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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Tassinari R. (2010) Grapes and Wines on Basic Anorogenic Volcanic Rock Terrains in South Lessini (Italy): Geochemical Fingerprint and Heavy Metals Assimilation
Ferioli G, Bartolomei P, Esposito M, Marrocchino E, Sansone L, Tassinari R & Vaccaro C
(2010) Trace and Ultratrace Elements in Grapes: Possible Applications for Geographical Traceability
Faccia FA, Vaccaro C, Sansone L, Marrocchino E & Tassinari R
(2000) Tertiary Nephelinite to Tholeiite Magma Generation in the Veneto Volcanic Province, Southern Alps
Beccaluva L, Coltorti M, Milani L, Salvini L, Siena F & Tassinari R

Tassistro V. (2021) Settled Dust in Preschools: Characterization and Genotoxicity of Trace Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Castel R, Tassistro V, Noack Y, Claeys-Bruno M, Izard M, Marot F, Orsière T & Malleret L

Tasumi E. (2017) Geochemical and Biological Features of Hydrothermal Vent Fields Newly Discovered in the Okinawa Trough
Makabe A, Tasumi E, Matsui Y, Horai S, Sato S, Chen C, Shibuya T, Kitada K, Takahashi A, Miyazaki J, Nakamura K, Kawagucci S & Kumagai H
(2016) Identifying 2 Km-Deep Methanogenic Community Members Using a Long-Term Bioreactor Cultivation
Imachi H, Tasumi E, Tu T-H, Ijiri A, Morono Y, Ishii S, Methé B, Takai K & Inagaki F

Tatariw C. (2021) Linkages between Hydrologic Cycling and Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes in Salt Marsh Systems
Zimmer M, Montalvo M, Grande E, Tatariw C, Seybold E, Braswell A, Kleinhuizen A, Visser A & Arora B

Tatarko N. (2000) Late Devonian Re-Os Age for Sulphides from Dergamish Massif Sulphide, South Ural, Russia
Gannoun A, Tessalina S, Orgeval J, Tatarko N, Birck J & Allègre C

Tate M. (2009) Diel Patterns and Deposition of Atmospheric Hg Species at Nine Inland and Coastal Sites
Engle M, Tate M, Krabbenhoft D, Olson M, Schauer J & Shanley J
(2008) Mercury and Other Trace Elements in Coastal South Carolina Aerosols
Engle M, Kolker A, Krabbenhoft D, Olson M, Tate M & Soneira C

Tate Y. (2016) Effect of Lignite Humic Acid on Iron Bioavailability to Algae in Coastal Waters
Hasegawa H, Okada M, Maki T, Tate Y, Ichijo T & Rahman IMM

Tateda Y. (2016) Five-Years, Regional-Scale Simulation of 137Cs Radioactivity in the Ocean Following the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Tsumune D, Tsubono T, Misumi K, Yoshimura T, Tateda Y & Aoyama M

Tateno S. (2019) Experimental Determination of the MgO-FeO-SiO2 Liquidus Phase Diagram up to CMB Pressure
Ozawa K, Hirose K & Tateno S
(2016) Melting Phase Relations and Element Partitioning in MORB to Deep Lower Mantle Conditions
Tateno S, Hirose K, Sakata S, Yonemitsu K, Ozawa H, Hirata T, Hirao N & Ohishi Y
(2016) Sound Velocity of Liquid Fe-Si Alloy Under High Pressures
Nakajima Y, Imada S, Hirose K, Kuwayama Y, Sinmyo R, Tateno S, Tsutsui S, Ushiyama H & Baron A
(2016) Deep Mantle Melting in the Past and at Present
Hirose K, Nomura R & Tateno S
(2013) Crystal Structure in Earth’s Inner Core
Hirose K, Tateno S & Ozawa H
(2011) Spin Crossover and Iron-Rich Silicate Melt in the Earth’s Deep Mantle
Nomura R, Ozawa H, Tateno S, Hirose K, Hernlund J, Muto S, Ishii H & Hiraoka N

Tateo F. (2013) Direct Link between End-Triassic CAMP Volcanism, C-Cycle Perturbation and Mass Extinction
Marzoli A, Dal Corso J, Tateo F, Jenkyns H, Bertrand H & Youbi N
(2013) Arsenic Anomalies in Shallow Groundwater and Sediments (Venetian Plain, Italy)
Carraro A, Fabbri P, Giaretta A, Peruzzo L, Tateo F & Tellini F
(2013) Detoxification of Milk Contaminated by Aflatoxin M1 Using Clay Minerals and Effects on Milk Quality
Carraro A, De Giacomo A, Giannossi M, Medici L, Palazzo L, Quaranta V, Summa V & Tateo F

Tateshita Y. (2016) Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction by Biomarker and Kerogen Analyses of Sediments Around the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary from North America
Tateshita Y, Sawada K & Ikeda M

Tateyama Y. (2016) Structure Analysis on Oil-Mineral Interface for Application to Enhanced Oil Recovery
Tateyama Y, Kobayashi K, Murata S, Liang Y, Mino Y, Takahashi S & Matsuoka T

Tatischeff V. (2008) Upper Limits on the Irradiation-Induced Short Lived Nuclei in Comets
Duprat J & Tatischeff V

Tatsiy Y.G. (2021) Features of the Distribution of Mercury in Bottom Sediments of Russian Arctic Lakes
Tatsiy YG

Tatsumi K. (2003) Evaluation of Partition Coefficient of Polychlorinated Organic Compounds into Humic Substances Using Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME)
Yabuta H, Fukushima M, Ichikawa H & Tatsumi K

Tatsumi Yoshiyuki (2012) He-Ne-Ar Isotope Systematics of the HIMU Reservoir; Implications to K and U Budget in the Mantle
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y & Kimura J-I
(2012) Primitive Submarine Basalts and Three Primary Magma Types from Pagan, Mariana Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Stern R, Nunokawa A, Shukuno H, Kawabata H, Embley R, Bloomer S, Nichols A & Tatsumi Y
(2011) A Possible Mantle Plume Source in the Lower Mantle; Evidence from Polynesian HIMU
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Senda R, Miyazaki T, Chang Q, Hirahara Y, Takahashi T, Kawabata H, Suzuki K, Kimura J-I & Nakai S
(2011) Mantle Diapir or Mantle Wedge Plume of NW Rota-1 Volcano, Mariana Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Stern R, Shukuno H, Kawabata H, Embley R, Hirahara Y, Chang Q, Kimura J, Tatsumi Y, Nunokawa A & Bloomer S
(2008) Tracing Migratory Behavior of Ayu (Plecoglossus Altivelis) Using Sr Isotopic Composition of Otolith
Amakawa H, Suzuki T, Takahashi T, Tatsumi Y & Otake T
(2008) Os Isotopic Compositions of Primitive Magma of High-Mg Andesite in the Setouchi Volcanic Belt
Suzuki K, Senda R, Shimizu K & Tatsumi Y
(2008) Making Continental Crust: The Sanukitoid Connection
Tatsumi Y
(2008) W Isotopic Composition and Concentration of Oceanic Island Basalts
Takamasa A, Sahoo YV, Nakai S, Hanyu T, Kawabata H & Tatsumi Y
(2008) Calc-Alkalic vs. Tholeiitic Revisited: A Radical View of Andesite Genesis
Tatsumi Y, Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Miyazaki T, Chang Q, Kimura J-I, Ban M & Sakayori A
(2007) Petrological and Geochemical Constraints on Origin of St. Helena HIMU Basalts
Kawabata H, Hanyu T, Chang Q & Tatsumi Y
(2007) Does Tanzawa Plutonic Complex Represent the IBM Middle Crust? New Age Constraint from SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Geochronology
Tani K, Dunkley D, Wysoczanski R & Tatsumi Y
(2007) New 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar Ages from Macolod Corridor, SW Luzon, Philippines: Implication of its Volcanic History
Sudo M, Listanco E, Ishikawa N, Tagami T, Kamata H & Tatsumi Y
(2007) Genesis of Tholeiitic and Calcalcaline Series of Zao Volcano, NE Japan Arc, Japan
Shibata T, Tatsumi Y & Sakayori A
(2007) Lower Crustal Material in the Source of the Ontong Java Plateau?
Tejada ML, Suzuki K, Hanyu T, Mahoney J, Tatsumi Y & Nakai S
(2007) Silicic Magmas in the Izu-Bonin Oceanic Arc and Implications for Crustal Evolution
Tamura Y, Kodaira S, Ishizuka O, Kawabata H, Suzuki T, Chang Q & Tatsumi Y
(2006) Arc evolution and continental crust formation at the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc system
Tatsumi Y, Takahashi N, Kodaira S & Kaneda Y
(2006) Calc-alkalic vs. tholeiitic series revisited: new insight from isotopic micro-analyses of plagioclase phenocrysts
Tatsumi Y, Takahashi T & Hirahara Y
(2006) Contiribution of slab melting and slab dehydration to magmatism in the Japanese arc
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Nakai S, Chang Q, Miyazaki T, Sato K, Tani K, Shibata T & Yoshida T
(2006) High- and lower- alumina basaltic melt inclusions from the Higashi-Izu Monogenetic Volcano Group, Japan.
Wysoczanski R, Tani K & Tatsumi Y
(2006) Ontong Java Plateau and OAE1: Is there really a link?
Tejada ML, Suzuki K, Sakamoto T, Coccioni R, Kuroda J, Tatsumi Y & Mahoney JJ
(2004) Subduction Processes Associated with Back-Arc Opening; Hf Isotope Study of Tertiary NE Japan Arc
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Nakai S, Shibata T, Yoshikawa M, Chang Q, Sato K & Yoshida T
(2003) Development of Analytical Method to Study the Behavior of Platinum Group Elements in Oceanic Island Basalts
Shinotsuka K, Suzuki K & Tatsumi Y
(2003) Precise Determination of REE and Y in GSJ Standard Rock Samples JP-1 (Peridotite) by Microconcentric Desolvating Nebulisation ICP-MS
Chang Q, Shibata T, Shinotsuka K, Yoshikawa M & Tatsumi Y
(2003) Slab-Melting for High-Mg Andesite Magma Formation in the Setouchi Volcanic Belt, SW Japan: Contribution from Hafnium Isotope Geochemistry
Hanyu T & Tatsumi Y
(2003) Slab Melting: Its Contribution to Continental Crust Formation and Mantle Evolution
Tatsumi Y
(2003) Fluctuations of Re-Os Isotopic Systematics in Loess-Paleosol Sequences from the Yili Basin, NW China
Honda M, Yabuki S, Suzuki K, Wei Y & Tatsumi Y
(2003) Cenozoic Volcanism Inner Sikhote Alin, Khingan, and Stanovoy in Far East Russia
Sato K, Tatsumi Y, Prikhodko V & Bretstein Y
(2002) Genetic Linkage between Calc-Alkalic Andesites and Continental Crusts
Tatsumi Y
(2002) Cenozoic Volcanism in Sikhote Alin, Russia: Transition of Magma Type Associated with Backarc Opening
Sato K, Tatsumi Y, Prikhodko V & Bretstein Y
(2002) The Subduction Factory: Its Role in the Evolution of the Mantle Reservoirs
Tatsumi Y & Kogiso T
(2002) Osmium Isotopic Signature of EM1 Deduced from Rarotonga Island, Polynesia
Thompson G, Suzuki K, Tatsumi Y & Honda M
(2000) Osmium Transport during Dehydration Processes in the Subducted Slab: Experiments and Implications for the Os Isotopic Compositions of Arc Magmas
Suzuki K, Aizawa Y & Tatsumi Y
(2000) Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of Setouchi High-Mg Andesites, SW Japan: Evidence for Slab Melting
Suzuki K & Tatsumi Y

Tatsumi Yoshiyuki (2013) Large Geochemical Variations in Submarine HIMU Basalts
Hanyu T, Dosso L, Ishizuka O, Tani K, Hanan B, Adam C, Nakai S, Senda R, Chang Q & Tatsumi Y

Tatsumi Yoshiyuki (2016) Possible Carbonated Melts from a Mantle Plume; A Study of Raivavae
Hanyu T, Kawabata H, Kimura J-I, Miyazaki T, Senda R, Chang Q, Hirahara Y, Takahashi T, Vaglarov B & Tatsumi Y
(2016) Homogeneous Mantle and Diverse Arc Crust: Significant Role of Mafic Lower Crust for Chemical Diversity of Arc Magmas
Ban M, Kimura J-I, Takahashi T, Uzawa Y, Ohba T, Fujinawa A, Hayashi S, Yoshida T, Miyazaki T, Chan Q, Senda R, Vaglarov B & Tatsumi Y
(2016) Genetic Relationship between Tholeiitic and Calc-Alkaline Suite Magmas at Chokai Volcano in the NE Japan Rear-Arc
Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Ban M, Tatsumi Y & Nakano S

Tatsy Y. (2014) Variations of Mercury Vapor Flow from Earth Crust
Tatsy Y
(2014) Environmental Geochemistry and Bioavailability of Heavy Metal(oid)s in Vicinity of Karabash Cu Smelter, Russia
Tatsy Y, Udachin V, Gashkina N & Aminov P

Tattitch Brian (2023) Is the Primary Sulfur Isotope Signature of a Porphyry Cu-Magma Preserved in Zircon-Hosted Apatite?
Consuma G, Kemp A, Martin LAJ, Hagemann S, Fiorentini M & Tattitch B
(2022) High Temperature (>800℃) Brine and Sulfide Melt Interaction during the Formation of Northern Bushveld Magmatic Sulfide Cu-Ni-Pge Deposits
McFall KA, McDonald I, Yudovskaya MA, Kinnaird J, Hanley JJ, Kerr M & Tattitch B
(2022) Nanoparticle Suspensions Elucidate High-Grade Gold Mineralisation Processes
Petrella L, Thebaud N, Fougerouse D, Tattitch B, Martin LAJ, Turner S, Suvorova A & Gain S
(2018) Zircon-Hosted Melt Inclusions in Porphyry Systems
Butters D, Blundy J, Tattitch B, McCuaig C & Hawkesworth C
(2016) Magmatic Cu-Mo Partitioning: Influence of ∑Cl, ƒO2, and ƒS2
Tattitch B & Blundy J
(2016) Age and Duration of Igneous Activities in the Cerro Colorado Cu Mine, N. Chile, Constrained by Zircon Geochronology
Tsang DPW, Wallis S & Tattitch B
(2015) Evolution and Differentiation of Sulphur in Sub Arc Environment
Matjuschkin V, Blundy J, Brooker R & Tattitch B
(2013) Mo-W-Re-au-cu Partitioning between Vapor, Brine and Felsic Melt: Super-Solidus to Sub-Solidus
Tattitch B, Blundy J, Candela P & Piccoli P
(2013) Control of Oxygen Fugacity in Piston Cylinder Experiments
Matjuschkin V, Tattitch B & Blundy JD
(2012) Copper Partitioning in CO2-Bearing Melt-Vapor-Brine Systems
Tattitch B, Candela P, Piccoli P, Bodnar R & Fedele L

Tattitch Brian C (2021) High Temperature (>800℃) Brine Phase Present during the Formation of Northern Bushveld Magmatic Sulfide Cu-Ni-Pge Deposits
McFall KA, McDonald I, Yudovskaya MA, Kinnaird J, Hanley JJ, Kerr M & Tattitch BC

Tattrie K. (2012) Hydrogeochemical Setting of the Northern Athabasca Oil Sands Area
Gibson J, Yi Y, Birks J, Moncur M, Fennell J & Tattrie K

Tatu Calin (2010) Coal and Human Health
Orem W, Tatu C, Pavlovic N, Kolker A, Engle M, Bunnell J, Lerch H & Corum M
(2010) Organic Compounds in Produced Water from Coal and Shale
Corum M, Lerch H, Tatu C & Orem W

Tatu Calin (2012) Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines
Kolker A, Engle M, Orem W, Tatu C, Hendryx M, McCawley M, Esch L, Geboy N, Crosby L & Varonka M

Tatyana C. (2013) Shiveluch Volcano: Mineralogical Records of Geodynamic Complexity
Simakin A, Salova T, Boris G & Tatyana C

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