Elvert M & Halevy I
(2021) Links between Cyanobacterial Activity and Redox Cycling of Sulfur, Iron and Arsenic in a High-Altitude Andean Microbial Mat System
Castillejos Sepúlveda A, Klatt J, Farías ME, de Beer D, Gatti L & Taubner H
(2017) Elucidating 13C-Depleted Methane Generation during Anaerobic Methanotrophy
Wegener G, Zabel M, Koelling M, Taubner H & Elvert M

Taubner Isabelle (2011) Determination of δ11B Ratios in Marine Biogenic Carbonates via LA-MC-ICP-MS
Fietzke J, Ragazzola F, Heinemann A, Taubner I, Böhm F, Erez J, Hansteen TH & Eisenhauer A
(2011) Calcium and Magnesium Isotopes in Biogenic Calcite
Kısakürek B, Eisenhauer A, Müller M, Taubner I, Fietzke J, Böhm F, Buhl D & Erez J
(2011) Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Cultured Scleractinian Corals
Taubner I, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Eisenhauer A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Erez J
(2009) Divalent Cation Incorporation into Alcyonarian Spicules (Octocorallia)
Taubner I, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Erez J
(2009) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in Inorganic and Biogenic Calcite
Kisakurek B, Niedermayr A, Muller M, Taubner I, Eisenhauer A, Dietzel M, Buhl D, Fietzke J & Erez J

Taubner Isabelle (2015) Modelling Coral Calcification and Proxy Recording
Boehm F, Taubner I, Eisenhauer A & Bleich M

Taubner R-S. (2017) Molecular Hydrogen Production during Low-Temperature Serpentinization: A Modeling Study with Implications for Potential Microbial Life on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus
Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Taubner R-S, Bach W, Rittmann S, Schleper C & Peckmann J

Taucher J. (2021) Vertical Migration by Bulk Phytoplankton can Sustain High Primary Productivity in the Global Ocean
Wirtz KW, Smith LS, Mathis M & Taucher J

Tauer K. (2015) Multiple Suspension Particles as Templates for Biomineralisation
Peh E, Tauer K & Taubert A

Tauhid-Ur-Rahman M.D. (2011) Characteristics of Arsenic Distribution in the Holocene Sediment Deposits of South-Western Bangladesh
Tauhid-Ur-Rahman MD, Mano A, Udo K, Ishibashi Y & Han YH

Taulelle F. (2015) An NMR View of Nucleation Theory for Zeolites Crystallization
Taulelle F, Van Tendeloo L, Kirschhock CEA, Martens J, Breynaert E & Haouas M
(2014) Multidiagnostic Analysis to Track Zeolite Formation
Castro M, Haouas M, Taullele F, Lim I, Breynaert E, Brabants G, Kirschhock CEA & Schmidt W
(2014) A Unifed NMR View of Silicates from Zeolites to Ionic Liquids
Haouas M, Van Tendeloo L, Breynaert E, Kirschhock CEA, Martens J & Taulelle F

Tauler E. (2019) REE Exploration in Carbonatites, Alkaline Magmatic Rocks and Corresponding Paleosols at Intraplate Oceanic Islands (Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain)
Campeny M, Menéndez I, Quevedo-González L, Mangas J, Yepes J, Tauler E, Melgarejo JC, Casillas R, Méndez-Ramos J & Acosta-Mora P

Taum R. (2022) Indigenous Water Knowledge and Values in a Hawaiian Context
Taum R

Taunton A. (2012) Geochemical Modeling of Lung Fluid-Mineral Interactions: Highlighting Fundamental Knowledge Gaps
Druschel G, Gunter M & Taunton A
(2008) Behavior of Rock-Forming Minerals Under Simulated and Actual Lung Conditions
Taunton A, Gunter M & Wood S
(2002) The Thermodynamics of Asbestos Mineral Dissolution and Conversion in the Human Lung
Taunton A, Wood S & Gunter M
(2000) Geomicrobiological Controls on the Fate of Metals in the Environment
Banfield JF, Gihring TM, Taunton AE, Suzuki Y, Bond PL, Welch SA, Fowle D & Hamers RJ

Tauqeer D.H.M. (2021) The Potential of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement for Pb Immobilization in Pb-Polluted Sediments: Confirmation Through Chemical and Biological Indicators
Iqbal DM & Tauqeer DHM

Tauqeer H.M. (2023) The Combined Usage of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement and Calcite for Ni Stabilization in Soil Polluted with Surgical Industry Wastewater
Iqbal DM & Tauqeer HM
(2020) The Potential Appliactions of Biochar and Modified Kaolinite Composites for Chromium Immobilization and its Uptake by Spinacia Oleracea L. From Chromium Contaminated Soil
Tauqeer HM, Iqbal M & Shahbaz AK
(2019) The Newly Explored Application of Conocarpus Erectus “an Energy Crop” for the Management of Multi-Metals Contaminated Soils
Tauqeer HM, Shahbaz AK & Iqbal M
(2017) Microwave Irradiation and Citric Acid Assisted Seed Germination and Phytoextraction of Nickel (Ni) by Brassica Napus L.; Physiological and Biochemical Alterations
Farid M, Ali S, Rizwan M, Saeed R, Tauqeer HM & Sallah-Ud-Din R

Tauson V. (2007) Feldspars of Composition K[(Al, Fe)Si3O8]: Their Growth and Ordering Behaviour
Taroev V, Göttlicher J, Kroll H, Kashev A, Suvorova L, Pentinghaus H, Bernotat-Wulf H, Breit U, Tauson V & Laskhevich V

Tautenhahn S. (2023) Holocene Variability of the AMOC as Derived from 231Pa/230Th
Lippold J, Ehnis M, Süfke F, Tautenhahn S, Valk O, Blaser P, Pöppelmeier F & Regelous M

Tauxe L. (2017) Late Cenozoic Climate and Carbon-Cycle Dynamics from the Arabian Sea (IODP 355)
Newton K, Bendle J, Edgar K, Liddy H, Feakins S, Clift P, Tauxe L, Kulhanek D, Scardia G, Warny S & Anand P
(2010) MagIC Database: Comprehensive Archiving and Visualization of Rock- and Paleomagnetic Data Using Web 2.0 Technology
Koppers A, Minnett R, Tauxe L & Constable C

Tavabi A.H. (2023) Nanoscale Mechanism of Uranium Reduction by Magnetite
Bartova B, Pan Z, Lagrange T, Xia Q, Gauquelin N, Tavabi AH, Verbeeck J, Dunin-Borkowski RE & Bernier-Latmani R

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